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11658 Mt Lindesay Hwy Palen Creek QLD Aust 4287
Telephone: +61 7 5544 3284(Home), +61 427 761 344 (Mobile)
Curriculum Vitae 2 L.M.Lloyd
NAME: Luke Marshall LLOYD
ADDRESS: 11658 Mt Lindesay Hwy
Palen Creek 4287
TELEPHONE: +61 427 761 344 (Mobile)
+61 75544 3284 (Home)
EMAILADDRESS: lukelloyd@live.com.au
DATE OF BIRTH: October 22, 1980
HEALTH: Excellent (Non-Smoker)
LEISURE ACTIVITIES: Camping Four wheel driving
Water skiing Fishing
3 Sheep Trialing
LICENCES: Light Vehicle
Front End Loader
Elevated Work Platform
Curriculum Vitae 3 L.M.Lloyd
Strong knowledge and broad experience in well control procedures.
Demonstrated ability to work with, train and lead national crews.
Excellent problem solving and decision making skills with proven ability to
identify and manage hazards in the workplace.
Capacity to show initiative and apply new concepts.
Adapts easily to change and a fast learner.
Proven ability to work as an effective team member and Leader.
Demonstrated ability to operate independently and unsupervised.
Excellent perception skills to anticipate potential problems and implement
appropriate procedures.
Enthusiastic and willing to learn, with a strong desire to succeed
Highly motivated and interested in the development of long term career.
Total commitment to all obligations and responsibilities.
A flexible work attitude with a track record of working in remote locations.
Mature, confident and well presented.
Honest and dependable.
Strong commitment to workplace health, safety and environment.
Excellent time management and task co-ordination skills in an operational
Possess strong planning and organising skills.
Eager to take responsibility and work closely with a committed team
Ability to prioritise work procedures, operate to schedules and meet deadlines in
demanding situations.
Excellent oral and written communication skills.
Proven ability to liaise and negotiate at all levels.
Able to set goals, strategies and action plans
Able to understand, interpret guidelines and policies
Graduated 1996 Runcorn State High School
Runcorn QLD
Curriculum Vitae 4 L.M.Lloyd
IWCF Supervisors Level #4 Surface
Valid to April 2018
Certificate No. RAA-69842
Valid to June 29, 2017
- Safety Induction
- Helicopter Safety & Escape
- Sea Survival
- Working at Height
- Fire Team Member and Team Leader
- Coxswain
- Confined Space
- Major Emergency Management
- Stability
Senior First Aid Training  Red Alert Training
Man Management Training  Axiom Training Services
2013  Present
Employer: Seadrill  West Castor, West Vencedor, West Tucana
Singapore  Brunei - Angola
Position: Toolpusher and Senior Toolpusher
Singapore Shipyard / Brunei / Angola
Rig Specifications: West Castor / West Tucana JU2000 Rigs
6000HP SCR Cyber Triple
National 14P  220 Mud Pumps with Black Jack
Job Functions:
Day to Day running of Drilling Operations, with a major focus on increasing productivity.
Implementing Company Policy and Safety Systems
Ensure First Line Maintenance in unto date and assist with trouble shooting when necessary.
Training Drillers and Assistant Drillers in Cyber Systems and the NOV SDI System.
Training Junior National Crews and Supervising Operations
April 2011  2013
Employer: Ensco International
Position: Driller / Performance Toolpusher
North West Shelf Australia
Rig Specifications: E-104
3000HP SCR Cyber Triple
National 1625UBDE Drawworks
3 x National 14P-220 Mud Pumps
Job Functions: - Responsible for the planning and execution of tasks on the drill
floor, derrick, mud treatment room and mud pump room, including
first line maintenance of drilling systems and equipment.
Job Functions: - Manage the safe drilling of each well according to the well (Continued)
- Ensure that approved rig operating procedures and Safety Management
Systems are adhered to at all times.
- Ensure the correct line up of well control equipment.
- Carry out basic well control duties.
- Mentor, develop and train crew members to required level of competency.
2009  April 2011
Employer: M.B. CENTURY
Wacol QLD
Position: Driller
Lihir Island PNG
Rig Specifications: Rig 14
1000HP SCR Triple
Tesco 650 900HP Top Drive
National 80UE Drawworks
3 x National 9-P-100 Mud Pumps
Rated to 14,000 ft Depth Capacity
Job Functions: - Responsible for the planning and execution of tasks on the drill
floor, derrick, mud treatment room and mud pump room, including
first line maintenance of drilling systems and equipment.
Job Functions: - Manage the safe drilling of each well according to the well (Continued)
- Ensure that approved rig operating procedures and Safety Management
Systems are adhered to at all times.
- Ensure the correct line up of well control equipment.
- Carry out basic well control duties.
- Mentor, develop and train crew members to required level of competency.
2005  2009
Employer: SEADRILL
West Menang and Robraay T-8
2006 - 2009
Position: Assistant Driller
Rig Specifications: West Menang
National 1320-UE 200 Drawworks
Varco TDS-9 Top Drive
3 x National 12-P-160 Mud Pumps
Drilling Depth 32,000 ft
Job Functions: As above, plus:
- Daily inspections of handling gear and well control equipment,
including ensuring the correct line up of well control equipment.
- Relieving the driller.
- Assisting pump men with maintenance of mud pumps.
- Offline pressure testing of B.O.P. stacks and Choke Manifolds.
- Mentor, develop and train national crews.
- Carry out weekly inspections of the rig and well control
2005 2006
Position: Pump Man
Rig Specifications: Robray T-8
National 1320-UE 2000 HP Drawworks
TDS-8 Varco Top Drive
2 x Oil Well A1700 Triplex Mud Pumps
Drilling Depth 25,000 ft
Job Functions: - Monitoring mud pumps and their operating performance. -
Perform all maintenance and repairs to mud pumps and
transferring equipment.
- Assemble pumping equipment.
- Maintaining the mud system (Oil Base and Water Base)
- Transferring bulk chemicals, base oil, cement, water from supply
- Pumping ballast to maintain the stability of the Tender Support
- Truck driving and other tasks as required.
2001  2005
Wacol QLD
Position: Lease Hand to Assistant Driller
Job Functions: Operating on Rigs 7, 11, 16, 18 and working up through the ranks.
Rohan Hindle Company Man
Cheveron Cabinda
Email: robags@hotmail.com
Telephone: +61 428 464 942 (Mobile)
Luke Lloyd CV-April 2016 .DOC

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Luke Lloyd CV-April 2016 .DOC

  • 1. CONFIDENTIAL CURRICULUM VITAE LUKE MARSHALL LLOYD 11658 Mt Lindesay Hwy Palen Creek QLD Aust 4287 Telephone: +61 7 5544 3284(Home), +61 427 761 344 (Mobile)
  • 2. Curriculum Vitae 2 L.M.Lloyd PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL DETAILS NAME: Luke Marshall LLOYD ADDRESS: 11658 Mt Lindesay Hwy Palen Creek 4287 Queensland Australia TELEPHONE: +61 427 761 344 (Mobile) +61 75544 3284 (Home) EMAILADDRESS: lukelloyd@live.com.au DATE OF BIRTH: October 22, 1980 COUNTRY OF BIRTH: Australia MARITAL STATUS: Married HEALTH: Excellent (Non-Smoker) HOBBIES AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES: Camping Four wheel driving Water skiing Fishing 3 Sheep Trialing DRIVERS / OPERATORS LICENCES: Light Vehicle HR Forklift Front End Loader Elevated Work Platform
  • 3. Curriculum Vitae 3 L.M.Lloyd SKILLS Strong knowledge and broad experience in well control procedures. Demonstrated ability to work with, train and lead national crews. Excellent problem solving and decision making skills with proven ability to identify and manage hazards in the workplace. Capacity to show initiative and apply new concepts. Adapts easily to change and a fast learner. Proven ability to work as an effective team member and Leader. Demonstrated ability to operate independently and unsupervised. Excellent perception skills to anticipate potential problems and implement appropriate procedures. ATTITUDE AND ATTRIBUTES Enthusiastic and willing to learn, with a strong desire to succeed Highly motivated and interested in the development of long term career. Total commitment to all obligations and responsibilities. A flexible work attitude with a track record of working in remote locations. Mature, confident and well presented. Honest and dependable. ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS Strong commitment to workplace health, safety and environment. Excellent time management and task co-ordination skills in an operational environment. Possess strong planning and organising skills. Eager to take responsibility and work closely with a committed team Ability to prioritise work procedures, operate to schedules and meet deadlines in demanding situations. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Proven ability to liaise and negotiate at all levels. Able to set goals, strategies and action plans Able to understand, interpret guidelines and policies EDUCATION
  • 4. Graduated 1996 Runcorn State High School Runcorn QLD Curriculum Vitae 4 L.M.Lloyd COURSES & TRAINING IWCF Supervisors Level #4 Surface Valid to April 2018 OPITO BOSIET / HUET Certificate No. RAA-69842 Valid to June 29, 2017 Components: - Safety Induction - Helicopter Safety & Escape - Sea Survival - Working at Height - Fire Team Member and Team Leader - Coxswain - Confined Space - Major Emergency Management - Stability - OIM Senior First Aid Training Red Alert Training Man Management Training Axiom Training Services EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2013 Present Employer: Seadrill West Castor, West Vencedor, West Tucana Singapore Brunei - Angola Position: Toolpusher and Senior Toolpusher Singapore Shipyard / Brunei / Angola Rig Specifications: West Castor / West Tucana JU2000 Rigs 6000HP SCR Cyber Triple NOV TDS1000 National 14P 220 Mud Pumps with Black Jack
  • 5. Job Functions: Day to Day running of Drilling Operations, with a major focus on increasing productivity. Implementing Company Policy and Safety Systems Ensure First Line Maintenance in unto date and assist with trouble shooting when necessary. Training Drillers and Assistant Drillers in Cyber Systems and the NOV SDI System. Training Junior National Crews and Supervising Operations April 2011 2013 Employer: Ensco International Perth Position: Driller / Performance Toolpusher North West Shelf Australia Rig Specifications: E-104 3000HP SCR Cyber Triple NOV TDS8S National 1625UBDE Drawworks 3 x National 14P-220 Mud Pumps Job Functions: - Responsible for the planning and execution of tasks on the drill floor, derrick, mud treatment room and mud pump room, including first line maintenance of drilling systems and equipment. Job Functions: - Manage the safe drilling of each well according to the well (Continued) programme. - Ensure that approved rig operating procedures and Safety Management Systems are adhered to at all times. - Ensure the correct line up of well control equipment. - Carry out basic well control duties. - Mentor, develop and train crew members to required level of competency. 2009 April 2011 Employer: M.B. CENTURY Wacol QLD Position: Driller Lihir Island PNG
  • 6. Rig Specifications: Rig 14 1000HP SCR Triple Tesco 650 900HP Top Drive National 80UE Drawworks 3 x National 9-P-100 Mud Pumps Rated to 14,000 ft Depth Capacity Job Functions: - Responsible for the planning and execution of tasks on the drill floor, derrick, mud treatment room and mud pump room, including first line maintenance of drilling systems and equipment. Job Functions: - Manage the safe drilling of each well according to the well (Continued) programme. - Ensure that approved rig operating procedures and Safety Management Systems are adhered to at all times. - Ensure the correct line up of well control equipment. - Carry out basic well control duties. - Mentor, develop and train crew members to required level of competency. 2005 2009 Employer: SEADRILL West Menang and Robraay T-8 2006 - 2009 Position: Assistant Driller Rig Specifications: West Menang National 1320-UE 200 Drawworks Varco TDS-9 Top Drive 3 x National 12-P-160 Mud Pumps Drilling Depth 32,000 ft Job Functions: As above, plus: - Daily inspections of handling gear and well control equipment, including ensuring the correct line up of well control equipment. - Relieving the driller. - Assisting pump men with maintenance of mud pumps. - Offline pressure testing of B.O.P. stacks and Choke Manifolds.
  • 7. - Mentor, develop and train national crews. - Carry out weekly inspections of the rig and well control equipment. 2005 2006 Position: Pump Man Rig Specifications: Robray T-8 National 1320-UE 2000 HP Drawworks TDS-8 Varco Top Drive 2 x Oil Well A1700 Triplex Mud Pumps Drilling Depth 25,000 ft Job Functions: - Monitoring mud pumps and their operating performance. - Perform all maintenance and repairs to mud pumps and transferring equipment. - Assemble pumping equipment. - Maintaining the mud system (Oil Base and Water Base) - Transferring bulk chemicals, base oil, cement, water from supply vessels. - Pumping ballast to maintain the stability of the Tender Support Vessel. - Truck driving and other tasks as required. 2001 2005 Employer: CENTURY RESOURCES Wacol QLD Position: Lease Hand to Assistant Driller Job Functions: Operating on Rigs 7, 11, 16, 18 and working up through the ranks. REFEREES Rohan Hindle Company Man Cheveron Cabinda Email: robags@hotmail.com Telephone: +61 428 464 942 (Mobile)