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Blogging training

You are encouraged to live-tweet this training.   @handtomouthb
What is
a blog?                       v=NN2I1pWXjXI

 Online diary

 (we)Blog = web log

 Doogie Houser  1st blog?

                             Do you read blogs now? What blogs?
My blog

 Founded in
 Food, music,
 Most of my
  traffic is from
  google search
  results of
  recipes, tweets,
Building a blog, building an audience
    Starting a blog is the easy part

    For every hour you put into writing, put the same
     into promoting and sharing

    Less (text) is more

    Make it interactive

    Blogging isnt always about writing  its about
Assignment 1: what to write about?

 Jot down 3 ideas for blog entries you have

 What other content could you add besides text?

 Why will people find in interesting?

 What interactive component could there be?

Bloggers and Charity Work                    @handtomouthb


 In the past we have taken bloggers on trips to show
  them first hand what our work does
 Beginning of a relationship
 We also hold blogger dinners and events where they
  can interact with our partners
Blogging Basics
   For your purposes we recommend

   It allows easier sharing and liking of
    blogs than other platforms


   Read blogs and interact with other
Lets look at some blogs

 James Whatley www.whatleydude.com

 Jean Hannah Edelstein www.jeanhannahedelstein.com

 Chris Pople http://cheesenbiscuits.blogspot.co.uk/

 What do you like about them? Or not?
 Who is the audience for each blog?        @handtomouthb
    They should be good, but not necessarily perfect

    They are still you, and still represent you as a holistic person:
     professionally and personally

    Think of organisational risks


Blog set up  walk through

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Blogger Training

  • 1. Blogging training You are encouraged to live-tweet this training. @handtomouthb #advocacytweets
  • 2. What is http://www.youtube.com/watch? a blog? v=NN2I1pWXjXI Online diary (we)Blog = web log Doogie Houser 1st blog? Do you read blogs now? What blogs?
  • 3. My blog Founded in 2007 Food, music, writing Most of my traffic is from google search results of recipes, tweets, friends
  • 4. Building a blog, building an audience Starting a blog is the easy part For every hour you put into writing, put the same into promoting and sharing Less (text) is more Make it interactive Blogging isnt always about writing its about sharing @handtomouthb #advocacytweets
  • 5. Assignment 1: what to write about? Jot down 3 ideas for blog entries you have What other content could you add besides text? Why will people find in interesting? What interactive component could there be? @handtomouthb #advocacytweets
  • 6. Bloggers and Charity Work @handtomouthb #advocacytweets #blogladesh #hiddencrisis https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=YIYSxCbI8yQ&feature=plcp In the past we have taken bloggers on trips to show them first hand what our work does Beginning of a relationship We also hold blogger dinners and events where they can interact with our partners
  • 7. Blogging Basics For your purposes we recommend Tumblr It allows easier sharing and liking of blogs than other platforms www.tumblr.com Read blogs and interact with other bloggers! @handtomouthb #advocacytweets
  • 8. Lets look at some blogs James Whatley www.whatleydude.com Jean Hannah Edelstein www.jeanhannahedelstein.com Chris Pople http://cheesenbiscuits.blogspot.co.uk/ What do you like about them? Or not? Who is the audience for each blog? @handtomouthb #advocacytweets
  • 9. Warnings They should be good, but not necessarily perfect They are still you, and still represent you as a holistic person: professionally and personally Think of organisational risks BE YOURSELF! @handtomouthb #advocacytweets
  • 10. Blog set up walk through