Brian Garrett Joseph is the online faculty member at the University of Phoenix. He provides theory and practice education through learner-centered instruction that will enable graduates to fulfill their career objectives.
Mr. Brian has many years of professional teaching experience. Brian Garrett Joseph at Etiwanda High School performed a variety of administrative functions and served as an educational leader of the school.
Radiah Acosta has over 15 years of experience working in social services. She has held several roles providing counseling, case management, and educational services to help at-risk populations. Currently, she is an Education Site Coordinator helping pregnant and parenting teens complete high school and transition to self-sufficiency. Previously, she has served as a Property Manager, Foster Care Case Manager, Clinical Case Manager, Service Coordinator, and Family Service Worker/Social Worker.
Jason D. Taylor is a human services professional with over 10 years of experience working with youth. He currently works as a Youth Development Counselor at a public charter school, where he provides guidance, advocacy, and counseling to students. Prior to this, he held roles as a Youth Engagement Specialist and Youth Development Representative for the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services, where he mentored at-risk youth. Taylor has a BA in Sociology from Morehouse College and is trained in behavior management, mental health, and youth development.
This document discusses abuse, neglect and maltreatment of children with special needs. It identifies several risk factors that increase the likelihood of abuse, such as prior abuse history, family stress, lack of parenting knowledge, and poverty. Children with disabilities are much more likely to experience abuse than non-disabled children. Factors like inability to communicate, family stress related to care needs, and lack of resources further increase the risk for children with special needs. The document outlines protective factors and resources available in the community to strengthen families and prevent abuse, such as parenting programs, social support, and access to education, healthcare and other services.
Jason Abernathy has over 20 years of experience in law enforcement, peer recovery support, and critical incident stress debriefing in Northeast Tennessee. He currently serves as the Lifeline Coordinator for Insight Alliance, where he assesses addiction treatment needs and helps establish new recovery programs. He is also a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist who assists others in achieving personal recovery goals. Additionally, he coordinates critical incident debriefings as a Critical Stress Debriefer to provide counseling to law enforcement officers dealing with trauma.
Bexar county efforts transformamtion grant 10.18.10Gilbert Gonzales
The document describes several programs that provide mental health services to children:
1) Children's Crisis Intervention Training provides intensive mental health crisis intervention training to school police and administrators to help them respond to student mental health crises. It has successfully trained over 75 officers and 25 staff.
2) The Youth Empowerment Services waiver provides home and community-based services to 300 children with severe emotional disturbances to prevent institutionalization. It uses the wraparound process and cultural competency training.
3) Bexar CARES coordinates access to mental health resources for at-risk youth through the wraparound process, training, and family/youth involvement to reduce out-of-home placements. It
University Outreach Services at California State University, Fresno aims to engage and recruit students through outreach programs and exceptional counseling. It is led by a director and includes 15 counselors, 44 student ambassadors, and other staff. The office coordinates outreach in local high schools and community colleges to promote admission, financial aid, majors, and campus resources. As a social work intern, the author's role is to serve as an ambassador and assist students through the application and admission process while following up on recruitment efforts.
The document summarizes the background and successful practices of the Center for African American Achievement in Engineering (CAAAE) and its Dr. Frank S. Greene Scholars Program (GSP). The GSP provides support to Black students in STEM fields, with 100% of scholars graduating from high school and college, 75% attending 4-year universities, and 40% obtaining STEM degrees. The program's success is attributed to high expectations for both scholars and involved parents, who are required to donate time monthly and financially support the program through an annual fee.
xAPI in Action: Sending an data to an LRS (FocusOn Session)Jeff Batt
Here are my slides of how to send xAPI (TinCan) statements over to an LRS. This is a brief overview of the concept and then download files have walk through examples.
The document describes a nanowire thermocouple characterization platform. The platform contains a palladium-gold nanowire thermocouple, a resistive palladium heater, and two resistive palladium thermometers located on a silicon dioxide layer. It was designed to accurately measure the temperature difference between the thermocouple's hot and cold junctions when calibrating nanowire thermocouples. The platform was used to determine the relative Seebeck coefficient of a palladium-gold nanowire thermocouple, measured to be 2.963 賊 0.004 亮V/K at 294 K. Nanowire thermocouples provide benefits like high spatial resolution, fast response time,
El documento describe un programa implementado por la UNIPE en 2015 llamado "Programa m叩s all叩 de las pantallas" que tuvo como objetivo explorar nuevas formas de acompa単ar los aprendizajes de ciudadanos activos en el mundo digital a trav辿s de dos proyectos. El primer proyecto se llam坦 "Ciudad de Lobos" y consisti坦 en el desarrollo de proyectos tecnol坦gicos creativos por parte de profesores utilizando kits Arduino. El segundo proyecto fue "Ciudad de Escobar" y involucr坦 el dise単o e impres
Thomas Phillips has over 15 years of experience in technical support, process improvement, and management. He has a strong track record of improving customer satisfaction rates and reducing costs. His achievements include raising customer satisfaction from 30% to 85% as the leader of a help desk team and fine-tuning operations to reduce costs by 30% over three years.
1) The document discusses the importance of building trust with one's team as a leader. It states that trust is built over time through demonstrating competence and character, following through on commitments, and making positive decisions that increase trust within the team.
2) It provides an example of a new leader who prioritized listening to their new team and addressing their needs for better communication and recognition. This helped increase trust, as demonstrated by a significant improvement in survey scores.
3) Effective leadership requires translating vision into reality with the help of a trusted team. Leaders who lack direction and fail to follow through on commitments will lose the trust of their team.
Resolved magnetic field_structure_and_variability_near_the_event_horizon_of_s...S辿rgio Sacani
A maior parte das pessoas acreditam que os buracos negros s達o imensos aspiradores c坦smicos que sugam tudo que chega perto deles. Mas os buracos negros supermassivos no centro das gal叩xias s達o mais parecidos com motores c坦smicos, convertendo energia da mat辿ria que cai na sua dire巽達o numa intensa radia巽達o que pode brilhar de forma combinada com a luz de todas as estrelas ao redor. Se o buraco negro est叩 girando, ele pode gerar fortes jatos que s達o expelidos por milhares de anos-luz e d達o forma a gal叩xias inteiras. Esses buracos negros motores acredita-se, sejam energizados por campos magn辿ticos. Pela primeira vez, os astr担nomos, detectaram os campos magn辿ticos fora do horizonte de evento do buraco negro localizando no centro da Via L叩ctea.
Entender esses campos magn辿ticos 辿 algo cr鱈tico. Ningu辿m tem sido capaz de resolver os campos magn辿ticos perto do horizonte de eventos, at辿 agora, disse o principal autor do estudo, Michael Johnson do Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Os resultados apareceram na edi巽達o de 4 de Dezembro de 2015 da revista Science.
Esses campos magn辿ticos t棚m sido previstos, mas ningu辿m tinha vistos antes. Nossos dados colocam d辿cadas de trabalhos te坦ricos no campo s坦lido observacional, adiciona o principal pesquisador do CfA/MIT Shep Doeleman, que 辿 diretor assistente do Observat坦rio de Haystack do MIT.
O documento apresenta os sistemas e servi巽os oferecidos pela empresa GIX, incluindo um sistema comercial, um sistema de gerenciamento de estoque (WMS) e um sistema para sindicatos, com foco em controle, relat坦rios e mais funcionalidades para cada um. A empresa tem mais de 10 anos de experi棚ncia e valores como profissionalismo, qualidade e pontualidade.
ACUERDO General n炭mero 21/2015, de veintis辿is de noviembre de dos mil quince, del Pleno de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Naci坦n, por el que se dispone el aplazamiento en el dictado de la Resoluci坦n de las contradicciones de tesis del conocimiento de los Plenos de Circuito, en las que se aborde el tema relativo a determinar si v叩lidamente puede analizarse en un amparo indirecto el tema del pago de intereses usurarios fijados en el incidente de liquidaci坦n respectivo, aun cuando la condena a su pago se haya establecido en una sentencia definitiva que ya caus坦 estado.
ACUERDO General n炭mero 22/2015, de veintis辿is de noviembre de dos mil quince, del Pleno de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Naci坦n, por el que se levanta el aplazamiento del dictado de la Resoluci坦n de las contradicciones de tesis del conocimiento de los Plenos de Circuito, en las que se aborde el tema relativo a determinar si las sentencias dictadas por las Salas del Tribunal Federal de Justicia Fiscal y Administrativa requieren, para su validez, de la firma de todos sus integrantes; relacionado con el diverso 17/2015, de cinco de octubre de dos mil quince.
Luxury garage sale vintage chanel inventorySarah Saddemi
This document lists various vintage Chanel accessories and handbags for sale at a luxury garage sale, including gold tone earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pins, and bags from the 1980s-2000s with minimum selling prices ranging from $250-1500 and suggested selling prices of $450-2500.
El documento describe las nuevas caracter鱈sticas de la interfaz de usuario en Microsoft Office 2007, incluyendo una cinta de operaciones dividida en fichas que agrupan comandos relacionados, como la ficha de inicio con grupos para portapapeles, fuente, p叩rrafo y estilos. Tambi辿n presenta un bot坦n de Office para crear y abrir documentos y guardar e imprimir, y una barra de herramientas de acceso r叩pido para agregar comandos comunes como guardar y deshacer independientemente de la ficha activa.
El documento describe el programa "Usaqu辿n Vive Saludable" implementado en el Hospital de Usaqu辿n para la atenci坦n de personas con condiciones cr坦nicas. El programa se enfoca en la prevenci坦n, tratamiento y control de enfermedades como hipertensi坦n y diabetes a trav辿s de estrategias promocionales, cl鱈nicas, de investigaci坦n y trabajo intersectorial. El objetivo es controlar el estado de salud de los usuarios y mitigar complicaciones a trav辿s de sesiones educativas, seguimiento cl鱈nico y articulaci坦n con otros niveles de
Brian garrett joseph is an experienced educatorBernard Jenson
Brian Garrett Joseph is an experienced educator who has worked as an English teacher, administrator, and faculty member. He has a Bachelor's in English Literature, a Master's in Educational Administration, and a doctorate in educational leadership. Throughout his career, he has gained expertise working in senior-level positions and managing school administrative functions and budgets. Currently, he is an online faculty member at the University of Phoenix where he provides learner-centered instruction to help students achieve their career goals.
Brian garrett joseph has significant experience as a blogger and writerBernard Jenson
Brian Garrett Joseph has been writing since 2002. He writes articles and blogs on educational topics/issues. He has experience in writing articles about athletics, mostly American Football.
Tyrone E. Winfrey Sr. has over 20 years of experience in education, including as Chief of Staff for the Education Achievement Authority of Michigan and various roles at the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. He has a track record of increasing enrollment of underrepresented students and building partnerships. His experience includes leadership, strategic planning, community outreach, and resolving student and family concerns. He aims to provide Detroit children and families greater access to education and opportunities through his executive leadership.
Yalew is an experienced humanitarian practitioner focused on achieving lasting improvements in children's education. Over 5 years, he has spent 3 years with Pact, Inc. and Pro Pride developing and expanding diverse educational programs. He demonstrates strong leadership skills in communicating vision, orienting strategically, focusing on outcomes, making decisions, building teams, and managing diversity. Yalew is also knowledgeable about humanitarian policy and principles, and has a proven ability to establish relationships with education officials.
Tyrone Starkie has over 8 years of experience in human services and is seeking a position where he can utilize his skills in psychology, abnormal psychology, leadership, tutoring, and mentoring youth. He has a Master's degree in Psychology and has held positions as a minority male mentoring coordinator, pre-curriculum achievement coach, and professional tutor. Tyrone is well-educated and dedicated to helping students succeed academically and develop skills to enter the workforce.
xAPI in Action: Sending an data to an LRS (FocusOn Session)Jeff Batt
Here are my slides of how to send xAPI (TinCan) statements over to an LRS. This is a brief overview of the concept and then download files have walk through examples.
The document describes a nanowire thermocouple characterization platform. The platform contains a palladium-gold nanowire thermocouple, a resistive palladium heater, and two resistive palladium thermometers located on a silicon dioxide layer. It was designed to accurately measure the temperature difference between the thermocouple's hot and cold junctions when calibrating nanowire thermocouples. The platform was used to determine the relative Seebeck coefficient of a palladium-gold nanowire thermocouple, measured to be 2.963 賊 0.004 亮V/K at 294 K. Nanowire thermocouples provide benefits like high spatial resolution, fast response time,
El documento describe un programa implementado por la UNIPE en 2015 llamado "Programa m叩s all叩 de las pantallas" que tuvo como objetivo explorar nuevas formas de acompa単ar los aprendizajes de ciudadanos activos en el mundo digital a trav辿s de dos proyectos. El primer proyecto se llam坦 "Ciudad de Lobos" y consisti坦 en el desarrollo de proyectos tecnol坦gicos creativos por parte de profesores utilizando kits Arduino. El segundo proyecto fue "Ciudad de Escobar" y involucr坦 el dise単o e impres
Thomas Phillips has over 15 years of experience in technical support, process improvement, and management. He has a strong track record of improving customer satisfaction rates and reducing costs. His achievements include raising customer satisfaction from 30% to 85% as the leader of a help desk team and fine-tuning operations to reduce costs by 30% over three years.
1) The document discusses the importance of building trust with one's team as a leader. It states that trust is built over time through demonstrating competence and character, following through on commitments, and making positive decisions that increase trust within the team.
2) It provides an example of a new leader who prioritized listening to their new team and addressing their needs for better communication and recognition. This helped increase trust, as demonstrated by a significant improvement in survey scores.
3) Effective leadership requires translating vision into reality with the help of a trusted team. Leaders who lack direction and fail to follow through on commitments will lose the trust of their team.
Resolved magnetic field_structure_and_variability_near_the_event_horizon_of_s...S辿rgio Sacani
A maior parte das pessoas acreditam que os buracos negros s達o imensos aspiradores c坦smicos que sugam tudo que chega perto deles. Mas os buracos negros supermassivos no centro das gal叩xias s達o mais parecidos com motores c坦smicos, convertendo energia da mat辿ria que cai na sua dire巽達o numa intensa radia巽達o que pode brilhar de forma combinada com a luz de todas as estrelas ao redor. Se o buraco negro est叩 girando, ele pode gerar fortes jatos que s達o expelidos por milhares de anos-luz e d達o forma a gal叩xias inteiras. Esses buracos negros motores acredita-se, sejam energizados por campos magn辿ticos. Pela primeira vez, os astr担nomos, detectaram os campos magn辿ticos fora do horizonte de evento do buraco negro localizando no centro da Via L叩ctea.
Entender esses campos magn辿ticos 辿 algo cr鱈tico. Ningu辿m tem sido capaz de resolver os campos magn辿ticos perto do horizonte de eventos, at辿 agora, disse o principal autor do estudo, Michael Johnson do Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Os resultados apareceram na edi巽達o de 4 de Dezembro de 2015 da revista Science.
Esses campos magn辿ticos t棚m sido previstos, mas ningu辿m tinha vistos antes. Nossos dados colocam d辿cadas de trabalhos te坦ricos no campo s坦lido observacional, adiciona o principal pesquisador do CfA/MIT Shep Doeleman, que 辿 diretor assistente do Observat坦rio de Haystack do MIT.
O documento apresenta os sistemas e servi巽os oferecidos pela empresa GIX, incluindo um sistema comercial, um sistema de gerenciamento de estoque (WMS) e um sistema para sindicatos, com foco em controle, relat坦rios e mais funcionalidades para cada um. A empresa tem mais de 10 anos de experi棚ncia e valores como profissionalismo, qualidade e pontualidade.
ACUERDO General n炭mero 21/2015, de veintis辿is de noviembre de dos mil quince, del Pleno de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Naci坦n, por el que se dispone el aplazamiento en el dictado de la Resoluci坦n de las contradicciones de tesis del conocimiento de los Plenos de Circuito, en las que se aborde el tema relativo a determinar si v叩lidamente puede analizarse en un amparo indirecto el tema del pago de intereses usurarios fijados en el incidente de liquidaci坦n respectivo, aun cuando la condena a su pago se haya establecido en una sentencia definitiva que ya caus坦 estado.
ACUERDO General n炭mero 22/2015, de veintis辿is de noviembre de dos mil quince, del Pleno de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Naci坦n, por el que se levanta el aplazamiento del dictado de la Resoluci坦n de las contradicciones de tesis del conocimiento de los Plenos de Circuito, en las que se aborde el tema relativo a determinar si las sentencias dictadas por las Salas del Tribunal Federal de Justicia Fiscal y Administrativa requieren, para su validez, de la firma de todos sus integrantes; relacionado con el diverso 17/2015, de cinco de octubre de dos mil quince.
Luxury garage sale vintage chanel inventorySarah Saddemi
This document lists various vintage Chanel accessories and handbags for sale at a luxury garage sale, including gold tone earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pins, and bags from the 1980s-2000s with minimum selling prices ranging from $250-1500 and suggested selling prices of $450-2500.
El documento describe las nuevas caracter鱈sticas de la interfaz de usuario en Microsoft Office 2007, incluyendo una cinta de operaciones dividida en fichas que agrupan comandos relacionados, como la ficha de inicio con grupos para portapapeles, fuente, p叩rrafo y estilos. Tambi辿n presenta un bot坦n de Office para crear y abrir documentos y guardar e imprimir, y una barra de herramientas de acceso r叩pido para agregar comandos comunes como guardar y deshacer independientemente de la ficha activa.
El documento describe el programa "Usaqu辿n Vive Saludable" implementado en el Hospital de Usaqu辿n para la atenci坦n de personas con condiciones cr坦nicas. El programa se enfoca en la prevenci坦n, tratamiento y control de enfermedades como hipertensi坦n y diabetes a trav辿s de estrategias promocionales, cl鱈nicas, de investigaci坦n y trabajo intersectorial. El objetivo es controlar el estado de salud de los usuarios y mitigar complicaciones a trav辿s de sesiones educativas, seguimiento cl鱈nico y articulaci坦n con otros niveles de
Brian garrett joseph is an experienced educatorBernard Jenson
Brian Garrett Joseph is an experienced educator who has worked as an English teacher, administrator, and faculty member. He has a Bachelor's in English Literature, a Master's in Educational Administration, and a doctorate in educational leadership. Throughout his career, he has gained expertise working in senior-level positions and managing school administrative functions and budgets. Currently, he is an online faculty member at the University of Phoenix where he provides learner-centered instruction to help students achieve their career goals.
Brian garrett joseph has significant experience as a blogger and writerBernard Jenson
Brian Garrett Joseph has been writing since 2002. He writes articles and blogs on educational topics/issues. He has experience in writing articles about athletics, mostly American Football.
Tyrone E. Winfrey Sr. has over 20 years of experience in education, including as Chief of Staff for the Education Achievement Authority of Michigan and various roles at the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. He has a track record of increasing enrollment of underrepresented students and building partnerships. His experience includes leadership, strategic planning, community outreach, and resolving student and family concerns. He aims to provide Detroit children and families greater access to education and opportunities through his executive leadership.
Yalew is an experienced humanitarian practitioner focused on achieving lasting improvements in children's education. Over 5 years, he has spent 3 years with Pact, Inc. and Pro Pride developing and expanding diverse educational programs. He demonstrates strong leadership skills in communicating vision, orienting strategically, focusing on outcomes, making decisions, building teams, and managing diversity. Yalew is also knowledgeable about humanitarian policy and principles, and has a proven ability to establish relationships with education officials.
Tyrone Starkie has over 8 years of experience in human services and is seeking a position where he can utilize his skills in psychology, abnormal psychology, leadership, tutoring, and mentoring youth. He has a Master's degree in Psychology and has held positions as a minority male mentoring coordinator, pre-curriculum achievement coach, and professional tutor. Tyrone is well-educated and dedicated to helping students succeed academically and develop skills to enter the workforce.
Iris Thomas is a bilingual professional with experience in education and healthcare. She has a Master's degree in Educational Leadership and a Bachelor's degree in Management. Her professional experience includes roles as a Health Care Coordinator, Diversion Counselor, ESOL Teacher, Administrative Parent Liaison, Unit Director, and Home School Liaison. She has strong communication, organization, and leadership skills and experience managing multiple projects and teams.
Dr. Morris Clarington is seeking an executive leadership position in higher education. He has over 10 years of experience in academic leadership roles, including serving as the Allied Health Sciences Chair at Central Georgia Technical College where he oversees 60 personnel across multiple campuses. Dr. Clarington has a strong background in curriculum development, budgeting, and developing partnerships within the education community. He aims to continually improve the quality of education through excellent leadership and partnership with institutional missions.
The document discusses the impact of mentoring on academically at-risk students and their academic outcomes. It summarizes several studies that found mentoring can positively impact students' attitudes, behaviors, and academic performance by improving relationships with teachers and parents and boosting academic self-confidence. However, one large study found no significant impacts of mentoring on academic achievement, engagement, or behavior. The effects of mentoring depend on characteristics of the students, mentors, and program context. The document also provides resources for mentors and an overview of a K-12 journey map for college and career planning.
The document discusses the impact of the Education and Economic Development Act (EEDA) legislation on schools and students in South Carolina. EEDA aims to enhance student success, graduation rates, and career preparation. It requires schools to implement career clusters and pathways, increase career counseling, and involve parents in students' career plans. Since EEDA was established, dual enrollment has increased 100% at one high school and their graduation rate has risen 10%. EEDA also supports character education and bullying prevention to improve school climate.
Recommendation from Renee Murphy for Steven ShelleySteven Shelley
Steven Shelley worked as a Graduate Assistant at the University of Hartford for over 2 years, assisting with graduate admissions. He helped prospective students, maintained the graduate website, attended graduate fairs, and took on additional responsibilities when needed. His supervisor praised his maturity, emotional intelligence, willingness to help others, and professionalism when interacting with prospective students from around the world. The letter recommends Steven as an asset for any organization.
Gregory Forster has over 17 years of experience as a teacher and teacher trainer in various subjects and grade levels. He has taught in the US, Venezuela, Jamaica, Mexico, and Ghana. Forster holds bachelor's and master's degrees in education and served four years in the Peace Corps as a teacher and teacher trainer. Currently, he works as an educational consultant, providing professional development and organizational consulting to schools.
Pittsburgh Nonprofit Summit - The Art of Storytelling, Andy GoodmanGPNP
The document discusses Friends of the Children, a nonprofit that provides long-term mentoring to vulnerable children from kindergarten through high school graduation. The program aims to help children avoid criminal behavior and early parenting, and graduate high school with a plan for the future. Friends are paid professionals who build close relationships with 8 children each, meeting regularly and providing academic and social-emotional support. The organization aims to expand this model nationally.
Jeanette Mason has over 10 years of experience working in early childhood development and human services. She has held positions such as Family Advocate Associate at the Baltimore Child Abuse Center and Early Childhood Developer at the Mayor's Office of Human Services. Her responsibilities have included managing large groups of children, communicating with parents and staff, completing child assessments, and coordinating a career readiness program. She has a bachelor's degree in applied psychology and is currently pursuing further education.
This document discusses the definition and objectives of guidance services in schools. It defines guidance services as services that help students develop skills and plans to assist them in life. The key points are:
- Guidance services promote student development and help students understand themselves.
- They consist of services like information services, individual inventory, educational and career counseling, placement, and follow-up of students.
- The goal is to help students understand their strengths and potential, make informed decisions, and transition successfully between educational levels and into careers.
This document provides biographies for several speakers at an executive summit. It describes the professional backgrounds and experiences of the speakers, including their roles and accomplishments in higher education, information technology, and consulting. The speakers come from a variety of institutions and have expertise in areas such as administrative computing, information security, networking, and the future of higher education.
The document is a resume for Rebecca A. Schlorf seeking a position as a high school counselor. It summarizes her qualifications and experience in counseling students through academic, social/emotional, and college/career support. She has several counseling certifications and a master's degree in school counseling. Her professional experience includes counseling internships providing academic, social/emotional, and college advising support to high school students, as well as substitute teaching and homebound student liaison roles.
The document is a resume for Rebecca A. Schlorf seeking a position as a high school counselor. It summarizes her qualifications and experience in education and counseling. She has several counseling certifications and a master's degree in school counseling. Her professional experience includes an internship providing academic, social/emotional, and college counseling support to students. She also has experience as a substitute teacher and homebound liaison.
This document provides a summary of Marshelle Nix Long's experience and qualifications. She has over 20 years of experience in education with a focus on counseling, curriculum development, and program management. Her current role is Director of TRIO Upward Bound at Talladega College where she oversees all aspects of the program including budgeting, compliance, student support, and partnerships. She has a master's degree in mental health counseling and a passion for helping students achieve academic and career success.
Deborah Ruffin is seeking a position in criminal justice utilizing her education and experience. She has a Master's degree in Criminal Justice and owns a childcare business. Ruffin has experience as a mentor encouraging youth success and leading groups. She is proficient in Microsoft programs and communication and has received several certificates in legal and victim services fields.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
2. Brian Garrett Joseph is the online faculty
member at the University of Phoenix. He
provides theory and practice education
through learner-centered instruction that will
enable graduates to fulfill their career
objectives. He instructs and facilitates a
meaningful learning experience of the course
competencies in the curriculum and
proactively supports all facets of the LTU
online learning environment.
3. He fosters and encourages an online culture
of learning that values mutual responsibility,
life-long learning, diversity, and ethics as well
as personal and professional development. In
his career, Brian Garrett Joseph has served
at several important roles in the education
sector. He chaired meetings for the purpose
of coordinating activities and ensuring that
outcomes achieve school, district and state
4. He developed budgets and financial
forecasts for the purpose of providing
financial guidance and recommendations to
administrative personnel, superintendent and
communication between personnel, students
and parents to evaluate situations, solve
processes for providing direction and
complying with mandated requirements.
5. Brian Garrett Joseph is a qualified
professional who received his Doctor of
Education, Ed.D. from USC Rossier School of
Education. He completed his Masters of Arts
Educational Administration, Bachelor of Arts
English Literature, Professional Administrative
Services Credential, and Single Subject
Teaching Credential English from California
State University Dominguez Hills.