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Bill Stevens
148 Silkyoak Circuit
Telephone: 07 38629080
Mobile: 0400297065
Curriculum vitae 2 B. Stevens
NAME: Bill Stevens
ADDRESS: 148 Silkyoak Circuit
Fitzgibbon Qld 4018
EMAIL: williamstevens59@yahoo.com.au
TELEPHONE: (07) 3862 9080
040 0297 065
HEALTH: Excellent
LEISURE ACTIVITIES: Art, Camping and Diving
LICENCES: HRUD Class, Tractor and Paver Ticket,
Roller Ticket 7-B End Loader Ticket.
Curriculum Vitae 3 B. Stevens
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
Excellent perception and conceptual thinking skills.
Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines in a demanding situation.
Problem solving and decision making skills.
Able to liaise and negotiate at all levels.
Easily adaptable to changing circumstances.
Leadership skills and a lateral thinker.
Positive attitude
Keen to accept responsibility.
Enthusiastic and willing to work.
Honest and dependable.
High standard of personal presentation.
Strong work ethics.
Flexible work attitude.
Drive and determination to be successful.
Innovative and creative.
Ambitious and interested in furthering career.
Excellent coordination skills and able to prioritise work.
Able to negotiate and listen to the needs of others.
Methodical and organised approach to all situations.
Able to cope with multiple tasks.
Effective planning and organising skills.
Excellent work habits with attention to detail.
Ability to operate autonomously and as part of a team.
Able to set goals, strategies and action plans.
Curriculum vitae 4 B. Stevens
Secondary: Year 10 Certificate
CSR Emoleum
Occupational Health and Safety Course  1998
Airfields Works Joint Venture
Chek Lap Kok Island, New Territories, Hong Kong
Health and Safety Course  1996
FAC Induction Health and Safety Course  1994
Blaw-Knox Training School
Training Certificate  1992
Boral Induction Health and Safety Course  1990
Ready Mix Induction Health and Safety Course  1989.
Aircraft Radiotelephone Operator Certificate of Proficiency
Traffic Management levels 1 and 2
2008 - 2013
Employer: Brisbane Airport Corporation
Position: Pavements Maintenance Officer
Job Function: Identifying, assessing, monitoring and supervising repairs on
Runways, Taxiways, Apron and roads both Airside and Landside. Supervising Asphalt
contractors repairing roads, both Landside and Airside. Estimating tonnages and organizing
works programs. Liaising with safety officers and the Control Tower as to safest and easiest
areas to operate during repairs. Constant radio communications between Tower and WHS.
Assisting ground maintenance crews in operating Vacuum Sweeper on Runways, Taxiways
and Aprons. Also assisting ground maintenance crew with Runway Painting, Taxiway and
Apron Line marking. Security fence and signs maintenance, and mowing.
2005  2007:
Employer: Ash Industries
Position: Paver Operator/Foreman
Job Function: Level hand, Training officer,
Preformed a variety of duties-
hands on operations, crew training,
and foreman in charge.
Mostly small projects, driveways,
crossovers, overlays, & car parks.
Curriculum Vitae 5 B. Stevens
Employer: Pioneer Road Services
Position: Paver Operator / Level hand
Completed several contracts along
Queensland Coast and Inland
Job Function: Roaming Operator
Employer ABI Group
Position: Paver Operator
Job Function: Level hand road base paving at
Copperbella. 28,000 tonne.
Paveset and A.B.C. Sonic 4
controls used.
Oct 1999  2003
Employer: Boral Asphalt (Pug & Pave)
Position: Leading Hand
Job Function: Paver Operator, level hand
Assembling and information processing
of Pave set equipment.
Grade line and laser level controlling ABG
fixed screed build up (3-14 meters)
Full road base construction from sub grade to
asphalt finish
Liaison with contractors, transport and quarry suppliers.
Ordering of trucks, lifting equipment etc.
Duties also included: asphalt paver operating,
level control and compactor operations, hot spray
bitumen duties such as hand bar operator, cockerel
(spreader box) operator, roller operator, shuttle
Buggy operator.
Curriculum Vitae 6 B. Stevens
1999 Logan Motorway 50,000 tonne.
1999-2000 South East Bus Lane (set 4) 110,000 tonne
2000  Gundada Range Projects 60,000 tonne
2001- Eenie Creek Road Noosa 30,000 tonne
2002  Townsville RAAF Base 56,000 tonne
Major Achievements
Obtained specified level control on all projects
Continuous paving was achieved on all projects
Good maintenance and housekeeping ensured good H&S.
All projects were completed in given time.
Nov 1998  Oct 1999
Employer: CSR Elmoleum
Position: Senior Paver Operator
Job Function: Paver Operating Blaw Knox &
Roadtec machines, level control,
consisting of Pave set, Grade line
and manual operations.
Shuttle Buggy (Roadtec 25000)
operating. Compactor operating,
job set up and preparing e.g.
Power Brooming, priming and
clean up duties.
Major Projects worked on:
South East Freeway Duplication 100,000 tonne
Aug 1996  Oct 1997:
Employer: Airfields Works Joint Venture
Chek Lap Kok Island New Territories
Hong Kong
Position: Set up job, power operating (A.B.G.
420 511 & 323-fixed screed),
pave set, laser, grade line, slope control,
and level control.
Curriculum Vitae 7 B. Stevens
All aspects of road base paving on runaways
and taxi ways lean mix concrete paving.
I lived onsite throughout the entire contract.
Involved in the training of separate individuals
in paving operations, level control, compaction and
grade checking. In this capacity developed foreign
language skills i.e. Filipino and Urdu.
Contract completed 3,500,000tonne.
1995 - 1996:
Employer: Readymix Asphalt
Position: Paver Operator, Level Hand
Job Function: Job set up and preparation.
Level control and paver operating tasks also
included, power broom operation and compactor
operating, and general duties.
1994 - 1995:
Employer: Allens Asphalt
Caboolture Qld
Position: Leading Hand
Job Function: Supervision of laying crew, area and tonnage
estimation, transport and equipment organisation.
Implemented better application of quality control
in daily operations.
Liaison with contractors, management in all
aspects of production.
Major projects completed  Sunshine Motorway
50,000 tonne.
1990  1994:
Employer: Boral Asphalt
Whinstanes, Qld
Position: General Hand/ Operator
Curriculum vitae 8 B. Stevens
Job Function: Paver operating major airport & highway
contracts, supervision, road maintenance.
Duties included level control utilising
Pave set and grade line operating. Also
included compactor power broom operating.
Implicating of a rigorous maintenance programme
on pavers, proved advantageous in continuous
working of machines, leading to a minimum of
time lost in production.
Spray seal duties included being hand bar and
main bar operator and spreader operating
job preparation include power broom operating and
general preparing and marketing.
Major contracts completed 1990 -1991 Grenord Road
31,000 tonne.
1991  1993 Gateway Arterial 36,000 tonne
1991  Oakey Airport 16,000 tonne
1993 Limestone Ave Canberra 40,000 tonne
1993 Bruce Highway Howard 21,000 tonne.
1988 - 1989:
Employer: Pioneer Asphalt
Bald Hills Qld
Position: Level Hand/Operator
Job Function: Level Control utilising power set, grade line,
string line and manual control.
General asphalt duties including power broom
operating and compactor operating.
Major contract completed  Bruce Highway
Sunshine Coast overlay 30.000 tonne.
On request

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Bill Stevens (1)

  • 1. CONFIDENTIAL CURRICULUM VITAE Bill Stevens 148 Silkyoak Circuit Fitzgibbon Telephone: 07 38629080 Mobile: 0400297065
  • 2. Curriculum vitae 2 B. Stevens PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL DETAILS NAME: Bill Stevens ADDRESS: 148 Silkyoak Circuit Fitzgibbon Qld 4018 EMAIL: williamstevens59@yahoo.com.au TELEPHONE: (07) 3862 9080 040 0297 065 COUNTRY OF BIRTH: Australia HEALTH: Excellent HOBBIES AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES: Art, Camping and Diving DRIVERS LICENCE: Class HR LICENCES: HRUD Class, Tractor and Paver Ticket, Roller Ticket 7-B End Loader Ticket.
  • 3. Curriculum Vitae 3 B. Stevens SKILLS Excellent written and oral communication skills. Excellent perception and conceptual thinking skills. Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines in a demanding situation. Problem solving and decision making skills. Able to liaise and negotiate at all levels. Easily adaptable to changing circumstances. Leadership skills and a lateral thinker. ATTITUDE AND ATTRIBUTES Positive attitude Keen to accept responsibility. Enthusiastic and willing to work. Honest and dependable. High standard of personal presentation. Strong work ethics. Flexible work attitude. Drive and determination to be successful. Innovative and creative. Ambitious and interested in furthering career. ORGANISATIONAL AND ADMINISTRATION SKILLS Excellent coordination skills and able to prioritise work. Able to negotiate and listen to the needs of others. Methodical and organised approach to all situations. Able to cope with multiple tasks. Effective planning and organising skills. Excellent work habits with attention to detail. Ability to operate autonomously and as part of a team. Able to set goals, strategies and action plans.
  • 4. Curriculum vitae 4 B. Stevens EDUCATION Secondary: Year 10 Certificate COURSES, SEMINARS, LECTURES, TRAINING CSR Emoleum Occupational Health and Safety Course 1998 Airfields Works Joint Venture Chek Lap Kok Island, New Territories, Hong Kong Health and Safety Course 1996 FAC Induction Health and Safety Course 1994 Blaw-Knox Training School Training Certificate 1992 Boral Induction Health and Safety Course 1990 Ready Mix Induction Health and Safety Course 1989. Aircraft Radiotelephone Operator Certificate of Proficiency Traffic Management levels 1 and 2 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2008 - 2013 Employer: Brisbane Airport Corporation Position: Pavements Maintenance Officer Job Function: Identifying, assessing, monitoring and supervising repairs on Runways, Taxiways, Apron and roads both Airside and Landside. Supervising Asphalt contractors repairing roads, both Landside and Airside. Estimating tonnages and organizing works programs. Liaising with safety officers and the Control Tower as to safest and easiest areas to operate during repairs. Constant radio communications between Tower and WHS. Assisting ground maintenance crews in operating Vacuum Sweeper on Runways, Taxiways
  • 5. and Aprons. Also assisting ground maintenance crew with Runway Painting, Taxiway and Apron Line marking. Security fence and signs maintenance, and mowing. 2005 2007: Employer: Ash Industries Position: Paver Operator/Foreman Job Function: Level hand, Training officer, Foreman. Preformed a variety of duties- hands on operations, crew training, and foreman in charge. Mostly small projects, driveways, crossovers, overlays, & car parks. Curriculum Vitae 5 B. Stevens 2003-2005: Employer: Pioneer Road Services Position: Paver Operator / Level hand Completed several contracts along Queensland Coast and Inland Job Function: Roaming Operator 2003: Employer ABI Group Position: Paver Operator Job Function: Level hand road base paving at
  • 6. Copperbella. 28,000 tonne. Paveset and A.B.C. Sonic 4 controls used. Oct 1999 2003 Employer: Boral Asphalt (Pug & Pave) Queensland Position: Leading Hand Job Function: Paver Operator, level hand Assembling and information processing of Pave set equipment. Grade line and laser level controlling ABG fixed screed build up (3-14 meters) Full road base construction from sub grade to asphalt finish Liaison with contractors, transport and quarry suppliers. Ordering of trucks, lifting equipment etc. Duties also included: asphalt paver operating, level control and compactor operations, hot spray bitumen duties such as hand bar operator, cockerel (spreader box) operator, roller operator, shuttle Buggy operator. Curriculum Vitae 6 B. Stevens MAJOR PROJECTS WORKED ON: 1999 Logan Motorway 50,000 tonne. 1999-2000 South East Bus Lane (set 4) 110,000 tonne 2000 Gundada Range Projects 60,000 tonne 2001- Eenie Creek Road Noosa 30,000 tonne 2002 Townsville RAAF Base 56,000 tonne Major Achievements Obtained specified level control on all projects Continuous paving was achieved on all projects Good maintenance and housekeeping ensured good H&S. All projects were completed in given time.
  • 7. Nov 1998 Oct 1999 Employer: CSR Elmoleum Position: Senior Paver Operator Job Function: Paver Operating Blaw Knox & Roadtec machines, level control, consisting of Pave set, Grade line and manual operations. Shuttle Buggy (Roadtec 25000) operating. Compactor operating, job set up and preparing e.g. Power Brooming, priming and clean up duties. Major Projects worked on: South East Freeway Duplication 100,000 tonne Aug 1996 Oct 1997: Employer: Airfields Works Joint Venture Chek Lap Kok Island New Territories Hong Kong Position: Set up job, power operating (A.B.G. 420 511 & 323-fixed screed), pave set, laser, grade line, slope control, and level control. Curriculum Vitae 7 B. Stevens All aspects of road base paving on runaways and taxi ways lean mix concrete paving. I lived onsite throughout the entire contract. Involved in the training of separate individuals in paving operations, level control, compaction and grade checking. In this capacity developed foreign language skills i.e. Filipino and Urdu. Contract completed 3,500,000tonne. 1995 - 1996: Employer: Readymix Asphalt Strathpine Position: Paver Operator, Level Hand
  • 8. Job Function: Job set up and preparation. Level control and paver operating tasks also included, power broom operation and compactor operating, and general duties. 1994 - 1995: Employer: Allens Asphalt Caboolture Qld Position: Leading Hand Job Function: Supervision of laying crew, area and tonnage estimation, transport and equipment organisation. Implemented better application of quality control in daily operations. Liaison with contractors, management in all aspects of production. Major projects completed Sunshine Motorway 50,000 tonne. 1990 1994: Employer: Boral Asphalt Whinstanes, Qld Position: General Hand/ Operator Curriculum vitae 8 B. Stevens Job Function: Paver operating major airport & highway contracts, supervision, road maintenance. Duties included level control utilising Pave set and grade line operating. Also included compactor power broom operating. Implicating of a rigorous maintenance programme on pavers, proved advantageous in continuous working of machines, leading to a minimum of time lost in production. Spray seal duties included being hand bar and main bar operator and spreader operating job preparation include power broom operating and general preparing and marketing. Major contracts completed 1990 -1991 Grenord Road
  • 9. 31,000 tonne. 1991 1993 Gateway Arterial 36,000 tonne 1991 Oakey Airport 16,000 tonne 1993 Limestone Ave Canberra 40,000 tonne 1993 Bruce Highway Howard 21,000 tonne. 1988 - 1989: Employer: Pioneer Asphalt Bald Hills Qld Position: Level Hand/Operator Job Function: Level Control utilising power set, grade line, string line and manual control. General asphalt duties including power broom operating and compactor operating. Major contract completed Bruce Highway Sunshine Coast overlay 30.000 tonne. REFEREES On request .