This is how we build with NodeJS, and the development philosophies we adopted as a startup.
AtticTV is a music video website that is going to the the MTV of the Internet. Just get on and music video starts playing, no searching, no waiting.
The slide notes are in Chinese because I presented the slide at NodeJS Party Taiwan at Taipei. If you have any questions, feel free to buzz me at @conancat on Twitter!
This is how we build with NodeJS, and the development philosophies we adopted as a startup.
AtticTV is a music video website that is going to the the MTV of the Internet. Just get on and music video starts playing, no searching, no waiting.
The slide notes are in Chinese because I presented the slide at NodeJS Party Taiwan at Taipei. If you have any questions, feel free to buzz me at @conancat on Twitter!
The document discusses setting up Sass and compiling Sass files into CSS. It demonstrates using Sass variables, nesting, mixins, and importing other Sass files. It also shows an example file structure for organizing Sass code into base, components, helpers, layouts, pages, themes and vendors folders.
1. The document describes the file structure and organization for a Sass-based CSS framework.
2. It outlines folders for base styles, components, helpers, layouts, pages, themes, and third-party vendors.
3. Individual files are created for specific elements or sections (e.g. buttons, navigation, header) and include comments explaining their purpose.
This document discusses Google's design guidelines and the process used to translate them into other languages. It provides an overview of the motivation, key technologies used, and some of the design principles covered in the guidelines, including material design, use of depth, animation and response to touch. The goals are to create a visual language that combines design best practices with innovative technology and to develop a unified experience across platforms. Roboto font, cards, buttons and use of color, shadow and motion are discussed. Translating the guidelines to other languages involved using Hackpad, Github and Gitbook tools.