Laporan menyediakan ringkasan kedudukan stok tahun 2011 bagi Kementerian Pendidikan. Ia menyenaraikan jumlah stok awal, pembelian, pengeluaran dan stok akhir setiap suku tahun serta menghitung kadar pusingan stok tahunan. Laporan ini disahkan oleh pegawai berkenaan.
This document provides an overview of the sections and question types found in the English UPSR Paper One exam. It is divided into 5 sections (A-E) worth 40% of the total exam marks. Section A contains word, phrase, and sentence level questions. Section B contains questions about appropriate responses to language functions. Section C focuses on grammar questions. Section D involves filling in blanks of short texts. Section E requires answering comprehension questions about one or more passages. The document provides examples and advice for successfully answering each question type.
The document contains examples of different content layouts including a title with picture layout, content layouts with lists, charts, tables, SmartArt diagrams, and a picture with caption. It demonstrates how to structure content using various visual elements like bullet points, categories, groups, steps, and a caption to effectively convey information through formatting and organization.
This document outlines a 28-hour fundamental programming summary lecture that introduces programming concepts, C fundamentals, data input/output, control statements, functions, and arrays. Students will be assessed through a practical lab, assignment, and final test worth 50%, 20%, and 30% respectively, for a total of 100% of their marks.
This document discusses linear time-invariant (LTI) systems and convolution. It begins by defining LTI systems and convolution for both continuous and discrete time. Convolution is described as a way to construct the output of a system given its impulse response. Applications in digital signal processing and image processing are mentioned. Convolution filtering plays an important role in edge detection and related image processing algorithms. The mathematical definition of discrete time convolution is provided. An example problem calculating outputs for different inputs using convolution is given at the end.
This document discusses linear time-invariant (LTI) systems and convolution. Convolution is a fundamental concept in signal processing that is used to determine the output of an LTI system given its impulse response and an input signal. The convolution of two signals is obtained by decomposing the input signal into scaled and shifted impulses, taking the scaled and shifted impulse response for each impulse, and summing them to find the overall output. Convolution amplifies or attenuates different frequency components of the input independently. It plays an important role in applications like image processing and edge detection. Examples are provided to demonstrate evaluating convolution of periodic sequences.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan langkah-langkah untuk menulis program C dan mendapatkan output, diikuti dengan contoh program C sederhana untuk menampilkan pesan sambutan dan ucapan selamat. Dokumen tersebut juga menjelaskan fungsi-fungsi dasar dalam bahasa C seperti printf, return, dan kurung kurawal {} untuk menandai blok kode.
This document outlines the assessment structure for a 3 hour practical programming course with 1 hour of theory and no final exam. Students will be assessed entirely based on in-class assessments over the course topics. The course covers introductory programming concepts like definitions of programs, programmers, and programming languages. It also discusses programming fundamentals like algorithms, pseudocode, flowcharts and the implementation process.
This document provides an overview of signals and systems. It defines key terms like signal, system, continuous and discrete time signals, analog and digital signals, periodic and aperiodic signals. It also discusses different types of signals like deterministic and probabilistic signals, energy and power signals. The document then classifies systems as linear/nonlinear, time-invariant/variant, causal/non-causal, and with/without memory. It provides examples of different signals and properties of signals like magnitude scaling, time shifting, reflection and scaling. Overall, the document introduces fundamental concepts in signals and systems.
This document provides instructions for an assignment on signals and systems. Students are asked to submit their work on Chapter 1 exercises determining whether various signals are periodic or aperiodic, and identifying the fundamental period of any periodic signals. The assignment is due next week.
Tripping and control of impulse generatorsFariza Zahari
The document discusses methods for tripping and controlling impulse generators. A simple method uses a three electrode gap in the first stage, where the central electrode is maintained at a potential between the top and bottom electrodes. Tripping is initiated by applying a pulse to a thyraton, which produces a negative pulse to trigger the three electrode gap. Modern methods instead use a trigatron, which requires a smaller voltage for operation. A trigatron consists of a high voltage sphere, earthed main sphere, and trigger electrode. Tripping is achieved by a pulse causing a spark between the trigger electrode and earthed sphere, inducing a spark across the main gap.
The document contains examples of different content layouts including a title with picture layout, content layouts with lists, charts, tables, SmartArt diagrams, and a picture with caption. It demonstrates how to structure content using various visual elements like bullet points, categories, groups, steps, and a caption to effectively convey information through formatting and organization.
This document outlines a 28-hour fundamental programming summary lecture that introduces programming concepts, C fundamentals, data input/output, control statements, functions, and arrays. Students will be assessed through a practical lab, assignment, and final test worth 50%, 20%, and 30% respectively, for a total of 100% of their marks.
This document discusses linear time-invariant (LTI) systems and convolution. It begins by defining LTI systems and convolution for both continuous and discrete time. Convolution is described as a way to construct the output of a system given its impulse response. Applications in digital signal processing and image processing are mentioned. Convolution filtering plays an important role in edge detection and related image processing algorithms. The mathematical definition of discrete time convolution is provided. An example problem calculating outputs for different inputs using convolution is given at the end.
This document discusses linear time-invariant (LTI) systems and convolution. Convolution is a fundamental concept in signal processing that is used to determine the output of an LTI system given its impulse response and an input signal. The convolution of two signals is obtained by decomposing the input signal into scaled and shifted impulses, taking the scaled and shifted impulse response for each impulse, and summing them to find the overall output. Convolution amplifies or attenuates different frequency components of the input independently. It plays an important role in applications like image processing and edge detection. Examples are provided to demonstrate evaluating convolution of periodic sequences.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan langkah-langkah untuk menulis program C dan mendapatkan output, diikuti dengan contoh program C sederhana untuk menampilkan pesan sambutan dan ucapan selamat. Dokumen tersebut juga menjelaskan fungsi-fungsi dasar dalam bahasa C seperti printf, return, dan kurung kurawal {} untuk menandai blok kode.
This document outlines the assessment structure for a 3 hour practical programming course with 1 hour of theory and no final exam. Students will be assessed entirely based on in-class assessments over the course topics. The course covers introductory programming concepts like definitions of programs, programmers, and programming languages. It also discusses programming fundamentals like algorithms, pseudocode, flowcharts and the implementation process.
This document provides an overview of signals and systems. It defines key terms like signal, system, continuous and discrete time signals, analog and digital signals, periodic and aperiodic signals. It also discusses different types of signals like deterministic and probabilistic signals, energy and power signals. The document then classifies systems as linear/nonlinear, time-invariant/variant, causal/non-causal, and with/without memory. It provides examples of different signals and properties of signals like magnitude scaling, time shifting, reflection and scaling. Overall, the document introduces fundamental concepts in signals and systems.
This document provides instructions for an assignment on signals and systems. Students are asked to submit their work on Chapter 1 exercises determining whether various signals are periodic or aperiodic, and identifying the fundamental period of any periodic signals. The assignment is due next week.
Tripping and control of impulse generatorsFariza Zahari
The document discusses methods for tripping and controlling impulse generators. A simple method uses a three electrode gap in the first stage, where the central electrode is maintained at a potential between the top and bottom electrodes. Tripping is initiated by applying a pulse to a thyraton, which produces a negative pulse to trigger the three electrode gap. Modern methods instead use a trigatron, which requires a smaller voltage for operation. A trigatron consists of a high voltage sphere, earthed main sphere, and trigger electrode. Tripping is achieved by a pulse causing a spark between the trigger electrode and earthed sphere, inducing a spark across the main gap.
Tripping and control of impulse generatorsFariza Zahari
Borang penempatan aset dalaman
(KelulusanyangdibuatolehKetua Jabatanperlu dimaklumkankepada Pegawai Aset Jabatanmasing-
NAMA PEMOHON : ___________________________________________________
JAWATAN :____________________________________________________
JABATAN/BAHAGIAN/UNIT :____________________________________________________
TUJUAN :____________________________________________________
LOKASIASAL ASET :____________________________________________________
LOKASI BARU ASET :____________________________________________________
TARIKHPERGERAKAN ASET :____________________________________________________
Bil No PendaftaranAset No Siri pembuat
JenisAset Catatan Untuk kegunaanJabatan
*Sila sediakan lampiran sekiranya ruangyang disediakan tidakmencukupi
Pengakuan: Saya berjanji akan menjaga peralatan tersebut dengan baik dan bertanggungjawab melaporkan kepada
Ketua Jabatan / Pegawai Aset , sekiranya berlaku kehilangan. Saya dengan ini mengesahkan bahawa semua maklumat
yang dinyatakan adalah benar dan sekiranya didapati maklumat adalah palsu, saya boleh diambil tindakan tatatertib
seperti yang termaktub dalam Peraturan-Peraturan Awam ( Kelakuan dan Tatatertib ) 1993 dan Akta Prosedur
Kewangan 1957.
_____________________ _______________________ ___________________