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Beyond Facebook: Institutional
Approaches to Emerging Social Media
Amanda Waite
Web News Editor
Nicole Lentine
Senior Assistant Director of Admissions
Emmanuel Tejeda
Senior Assistant Director of Admissions
Ashley Gunn
Assistant Director of Admissions/Social Media Coordinator
A place to connect with your existing network and revive dormant
The birthplace of the hashtag.
A place for finding connections beyond your network and joining a bigger
A mix of the two: for those sharing their lives, it's the former; for those sharing
their photography, it's the latter.
But across all channels
Its a two-way conversation.
Be human.
Images drive the most engagement.
Facebook usage among key
source: pewinternet.org  demographics of social media users
Income/Education of Facebook users
source: pewinternet.org  demographics of social media users
Twitter usage among key
 Younger crowd
 Males have a higher presence
 320M monthly users with 1B unique site visits with
embedded tweets
sources: pewinternet.org  demographics of social media users & twitter.com
Income/Education of Twitter users
source: pewinternet.org  demographics of social media users
Instagram usage among key
 Younger crowd
 Females have a higher presence
sources: pewinternet.org  demographics of social media users & twitter.com
Vetting Emerging Platforms
Vetting Emerging Platforms
 Goals before tools
 Ask yourself:
 Is it adequate?
 Is it sustainable?
 Can we do it well?
 Is it authentic?
 How will we measure success?
Vetting Emerging Platforms
 Consider your resources
 Cameras vs. phones
 Software required to do it well
 Relationships on campus
4 Components of SM Campaigns
1. A carefully developed plan
2. Clearly defined goals
3. Cross-Chanel Promotion
4. Thorough Analysis
Champlains Social Media Evolution
 Emergence of department accounts
 Marketing teams growth
 Digital Marketing
 Strategic Communications & External Affairs
 Digital Community Manager
 External Relations and Communications
Is this thing on?
Measuring your work
 Step one: know your goals.
 Step two: create a strategy to meet them.
 Step three: identify the indicators that will tell
you if your strategy is effective.
 Measure and benchmark them over time.
For example:
Goal: increase traffic to your website.
Strategy: create content that attracts an
audience, and share it in social spaces.
Indicator: pageviews on your site.
 Goal: increase engagement with audience
 Strategy: create dialogue on social media, ask
questions, like and comment on others posts.
 Indicator: raw numbers of comments and likes or
engagement rate (comments + likes, + shares /
number of followers).
How to measure?
 Facebook and Twitter share free (for now!) analytics numbers.
 Insights tab on your Facebook page
Beyond Facebook: Institutional Approaches to Emerging Social Media
Beyond Facebook: Institutional Approaches to Emerging Social Media
Instagram measurement
 Available for a fee through third-party companies like Iconosquare (for
Google Analytics
 Use Googles URL Builder tool to add tracking
information to your links.
 This can help you connect the dots between your
own social media efforts and actions taken on your
Beyond Facebook: Institutional Approaches to Emerging Social Media

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Beyond Facebook: Institutional Approaches to Emerging Social Media

  • 1. Beyond Facebook: Institutional Approaches to Emerging Social Media
  • 2. Introductions Amanda Waite Web News Editor Nicole Lentine Senior Assistant Director of Admissions Emmanuel Tejeda Senior Assistant Director of Admissions Ashley Gunn Assistant Director of Admissions/Social Media Coordinator
  • 3. Facebook A place to connect with your existing network and revive dormant connections
  • 4. Twitter The birthplace of the hashtag. A place for finding connections beyond your network and joining a bigger conversation
  • 5. Instagram A mix of the two: for those sharing their lives, it's the former; for those sharing their photography, it's the latter.
  • 6. But across all channels Its a two-way conversation. Be human. Images drive the most engagement.
  • 7. Facebook usage among key demographics! source: pewinternet.org demographics of social media users
  • 8. Income/Education of Facebook users source: pewinternet.org demographics of social media users
  • 9. Twitter usage among key demographics! Younger crowd Males have a higher presence 320M monthly users with 1B unique site visits with embedded tweets sources: pewinternet.org demographics of social media users & twitter.com
  • 10. Income/Education of Twitter users source: pewinternet.org demographics of social media users
  • 11. Instagram usage among key demographics! Younger crowd Females have a higher presence sources: pewinternet.org demographics of social media users & twitter.com
  • 13. Vetting Emerging Platforms Goals before tools Ask yourself: Is it adequate? Is it sustainable? Can we do it well? Is it authentic? How will we measure success?
  • 14. Vetting Emerging Platforms Consider your resources Time Technology Cameras vs. phones Software required to do it well Support Relationships on campus
  • 16. 4 Components of SM Campaigns 1. A carefully developed plan 2. Clearly defined goals 3. Cross-Chanel Promotion 4. Thorough Analysis http://marketingland.com/4-components-best-social-media-campaigns-140715
  • 17. Champlains Social Media Evolution Emergence of department accounts Marketing teams growth Digital Marketing Strategic Communications & External Affairs PR Digital Community Manager External Relations and Communications Future?
  • 20. Measuring your work Step one: know your goals. Step two: create a strategy to meet them. Step three: identify the indicators that will tell you if your strategy is effective. Measure and benchmark them over time.
  • 21. For example: Goal: increase traffic to your website. Strategy: create content that attracts an audience, and share it in social spaces. Indicator: pageviews on your site.
  • 22. Or: Goal: increase engagement with audience Strategy: create dialogue on social media, ask questions, like and comment on others posts. Indicator: raw numbers of comments and likes or engagement rate (comments + likes, + shares / number of followers).
  • 23. How to measure? Facebook and Twitter share free (for now!) analytics numbers. analytics.twitter.com Insights tab on your Facebook page
  • 26. Instagram measurement Available for a fee through third-party companies like Iconosquare (for now!).
  • 27. Google Analytics Use Googles URL Builder tool to add tracking information to your links. This can help you connect the dots between your own social media efforts and actions taken on your website.