Unit testing involves testing individual units or components of code, such as classes or methods, in isolation from the rest of the code base. A unit test asserts certain conditions or tests for specific behaviors and returns a pass/fail result. The purpose of unit testing is to validate that each piece of code works as intended, allowing code to be refactored with confidence and problems to be identified early. Best practices for unit testing include writing tests for new code, designing code for testability, and following an arrange-act-assert structure. Tests should be fast, isolated, and clearly named. Unit testing promotes code quality, documentation, and easier refactoring.
Come learn about Vagrant - a tool to create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments plus provisioning options to automate the environment configuration. Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases development/production parity, and makes the "works on my machine" excuse a relic of the past.
Unit testing involves testing individual units or components of code, such as classes or methods, in isolation from the rest of the code base. A unit test asserts certain conditions or tests for specific behaviors and returns a pass/fail result. The purpose of unit testing is to validate that each piece of code works as intended, allowing code to be refactored with confidence and problems to be identified early. Best practices for unit testing include writing tests for new code, designing code for testability, and following an arrange-act-assert structure. Tests should be fast, isolated, and clearly named. Unit testing promotes code quality, documentation, and easier refactoring.
Come learn about Vagrant - a tool to create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments plus provisioning options to automate the environment configuration. Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases development/production parity, and makes the "works on my machine" excuse a relic of the past.
DevOps involves collaboration between software developers and IT professionals to automate the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes. It aims to allow building, testing, and releasing software rapidly and reliably. DevOps tools like Chef can be used to automate infrastructure provisioning and configuration at scale. Chef recipes can be used to install and configure packages like Apache. Cookbooks help organize recipes and make them manageable. A Chef server acts as a central repository for cookbooks and node information.
We all know that bringing devops practices to your organisation is hard and very labour intensive task. Despite the fact that for large organisations it is still a real challenge, for small startups and development teams devops practices can be adopted relatively easily.
In this talk Leonid will share his experience of bringing devops practices to small organisations, and prove that devops isn't something that you should postpone for a later growth stage, but something you can do (and relatively easy) now, at the first stages of your idea inception!
Aaron Swartz was a prodigy who learned to read at age 5 and code computers by age 12. He went on to help build RSS and co-found Reddit. At age 13, he helped develop Creative Commons as an alternative to traditional copyright. Later, he downloaded millions of academic articles from JSTOR to make them publicly available, which led to felony charges. Facing 35 years in prison, he tragically took his own life in 2013 at age 26 while under intense pressure from legal battles.
2013-08-27 Chef-Boston Meetup - Using Berkshelfkevinkarwaski
Berkshelf is a tool that simplifies collaborative cookbook development. It acts like a package manager for cookbooks, allowing developers to declare cookbook dependencies and have Berkshelf resolve them. Using Berkshelf promotes best practices like separating cookbooks by function, favoring data-driven attributes over roles, and enabling faster iteration with Vagrant. Fiksu uses Berkshelf to manage their cookbook dependencies, constrain versions in metadata, and improve their development and testing workflow.
The document discusses secrets and techniques for JavaScript libraries. It covers topics like the JavaScript language, cross-browser code, events, DOM traversal, styles, animations, distribution, and HTML insertion. It provides examples and explanations of techniques for class creation, timers, options, subclassing, custom events, selector internals, computed styles, and dimension calculations.
Vagrant allows developers to quickly set up uniform development environments for Node.js projects. It uses configuration files to define and provision virtual machines with all necessary tools and libraries. Chef is used for configuration management, ensuring environments are identical. Vagrant provides portability and abstraction, allowing environments to run on different providers like VirtualBox or cloud services.
Integrated Marketing: Why a Website Isn't Enough Webspec Design
In the complex new word of digital marketing, having a website isn’t enough – you need clients to get there. Learn a few tips to give your customers as they seek to fully take advantage of their shiny new website.
Jamie Winsor and a team of engineers created Berkshelf to help take the sting out of Chef’s learning curve. After encountering numerous challenges while developing Chef cookbooks, Jamie was inspired to create a tool based on criteria that’d be important for a developer’s productivity. Berkshelf, like Rebar, Go, or Mix, is a source code management tool.
This document discusses Chef cookbook design patterns. It begins with an introduction to Chef and its terminology like cookbooks, recipes, resources, attributes, and run lists. It then covers different types of cookbooks like application cookbooks, library cookbooks, and community cookbooks. It also discusses using data bags versus attributes for configuration data and how to manage cookbook dependencies and run lists. The goal is to provide best practices for structuring Chef cookbooks to manage infrastructure as code.
Node.js and How JavaScript is Changing Server Programming Tom Croucher
Node.js is a highly concurrent JavaScript server written on top of the V8 JavaScript runtime. This is awesome for a number of reasons. Firstly Node.js has re-architected some of the core module of V8 to create a server implementation that is non-blocking (similar to other event driven frameworks like Ruby’s Event Machine or Python’s Twisted). Event driven architectures are a natural fit for JavaScript developers because it’s already how the browser works. By using an event driven framework Node is not only intuitive to use but also highly scalable. Tests have shown Node instances running tens of thousands of simultaneous users.
This session will explore the architectural basics of Node.js and how it’s different from blocking server implementations such as PHP, Rail or Java Servlets. We’ll explore some basic examples of creating a simple server, dealing with HTTP requests, etc.
The bigger question is once we have this awesome programming environment, what do we do with it? Node already has a really vibrant collection of modules which provide a range of functionality. Demystifying what’s available is pretty important to actually getting stuff done with Node. Since Node itself is very low level, lot’s of things people expect in web servers aren’t automatically there (for example, request routing). In order to help ease people into using Node this session will look at a range of the best modules for Node.js.
But it works on my dev box! How many times have we heard this answer when the app works on one machine, but fails on another? This is the problem that led my team to use Vagrant to gain consistency between environments. However, could Docker be even better? This talk gives an introduction to Vagrant and Docker and explores how they compare.
Patterns and Practices of a Successful DevOps TransformationChef
This document discusses patterns and practices for a successful DevOps transformation. It outlines key challenges organizations face with manual processes, silos, and infrequent releases. The document then presents patterns for overcoming these challenges through cloud automation, continuous delivery, and reinforcing a DevOps culture. Examples are provided of organizations that have successfully transformed. The document concludes that infrastructure and applications must be rapidly and safely deployed through automation, cloud technologies, and cultural changes to achieve a DevOps transformation.
DevOps as a buzzword has had a lot of attention recently. This presentation is my take on the origins and essence of the matter, as well as an introduction to how Chef, the open source configuration management software, can help to solve one of the problems an Operations team faces as it moves towards the DevOps goals.
- The document discusses OneLogin, an identity management solution that provides single sign-on (SSO), directory integration, multi-factor authentication, and compliance features. It allows users to log into Macs using their OneLogin credentials. A demo shows how OneLogin integrates with directories like Active Directory and allows users to login to Macs using their OneLogin credentials for simplified SSO and secure identity management across devices.
Kei Miyazawa is an IT department employee and unofficial OneLogin evangelist who enjoys Yu-Gi-Oh and Nogizaka46. OneLogin provides single sign-on, directory integration, multi-factor authentication and secures all Macs with centralized login. It simplifies single sign-on, provides secure identity verification with multi-factor authentication, and allows logging into all Macs using OneLogin credentials.
12. Summary
? There are stories about what happened.
? Its true. All of it.
The On-Premise. The box. They are real.
? Nothing will stand in our way.
We will finish To the cloud.
? The box. It’s calling to you. Just let it in.