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biodivesity ppt for environment science.pptx
You will…
? find out what biodiversity means and why it is important;
? explore environments rich in biodiversity;
? plan strategies to maintain biodiversity in our world.
Biodiversity…what is it?
Talk to your classmates:
What do species, habitats and ecosystems mean?
Which group would humans belong to, do you think?
Biodiversity comes from two words: bio which is short for biology (living
things) and diversity (variety).
Biodiversity means the mixture of all life on earth.
It includes all the species, habitats and ecosystems (including humans)
which exist on our planet.
Generate ideas with your classmates:
How many species can you think of?
A species is a group of living things that share the same characteristics.
Living things from the same species
can reproduce healthy offspring.
Examples include human beings, blue whales,
chimpanzees, beech trees and black widow spiders.
The variety of species on earth is huge
and very diverse.
Compare your ideas with your classmates:
What habitat is nearest to you at the moment?
What living thing does the habitat support?
The place where a living thing lives – its home. A habitat supports the life
of the living thing.
Examples include bogs, forests, seas, hedgerows, grasslands and rainforests.
Draw with your classmates:
Pick an ecosystem, sketch it quickly and ask your classmate to tell you
which ecosystem you have drawn. Label the ecosystem’s parts.
A collection of living things that are different but can still exist together.
These are communities of living things.
Examples include a forest canopy, rock pool, river, marsh, desert and
coral reef.
Biodiversity is…
? all species, habitats and ecosystems on our planet;
? the mixture and balance of all living things;
? beautiful, fascinating, colourful, interesting and
Think with your classmates:
Think of five more adjectives to describe biodiversity.
There are many types of environment in our world that
support species, habitats and ecosystems.
See if you can name the environments on the following
Talk about the species, habitats and ecosystems that they
may include and support.
Photo courtesy of (mshipp@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Photo courtesy of (mshipp@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Ice Cap
Photo courtesy of (mahinui@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Photo courtesy of (aigle_dore@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Photo courtesy of (fishhawk@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Photo courtesy of (lubasi@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Photo courtesy of (eugeniy-golovko@Flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Photo courtesy of (comzeradd@Flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution
Why is biodiversity important?
? Without biodiversity, there would be an imbalance in species,
habitats and ecosystems on earth.
? Habitats must be protected so that species can live in them.
? Species must be protected so that they do not become
endangered or extinct.
? Ecosystems must not be disturbed, or they will not work
together properly.
What can we do to help
biodiversity on earth?
? We can protect habitats, species and ecosystems around us.
? We can make people aware of biodiversity and how important
it is to all living things, including human beings.
? We can support organizations working to protect, preserve and
conserve biodiversity in our world, e.g., World Wildlife Fund
and Greenpeace.
Research with your classmates:
Find the meaning of conservation and preservation in your dictionary.

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biodivesity ppt for environment science.pptx

  • 2. You will… ? find out what biodiversity means and why it is important; ? explore environments rich in biodiversity; ? plan strategies to maintain biodiversity in our world.
  • 3. Biodiversity…what is it? Talk to your classmates: What do species, habitats and ecosystems mean? Which group would humans belong to, do you think? Biodiversity comes from two words: bio which is short for biology (living things) and diversity (variety). Biodiversity means the mixture of all life on earth. It includes all the species, habitats and ecosystems (including humans) which exist on our planet.
  • 4. Generate ideas with your classmates: How many species can you think of? Species A species is a group of living things that share the same characteristics. Living things from the same species can reproduce healthy offspring. Examples include human beings, blue whales, chimpanzees, beech trees and black widow spiders. The variety of species on earth is huge and very diverse.
  • 5. Habitat Compare your ideas with your classmates: What habitat is nearest to you at the moment? What living thing does the habitat support? The place where a living thing lives – its home. A habitat supports the life of the living thing. Examples include bogs, forests, seas, hedgerows, grasslands and rainforests.
  • 6. Ecosystem Draw with your classmates: Pick an ecosystem, sketch it quickly and ask your classmate to tell you which ecosystem you have drawn. Label the ecosystem’s parts. A collection of living things that are different but can still exist together. These are communities of living things. Examples include a forest canopy, rock pool, river, marsh, desert and coral reef.
  • 7. Biodiversity is… ? all species, habitats and ecosystems on our planet; ? the mixture and balance of all living things; ? beautiful, fascinating, colourful, interesting and important. Think with your classmates: Think of five more adjectives to describe biodiversity.
  • 8. Environments There are many types of environment in our world that support species, habitats and ecosystems. See if you can name the environments on the following slides. Talk about the species, habitats and ecosystems that they may include and support.
  • 9. Photo courtesy of (mshipp@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution Tundra
  • 10. Photo courtesy of (mshipp@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution Ice Cap
  • 11. Photo courtesy of (mahinui@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution Ocean
  • 12. Photo courtesy of (aigle_dore@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution Desert
  • 13. Photo courtesy of (fishhawk@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution Grassland
  • 14. Photo courtesy of (lubasi@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution Rainforest
  • 15. Photo courtesy of (eugeniy-golovko@Flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution Mountains
  • 17. Photo courtesy of (comzeradd@Flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution Urban
  • 18. Why is biodiversity important? ? Without biodiversity, there would be an imbalance in species, habitats and ecosystems on earth. ? Habitats must be protected so that species can live in them. ? Species must be protected so that they do not become endangered or extinct. ? Ecosystems must not be disturbed, or they will not work together properly.
  • 19. What can we do to help biodiversity on earth? ? We can protect habitats, species and ecosystems around us. ? We can make people aware of biodiversity and how important it is to all living things, including human beings. ? We can support organizations working to protect, preserve and conserve biodiversity in our world, e.g., World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace. Research with your classmates: Find the meaning of conservation and preservation in your dictionary.