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Financial Indicators for CIO to ensure IT & Business Alignment in 2010Sample charts attachedhttp://www.iCMGworld.comBiz-IT Financial Index-2010Version 1.1
OverviewSummaryHere, is a list of indicators from financial perspective which could be good starting point as we move away from doing lip service to IT-Business alignment issue to actually working towards it. There are 10 indicators to start with. Performance Indicators - ExampleEach indicator has ( definition, formula, range, optimization directions, associated strategies). A sample (based on case study) is attached for each indicatorA sample for how this indicator can evolve in 2010 is also providedHow to use it?Define the current value and target value for each indicatorIdentify the strategies and define the associated initiativesColor combination (red, yellow, green) for ScoreRed ( 0 -40), indicates that  NOT OK performanceYellow (41-80), indicates  OK performanceGreen ( 81-100) indicates EXCELLENT performancehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
10 Performance Indicators for CIOs in 2010 ( to start with ;-) http://www.iCMGworld.com21345768910
Ratio of % growth of IT budget versus % growth of revenueshttp://www.iCMGworld.com120092010
Ratio of % growth of IT budget versus % growth of revenueshttp://www.iCMGworld.com1Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Value
% IT Budget of Total Revenues2Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
% of IT initiatives/projects championed by the businesshttp://www.iCMGworld.com3Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
% of current initiatives driven by IT4Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
% IT Capital Spending of Total Investment5Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
% of IT costs associated to IT maintenancehttp://www.iCMGworld.com6Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
IT Spending per Employee per year7Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
IT to Total Employees Ratiohttp://www.iCMGworld.com8Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
% of Biz-IT time associated to new IT investment* http://www.iCMGworld.com9Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com* The total "budgeted" time for interactions between Biz and IT, compared to time associated to new  IT investment?
% of IT costs (outsourced) relative to total IT costs10Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
Categories of Financial Indicators for IT & Business Alignment  its impact on overall performance measurementhttp://www.iCMGworld.com
Weightage for each category of Financial Indicators enabling IT & Business Alignmenthttp://www.iCMGworld.com
Categories of Financial Indicatorshttp://www.iCMGworld.com
Financial Indicators for IT & Business Alignment  2009 to 2011to be audited every 60 dayshttp://www.iCMGworld.comColor combination (red, yellow, green) for ScoreRed ( 0 -40), indicates that  NOT OK performanceYellow (41-80), indicates  OK performanceGreen ( 81-100) indicates EXCELLENT performance
Need help in developing the metrics ?http://www.iCMGworld.comEqual to 10Weighted indicators for scorecard or benchmarking, Name of the item, relative weight and the description,Value. It is the ideal value or current performance level of the key performance indicator.Measure. This option indicates the measurement criterion in which the value or performance level of an indicator is judged. For e.g. it might be in percentage, Dollars, score, and the like. Min and Max. . Optimization. Target Description.
10 Performance Indicators for CIOs in 2010[Optimization directions, maximized = 8, minimized=2]http://www.iCMGworld.com2maximizemaximize134maximizemaximize5687maximizemaximizeminimizeminimize9maximize10maximize
Summary of financial performance indicator values for 2010http://www.iCMGworld.com
Overall Performance20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Value
Action item in 2010Do you need performance indicators related to strategy, processes, systems, technology, operations, etc..?Do you need help in defining such indicators across multiple departments, Do you need external help in quarterly audit to ensure progress?Email to megan.wilson@icmgworld.comhttp://www.iCMGworld.com

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Biz-IT Financial Index 2010

  • 1. Financial Indicators for CIO to ensure IT & Business Alignment in 2010Sample charts attachedhttp://www.iCMGworld.comBiz-IT Financial Index-2010Version 1.1
  • 2. OverviewSummaryHere, is a list of indicators from financial perspective which could be good starting point as we move away from doing lip service to IT-Business alignment issue to actually working towards it. There are 10 indicators to start with. Performance Indicators - ExampleEach indicator has ( definition, formula, range, optimization directions, associated strategies). A sample (based on case study) is attached for each indicatorA sample for how this indicator can evolve in 2010 is also providedHow to use it?Define the current value and target value for each indicatorIdentify the strategies and define the associated initiativesColor combination (red, yellow, green) for ScoreRed ( 0 -40), indicates that NOT OK performanceYellow (41-80), indicates OK performanceGreen ( 81-100) indicates EXCELLENT performancehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 3. 10 Performance Indicators for CIOs in 2010 ( to start with ;-) http://www.iCMGworld.com21345768910
  • 4. Ratio of % growth of IT budget versus % growth of revenueshttp://www.iCMGworld.com120092010
  • 5. Ratio of % growth of IT budget versus % growth of revenueshttp://www.iCMGworld.com1Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Value
  • 6. % IT Budget of Total Revenues2Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 7. % of IT initiatives/projects championed by the businesshttp://www.iCMGworld.com3Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 8. % of current initiatives driven by IT4Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 9. % IT Capital Spending of Total Investment5Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 10. % of IT costs associated to IT maintenancehttp://www.iCMGworld.com6Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 11. IT Spending per Employee per year7Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 12. IT to Total Employees Ratiohttp://www.iCMGworld.com8Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 13. % of Biz-IT time associated to new IT investment* http://www.iCMGworld.com9Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com* The total "budgeted" time for interactions between Biz and IT, compared to time associated to new IT investment?
  • 14. % of IT costs (outsourced) relative to total IT costs10Direction of optimization20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Valuehttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 15. Categories of Financial Indicators for IT & Business Alignment its impact on overall performance measurementhttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 16. Weightage for each category of Financial Indicators enabling IT & Business Alignmenthttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 17. Categories of Financial Indicatorshttp://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 18. Financial Indicators for IT & Business Alignment 2009 to 2011to be audited every 60 dayshttp://www.iCMGworld.comColor combination (red, yellow, green) for ScoreRed ( 0 -40), indicates that NOT OK performanceYellow (41-80), indicates OK performanceGreen ( 81-100) indicates EXCELLENT performance
  • 19. Need help in developing the metrics ?http://www.iCMGworld.comEqual to 10Weighted indicators for scorecard or benchmarking, Name of the item, relative weight and the description,Value. It is the ideal value or current performance level of the key performance indicator.Measure. This option indicates the measurement criterion in which the value or performance level of an indicator is judged. For e.g. it might be in percentage, Dollars, score, and the like. Min and Max. . Optimization. Target Description.
  • 20. 10 Performance Indicators for CIOs in 2010[Optimization directions, maximized = 8, minimized=2]http://www.iCMGworld.com2maximizemaximize134maximizemaximize5687maximizemaximizeminimizeminimize9maximize10maximize
  • 21. Summary of financial performance indicator values for 2010http://www.iCMGworld.com
  • 22. Overall Performance20092010Your organizationYour organizationTarget valueCurrent Value
  • 23. Action item in 2010Do you need performance indicators related to strategy, processes, systems, technology, operations, etc..?Do you need help in defining such indicators across multiple departments, Do you need external help in quarterly audit to ensure progress?Email to megan.wilson@icmgworld.comhttp://www.iCMGworld.com