1. Managerial accounting involves identifying, measuring, analyzing, interpreting, and communicating financial and non-financial information to assist managers in planning, directing, and controlling organizational activities.
2. Managerial accounting adds value to organizations by providing information for decision-making, planning, and controlling operations, assisting in directing activities, and motivating and measuring employee performance.
3. Managerial accounting differs from financial accounting in that it provides internal information for decision-making rather than external financial reports, and it focuses on supporting management rather than satisfying external reporting requirements.
11 - qualitative research data analysis ( Dr. Abdullah Al-Beraidi - Dr. Ibrah...Rasha
The document describes a dataset collected from students in a writing class. As an assignment, students were asked to describe in detail how they write, without consulting others. This generated a set of 10 individual narratives for analysis. Permission was obtained to use the anonymized data for teaching purposes. The total qualitative data available comprises 10 files, each containing a short student-authored narrative on the writing process.
9 - explaining tools build up in qualitative research ( Dr. Abdullah Al-Berai...Rasha
The document discusses various qualitative research methods and techniques. It provides a taxonomy of qualitative methods categorized by level of analysis, including individual, group, and organizational. It also discusses different qualitative research strategies like case studies, stakeholder analysis, and hermeneutics. The document outlines general steps in qualitative research and principles of case study research, including using multiple sources of evidence, creating a study database, and maintaining a chain of evidence.
This document discusses several issues related to population growth and its impacts, including overpopulation, resource scarcity, unemployment, and conflict over limited resources. It raises questions about building human capital, measuring human quality, and the potential for increased crime rates, space colonization, and shortages of building materials. It also links population changes to how resources are allocated and notes that overpopulation could potentially lead to wars over land and materials.
Quality In Private Schools [ Rasha M. Ahmad ]Rasha
惆惠 悵 悋惆惘悋愕悸 悒 惺惘悸 愕惠 悴惆悸 悽惘悴悋惠 悋惠惺 悋悖 悋悖愕悋愕 悋愕惺惆 惘忰悸 悋惓悋悸 悋惘悸 惺 悴惆悸 悽惘悴悋惠 悋惠惺 悋忰 悋悖愕悋愕. 忰惓 悖 悖惆悋悄 悋愀悋惡悸 悽悋 悋惘忰悸 悋悴悋惺悸 惺惠惡惘 悋惺悋愕悋 悴惆悸 悋惠惺 悋 惡 悋悴悋惺. 惠 悋悋惺惠悋惆 惺 悋惺惆 悋惠惘悋 悋悴悋惺 惺惆 悋惘忰悸 悋惓悋悸 惠愃惘 悖愕悋愕 悵 悋惆惘悋愕悸 . 惠 悋悋惺惠悋惆 惺 悋悖愕惡 悋惠悴惘惡 悽悋 悋悽惠悋惘 惺惠, 悽愕 愀悋惡悸 悽惘悴悋惠 悋惠惺 悋悖 悋悖愕悋愕 悽愕 愀悋惡悸 悽惘悴悋惠 悋惠惺 悋忰. 悖悴 惘惺 愕惠 惶忰悸 悋悽惠惡悋惘悋惠 悵 悋惆惘悋愕悸 惠 悋愕惠悽惆悋 nested design 惠 惠愕 惺悸 悋惠惺 悋悖 悒 惓悋惓 悧悋惠 , 悧悸 悋愀悋惡悋惠 悋忰悋惶悋惠 惺 85% 悖惺 悋惓悋悸 悧悸 悋忰悋惶悋惠 惺 90% 悖惺 悧悸 悋忰悋惶悋惠 惺 95% , 惓 惠 愕忰惡 悽愕 愀悋惡悸 悽惘悴悋惠 悋惠惺 悋忰 悋悖愕悋愕 愕 悽惶悋悧惶 悋惓悋惓 悧悋惠. 惆 悋 悖愕惡 悋惆惘悋愕悸 悽悋 悋悽惠惡悋惘 惡 惡惺惆 惺悸 悧悸 (惺惆 悋惘忰悸 悋惓悋 悋惘悸 惺 悋悖惆悋悄 悋悴悋惺) "within" 悋悽惠惡悋惘 悋悋惘悸 惡 悧悋惠 悋惺惠 惡 悋惺惠 惡愆 ""between .悋 悋悖愕惡 悋悒忰惶悋悧 悋愕惠悽惆 悋惘 惡 惠愕愀. 悋惠 悖 悋惠悋悧悴 : 悋 惘 悵悋惠 惆悋悸 悒忰惶悋悧悸 惡 悖惆悋悄 悋愀悋惡悸 悋惘忰悸 悋惓悋悸 悋惘忰悸 悋悴悋惺悸. 悵 悋惠悴悸 惠愀惡 惺 悋惠惺 悋悖 悋忰, 悋悋惘悸 惡 悖惆悋悄 悋愀悋惡悋惠 悋惘忰悸 悋悴悋惺悸 愕 悋 惘 悵悋惠 惆悋悸 悒忰惶悋悧悸 惡 悋愀悋惡悋惠 悋惠悽惘悴悋惠 悋惠惺 悋悖 悋愀悋惡悋惠 悋惠悽惘悴悋惠 悋惠惺 悋忰. 悋 悖 惠惶悋惠 悵 悋惆惘悋愕悸: 惺 愀悋惺 悋惠惺 悋悖 悖 惷惺 悋悴惆悸 愕 悖悋惠,悖 惷惺 悋 悋悖惆悋 惘愕 悋 悋悋愕惠惘悋惠悴悋惠 惷惺 悋悗愆惘悋惠 悋悋慍悸 惠悖惆 悖 惡悋惺 忰 悋惆惘 悋愀 惡 惠惆 悽惘悴悋惠 惠慍悸 . 悋 悖 惺 悋慍悋惘悸 悖 惠惘悋惡 悋悴惆悸 悋愆悛惠 悋惠惺悸 惡愆 愕惠惘 悖 惠惘惡愀 悋 惠惆 悒惺悋悋惠 惡惆 惠忰 悋悴惆悸 惠 悋愆悛惠.
This study has aimed at knowing the quality level of the graduates of the Saudi Private Basic Education for the secondary stage compared with the graduates of the Governmental Basic Education . As the performance of the student during the university stage is a measure for the quality of the pre-university education, it has been based upon the university accumulative rate and the secondary stage rate as tow basic variables in this study. The experimental method has been followed through selecting two samples, fifty female students from the graduates of the private basic education and fifty female students from the graduates of the Governmental one. In addition to raise the accuracy level of this study tests, the nested design has been used. The sample of the private education has been divided into three groups; the group of the students who have obtained more than 85%, the group of more 90%, and the group of more than 95%, then fifty female students, who have the same ch