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Campaigning For Change
with Save the Children

   What is campaigning?
   The theory of change
   The story so far
   Save the Childrens Campaigns
   What you can do
What is Campaigning?

    When there is an injustice, using our voice
    and taking action together to influence key
      decision makers to bring about change.
How change happens

Writing to your local
         Speaking out

                                    Writing to your MP
                                               Lobbying your MP
               Spreading the Word

 Hand-Ins                       Campaign Stunts

    Raising Awareness                                    Tweeting

Campaigner Trips
                         Blogging                Local groups
The story so far
   6.9 million children die needlessly every year

 In 2011 we launched No Child Born to Die  our most ambitious ever
  campaign. Our aim: to stop children dying from preventable illnesses
  like diarrhoea, malaria or pneumonia or from hunger and malnutrition

 The world has already made dramatic progress in saving childrens lives.

 Since 1990, the number of children dying every year has fallen by 5 million

 In the last year the number of children dying each year has fallen by
  700,000  from 7.6 million in 2010 to 6.9 million in 2011.
  This is the biggest ever drop.

 This is Proof that aid and campaigning work
Campaigning Works:
Vaccines For all
- Problem: 1/5 of children without access to
immunisations and GAVI low on funds

- Opportunity: Global Alliance for Vaccines (GAVI)
Summit 2011

- Run-up to Summit: Nearly 50,000 people across
the UK spoke up for children around the world:
signing our petition and sharing it with their friends
and families; writing to and visiting their MPs; taking
part in media stunts.
- WIN: World Leaders committed an extra $4.3
billion to pay for vaccines for 250 million children
- One year on: so far 60 million children have had
the lifesaving vaccinations they need.

 Campaigning works and can transform the lives of millions of
Campaigning Works:
Give Girls Power
 Opportunity: London Family Planning Summit in UK

 Access to contraception and Empowerment

 Campaigning: Campaigners signed our petition, wrote to
MPs, played our game, shared our videos, got blogging,
youth delegate- Aselef.

Progress- $2.6 billion pledged by donors, strong
announcements from donor countries to put women and
girls at the heart of development work and respect their
rights, and key commitments by developing countries

Commitments made by world leaders mean more than 3
million childrens lives will be saved between now and
The Next Phase:
Hunger and Malnutrition
Despite real advances in stopping killer diseases,      For those who survive hunger can be a
progress on reducing malnutrition over the past         life-sentence. Lack of nutritious food,
                                                        causes devastating and irreversible damage
20 years has been pitifully slow.
                                                        to childrens brains and bodies,
In a world with food enough for everybody, 260          permanently stunting their growth and
children die of malnutrition every hour of every        meaning they do less well at school later in
single day.                                             life.

                                                      malnutrition is the biggest
                                                     underlying cause of children
                                                     dying globally.

Our other campaigns work


                     UK Poverty


What you can do..
  1) Small Actions, Big Difference- Petitions, Raising awareness,
  Spreading the word

  2) Lets Get Digital- Facebook, Tweeting, Pinterest, Instagram

  3) Media Star- University paper, Radio, Local TV, Blogging

  4) Its all about the Politics- Writing to your MP, meeting your MP,

  5) EVENTS- Hold your own or come to ours (stunts, hand-ins,
  conferences, training, fundraising)

  6) better when were together- Local campaigning groups
Campaigning in action
Over to you
 Aid skepticism is increasing and it couldnt be a more crucial time
 to protect the aid budget.
 In groups of 3 discuss what you could do in your local area to help ensure
 the government keeps their promise on 0.7

 Things to consider-

 Your target
 Your case for aid
 Your tactics- get creative!

 Prepare a 5 minute pitch to present

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Introduction to Campaigning

  • 1. Campaigning For Change with Save the Children
  • 2. Overview What is campaigning? The theory of change The story so far Save the Childrens Campaigns What you can do
  • 3. What is Campaigning? When there is an injustice, using our voice and taking action together to influence key decision makers to bring about change.
  • 4. How change happens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFigiIZblok&feature=player_embedded
  • 5. Writing to your local Speaking out paper Writing to your MP Petitions Lobbying your MP Spreading the Word Hand-Ins Campaign Stunts Raising Awareness Tweeting Campaigner Trips Blogging Local groups
  • 6. The story so far 6.9 million children die needlessly every year In 2011 we launched No Child Born to Die our most ambitious ever campaign. Our aim: to stop children dying from preventable illnesses like diarrhoea, malaria or pneumonia or from hunger and malnutrition The world has already made dramatic progress in saving childrens lives. Since 1990, the number of children dying every year has fallen by 5 million In the last year the number of children dying each year has fallen by 700,000 from 7.6 million in 2010 to 6.9 million in 2011. This is the biggest ever drop. This is Proof that aid and campaigning work
  • 7. Campaigning Works: Vaccines For all - Problem: 1/5 of children without access to immunisations and GAVI low on funds - Opportunity: Global Alliance for Vaccines (GAVI) Summit 2011 - Run-up to Summit: Nearly 50,000 people across the UK spoke up for children around the world: signing our petition and sharing it with their friends and families; writing to and visiting their MPs; taking part in media stunts. - WIN: World Leaders committed an extra $4.3 billion to pay for vaccines for 250 million children - One year on: so far 60 million children have had the lifesaving vaccinations they need. Campaigning works and can transform the lives of millions of children.
  • 8. Campaigning Works: Give Girls Power Opportunity: London Family Planning Summit in UK Access to contraception and Empowerment Campaigning: Campaigners signed our petition, wrote to MPs, played our game, shared our videos, got blogging, youth delegate- Aselef. Progress- $2.6 billion pledged by donors, strong announcements from donor countries to put women and girls at the heart of development work and respect their rights, and key commitments by developing countries Commitments made by world leaders mean more than 3 million childrens lives will be saved between now and 2020.
  • 9. The Next Phase: Hunger and Malnutrition Despite real advances in stopping killer diseases, For those who survive hunger can be a progress on reducing malnutrition over the past life-sentence. Lack of nutritious food, causes devastating and irreversible damage 20 years has been pitifully slow. to childrens brains and bodies, In a world with food enough for everybody, 260 permanently stunting their growth and children die of malnutrition every hour of every meaning they do less well at school later in single day. life. malnutrition is the biggest underlying cause of children dying globally. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_SAtk6qOy8&feature=relmfu
  • 10. Our other campaigns work Humanitarian UK Poverty Emergencies Aid
  • 11. What you can do.. 1) Small Actions, Big Difference- Petitions, Raising awareness, Spreading the word 2) Lets Get Digital- Facebook, Tweeting, Pinterest, Instagram 3) Media Star- University paper, Radio, Local TV, Blogging 4) Its all about the Politics- Writing to your MP, meeting your MP, lobbying 5) EVENTS- Hold your own or come to ours (stunts, hand-ins, conferences, training, fundraising) 6) better when were together- Local campaigning groups
  • 14. Over to you Task Aid skepticism is increasing and it couldnt be a more crucial time to protect the aid budget. In groups of 3 discuss what you could do in your local area to help ensure the government keeps their promise on 0.7 Things to consider- Your target Your case for aid Your tactics- get creative! Prepare a 5 minute pitch to present

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Change a lot more complicated than this chart-many factors that make change happen But these are some of the key steps Issue: Know what you want to change Who has the power to make change? Who do you need to influence? MP, Prime Minister-national change International-Banki Moon Local level-council School-your headmaster How will you influence them? What are your tactics? Insider-lobbying/private meetings/relationships Outsider-mobilisation of public to put pressure on gov-petitions, protest,etc Many other factors: what opportunities are there? Key meetings e.g. G8, is it in the media Is it likely to be successful?/will change realistically happen? Will talk about these factors when introducing some of our Save the Children campaigns
  • #7: The news shows that when children have access to health workers, vaccines and enough of the right food, they live to fulfil their potential. It shows that aid works and that together we can influence world leaders to do the right thing.
  • #9: , including India, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Niger and Zambia.
  • #10: Now, a deadly combination of climate change, rising food prices and the global economic crisis means the number of children across the world going hungry is actually on the rise. a life sentence of hunger Malnutrition is the hidden cause of over 2.6 million child deaths every year; every hour of every day 300 children die because they can t get the food they need. children are left so weakened by relentless hunger that their starved bodies can t fight off illnesses like diarrhoea or pneumonia. You won t see it on their death certificates, but malnutrition is the biggest underlying cause of children dying globally. For those who survive, hunger can be a life sentence. long-term malnutrition causes devastating and irreversible damage to children s bodies and brains, permanently stunting their growth and meaning they do less well in school and later life. And when children are consistently getting too little to eat, they re far less able to cope when things reach crisis point, as they have across Africa. Right now, extreme hunger has gripped the entire width of the continent from Senegal on the west coast to Somalia on the east. More than a million children there face starvation. This devastating crisis is yet another indication that the international response system isn t working. Too often help comes too little, too late, and children pay the price with their lives.
  • #11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fEo2ttG3NU&feature=player_embedded
  • #12: Mummy Bloggers/conference.networking
  • #14: Now, a deadly combination of climate change, rising food prices and the global economic crisis means the number of children across the world going hungry is actually on the rise. a life sentence of hunger Malnutrition is the hidden cause of over 2.6 million child deaths every year; every hour of every day 300 children die because they can t get the food they need. children are left so weakened by relentless hunger that their starved bodies can t fight off illnesses like diarrhoea or pneumonia. You won t see it on their death certificates, but malnutrition is the biggest underlying cause of children dying globally. For those who survive, hunger can be a life sentence. long-term malnutrition causes devastating and irreversible damage to children s bodies and brains, permanently stunting their growth and meaning they do less well in school and later life. And when children are consistently getting too little to eat, they re far less able to cope when things reach crisis point, as they have across Africa. Right now, extreme hunger has gripped the entire width of the continent from Senegal on the west coast to Somalia on the east. More than a million children there face starvation. This devastating crisis is yet another indication that the international response system isn t working. Too often help comes too little, too late, and children pay the price with their lives.
  • #15: Now, a deadly combination of climate change, rising food prices and the global economic crisis means the number of children across the world going hungry is actually on the rise. a life sentence of hunger Malnutrition is the hidden cause of over 2.6 million child deaths every year; every hour of every day 300 children die because they can t get the food they need. children are left so weakened by relentless hunger that their starved bodies can t fight off illnesses like diarrhoea or pneumonia. You won t see it on their death certificates, but malnutrition is the biggest underlying cause of children dying globally. For those who survive, hunger can be a life sentence. long-term malnutrition causes devastating and irreversible damage to children s bodies and brains, permanently stunting their growth and meaning they do less well in school and later life. And when children are consistently getting too little to eat, they re far less able to cope when things reach crisis point, as they have across Africa. Right now, extreme hunger has gripped the entire width of the continent from Senegal on the west coast to Somalia on the east. More than a million children there face starvation. This devastating crisis is yet another indication that the international response system isn t working. Too often help comes too little, too late, and children pay the price with their lives.