Join thousands who demand answers from Governor Corbett. Where is the Money for General Assistance going? Why are you denying people in need of General Assistance?
France has several mountain ranges suitable for skiing, including the Alps and Pyrenees. Some popular French ski resorts are located in villages like Megeve that developed for skiing, while others like Avoriaz were purpose-built for skiing. The top 10 most popular resorts include La Plagne, Les Arcs, and Courchevel. Ski lifts include chair lifts, drag lifts, cable cars, funicular railways, and bubble lifts. The French Alps tourism industry employs around 50,000 people and Britain is an important market for visitors to French ski resorts.
This document provides an overview of how businesses can use Twitter effectively. It defines Twitter as "small bursts of information called Tweets" and notes that there are over 200 million registered Twitter users, with 450,000 new accounts daily. The document discusses why Twitter is different than Facebook in that users do not need to follow you to see Tweets, Tweets are limited to 140 characters, and Tweets are spidered by search engines quickly. It provides tips on profile design, how often and when to Tweet, what to Tweet, and tools like Hootsuite and Tweetdeck to schedule and monitor Tweets. The conclusion is that social media is not a fad and Twitter can be a valuable platform if used regularly and strategically
How is the ski industry optimising for mobile?Iain Martin
Presentation delivered at Brighton Social Media, July 2014 meet up.
Looking at mobile take up and the need for optimisation, looking specifically at UK ski tour operators.
This document discusses trends in mobile internet usage, tablets, and social media that businesses need to consider for future strategies. It notes that mobile internet traffic is increasing 100% per year, 72% of mobiles will be smartphones by 2016, and average mobile connection speeds will increase ninefold by 2016. Tablet ownership is growing rapidly and tablets are already used more than PCs in the evening. Facebook is the most visited website worldwide and accounts for 1 in 5 internet page views. The document advocates that businesses develop social media strategies to engage with customers.
The document discusses strategies for optimizing Adwords campaigns for mobile users. It notes that organic search results are lower on mobile and fewer clicks go to the top organic results. As a result, Adwords is important for mobile to get quality traffic. The tips provided include targeting users by intent, optimizing sites for mobile, adjusting bids and conversion windows for mobile, and using ad extensions tailored specifically for mobile like call extensions. The overall message is that the mobile experience is different than desktop so mobile Adwords campaigns need custom optimization.
Dr Simon Duffy gave this talk in September 2018 to the National Social Care Conference in Cardiff. He argues that our concept of citizenship is confused, but the potential for creating communities of citizenship is enormous.
Unit 6 section 1 lesson 2 johnsons great societyMrsSmithGHS
The document outlines President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs in the 1960s which aimed to end poverty and racial injustice. It discusses how Johnson passed landmark civil rights legislation, initiated the War on Poverty through job training and education programs, and created Medicare and Medicaid to provide healthcare. The Great Society worked to improve many areas of American life, but faced challenges in fully achieving its goals of opportunity for all.
Letter Writing Handwritten Language Grammar EnCasey Rodriguez
1. The document discusses the steps to request writing assistance from, including creating an account, completing an order form, and reviewing writer bids before choosing a writer and placing a deposit.
2. After receiving a completed paper, the customer can review it and authorize final payment if pleased, or request revisions. offers free revisions and refunds work found to be plagiarized.
3. The process involves customers creating an account, submitting a request form with instructions and deadline, and choosing a writer from bids to start an assignment with an initial deposit. Customers can then review, request revisions, and authorize final payment.
The document discusses the history of how disability has been defined and addressed in government policy and law. It notes that over time, different definitions of disability have been used, which impacts the policies bureaucracies implement. Examining the history of disability through historical, medical, and bureaucratic contexts shows how far the disabilities movement has come within law and where it is heading. The beginnings of encoding disability into law started with the Civil War draft, which established a standard of normalcy that excluded many.
The slideshow used by Ben Hart & Marilyn de Guehery at the Love146 Collective Shout Conference on 11/13/10 for the breakout session "Communicating Abolition."
We constantly hear feedback that the way Love146 communicates the issue of child sex slavey & exploitation is something that sets us apart. This slideshow was a backdrop to a discussion about the lessons that we on the Love146 communications team have learned from being organizers of the movement for Abolition & Love.
abahlali continue to grow, occupy and hold landoskare10
The Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA held a successful UnFreedom Day rally in Durban to protest the lack of freedom for impoverished South Africans despite the end of apartheid. At the rally, the Abahlali president announced that the movement's membership has grown to 50,000, with women comprising 60% of members. He also announced the movement's stance that land reform needs to focus on providing land for housing the homeless and impoverished, not just for commercial use, and that occupied urban land should be transferred to residents.
揃 A Dream Deferred (LS)While watching the video, A Dream Deferre.docxgerardkortney
揃 A Dream Deferred (LS)
While watching the video, A Dream Deferred, it focused on the African American struggle and how majority of the labor was forced onto one race.油 While sharecropping, the African Americans were able to remain together without the risk of possibly being separated from their children.油 Although this was not truly a sense of freedom, they valued the fact that they were able to stay together.油 Jim Crow Laws were affirmed leaving long term implications and causing more damage and separation with the African Americans and Caucasians.油 During this time, African American voters stopped voting due to be intimidated and mocked for their illiteracy.油
Even worse, during this time lynching was a huge occurrence.油 Before the Civil War, lynching didnt occur as often due to there being slaves and they were considered as property, whereas afterwards the property no longer had value.油 The thought of losing their lives was a never-ending thought that worried them.油 There were places that African Americans knew they couldnt go to prevent them from being beaten or even sent to jail.
The African Americans began to create their own south.油 Although they didnt accomplish all that they wanted to, they did make huge strides.油 W. E. B. DuBois was a brilliant man that spoke loudly and profoundly seeking for fairness amongst the laws pertaining to blacks and whites.油 He was an advocate about black kids being educated.油 This was not just fair, or important, it was ethically the right thing to do.
When I reviewed this video and reflected over the contents, I cant help but wonder with all the strides taken and all the changes that have occurred, how do we still seem to be so far behind?油 I have been faced with being ostracized due to my race and even today there has been a few times where one of my children has been called a racial hateful term.油 Change is not just a fad, it is necessary and must be positive.油 I understand that not everyone sees a problem with the history of our country and how it was in the past vs. how it is now.油 However, there is still work to be done.油 The fact that I am a police officer now speaks volumes about the changes that have taken place and I am grateful for that.油 No race should ever be ostracized or made to feel less than due to the color of their skin.油 What additional steps do you think can be taken to continue to work on mending the racial divide and gaps in our county?
揃 EE
After the world of war ended, in America a new era came. They called it the roaring-20's .That era introduce ford cars and油radios. People were searching for more reckless and pleasurable油lifestyles. The roaring era had a great motivation to make new inventions. Ford learn how to sell cars in a cheaper油price and make more more cars for less money. People were buying a lot油of cars because new technology made it possible and people were getting paid very well.. Radio was one of the most popular inventions in the 20's. At first the radio had .
揃 A Dream Deferred (LS)While watching the video, A Dream Deferre.docxodiliagilby
揃 A Dream Deferred (LS)
While watching the video, A Dream Deferred, it focused on the African American struggle and how majority of the labor was forced onto one race.油 While sharecropping, the African Americans were able to remain together without the risk of possibly being separated from their children.油 Although this was not truly a sense of freedom, they valued the fact that they were able to stay together.油 Jim Crow Laws were affirmed leaving long term implications and causing more damage and separation with the African Americans and Caucasians.油 During this time, African American voters stopped voting due to be intimidated and mocked for their illiteracy.油
Even worse, during this time lynching was a huge occurrence.油 Before the Civil War, lynching didnt occur as often due to there being slaves and they were considered as property, whereas afterwards the property no longer had value.油 The thought of losing their lives was a never-ending thought that worried them.油 There were places that African Americans knew they couldnt go to prevent them from being beaten or even sent to jail.
The African Americans began to create their own south.油 Although they didnt accomplish all that they wanted to, they did make huge strides.油 W. E. B. DuBois was a brilliant man that spoke loudly and profoundly seeking for fairness amongst the laws pertaining to blacks and whites.油 He was an advocate about black kids being educated.油 This was not just fair, or important, it was ethically the right thing to do.
When I reviewed this video and reflected over the contents, I cant help but wonder with all the strides taken and all the changes that have occurred, how do we still seem to be so far behind?油 I have been faced with being ostracized due to my race and even today there has been a few times where one of my children has been called a racial hateful term.油 Change is not just a fad, it is necessary and must be positive.油 I understand that not everyone sees a problem with the history of our country and how it was in the past vs. how it is now.油 However, there is still work to be done.油 The fact that I am a police officer now speaks volumes about the changes that have taken place and I am grateful for that.油 No race should ever be ostracized or made to feel less than due to the color of their skin.油 What additional steps do you think can be taken to continue to work on mending the racial divide and gaps in our county?
揃 EE
After the world of war ended, in America a new era came. They called it the roaring-20's .That era introduce ford cars and油radios. People were searching for more reckless and pleasurable油lifestyles. The roaring era had a great motivation to make new inventions. Ford learn how to sell cars in a cheaper油price and make more more cars for less money. People were buying a lot油of cars because new technology made it possible and people were getting paid very well.. Radio was one of the most popular inventions in the 20's. At first the radio had ...
The document discusses the history and goals of treaties between Indigenous peoples and colonial governments in what is now Canada. It outlines some of the common features and understandings of treaties from both Indigenous and government perspectives, including promises of ongoing hunting and fishing rights, reserve lands, and support for transitioning to a new economy. The document also shares differing understandings of the spirit and intent of treaties between Indigenous oral histories and colonial records. Overall, it provides context on the ongoing impacts and interpretations of the treaty relationships in Canada.
The Indian Act established the federal government's authority over Indigenous peoples in Canada. It defined who was and was not an "Indian" and allowed officials to determine Indigenous identity and membership. The Act undermined traditional Indigenous governance and aimed to assimilate Indigenous people by imposing the government's control over their lands, finances, membership, and culture. It defined Indian status in a way that excluded many Indigenous women and their descendants from their communities. Many of the Act's discriminatory and assimilationist policies remain in effect today, making it a key tool in the ongoing legacy of colonialism in Canada.
The document summarizes Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence. It provides context about Jefferson as the author, including that he was well educated and served in Virginia politics. It describes the major events happening at the time, like Common Sense being published and colonies authorizing independence. The intended audience was those wanting independence from England. The main points of the Declaration asserted that all men are created equal, have rights to life, liberty and happiness, and that governments derive power from consent, allowing revolution against tyranny like that of King George.
College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay ExaJennifer Baker
Ciccone has identified a wide range of medications that can treat rheumatoid arthritis, from NSAIDs to corticosteroids and DMARDs. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects not only the joints but also other body systems like the lungs, heart, and skin. The case study discusses selecting appropriate medications from the options presented to treat the underlying disease process and reduce symptoms for a patient diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.
The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests to the website It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with email and password; 2) Complete a form with assignment details and attach samples; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarism.
An Unresolved Struggle for Reparations, Redress & Restitution in South Africa Khulumani Support Group
This document summarizes perspectives on reparations and redress for racial injustices in South Africa. It discusses the views of thinkers like Bryan Stevenson, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Hillary Beckles who argue that countries must address the lasting impacts of policies like slavery, segregation, and colonialism. It notes that resistance to reparations in South Africa reflects a failure to understand how these historical actions have harmed people and that reckoning with moral debts is needed for true peace and healing. The document advocates for a 10-point plan of reparatory justice, including apologies, cultural programs, and debt cancellation to address inequalities and move towards repairing damage from the past.
This document provides biographical information about Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, and historical context surrounding its writing and adoption in 1776. It outlines Jefferson's background and viewpoints, the intended international audience, and key points made in the Declaration including that all men are created equal, have natural rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and have the right to overthrow tyrannical governments that abuse their power. The Declaration marked the first step toward creating a new independent American nation.
urban shack settlements as a site of struggleoskare10
S'bu Zikode gave a talk at Harvard University about the struggle of urban shack settlements in South Africa. He discussed how the Abahlali baseMjondolo movement organizes poor, black South Africans living in shack settlements to fight for their right to adequate housing and participation in city planning. They do this through direct actions like land occupations and road blockades, despite facing severe and violent repression from the state, including police killings and assassinations of movement leaders. Zikode emphasized that through self-organization and mobilization, the movement has grown to over 50,000 members across five provinces and continues to advance their agenda for urban land reform and inclusive democracy.
1. The document discusses the current state of the US economy and leadership role in the world. It notes that the US share of global GDP is declining and other nations are growing faster than the US.
2. It argues politicians and media focus on minor issues rather than strategies for economic growth, market share gains, and maintaining US leadership. Reporting should emphasize growth, competition, and corrective actions.
3. The solution proposed is to empower businesses, enact tax reform, limit the size of government, increase immigration based on business needs, fund the military, and provide limited social services while transforming other programs to investment funds. This would allow individuals freedom and economic independence.
1. The document provides steps for requesting writing assistance from, including creating an account, completing an order form, and reviewing writer bids before choosing a writer and placing a deposit.
2. After receiving a completed paper, the customer can request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and offers refunds for plagiarized work.
3. Choosing provides confidence that needs will be fully met through original, high-quality content and the option for multiple revisions.
This document outlines a 3-step process for growing a bird of paradise plant: 1) Prepare the soil by making it well-draining and adding compost or fertilizer. 2) Plant the rhizome or seeds and provide plenty of sunlight and warm temperatures. 3) Water regularly and prune as needed to encourage new growth. The bird of paradise is an exotic flower known for its bright blooms but requires specific care to thrive in a garden.
The passage discusses the changing demographics and lifestyles in the United States during the 1920s as more Americans migrated to cities. It notes that by 1920 over half of Americans lived in urban areas for the first time, with many moving to cities to enjoy higher standards of living. Life in cities was fast-paced and offered amenities like entertainment, but also brought challenges like impersonal relationships among strangers. The passage also briefly outlines life in rural areas and the rise of organized crime during Prohibition as gangsters like Al Capone profited greatly from illegally supplying alcohol.
Freedom Economics... The Solution to Empowering a Great Human SocietyBrian Sear
A simplified presentation describing "Why we are here" and What makes the World Work". The essence of a purpose driven life derived from my book released electronically in 2012 called "Compete and Empower". To get a copy on your iPad, Kindle or Nook go to
Cyril Ramaphosa Human Rights Day Speech 2019SABC News
1) President Cyril Ramaphosa gave the keynote address at the National Human Rights Day celebrations in Sharpeville, where the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre took place.
2) He emphasized that recognizing and promoting indigenous languages is important for affirming human dignity and cultural identity. Efforts are underway to preserve endangered languages in South Africa.
3) While human rights were violated in the past under apartheid, South Africa has made progress in advancing rights for all citizens since the end of apartheid through its constitution and policies. However, more work remains to address inequality.
Harmonious volunteer center orientation presentation 2014Irvin Shannon
Sharing success though joint ventures producing economic advantages to under-served communities. "Shoe Drive Campaign to raise one million pair of shoes in each State.
Bargains, Bartering, Exchanges, Trading
Equal Dollars Membership allows you to do business with more than 2,700 current members and doing business together allows the members to keep money in their community and produce money value with savings.
The document discusses the history of how disability has been defined and addressed in government policy and law. It notes that over time, different definitions of disability have been used, which impacts the policies bureaucracies implement. Examining the history of disability through historical, medical, and bureaucratic contexts shows how far the disabilities movement has come within law and where it is heading. The beginnings of encoding disability into law started with the Civil War draft, which established a standard of normalcy that excluded many.
The slideshow used by Ben Hart & Marilyn de Guehery at the Love146 Collective Shout Conference on 11/13/10 for the breakout session "Communicating Abolition."
We constantly hear feedback that the way Love146 communicates the issue of child sex slavey & exploitation is something that sets us apart. This slideshow was a backdrop to a discussion about the lessons that we on the Love146 communications team have learned from being organizers of the movement for Abolition & Love.
abahlali continue to grow, occupy and hold landoskare10
The Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA held a successful UnFreedom Day rally in Durban to protest the lack of freedom for impoverished South Africans despite the end of apartheid. At the rally, the Abahlali president announced that the movement's membership has grown to 50,000, with women comprising 60% of members. He also announced the movement's stance that land reform needs to focus on providing land for housing the homeless and impoverished, not just for commercial use, and that occupied urban land should be transferred to residents.
揃 A Dream Deferred (LS)While watching the video, A Dream Deferre.docxgerardkortney
揃 A Dream Deferred (LS)
While watching the video, A Dream Deferred, it focused on the African American struggle and how majority of the labor was forced onto one race.油 While sharecropping, the African Americans were able to remain together without the risk of possibly being separated from their children.油 Although this was not truly a sense of freedom, they valued the fact that they were able to stay together.油 Jim Crow Laws were affirmed leaving long term implications and causing more damage and separation with the African Americans and Caucasians.油 During this time, African American voters stopped voting due to be intimidated and mocked for their illiteracy.油
Even worse, during this time lynching was a huge occurrence.油 Before the Civil War, lynching didnt occur as often due to there being slaves and they were considered as property, whereas afterwards the property no longer had value.油 The thought of losing their lives was a never-ending thought that worried them.油 There were places that African Americans knew they couldnt go to prevent them from being beaten or even sent to jail.
The African Americans began to create their own south.油 Although they didnt accomplish all that they wanted to, they did make huge strides.油 W. E. B. DuBois was a brilliant man that spoke loudly and profoundly seeking for fairness amongst the laws pertaining to blacks and whites.油 He was an advocate about black kids being educated.油 This was not just fair, or important, it was ethically the right thing to do.
When I reviewed this video and reflected over the contents, I cant help but wonder with all the strides taken and all the changes that have occurred, how do we still seem to be so far behind?油 I have been faced with being ostracized due to my race and even today there has been a few times where one of my children has been called a racial hateful term.油 Change is not just a fad, it is necessary and must be positive.油 I understand that not everyone sees a problem with the history of our country and how it was in the past vs. how it is now.油 However, there is still work to be done.油 The fact that I am a police officer now speaks volumes about the changes that have taken place and I am grateful for that.油 No race should ever be ostracized or made to feel less than due to the color of their skin.油 What additional steps do you think can be taken to continue to work on mending the racial divide and gaps in our county?
揃 EE
After the world of war ended, in America a new era came. They called it the roaring-20's .That era introduce ford cars and油radios. People were searching for more reckless and pleasurable油lifestyles. The roaring era had a great motivation to make new inventions. Ford learn how to sell cars in a cheaper油price and make more more cars for less money. People were buying a lot油of cars because new technology made it possible and people were getting paid very well.. Radio was one of the most popular inventions in the 20's. At first the radio had .
揃 A Dream Deferred (LS)While watching the video, A Dream Deferre.docxodiliagilby
揃 A Dream Deferred (LS)
While watching the video, A Dream Deferred, it focused on the African American struggle and how majority of the labor was forced onto one race.油 While sharecropping, the African Americans were able to remain together without the risk of possibly being separated from their children.油 Although this was not truly a sense of freedom, they valued the fact that they were able to stay together.油 Jim Crow Laws were affirmed leaving long term implications and causing more damage and separation with the African Americans and Caucasians.油 During this time, African American voters stopped voting due to be intimidated and mocked for their illiteracy.油
Even worse, during this time lynching was a huge occurrence.油 Before the Civil War, lynching didnt occur as often due to there being slaves and they were considered as property, whereas afterwards the property no longer had value.油 The thought of losing their lives was a never-ending thought that worried them.油 There were places that African Americans knew they couldnt go to prevent them from being beaten or even sent to jail.
The African Americans began to create their own south.油 Although they didnt accomplish all that they wanted to, they did make huge strides.油 W. E. B. DuBois was a brilliant man that spoke loudly and profoundly seeking for fairness amongst the laws pertaining to blacks and whites.油 He was an advocate about black kids being educated.油 This was not just fair, or important, it was ethically the right thing to do.
When I reviewed this video and reflected over the contents, I cant help but wonder with all the strides taken and all the changes that have occurred, how do we still seem to be so far behind?油 I have been faced with being ostracized due to my race and even today there has been a few times where one of my children has been called a racial hateful term.油 Change is not just a fad, it is necessary and must be positive.油 I understand that not everyone sees a problem with the history of our country and how it was in the past vs. how it is now.油 However, there is still work to be done.油 The fact that I am a police officer now speaks volumes about the changes that have taken place and I am grateful for that.油 No race should ever be ostracized or made to feel less than due to the color of their skin.油 What additional steps do you think can be taken to continue to work on mending the racial divide and gaps in our county?
揃 EE
After the world of war ended, in America a new era came. They called it the roaring-20's .That era introduce ford cars and油radios. People were searching for more reckless and pleasurable油lifestyles. The roaring era had a great motivation to make new inventions. Ford learn how to sell cars in a cheaper油price and make more more cars for less money. People were buying a lot油of cars because new technology made it possible and people were getting paid very well.. Radio was one of the most popular inventions in the 20's. At first the radio had ...
The document discusses the history and goals of treaties between Indigenous peoples and colonial governments in what is now Canada. It outlines some of the common features and understandings of treaties from both Indigenous and government perspectives, including promises of ongoing hunting and fishing rights, reserve lands, and support for transitioning to a new economy. The document also shares differing understandings of the spirit and intent of treaties between Indigenous oral histories and colonial records. Overall, it provides context on the ongoing impacts and interpretations of the treaty relationships in Canada.
The Indian Act established the federal government's authority over Indigenous peoples in Canada. It defined who was and was not an "Indian" and allowed officials to determine Indigenous identity and membership. The Act undermined traditional Indigenous governance and aimed to assimilate Indigenous people by imposing the government's control over their lands, finances, membership, and culture. It defined Indian status in a way that excluded many Indigenous women and their descendants from their communities. Many of the Act's discriminatory and assimilationist policies remain in effect today, making it a key tool in the ongoing legacy of colonialism in Canada.
The document summarizes Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence. It provides context about Jefferson as the author, including that he was well educated and served in Virginia politics. It describes the major events happening at the time, like Common Sense being published and colonies authorizing independence. The intended audience was those wanting independence from England. The main points of the Declaration asserted that all men are created equal, have rights to life, liberty and happiness, and that governments derive power from consent, allowing revolution against tyranny like that of King George.
College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay ExaJennifer Baker
Ciccone has identified a wide range of medications that can treat rheumatoid arthritis, from NSAIDs to corticosteroids and DMARDs. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects not only the joints but also other body systems like the lungs, heart, and skin. The case study discusses selecting appropriate medications from the options presented to treat the underlying disease process and reduce symptoms for a patient diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.
The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests to the website It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with email and password; 2) Complete a form with assignment details and attach samples; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarism.
An Unresolved Struggle for Reparations, Redress & Restitution in South Africa Khulumani Support Group
This document summarizes perspectives on reparations and redress for racial injustices in South Africa. It discusses the views of thinkers like Bryan Stevenson, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Hillary Beckles who argue that countries must address the lasting impacts of policies like slavery, segregation, and colonialism. It notes that resistance to reparations in South Africa reflects a failure to understand how these historical actions have harmed people and that reckoning with moral debts is needed for true peace and healing. The document advocates for a 10-point plan of reparatory justice, including apologies, cultural programs, and debt cancellation to address inequalities and move towards repairing damage from the past.
This document provides biographical information about Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, and historical context surrounding its writing and adoption in 1776. It outlines Jefferson's background and viewpoints, the intended international audience, and key points made in the Declaration including that all men are created equal, have natural rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and have the right to overthrow tyrannical governments that abuse their power. The Declaration marked the first step toward creating a new independent American nation.
urban shack settlements as a site of struggleoskare10
S'bu Zikode gave a talk at Harvard University about the struggle of urban shack settlements in South Africa. He discussed how the Abahlali baseMjondolo movement organizes poor, black South Africans living in shack settlements to fight for their right to adequate housing and participation in city planning. They do this through direct actions like land occupations and road blockades, despite facing severe and violent repression from the state, including police killings and assassinations of movement leaders. Zikode emphasized that through self-organization and mobilization, the movement has grown to over 50,000 members across five provinces and continues to advance their agenda for urban land reform and inclusive democracy.
1. The document discusses the current state of the US economy and leadership role in the world. It notes that the US share of global GDP is declining and other nations are growing faster than the US.
2. It argues politicians and media focus on minor issues rather than strategies for economic growth, market share gains, and maintaining US leadership. Reporting should emphasize growth, competition, and corrective actions.
3. The solution proposed is to empower businesses, enact tax reform, limit the size of government, increase immigration based on business needs, fund the military, and provide limited social services while transforming other programs to investment funds. This would allow individuals freedom and economic independence.
1. The document provides steps for requesting writing assistance from, including creating an account, completing an order form, and reviewing writer bids before choosing a writer and placing a deposit.
2. After receiving a completed paper, the customer can request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and offers refunds for plagiarized work.
3. Choosing provides confidence that needs will be fully met through original, high-quality content and the option for multiple revisions.
This document outlines a 3-step process for growing a bird of paradise plant: 1) Prepare the soil by making it well-draining and adding compost or fertilizer. 2) Plant the rhizome or seeds and provide plenty of sunlight and warm temperatures. 3) Water regularly and prune as needed to encourage new growth. The bird of paradise is an exotic flower known for its bright blooms but requires specific care to thrive in a garden.
The passage discusses the changing demographics and lifestyles in the United States during the 1920s as more Americans migrated to cities. It notes that by 1920 over half of Americans lived in urban areas for the first time, with many moving to cities to enjoy higher standards of living. Life in cities was fast-paced and offered amenities like entertainment, but also brought challenges like impersonal relationships among strangers. The passage also briefly outlines life in rural areas and the rise of organized crime during Prohibition as gangsters like Al Capone profited greatly from illegally supplying alcohol.
Freedom Economics... The Solution to Empowering a Great Human SocietyBrian Sear
A simplified presentation describing "Why we are here" and What makes the World Work". The essence of a purpose driven life derived from my book released electronically in 2012 called "Compete and Empower". To get a copy on your iPad, Kindle or Nook go to
Cyril Ramaphosa Human Rights Day Speech 2019SABC News
1) President Cyril Ramaphosa gave the keynote address at the National Human Rights Day celebrations in Sharpeville, where the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre took place.
2) He emphasized that recognizing and promoting indigenous languages is important for affirming human dignity and cultural identity. Efforts are underway to preserve endangered languages in South Africa.
3) While human rights were violated in the past under apartheid, South Africa has made progress in advancing rights for all citizens since the end of apartheid through its constitution and policies. However, more work remains to address inequality.
Harmonious volunteer center orientation presentation 2014Irvin Shannon
Sharing success though joint ventures producing economic advantages to under-served communities. "Shoe Drive Campaign to raise one million pair of shoes in each State.
Bargains, Bartering, Exchanges, Trading
Equal Dollars Membership allows you to do business with more than 2,700 current members and doing business together allows the members to keep money in their community and produce money value with savings.
Public service announcement April computer event 04/27/13Irvin Shannon
The Harmonious Volunteer Center will hold a computer donation and collection event on April 27th at the United Methodist Church of the Redeemer in Philadelphia. The event will accept working and non-working computers, printers, scanners, and other electronics from 10am to 2pm. Donations are tax deductible and will be recycled by Magnum Computer Recyclers in accordance with EPA standards.
Hvc takes a lead for computer recyclingIrvin Shannon
The Harmonious Volunteer Center has partnered with a certified electronics recycler to expand its recycling program throughout Pennsylvania. The Executive Director, Irvin Shannon, announced that with this partnership they will be able to accommodate all 67 counties in the state. They will recruit 200 additional volunteers to provide education on computer and electronics recycling. This initiative aims to create over 400 jobs through volunteer training and internships. Donating electronics provides environmental, economic and social benefits while qualifying for tax deductions. Their goal is to collect 2 million pounds of equipment in 2013 to be reused or recycled responsibly.
The Harmonious Volunteer Center is opening 402 jobs in Pennsylvania to establish computer and electronics donation collection centers. They are accepting applications immediately for various part-time and full-time positions such as data entry specialists, material handlers, facility managers, truck drivers, and public relations representatives earning between $10,400 to $20,800 annually. Applicants will undergo a 90 day training period and must be at least 18 years old.
The Harmonious Volunteer Center has developed a technology collection plan to comply with Pennsylvania law HB708. The plan involves collecting, refurbishing, and reusing donated computer and electronic equipment to close the digital divide. The center will partner with certified recyclers and nonprofits to provide collection sites and pickup services for consumers and corporations. Through vocational programs, the center aims to create over 200 jobs in material handling, transportation, administration, education, and recycling.
Rebuilding a village hvc prespective 2013Irvin Shannon
Our business is "to provide community service; volunteer training systems; and assistance to community based organizations". We are helping others... Join with us... connect today!!!
The document discusses using $1,350,000 to create jobs for those needing general assistance through a volunteer center club, in order to help the local economy and underserved neighborhoods. The executive director of the Harmonious Volunteer Center invites contact via email to discuss details and join the effort as one solution to civic concerns.
One million three hundred fifty dollarsIrvin Shannon
This document discusses how $1,350,000 could help the local economy if used to create jobs for those needing general assistance or to assist community-based organizations providing services. It invites the reader to join a club that would produce and provide this funding to help the local economy and underserved neighborhoods. Contact details are provided for Irvin Shannon, executive director of the Harmonious Volunteer Center, to discuss details and how this funding could create jobs for 322 individuals.
One million three hundred fifty dollarsIrvin Shannon
This document discusses how $1,350,000 could help the local economy if used to create jobs for those needing general assistance or to assist community-based organizations providing services. It invites the reader to join a club that would produce and provide this funding to help the local economy and underserved neighborhoods. Contact details are provided for Irvin Shannon, executive director of the Harmonious Volunteer Center, to discuss details and how this funding could create jobs for 322 individuals.
One million three hundred fifty dollarsIrvin Shannon
This document discusses how $1,350,000 could help the local economy if used to create jobs for those needing general assistance or to assist community-based organizations providing services. It invites the reader to join a club that would produce and provide this funding to help the local economy and underserved neighborhoods. Contact details are provided for Irvin Shannon, executive director of the Harmonious Volunteer Center, to discuss details and how this solution could help address civic concerns. The document also notes that $1,350,000 could create employment for 322 individuals in full, part, or flex time positions requiring various skill levels.
Elimination of GENERAL ASSISTANCE (HR BILL 1261) has been delayed until August 1stWe have petitions being circulated immediately requesting that this bill be rescinded and repealed.Go to This will take you right to the site to sign on line.Send this request to everyone you know IMMEDIATELY!!! We have no time to waste concerning this issue.
The Harmonious Volunteer Center, a 501c3 nonprofit, is holding a fundraiser at the Grand Marketplace to build community centers, create jobs, and provide low-cost used merchandise. The fundraiser will take place on Saturdays and Sundays from 12-6pm at booth #513. Free mini van transportation is available for HVC Bus Club members from Chalmers Park. Donations are tax deductible and receipts will be provided for tax purposes.
The Harmonious Volunteer Center aims to provide education and training programs to help empower individuals and address issues in society such as homelessness, poverty, and behavioral health problems. The Center plans to establish facilities to offer self-development courses on flexible schedules. Its responsibilities include implementing programming, recruiting students and instructors. The Center has resources like multiple locations, qualified staff, and daily capacity for 400 people, with a goal of helping those in need through groups such as high school dropouts, those on welfare or unemployed, ex-offenders, and individuals recovering from substance abuse or with literacy problems.
The Harmonious Volunteer Center enrolled 40 people in their job training program in January, providing skills development in areas like reading, writing, computers, and landscaping, and over two-thirds of participants have found employment or promotions in fields such as medical, retail, and administrative work as a result of the program. The document highlights some individual success stories and outlines additional services the center provides to help people prepare for and find jobs.
The document thanks the recipient for supporting the work of the Harmonious Volunteer Center in whatever way possible. It is signed by Irvin B. Shannon, who identifies himself as the Executive Director of the Harmonious Volunteer Center and provides the organization's website.
The document provides information about volunteering and community resources, including a website for the Harmonious Volunteer Center with contact information for the executive director, joining their bus club to explore volunteer opportunities, calling 311 for non-emergency neighborhood issues, and a techmobile visiting Chalmers Park on the first Friday of each month starting in June.
1. Remember that Josuha
brought the people of
Israel across the river
Jordan into the promise
land. Remember in the time of
Remember then and the Pharohs in the land of
remember now Bondage Egypt that the Hebrews
in the 21st Century has been were enslaved and in
imposed upon the citizens bondage for 400 years.
of our land of freedom. Remember that a deliverer
Privileges are being denied was promised by He who
through legal proceedings. had no name and he
Benefits are being taken chose Moses to lead the
away from the poor and people from bondage to
going (who knows where). the land of promise.
Where do the people ADDRESS THESE IN-
in need turn? JUSTICES!
Keeper and if so what will JOIN WITH ALL WHO ARE
you do to make conditions BEING OPPRESSED AND
change whereby there is DENIED!
Justice for Human Rights,
Civil Rights, and just
Common Decency among
the people of our society.
The peoples education is
in jeopardy. The peoples
economic right to pursue
happiness is being
encroached upon.
3. Where is the help Governor Corbett
promised GA recipients?
70,000 Pennsylvanians have had their only source of income taken by a
State Budget that cut social services, eliminated General Assistance and
gave every legislator a pay raise while cutting taxes for corporations!
Come to the Governors Philadelphia Office to demand:
General Assistance for all who need it!
Broad and Walnut Sts
September 13th, 11:00 am
Governor Corbetts staff promised the hundreds of people who
tried to meet with him in July that the Governor would let us
know what other programs are available. He still hasnt told us
where we can find help. Come with us and ask:
Governor where is the help you offered?
For more info: