裡僚凌亮侶 留凌溜留侶 粒旅留 旅 隆竜両旅侶竜 凌 虜留了了旅竜粒竜溜 侶 竜虜留溜隆竜侶 侶 竜旅竜旅侶亮留旅虜侶留 虜留旅 凌旅 竜旅了凌粒劉 留留了侶侶 凌 隆侶亮旅凌粒竜溜.
A short presentation discussing the skills enhanced by entrepreneurship education and the career options it creates. In Greek.
裡僚凌亮侶 留凌溜留侶 粒旅留 旅 隆竜両旅侶竜 凌 虜留了了旅竜粒竜溜 侶 竜虜留溜隆竜侶 侶 竜旅竜旅侶亮留旅虜侶留 虜留旅 凌旅 竜旅了凌粒劉 留留了侶侶 凌 隆侶亮旅凌粒竜溜.
A short presentation discussing the skills enhanced by entrepreneurship education and the career options it creates. In Greek.
21. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflec ts the vi ews onl y of the aut hor , and the Commission cannot
be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number: 2018-1-UK01-KA202-047909