The Asia Partnership On Implementing Procurement ReformDhaka Workshop
The document outlines the agenda for the Asia Regional Workshop on Implementing Procurement Reforms and Improving Performance held from June 23-25, 2008 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The workshop consisted of 8 sessions over 3 days covering topics such as assessing and evaluating procurement systems, defining procurement reform strategies, improving procurement execution, monitoring and oversight, capacity building, and harmonizing procurement rules. Presentations were given by representatives from various Asian countries on their experiences with procurement reforms. The workshop aimed to facilitate collaboration and sharing of best practices for strengthening public procurement systems in Asia.
The document provides information about organizational structures and master data in SAP. It discusses topics like the different types of messages in SAP, the purpose of creating user-specific parameters, and the components that make up organizational structures like sales areas. Key entities described include sales organizations, plants, company codes, shipping points, and the different views and structures within customer master records.
The document profiles a fictional "corporate terrorist" named Sheik Abdul Enayath. He has successfully carried out marketing campaigns for several major companies in India. He has a masters degree and training in fields like marketing, IT, operations, and retail. His hobbies include nature photography, traveling, and movie watching. News reports indicate he is planning new marketing campaigns for companies.
This document discusses self-branding and the rise of social media influencers. It argues that self-branding has grown in popularity due to the rise of social media, which allows ordinary users to project their image more easily. Social media also encourages practices of "micro-celebrity" where users strategically package their identity to gain attention and followers. Additionally, a culture of neoliberal individualism promotes self-branding with the promise of reward. The success of some social media influencers proves that building an audience and brand through social media is possible and can be lucrative.
The conference at III Digital Education Institute, 20080613.
Discuss about the Web 2.0 and e-Learning 2.0 issues. And the trend of open architecture and its impact.
Some general imformation of Web 2.0, including its definition, characteristics, compared with Web 1.0, some application in education and the future of Web 2.0 and our attitudes award it.
The conference at III Digital Education Institute, 20080613.
Discuss about the Web 2.0 and e-Learning 2.0 issues. And the trend of open architecture and its impact.
Some general imformation of Web 2.0, including its definition, characteristics, compared with Web 1.0, some application in education and the future of Web 2.0 and our attitudes award it.
29. Web 2.0 經營模式的成功典範 - Google Very “Web 2.0” business model 吸引中小企業的「關鍵字廣告」,改變了原本低迷的網頁廣告市場 原本:全球網頁爆量成長分食廣告主預算,也降低廣告點擊率,難以討好廣告主 現在:中小企業藉由關鍵字廣告增加曝光率
30. Open source - What 泛指所有開放程式原始碼的軟體,最大特色在於開發人員 / 使用者可觀看內碼、修改程式,且可免費取得。 "Open Source" 也是指開放原始碼組織 (OSI) 的認證商標。該組織所定義的開放原始碼軟體可簡述如下: 軟體散佈給他人時不得附加任何限制 必須開放原始碼,好讓使用者可加以改善 修改後的軟體不得再與原本軟體採用同一名稱或版本號
31. Open software for courseware 25 個免費的數位學習工具軟體 25 Tools every Learning Professional should have in there Toolbox 簡易說明 Open source 最大集中站
32. Open source - When 「開放原始碼」運動是在 1998 年由 Eric Raymond 所提出 源自 Richard Stallman 的自由軟體運動 (free software) free software 是自由,而非免費 開放原始碼的衍生來自於商業市場的考量, Eric Raymond 有感於「自由軟體」一詞已被賦予過多政治意義,在 1998 年二月宣布以「 open source 」一詞來取代「 free software 」