This document welcomes the reader to the future and discusses brands, expectations, and how market research helps discover and quantify people's expectations and experiences. It notes how research has evolved from interviews and surveys to using social media, customer relationship management systems, and ethnography. The document stresses that after research is conducted, companies can innovate and create value for customers. It provides contact information for the speaker to learn more.
7. ?Organizational promises
?Competitor¨s promises and/or performance
?Personnel in your company
?B2C experiences
?Previous experiences with your business
?Comments from friends and associates
Where Do B2B Expectations Come From?
8. MR¨s Job is to Discover and Quantify
People¨s Expectations and Experiences
Pre- 2010 C Interviews, Panels and
Today C Social media, CRM, Channels,
11. For More Information
This talk was adapted from the E-
guide on the left. For a copy
please download from
Sam Klaidman