The document discusses Java arrays. Some key points covered include:
- Arrays are objects that store a group of data of the same type in contiguous memory locations. They can store primitive types or objects.
- Arrays are declared using square brackets and must specify a dimension. They are zero-based and accessed via indexes.
- Arrays are initialized using the new operator and default initialized. Their length can be accessed via the length field.
- Multidimensional arrays are arrays of arrays, with irregular sizes allowed. Methods like arraycopy can copy arrays.
The document discusses Java collection framework. It defines a collection as a data structure capable of storing heterogeneous objects. There are three main types of collections - sets, lists, and maps. Sets cannot contain duplicate elements, lists allow duplicates and positional access, and maps store elements as key-value pairs. The core interfaces provided by the collection framework are Collection, Set, List, and Map. Common implementations of these interfaces include ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap and TreeMap. The document also covers traversing collections using iterators and list iterators, as well as examples of using sets, lists and maps.
Donn DeBoard Customer Journey Maps: Visualizing an engaging customer experien...ddeboard
Customer Journey Maps visually show how your customer experiences your product. You can use these maps to idedntify touch points and pain points to improve the customer's experience.
El documento habla sobre el liderazgo y los líderes. Explica que el liderazgo es un proceso social de influencia en el que los líderes interactúan con los seguidores para crear futuros compartidos y metas comunes trabajando de forma conjunta y efectiva. También menciona que en el siglo XXI es posible que desaparezcan las metas claras y que los líderes deben influir a los seguidores y adaptarse a diferentes situaciones para alcanzar las metas.
Lilyzupe & Lulutantalon invite visitors to their online kids clothing store, Zolimome, which offers chic, organic, fair trade, and classic styles from a selection of young designers. The store aims to provide original, authentic, and comfortable clothes that are easy to maintain, and uses its blog as a community platform to share a shopping experience and connect with customers.
A child enjoyed Christmas and went to the mall where their father bought them a skateboard and a PlayStation 2 game console as gifts. The child was excited about the holiday season and receiving presents from their father.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang persahabatan dan mimpi. Dokumen tersebut menyarankan untuk berkumpul dengan orang-orang shaleh dan tidak membuang-buang sahabat. Dokumen tersebut juga menyebutkan tentang ekspedisi di Pulau Bina Alam pada tahun 2007 dan gambar Pulau Bina Alam sebelum terendam air pada tahun 2008.
- The document proposes a wiki syntax for describing Dublin Core Description Set Profiles (DSPs) that combines formal expression of a DSP with documentation of an Annotation Profile.
- The syntax has basic structures for describing elements like Description Templates (DT), Statement Templates (ST), and constraints.
- Elements have attributes like identifier, type, occurrence, and allowed values. Structures are hierarchical with STs belonging to DTs and constraints belonging to STs.
This document discusses strings in Java. It explains that strings are immutable sequences of characters that can be represented by the String, StringBuffer, or StringBuilder classes. It covers string literals, the string literal pool, comparing and concatenating strings, useful string methods, and creating mutable strings using StringBuffer. It also discusses string interning and representing objects as strings using the toString() method.
Eind mei gaf ik Samen met Otto Thors een workshop over social media voor een aantal lokale overheden uit Europa (Denemarken/Noorwegen/Engeland/Belgi?/Nederland).
Udi Salant presented on responsive web design at Pelephone. He showed analytics that iPad users performed better than iPhone users on Pelephone's website. He discussed responsive, adaptive, and captive designs and argued responsive design was best. Responsive design adapts the layout to different screen resolutions like 1024x600 pixels down to 480x320 pixels.
The conference at III Digital Education Institute, 20080613.
Discuss about the Web 2.0 and e-Learning 2.0 issues. And the trend of open architecture and its impact.
The document discusses Java arrays. Some key points covered include:
- Arrays are objects that store a group of data of the same type in contiguous memory locations. They can store primitive types or objects.
- Arrays are declared using square brackets and must specify a dimension. They are zero-based and accessed via indexes.
- Arrays are initialized using the new operator and default initialized. Their length can be accessed via the length field.
- Multidimensional arrays are arrays of arrays, with irregular sizes allowed. Methods like arraycopy can copy arrays.
The document discusses Java collection framework. It defines a collection as a data structure capable of storing heterogeneous objects. There are three main types of collections - sets, lists, and maps. Sets cannot contain duplicate elements, lists allow duplicates and positional access, and maps store elements as key-value pairs. The core interfaces provided by the collection framework are Collection, Set, List, and Map. Common implementations of these interfaces include ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap and TreeMap. The document also covers traversing collections using iterators and list iterators, as well as examples of using sets, lists and maps.
Donn DeBoard Customer Journey Maps: Visualizing an engaging customer experien...ddeboard
Customer Journey Maps visually show how your customer experiences your product. You can use these maps to idedntify touch points and pain points to improve the customer's experience.
El documento habla sobre el liderazgo y los líderes. Explica que el liderazgo es un proceso social de influencia en el que los líderes interactúan con los seguidores para crear futuros compartidos y metas comunes trabajando de forma conjunta y efectiva. También menciona que en el siglo XXI es posible que desaparezcan las metas claras y que los líderes deben influir a los seguidores y adaptarse a diferentes situaciones para alcanzar las metas.
Lilyzupe & Lulutantalon invite visitors to their online kids clothing store, Zolimome, which offers chic, organic, fair trade, and classic styles from a selection of young designers. The store aims to provide original, authentic, and comfortable clothes that are easy to maintain, and uses its blog as a community platform to share a shopping experience and connect with customers.
A child enjoyed Christmas and went to the mall where their father bought them a skateboard and a PlayStation 2 game console as gifts. The child was excited about the holiday season and receiving presents from their father.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang persahabatan dan mimpi. Dokumen tersebut menyarankan untuk berkumpul dengan orang-orang shaleh dan tidak membuang-buang sahabat. Dokumen tersebut juga menyebutkan tentang ekspedisi di Pulau Bina Alam pada tahun 2007 dan gambar Pulau Bina Alam sebelum terendam air pada tahun 2008.
- The document proposes a wiki syntax for describing Dublin Core Description Set Profiles (DSPs) that combines formal expression of a DSP with documentation of an Annotation Profile.
- The syntax has basic structures for describing elements like Description Templates (DT), Statement Templates (ST), and constraints.
- Elements have attributes like identifier, type, occurrence, and allowed values. Structures are hierarchical with STs belonging to DTs and constraints belonging to STs.
This document discusses strings in Java. It explains that strings are immutable sequences of characters that can be represented by the String, StringBuffer, or StringBuilder classes. It covers string literals, the string literal pool, comparing and concatenating strings, useful string methods, and creating mutable strings using StringBuffer. It also discusses string interning and representing objects as strings using the toString() method.
Eind mei gaf ik Samen met Otto Thors een workshop over social media voor een aantal lokale overheden uit Europa (Denemarken/Noorwegen/Engeland/Belgi?/Nederland).
Udi Salant presented on responsive web design at Pelephone. He showed analytics that iPad users performed better than iPhone users on Pelephone's website. He discussed responsive, adaptive, and captive designs and argued responsive design was best. Responsive design adapts the layout to different screen resolutions like 1024x600 pixels down to 480x320 pixels.
The conference at III Digital Education Institute, 20080613.
Discuss about the Web 2.0 and e-Learning 2.0 issues. And the trend of open architecture and its impact.
Some general imformation of Web 2.0, including its definition, characteristics, compared with Web 1.0, some application in education and the future of Web 2.0 and our attitudes award it.
The document provides guidance on using the RESUMIX system to apply for federal jobs. It discusses how to write federal resumes, including focusing on relevant accomplishments using the PARS structure, addressing gaps in employment history, and ensuring the resume aligns with the specific job requirements. Frequently asked questions are answered regarding including all work history, preparing for interviews, and getting help with RESUMIX.
4. Google 使用 Google 為代表的搜索引擎,可以在網際網路上尋找任何你想要的資料 。 Stanford 大學 Lawrence Lessig 教授倡導的開放式網路知識產權標準 Creative Commons 日漸普及,使得網路世界裡有越來越多的研究者、學習者願意將他們的成果與大眾 分享 ,提供了越來越多可供 Google 的高質量學習素材。