This document provides an overview of philosophy and its main branches. Philosophy is defined as the systematic, critical examination of how we think and act to become wiser. The five main branches discussed are: Metaphysics, which studies reality and existence; Epistemology, which is the study of knowledge; Logic, which examines valid reasoning; Ethics, which is the study of morality; and Aesthetics, which concerns beauty, art, and taste. Each branch seeks to answer fundamental questions about its subject area through philosophical inquiry and rational thought.
There are six major branches of philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology, logic, axiology, ethics, and aesthetics. Metaphysics deals with concepts like existence, reality, time, and causation. Epistemology is the study of knowledge - what can be known and how we know it. Logic studies reasoning and arguments. Axiology examines values and is divided into ethics, which analyzes morality, and aesthetics, which considers beauty. Each branch seeks to answer fundamental questions about its subject area. A philosophy of education guides educational planning, programs, and processes by clarifying a teacher's beliefs, values, and understanding regarding education. It serves as a compass for teachers in how they approach their work
Logic is the study of evaluating arguments and determining good thinking. Epistemology is the study of knowledge, truth, and how we can know things. It examines questions about what knowledge is and where it comes from. Metaphysics is the study of ultimate reality and examines questions about what reality is and whether things like God, freedom, and the soul exist. Axiology is the study of values and includes ethics, which examines moral principles and right vs wrong, social and political philosophy, which examines value judgments in society, and aesthetics, which examines the nature and value of art.
This document discusses the definitions and areas of philosophy. Philosophy is defined as the rational inquiry into basic principles of reality through introspection and rational synthesis. The main areas of philosophy discussed are metaphysics, which investigates principles of reality; epistemology, which studies the nature of knowledge; and axiology, which is the study of values. Philosophy differs from science in that it uses introspection rather than experiments and deals with abstract rather than concrete concepts. Religion is also discussed and defined as the belief in a superhuman controlling power like God.
This document provides an overview of the main branches of philosophy, including:
- Ethics, which studies morality and right/wrong;
- Epistemology, which is the study of knowledge and how it is acquired;
- Metaphysics, which explores the fundamental nature of reality and being;
- Politics, which examines the relationship between citizens and governments;
- Aesthetics, which considers questions about beauty, art, and taste;
- Religion, which concerns philosophical issues regarding religious beliefs;
- Logic, which establishes rules for valid thinking and arguments;
- Philosophy of Science, which analyzes the foundations and implications of science.
This document provides an introduction to philosophy. It defines philosophy as the study of fundamental problems regarding existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. The document outlines the meaning, origins, goals, questions, importance, branches, and differences between philosophy, science, and religion. It notes that philosophy originated from the Greek words for "love of wisdom" and was used by Socrates to describe intellectual probing. The main branches of philosophy discussed are metaphysics, epistemology, logic, and axiology.
This document provides an overview of the main branches of philosophy, including:
- Ethics, which examines questions about morality and how people should live
- Epistemology, which explores the nature, scope, and limitations of knowledge
- Metaphysics, which studies the fundamental nature of reality and being
- Politics, which concerns the relationship between citizens and governments
- Logic, which establishes rules for valid thinking and argumentation
- Aesthetics, which examines beauty, art, and taste
- Religion, which addresses questions about the existence and nature of God
- Philosophy of Science, which analyzes the methods and assumptions of science
This document provides an overview of the field of philosophy by defining what philosophy is, exploring its origins and purposes, and outlining its major branches. It begins by explaining that philosophy arises from human curiosity and desire to understand fundamental questions. It then discusses the etymological roots of the word "philosophy" and defines it as the love of wisdom. The document concludes by listing and briefly describing the main branches of philosophy, including ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, politics, aesthetics, logic, religion, and the philosophy of science.
1. The document discusses several philosophical topics including the nature of the human person and human nature, interpretations of the human condition, philosophy of religion, philosophy of ethics, and the traditional branches of philosophy.
2. It explores questions about the relationship between mind and body, personhood, human nature, existential anxiety, freedom and responsibility. It also examines whether it is possible to prove God's existence and what it means for something to be good.
3. The main branches of philosophy are identified as logic, aesthetics, metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology and questions within each branch are provided.
This document provides an overview of the main branches of philosophy. It discusses ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, politics, aesthetics, religion, philosophy of science, and logic. For each branch, it provides 1-2 questions that branch seeks to address. Ethics explores questions of morality, good and evil. Epistemology examines the nature of knowledge and how it is acquired. Metaphysics investigates fundamental aspects of reality and existence. Politics considers the relationship between citizens and government. Aesthetics studies beauty, art, and taste. Religion examines questions regarding the nature of God and humanity's relationship to God. Philosophy of science looks at assumptions and methods of science. Logic establishes rules for rational thinking and argumentation
This document provides an introduction to philosophy and some of its key concepts. It discusses that philosophy originated in Ancient Greece and has two main branches: Western philosophy which emphasizes reason and individualism, and Eastern philosophy which is more closely tied to religion. It then profiles some of the most notable ancient Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and their contributions. The document also outlines the main branches of philosophy like logic, ethics, and metaphysics. It explores some of the fundamental questions philosophers ponder, such as questions about reality, certainty, causality, and ethics.
This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of philosophy, delving into its foundational concepts, branches, and key questions. It explores topics such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, and aesthetics while highlighting influential philosophers and their ideas. Designed for beginners, this resource serves as an engaging introduction to critical thinking and philosophical inquiry. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone curious about understanding the nature of reality, knowledge, and morality.
The document discusses the key concepts and branches of philosophy. It begins by defining philosophy as the love of wisdom, tracing its origins to ancient Greece and the philosopher Thales. Philosophy involves making wide generalizations about fundamental topics like truth, knowledge, and existence. The main branches of philosophy are then outlined as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. Each branch is defined in one to two sentences. The document also discusses philosophical tools like questioning, reasoning, and reflection that philosophers use to examine topics. It introduces the AQAL framework as a conceptual map for philosophical reflection.
The document outlines the modules and topics covered in a course on Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility, including philosophy and ethics, ethical issues in the workplace, codes of ethics, sustainable practices, and ethics in different domains. The course aims to help students understand concepts of professional ethics, identify ethical issues, interpret theories of ethics, and analyze challenges in ethical decision making. Assessment activities include projects, case studies, and literature reviews on ethical issues in various fields.
This document provides an introduction to philosophy by outlining some of its key concepts and fields. It begins by defining philosophy as the love of wisdom and noting that philosophy deals primarily with fundamental issues rather than having a single subject matter. The document then outlines some of philosophy's major fields, including metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic. For each field, it provides brief definitions and examples of the types of questions addressed. The document emphasizes that philosophy is an activity that encourages critical examination and reflection on life and reality.
Foundation of education philosophical fields (theoretical & practical)Jerick Teodoro
The document discusses the fields of philosophy. It describes theoretical philosophy as studying principles of human knowledge, science, thought, argumentation, language, consciousness, and metaphysics. Practical philosophy studies values, attitudes, and norms of behavior, and includes ethics, axiology, political philosophy, decision theory, and philosophy of action. Theoretical philosophy includes logic, epistemology, ontology, philosophy of language, mind, science, and history. Both theoretical and practical philosophy aim to systematically study philosophical concepts and train analytical thinking.
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person_Module 1.pdfJonathanSalon
This document provides an introduction to philosophy and the philosophy of the human person. It defines philosophy as the love of wisdom and discusses its main branches, including metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, and aesthetics. The document also defines the philosophy of the human person as understanding the human person from a philosophical perspective. It emphasizes that doing philosophy enables critical analysis, interpretation, and improves problem-solving and decision making. The learning objectives are to distinguish a holistic perspective, realize the value of philosophy, and do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation holistically.
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis Inducted into the William H. Parker Leadership Academy Hall of Honor (HBCU)
Remarks by Angela Stevens McNeil
July 26th 2008
Good Morning. My name is Angela Stevens McNeil and I have the privilege of introducing the next Hall of Honor Inductee, Dr. William Allan Kritsonis. Dr. Kritsonis was chosen because of his dedication to the educational advancement of Prairie View A&M University students. He earned a Bachelors degree in 1969 from Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. In 1971, he earned his Masters in Education from Seattle Pacific University. In 1976, he earned his PhD from the University of Iowa.
Dr. Kritsonis has served and blessed the field of education as a teacher, principal, superintendent of schools, director of student teaching and field experiences, invited guest professor, author, consultant, editor-in-chief, and publisher. He has also earned tenure as a professor at the highest academic rank at two major universities.
In 2005, Dr. Kritsonis was an Invited Visiting Lecturer at the Oxford Round Table at Oriel College in the University of Oxford, Oxford, England. His lecture was entitled the Ways of Knowing through the Realms of Meaning.
In 2004, Dr. William Allan Kritsonis was recognized as the Central Washington University Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus for the College of Education and Professional Studies.
Dr. William Kritsonis is a well respected author of more than 500 articles in professional journals and several books. In 1983, Dr. Kritsonis founded the NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS. These publications represent a group of highly respected scholarly academic periodicals. In 2004, he established the DOCTORAL FORUM National Journal for Publishing and Mentoring Doctoral Student Research. The DOCTORAL FORUM is the only refereed journal in America committed to publishing doctoral students while they are enrolled in course work in their doctoral programs. Over 300 articles have been published by doctorate and masters degree students and most are indexed in ERIC.
Currently, Dr. Kritsonis is a Professor in the PhD Program in Educational Leadership here at Prairie View A&M University.
Dr. William Kritsonis has dedicated himself to the advancement of educational leadership and to the education of students at all levels. It is my honor to bring him to the stage at this time as a William H. Parker Leadership Academy Hall of Honor Inductee.
introduction to Philosophy by Rana SalmanRanaSalman29
This presentation discusses the main branches of philosophy. It identifies metaphysics, logic, epistemology, and axiology as the key branches. Metaphysics concerns fundamental questions about the nature of reality. Epistemology is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, including the different sources and types of knowledge. Logic deals with questions about reference, predication, identity, truth, and quantification. Axiology examines the nature and types of values, especially in ethics and religion. The presentation suggests that questions in these philosophical branches relate to curriculum design and determining what knowledge and values are most important to teach students.
This document discusses perspectives in education and educational philosophy. It begins by defining philosophy and explaining how philosophers think about meaning and interpretation. It then outlines four major educational philosophies: Perennialism, which focuses on teaching enduring ideas and cultivating the intellect; Essentialism, which emphasizes transmitting a core body of knowledge; Progressivism, which emphasizes learning through experience and the interests of the student; and Reconstructionism/Critical Theory, which focuses on social reform and addressing real problems. The document also discusses related theories of learning, including Information Processing, Behaviorism, Constructivism, and Humanism. Each provides a different perspective on how learning occurs.
This document provides an overview of different branches of philosophy and ethics. It discusses philosophy as the systematic study of fundamental truths and principles of conduct. Some key branches mentioned include epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, and social/political philosophy. Ethics is described as the normative science dealing with right and wrong in human conduct. General ethics presents truths about human acts to derive moral principles, while special ethics applies these principles to different areas of human activity and relations. The document also discusses the relationship between ethics and other fields like logic, psychology, sociology, and education. It argues that man is a rational and moral being, distinguished from animals by having intellect and free will.
This document provides an overview of the field of philosophy by defining what philosophy is, exploring its origins and purposes, and outlining its major branches. It begins by explaining that philosophy arises from human curiosity and desire to understand fundamental questions. It then discusses the etymological roots of the word "philosophy" and defines it as the love of wisdom. The document concludes by listing and briefly describing the main branches of philosophy, including ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, politics, aesthetics, logic, religion, and the philosophy of science.
1. The document discusses several philosophical topics including the nature of the human person and human nature, interpretations of the human condition, philosophy of religion, philosophy of ethics, and the traditional branches of philosophy.
2. It explores questions about the relationship between mind and body, personhood, human nature, existential anxiety, freedom and responsibility. It also examines whether it is possible to prove God's existence and what it means for something to be good.
3. The main branches of philosophy are identified as logic, aesthetics, metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology and questions within each branch are provided.
This document provides an overview of the main branches of philosophy. It discusses ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, politics, aesthetics, religion, philosophy of science, and logic. For each branch, it provides 1-2 questions that branch seeks to address. Ethics explores questions of morality, good and evil. Epistemology examines the nature of knowledge and how it is acquired. Metaphysics investigates fundamental aspects of reality and existence. Politics considers the relationship between citizens and government. Aesthetics studies beauty, art, and taste. Religion examines questions regarding the nature of God and humanity's relationship to God. Philosophy of science looks at assumptions and methods of science. Logic establishes rules for rational thinking and argumentation
This document provides an introduction to philosophy and some of its key concepts. It discusses that philosophy originated in Ancient Greece and has two main branches: Western philosophy which emphasizes reason and individualism, and Eastern philosophy which is more closely tied to religion. It then profiles some of the most notable ancient Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and their contributions. The document also outlines the main branches of philosophy like logic, ethics, and metaphysics. It explores some of the fundamental questions philosophers ponder, such as questions about reality, certainty, causality, and ethics.
This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of philosophy, delving into its foundational concepts, branches, and key questions. It explores topics such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, and aesthetics while highlighting influential philosophers and their ideas. Designed for beginners, this resource serves as an engaging introduction to critical thinking and philosophical inquiry. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone curious about understanding the nature of reality, knowledge, and morality.
The document discusses the key concepts and branches of philosophy. It begins by defining philosophy as the love of wisdom, tracing its origins to ancient Greece and the philosopher Thales. Philosophy involves making wide generalizations about fundamental topics like truth, knowledge, and existence. The main branches of philosophy are then outlined as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. Each branch is defined in one to two sentences. The document also discusses philosophical tools like questioning, reasoning, and reflection that philosophers use to examine topics. It introduces the AQAL framework as a conceptual map for philosophical reflection.
The document outlines the modules and topics covered in a course on Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility, including philosophy and ethics, ethical issues in the workplace, codes of ethics, sustainable practices, and ethics in different domains. The course aims to help students understand concepts of professional ethics, identify ethical issues, interpret theories of ethics, and analyze challenges in ethical decision making. Assessment activities include projects, case studies, and literature reviews on ethical issues in various fields.
This document provides an introduction to philosophy by outlining some of its key concepts and fields. It begins by defining philosophy as the love of wisdom and noting that philosophy deals primarily with fundamental issues rather than having a single subject matter. The document then outlines some of philosophy's major fields, including metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic. For each field, it provides brief definitions and examples of the types of questions addressed. The document emphasizes that philosophy is an activity that encourages critical examination and reflection on life and reality.
Foundation of education philosophical fields (theoretical & practical)Jerick Teodoro
The document discusses the fields of philosophy. It describes theoretical philosophy as studying principles of human knowledge, science, thought, argumentation, language, consciousness, and metaphysics. Practical philosophy studies values, attitudes, and norms of behavior, and includes ethics, axiology, political philosophy, decision theory, and philosophy of action. Theoretical philosophy includes logic, epistemology, ontology, philosophy of language, mind, science, and history. Both theoretical and practical philosophy aim to systematically study philosophical concepts and train analytical thinking.
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person_Module 1.pdfJonathanSalon
This document provides an introduction to philosophy and the philosophy of the human person. It defines philosophy as the love of wisdom and discusses its main branches, including metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, and aesthetics. The document also defines the philosophy of the human person as understanding the human person from a philosophical perspective. It emphasizes that doing philosophy enables critical analysis, interpretation, and improves problem-solving and decision making. The learning objectives are to distinguish a holistic perspective, realize the value of philosophy, and do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation holistically.
Dr. William Allan Kritsonis Inducted into the William H. Parker Leadership Academy Hall of Honor (HBCU)
Remarks by Angela Stevens McNeil
July 26th 2008
Good Morning. My name is Angela Stevens McNeil and I have the privilege of introducing the next Hall of Honor Inductee, Dr. William Allan Kritsonis. Dr. Kritsonis was chosen because of his dedication to the educational advancement of Prairie View A&M University students. He earned a Bachelors degree in 1969 from Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. In 1971, he earned his Masters in Education from Seattle Pacific University. In 1976, he earned his PhD from the University of Iowa.
Dr. Kritsonis has served and blessed the field of education as a teacher, principal, superintendent of schools, director of student teaching and field experiences, invited guest professor, author, consultant, editor-in-chief, and publisher. He has also earned tenure as a professor at the highest academic rank at two major universities.
In 2005, Dr. Kritsonis was an Invited Visiting Lecturer at the Oxford Round Table at Oriel College in the University of Oxford, Oxford, England. His lecture was entitled the Ways of Knowing through the Realms of Meaning.
In 2004, Dr. William Allan Kritsonis was recognized as the Central Washington University Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus for the College of Education and Professional Studies.
Dr. William Kritsonis is a well respected author of more than 500 articles in professional journals and several books. In 1983, Dr. Kritsonis founded the NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS. These publications represent a group of highly respected scholarly academic periodicals. In 2004, he established the DOCTORAL FORUM National Journal for Publishing and Mentoring Doctoral Student Research. The DOCTORAL FORUM is the only refereed journal in America committed to publishing doctoral students while they are enrolled in course work in their doctoral programs. Over 300 articles have been published by doctorate and masters degree students and most are indexed in ERIC.
Currently, Dr. Kritsonis is a Professor in the PhD Program in Educational Leadership here at Prairie View A&M University.
Dr. William Kritsonis has dedicated himself to the advancement of educational leadership and to the education of students at all levels. It is my honor to bring him to the stage at this time as a William H. Parker Leadership Academy Hall of Honor Inductee.
introduction to Philosophy by Rana SalmanRanaSalman29
This presentation discusses the main branches of philosophy. It identifies metaphysics, logic, epistemology, and axiology as the key branches. Metaphysics concerns fundamental questions about the nature of reality. Epistemology is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, including the different sources and types of knowledge. Logic deals with questions about reference, predication, identity, truth, and quantification. Axiology examines the nature and types of values, especially in ethics and religion. The presentation suggests that questions in these philosophical branches relate to curriculum design and determining what knowledge and values are most important to teach students.
This document discusses perspectives in education and educational philosophy. It begins by defining philosophy and explaining how philosophers think about meaning and interpretation. It then outlines four major educational philosophies: Perennialism, which focuses on teaching enduring ideas and cultivating the intellect; Essentialism, which emphasizes transmitting a core body of knowledge; Progressivism, which emphasizes learning through experience and the interests of the student; and Reconstructionism/Critical Theory, which focuses on social reform and addressing real problems. The document also discusses related theories of learning, including Information Processing, Behaviorism, Constructivism, and Humanism. Each provides a different perspective on how learning occurs.
This document provides an overview of different branches of philosophy and ethics. It discusses philosophy as the systematic study of fundamental truths and principles of conduct. Some key branches mentioned include epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, and social/political philosophy. Ethics is described as the normative science dealing with right and wrong in human conduct. General ethics presents truths about human acts to derive moral principles, while special ethics applies these principles to different areas of human activity and relations. The document also discusses the relationship between ethics and other fields like logic, psychology, sociology, and education. It argues that man is a rational and moral being, distinguished from animals by having intellect and free will.
This document is a daily lesson log for a Grade 11 literature class that took place from April 10-14, 2023. It outlines the objectives, content, procedures, and reflections for lessons on 21st century literature from the Philippines and around the world. Key points include:
- The objectives were for students to recall and discuss literary texts from previous lessons, share the stories and lessons from each text, and present one text of their choice.
- Students were grouped into six groups to adapt and present a previously discussed literary text in the form of a short film.
- The lessons involved preliminaries like prayer and attendance, a warmup discussion of previous texts, and group work time for students to practice their
This document discusses direct variation, which is a relationship between two quantities where one quantity increases as the other increases or decreases, maintaining a constant ratio. The document provides examples of situations that exhibit direct variation, such as distance traveled increasing directly with time. It defines direct variation mathematically and provides formulas. Examples are given of writing direct variation equations and solving for unknown variables. The key aspects of direct variation are explained, such as the constant of variation and using tables and graphs to demonstrate direct variation relationships.
Rubio Memorial Services aims to provide high-quality yet affordable funeral and cremation services to its community while honoring the sacred lives of those who have passed and leaving a greener world. Some of its key initiatives include offering fair prices, recognizing centenarians with awards and assistance, providing free funerals to employees of 20+ years, encouraging employee volunteerism, reducing environmental impact, discounts for D鱈a de los Muertos, educating the public on end-of-life issues, and giving free funerals to those who died serving the country.
This document lists various herbs and spices along with their common and botanical names. It includes turmeric, allspice, cayenne pepper, black pepper, Spanish paprika, basil leaves, rosemary, nutmeg, bay leaves, thyme, oregano, white pepper, sage, parsley, garlic, ginger, shallots, fresh basil leaves, fresh tarragon, and fresh dill. For each item it provides the standardized common name and botanical name, and sometimes other common names or synonyms. The document categorizes the herbs and spices.
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics.pptxSamruddhi Khonde
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
Antibiotics have revolutionized medicine, playing a crucial role in combating bacterial infections. Among them, Beta-Lactam antibiotics remain the most widely used class due to their effectiveness against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This guide provides a detailed overview of their history, classification, chemical structures, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, SAR, and clinical applications.
What Youll Learn in This Presentation
History & Evolution of Antibiotics
Cell Wall Structure of Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria
Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Classification & Subtypes
Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems & Monobactams
Mode of Action (MOA) & Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors & Resistance Mechanisms
Clinical Applications & Challenges.
Why You Should Check This Out?
Essential for pharmacy, medical & life sciences students.
Provides insights into antibiotic resistance & pharmaceutical trends.
Useful for healthcare professionals & researchers in drug discovery.
Swipe through & explore the world of antibiotics today!
Like, Share & Follow for more in-depth pharma insights!
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
Branches of Philosophy - The Philosophy of the Human Person
2. Metaphysics
This branch deals with the nature of reality
and existence. It explores questions about
what things exist, what it means for
something to exist, and the nature of objects
and their properties. Key topics include the
nature of time, space, causality, and the
relationship between mind and body.
7. Epistemology
Epistemology is the study of knowledgeits
nature, origin, and limits. It examines
questions about what knowledge is, how we
come to know things, what justifies our
beliefs, and the differences between belief
and knowledge.
8. Ethics:
Ethics, or moral philosophy, focuses on questions
about what is right and wrong, good and bad. It
explores various moral principles and theories,
such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue
ethics. Applied ethics is concerned with specific
moral issues like abortion, euthanasia, and animal
9. Aesthetics:
This branch studies the nature of beauty,
art, and taste. It involves questions about
what constitutes art, how we experience
and interpret artistic works, and the
value of beauty and aesthetic experience.
12. What is Beauty?
Is there a universal beauty?
What make things beautiful?
19. "beauty is what is useful" was Socrates, as reported by his student
He argues that beauty is not merely about
aesthetics but also about function and
20. Logic:
Logic involves the study of reasoning and
argumentation. It examines the principles
of valid inference, the structure of
arguments, and the nature of logical
systems. Key areas include formal logic,
symbolic logic, and informal logic.