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Big Spring, Texas Downtown Concept Plan Prepared by Bender Wells Clark Design with Urban Development Services
Concept Plan Purpose of the Plan: To guide and encourage adaptive re-use, preservation and new development The plan is intended to match city-wide economic development objectives with urban design strategies  The plan serves as a guide to promote future development The plan is not a regulatory document on its own; To have a full and binding regulatory effect adjustments to regulating policies and ordinances may be required
Concept Plan Some illustrations in the plan  suggest opportunities for improvements on properties that are privately held.  This does not imply that the city would require development to occur as shown in this plan.  In other cases, public facilities are proposed.  These could occur using a variety of implementation strategies, which are presented in the plan.
Overall Downtown Plan Circulation Improvements 4 th  Street becomes a 2-way Arterial Street with angle parking at the Courthouse 3 rd  Street becomes a 2-way Local Street with a center left-turn lane.  Parallel parking on the north edge of the street, angled parking at the Courthouse Streetscape Improvements Street tree planting along 2 nd  Street, 3 rd  Street, 4 th  Street, and Main Street Sidewalk improvements throughout Downtown Enhanced intersections with colored paving Planted medians at intersections with Main Street
Lower Main Street Area Streetscape  Improvements Improved  sidewalks & crosswalks, including ADA access improvements Curb bulb-outs at corners with colorful plantings Planted medians along Main Street Colored & textured paving at intersections Street tree planting Distinctive directional signage Undergrounding of electrical utilities where feasible
Lower Main Street Area Parking Angled parking along both sides of Main Street Infill Development Encourage rehabilitation & repair of existing historic buildings as mixed use Encourage Downtown housing Infill on vacant lots as future demand warrants with design controls in place to foster appropriate building design
Lower Main Street Area Parks and Event Spaces Create a greener, more inviting park space Reduce paving in existing park Provide seating, shade and a program of new activities serving Downtown residents, employees and visitors Encourage pocket parks and courtyards Improve Pocket Park linkage from Courthouse through to the Municipal Auditorium
Lower Main Street Area Railroad Plaza at the foot of Main Street Provide interpretive displays and interactive exhibits describing railroad history Create a Kodak Moment location with scenic back drop Consider railroad yard overlook structure on 1 st  Street Provide vehicle Round-about for easy return to Main Street
Upper Main Street Area Streetscape Improvements Improved sidewalks & crosswalks, including ADA access improvements Curb bulb-outs at corners with colorful plantings Planted medians at each street crossing along Main Street Colored & textured paving at intersections Street tree planting Distinctive Downtown Identity (landmarks) and Directional signage Public art opportunities
Upper Main Street Area Streetscape Improvements and pattern of parking continues South to 7 th  Street
City Hall / Auditorium and Settles Hotel Area Consolidation of Municipal Services Streetscape Improvements Infill and Redevelopment Conference Center with Outdoor Exhibit and Event Space Pedestrian connector East-West to Auditorium Parking Improvements
Concept Plan Land Use Diagram Drop-off
City Hall / Auditorium and Settles Hotel Area Settles Hotel redeveloped as Mixed-Use Commercial and Housing Boys Club redeveloped as Conference Center  Drop-off lane in front of Settles Hotel Hotel and Conference Center share kitchen, service and exhibit space Former Bus Station south of hotel redeveloped as hotel pool,  fitness center, cabana and central plant
City Hall / Auditorium and Settles Hotel Area Parking West of Auditorium may be used for large events Johnson Street is narrowed to 2 lanes with parking between 3 rd  and 4 th , and may be closed for events Runnels Street is narrowed with off-street parking to the west Municipal Court is re-located to new building fronting on 4 th  St., consolidating City facilities
City Hall / Auditorium and Settles Hotel Area Three-block-long off-street pedestrian connection links Auditorium to Conference Center, Hotel, shopping and Courthouse Pedestrian walkway at Conference Center and Hotel doubles as outdoor exhibit space and wedding garden Johnson Street and parking areas may be used for outdoor events & exhibits as needed MHMR retains full use of their property
Concept Plan Land Use Diagram During Large Events Temporary closure of Johnson Street between 3 rd  and 4 th   allows use of the entire block for events, engaging the Auditorium, Conference Center and the Settles Hotel facilities
Concept Plan Successful implementation of the Plan will require a coordinated effort from both the private sector and public agencies
A Plan for a Revitalized Downtown Big Spring Creates active public spaces Encourages mixed-use development Promotes walking and shopping Supports business opportunities Renews downtown neighborhoods

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Big Spring Downtown Concept Plan, Part 2

  • 1. Big Spring, Texas Downtown Concept Plan Prepared by Bender Wells Clark Design with Urban Development Services
  • 2. Concept Plan Purpose of the Plan: To guide and encourage adaptive re-use, preservation and new development The plan is intended to match city-wide economic development objectives with urban design strategies The plan serves as a guide to promote future development The plan is not a regulatory document on its own; To have a full and binding regulatory effect adjustments to regulating policies and ordinances may be required
  • 3. Concept Plan Some illustrations in the plan suggest opportunities for improvements on properties that are privately held. This does not imply that the city would require development to occur as shown in this plan. In other cases, public facilities are proposed. These could occur using a variety of implementation strategies, which are presented in the plan.
  • 4.
  • 5. Overall Downtown Plan Circulation Improvements 4 th Street becomes a 2-way Arterial Street with angle parking at the Courthouse 3 rd Street becomes a 2-way Local Street with a center left-turn lane. Parallel parking on the north edge of the street, angled parking at the Courthouse Streetscape Improvements Street tree planting along 2 nd Street, 3 rd Street, 4 th Street, and Main Street Sidewalk improvements throughout Downtown Enhanced intersections with colored paving Planted medians at intersections with Main Street
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. Lower Main Street Area Streetscape Improvements Improved sidewalks & crosswalks, including ADA access improvements Curb bulb-outs at corners with colorful plantings Planted medians along Main Street Colored & textured paving at intersections Street tree planting Distinctive directional signage Undergrounding of electrical utilities where feasible
  • 11. Lower Main Street Area Parking Angled parking along both sides of Main Street Infill Development Encourage rehabilitation & repair of existing historic buildings as mixed use Encourage Downtown housing Infill on vacant lots as future demand warrants with design controls in place to foster appropriate building design
  • 12. Lower Main Street Area Parks and Event Spaces Create a greener, more inviting park space Reduce paving in existing park Provide seating, shade and a program of new activities serving Downtown residents, employees and visitors Encourage pocket parks and courtyards Improve Pocket Park linkage from Courthouse through to the Municipal Auditorium
  • 13. Lower Main Street Area Railroad Plaza at the foot of Main Street Provide interpretive displays and interactive exhibits describing railroad history Create a Kodak Moment location with scenic back drop Consider railroad yard overlook structure on 1 st Street Provide vehicle Round-about for easy return to Main Street
  • 14.
  • 15. Upper Main Street Area Streetscape Improvements Improved sidewalks & crosswalks, including ADA access improvements Curb bulb-outs at corners with colorful plantings Planted medians at each street crossing along Main Street Colored & textured paving at intersections Street tree planting Distinctive Downtown Identity (landmarks) and Directional signage Public art opportunities
  • 16. Upper Main Street Area Streetscape Improvements and pattern of parking continues South to 7 th Street
  • 17.
  • 18. City Hall / Auditorium and Settles Hotel Area Consolidation of Municipal Services Streetscape Improvements Infill and Redevelopment Conference Center with Outdoor Exhibit and Event Space Pedestrian connector East-West to Auditorium Parking Improvements
  • 19.
  • 20. Concept Plan Land Use Diagram Drop-off
  • 21. City Hall / Auditorium and Settles Hotel Area Settles Hotel redeveloped as Mixed-Use Commercial and Housing Boys Club redeveloped as Conference Center Drop-off lane in front of Settles Hotel Hotel and Conference Center share kitchen, service and exhibit space Former Bus Station south of hotel redeveloped as hotel pool, fitness center, cabana and central plant
  • 22. City Hall / Auditorium and Settles Hotel Area Parking West of Auditorium may be used for large events Johnson Street is narrowed to 2 lanes with parking between 3 rd and 4 th , and may be closed for events Runnels Street is narrowed with off-street parking to the west Municipal Court is re-located to new building fronting on 4 th St., consolidating City facilities
  • 23. City Hall / Auditorium and Settles Hotel Area Three-block-long off-street pedestrian connection links Auditorium to Conference Center, Hotel, shopping and Courthouse Pedestrian walkway at Conference Center and Hotel doubles as outdoor exhibit space and wedding garden Johnson Street and parking areas may be used for outdoor events & exhibits as needed MHMR retains full use of their property
  • 25. Concept Plan Land Use Diagram During Large Events Temporary closure of Johnson Street between 3 rd and 4 th allows use of the entire block for events, engaging the Auditorium, Conference Center and the Settles Hotel facilities
  • 27.
  • 28. Concept Plan Successful implementation of the Plan will require a coordinated effort from both the private sector and public agencies
  • 29. A Plan for a Revitalized Downtown Big Spring Creates active public spaces Encourages mixed-use development Promotes walking and shopping Supports business opportunities Renews downtown neighborhoods