As part of the IPA Excellence Diploma, I wrote a fairly lengthy piece entitled:
"I believe that the future of brands requires heresy: It's time for a new system of leading beliefs".
Even the title is lengthy.
So I've turned it into a presentation and chunked it up into three parts. This is the third, which introduces The Unit: The Marketing Industrys Thinking and Practice Institute.
6. An institution to fill the void, modelled
on a hybrid of the Royal Society and
the Missional Church.
7. The Hub of Scientific Advancement
Formed by followers of Sir Francis Bacon in 1660, the Royal
Society founded modern science .
Today its core purpose is to recognise, promote, and support
excellence in science and to encourage the development and
use of science for the benefit of humanity.
It is essentially the central hub for scientific advancement.
8. The Missional Church movement formed in response to a perception
that the Christian church had become too internally focused
(maintaining their cultural privilege in society) .
Its defined as a church which directs its ministry focus outward
toward the context in which it was located and to the broader world
It has an ever changing role depending on the context it finds itself in.
An Outward Ministry
9. A Hybrid for Heresy
The scientific rigour of the Royal Society combined with
the external focus of the Missional Church.
The Unit: The Marketing Industrys Thinking and Practice Institute
11. A moment where we stop being rowdy
troublemakers and start being a union
of heretics.
A mutually supportive pact across
clients, agencies and researchers.
20. Download the full source essay, along with some
much better ones, as part of the IPA Excellence
Diplomas 2012 Campaign supplement.