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Remember that Josuha
  brought the people of
  Israel across the river
  Jordan into the promise
  land.                         Remember in the time of
Remember then and                the Pharohs in the land of
  remember now Bondage          Egypt that the Hebrews
  in the 21st Century has been   were enslaved and in
  imposed upon the citizens      bondage for 400 years.
  of our land of freedom.        Remember that a deliverer
  Privileges are being denied    was promised by He who
  through legal proceedings.     had no name and he
  Benefits are being taken       chose Moses to lead the
  away from the poor and         people from bondage to
  going (who knows where).       the land of promise.
Where do the people               ADDRESS THESE IN-
  in need turn?                   JUSTICES!
                                 JOIN THE MOVEMENT TO
 Am I My Brothers              FIGHT FOR RIGHT!
  Keeper and if so what will    JOIN WITH ALL WHO ARE
  you do to make conditions       BEING OPPRESSED AND
  change whereby there is         DENIED!
  Justice for Human Rights,
                                 JOIN NOW TO REMOVE
  Civil Rights, and just
                                  YOURSELF FROM THE
  Common Decency among
                                  BONDAGE YOU ARE
  the people of our society.
 The peoples education is
  in jeopardy. The peoples
  economic right to pursue
  happiness is being
  encroached upon.
Where is the help Governor Corbett
                        promised GA recipients?
70,000 Pennsylvanians have had their only source of income taken by a
State Budget that cut social services, eliminated General Assistance and
 gave every legislator a pay raise while cutting taxes for corporations!
        Come to the Governors Philadelphia Office to demand:

General Assistance for all who need it!
        Broad and Walnut Sts
     September 13th, 11:00 am
    Governor Corbetts staff promised the hundreds of people who
     tried to meet with him in July that the Governor would let us
    know what other programs are available. He still hasnt told us
             where we can find help. Come with us and ask:
               Governor where is the help you offered?
               For more info: Lance.Haver@Yahoo.com

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Bondage anti bondage

  • 1. Remember that Josuha brought the people of Israel across the river Jordan into the promise land. Remember in the time of Remember then and the Pharohs in the land of remember now Bondage Egypt that the Hebrews in the 21st Century has been were enslaved and in imposed upon the citizens bondage for 400 years. of our land of freedom. Remember that a deliverer Privileges are being denied was promised by He who through legal proceedings. had no name and he Benefits are being taken chose Moses to lead the away from the poor and people from bondage to going (who knows where). the land of promise.
  • 2. JOIN THE MOVEMENT TO Where do the people ADDRESS THESE IN- in need turn? JUSTICES! JOIN THE MOVEMENT TO Am I My Brothers FIGHT FOR RIGHT! Keeper and if so what will JOIN WITH ALL WHO ARE you do to make conditions BEING OPPRESSED AND change whereby there is DENIED! Justice for Human Rights, JOIN NOW TO REMOVE Civil Rights, and just YOURSELF FROM THE Common Decency among BONDAGE YOU ARE the people of our society. FACING!!! The peoples education is in jeopardy. The peoples economic right to pursue happiness is being encroached upon.
  • 3. Where is the help Governor Corbett promised GA recipients? 70,000 Pennsylvanians have had their only source of income taken by a State Budget that cut social services, eliminated General Assistance and gave every legislator a pay raise while cutting taxes for corporations! Come to the Governors Philadelphia Office to demand: General Assistance for all who need it! Broad and Walnut Sts September 13th, 11:00 am Governor Corbetts staff promised the hundreds of people who tried to meet with him in July that the Governor would let us know what other programs are available. He still hasnt told us where we can find help. Come with us and ask: Governor where is the help you offered? For more info: Lance.Haver@Yahoo.com