Brian Garrett Joseph has been writing since 2002. He writes articles and blogs on educational topics/issues. He has experience in writing articles about athletics, mostly American Football.
The Gordon Geeks presented on a marketing strategy to encourage current Ohio State University students to get more involved in extracurricular activities. They conducted research including focus groups and surveys that found students feel disconnected from the large university. Their target segment is "Apathetic Buckeyes" - students who attend mainstream events but need encouragement to get more involved. The campaign uses print, online and mobile channels to promote involvement opportunities and build a sense of community through themes of "We're big. We're big on involvement." It will be executed through various campus events and tracked using web analytics.
xAPI in Action: Sending an data to an LRS (FocusOn Session)Jeff Batt
Here are my slides of how to send xAPI (TinCan) statements over to an LRS. This is a brief overview of the concept and then download files have walk through examples.
The document describes a nanowire thermocouple characterization platform. The platform contains a palladium-gold nanowire thermocouple, a resistive palladium heater, and two resistive palladium thermometers located on a silicon dioxide layer. It was designed to accurately measure the temperature difference between the thermocouple's hot and cold junctions when calibrating nanowire thermocouples. The platform was used to determine the relative Seebeck coefficient of a palladium-gold nanowire thermocouple, measured to be 2.963 賊 0.004 亮V/K at 294 K. Nanowire thermocouples provide benefits like high spatial resolution, fast response time,
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education) in primary schools has several key benefits. It encourages children to develop healthy habits, make informed decisions, and accept themselves and others. The document outlines how PDHPE promotes healthy eating, physical activity, and road safety. It informs students about nutrition and encourages exercise for physical and mental well-being. PDHPE also teaches children safety skills to protect themselves and others.
This document outlines the progression of designing a leaflet for the charity SASH. It starts with moving an image from the inside left of the leaflet to the back page to accompany related information. The back page was then used to provide details about what SASH does as a charity and how to get involved. The front of the leaflet includes the SASH logo, an image, and ways to find more information. The inside pages include homelessness statistics on the left and a first-hand account from a volunteer on the right.
This document is the constitution of the South African Correctional Services Workers Union (SACOSWU). It outlines the aims, structures, and procedures of the union. Some key points:
- The union represents correctional services workers in South Africa. Its aims are to advance workers' interests, defend against unfair labor practices, promote non-discrimination, and build a democratic worker-controlled organization.
- The constitution establishes national, regional, zonal, and local structures and committees to govern the union. It defines roles for office bearers, shop stewards, and other positions at each level.
- Membership is open to correctional services workers. The application process involves submitting forms and fees to
Este documento resume la vida y obra de la escritora espa単ola Ana Mar鱈a Matute. Naci坦 en Barcelona en 1925 y se cas坦 en 1952, aunque se separ坦 en 1963. Fue una de las mejores novelistas espa単olas de la posguerra y recibi坦 varios premios importantes como el Premio Nacional de las Letras Espa単olas y el Premio Cervantes. Algunas de sus obras m叩s conocidas incluyen Fiesta al noroeste, Los soldados lloran de noche y Los ni単os tontos.
The document provides instructions for uploading a slideshow presentation to 際際滷Share. It outlines selecting files to upload, providing a title, description, categories and tags for the presentation, and then sharing or embedding the presentation on a blog.
This document provides information about the PARCC assessment and preparing for Common Core State Standards. It suggests that teachers continue teaching a rigorous curriculum based on the Common Core, develop students' literacy and critical thinking skills, and familiarize themselves with PARCC frameworks and blueprints. It also discusses signing up for PARCC/CCSS email lists and closing reading PARCC model content frameworks in groups to identify positives, frustrations, and questions. The purpose is to help teachers feel acquainted with PARCC, aware of timelines, see connections between PARCC/CCSS/teaching standards, and know where to find resources, while increasing urgency without stress.
Este documento presenta la estrategia del gobierno ecuatoriano para implementar el uso de software libre en la administraci坦n p炭blica central. El objetivo es lograr soberan鱈a tecnol坦gica y ahorro de recursos p炭blicos de acuerdo con un decreto presidencial emitido en 2008. La estrategia se basa en cuatro ejes: promulgaci坦n de est叩ndares y normas, formaci坦n de capacidades t辿cnicas, planificaci坦n y seguimiento, y difusi坦n. Se definen pol鱈ticas como el uso de est叩ndares abiertos y la minimizaci坦n
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre las ventajas y desventajas de las redes sociales. Entre las ventajas se単ala que los usuarios tienden a compartir opiniones positivas sobre empresas y productos. Entre las desventajas menciona que pueden ser perjudiciales al disminuir la interacci坦n humana directa y exponer fotos sin consentimiento. Tambi辿n se単ala que algunos matrimonios se han divorciado debido a publicaciones en redes sociales.
Este documento lista los nombres de varias empresas y organizaciones seguidos de la palabra "Creatividad". Esto sugiere que la agencia 361agency ha realizado trabajos creativos o de marketing para estas compa単鱈as durante el per鱈odo de 2001 a 2013. Tambi辿n incluye informaci坦n sobre una marca llamada Her Creation que fabrica ropa de algod坦n hecha a mano siguiendo tradiciones paraguayas.
Este documento presenta una serie de lugares y caracter鱈sticas notables de la ciudad de Zumaia en el Pa鱈s Vasco, Espa単a. Incluye lugares como la playa de Santiago, la r鱈a Narrondo, Foronda, los acantilados, la antigua aduana, el puente, el pintor Ignacio Zuloaga, el polideportivo, el puerto, el castillo de Foronda, el puerto deportivo, el paseo del faro, el camino de Santiago, la calle Ribera y Puntanoeta. El documento est叩 ilustrado con fotograf
O meu pai - adapta巽達o em escrita com s鱈mbolos pelo CRTICbibliogpais
Este documento introduce conceptos b叩sicos de inform叩tica. Explica que la inform叩tica es la ciencia del tratamiento de la informaci坦n mediante m叩quinas autom叩ticas. Define un ordenador como una m叩quina capaz de procesar datos bajo un programa previamente almacenado. Distingue entre hardware, los componentes f鱈sicos de la computadora, y software, los programas. Describe la arquitectura b叩sica de una computadora, incluyendo perif辿ricos de entrada como teclados y esc叩neres, y de salida como monitores, impresoras y altavoc
Brian garrett joseph is a well known educationistBernard Jenson
Brian Garrett Joseph is the online faculty member at the University of Phoenix. He provides theory and practice education through learner-centered instruction that will enable graduates to fulfill their career objectives.
Mr. Brian has many years of professional teaching experience. Brian Garrett Joseph at Etiwanda High School performed a variety of administrative functions and served as an educational leader of the school.
Brian garrett joseph is an experienced educatorBernard Jenson
Brian Garrett Joseph is an experienced educator who has worked as an English teacher, administrator, and faculty member. He has a Bachelor's in English Literature, a Master's in Educational Administration, and a doctorate in educational leadership. Throughout his career, he has gained expertise working in senior-level positions and managing school administrative functions and budgets. Currently, he is an online faculty member at the University of Phoenix where he provides learner-centered instruction to help students achieve their career goals.
Gregory Forster has over 17 years of experience as a teacher and teacher trainer in various subjects and grade levels. He has taught in the US, Venezuela, Jamaica, Mexico, and Ghana. Forster holds bachelor's and master's degrees in education and served four years in the Peace Corps as a teacher and teacher trainer. Currently, he works as an educational consultant, providing professional development and organizational consulting to schools.
Zubaidah AlamerSummary of Cross-Class Friendship and Academic Ac.docxgerardkortney
This study investigated the relationship between parental education, cross-class friendships, and academic achievement in middle school students. It was a longitudinal correlational study that used survey data from students in 6th-8th grade to measure parental education, friendship characteristics, and grade point average. The results showed that students with cross-class friendships, or friendships with students from different socioeconomic backgrounds, had weaker correlations between parental education and GPA. This suggests that cross-class friendships may help equalize academic opportunities and outcomes between students from varying family backgrounds. The findings provide insights into factors that influence academic achievement and could inform efforts to support diverse friendships in middle school.
The document provides instructions for uploading a slideshow presentation to 際際滷Share. It outlines selecting files to upload, providing a title, description, categories and tags for the presentation, and then sharing or embedding the presentation on a blog.
This document provides information about the PARCC assessment and preparing for Common Core State Standards. It suggests that teachers continue teaching a rigorous curriculum based on the Common Core, develop students' literacy and critical thinking skills, and familiarize themselves with PARCC frameworks and blueprints. It also discusses signing up for PARCC/CCSS email lists and closing reading PARCC model content frameworks in groups to identify positives, frustrations, and questions. The purpose is to help teachers feel acquainted with PARCC, aware of timelines, see connections between PARCC/CCSS/teaching standards, and know where to find resources, while increasing urgency without stress.
Este documento presenta la estrategia del gobierno ecuatoriano para implementar el uso de software libre en la administraci坦n p炭blica central. El objetivo es lograr soberan鱈a tecnol坦gica y ahorro de recursos p炭blicos de acuerdo con un decreto presidencial emitido en 2008. La estrategia se basa en cuatro ejes: promulgaci坦n de est叩ndares y normas, formaci坦n de capacidades t辿cnicas, planificaci坦n y seguimiento, y difusi坦n. Se definen pol鱈ticas como el uso de est叩ndares abiertos y la minimizaci坦n
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre las ventajas y desventajas de las redes sociales. Entre las ventajas se単ala que los usuarios tienden a compartir opiniones positivas sobre empresas y productos. Entre las desventajas menciona que pueden ser perjudiciales al disminuir la interacci坦n humana directa y exponer fotos sin consentimiento. Tambi辿n se単ala que algunos matrimonios se han divorciado debido a publicaciones en redes sociales.
Este documento lista los nombres de varias empresas y organizaciones seguidos de la palabra "Creatividad". Esto sugiere que la agencia 361agency ha realizado trabajos creativos o de marketing para estas compa単鱈as durante el per鱈odo de 2001 a 2013. Tambi辿n incluye informaci坦n sobre una marca llamada Her Creation que fabrica ropa de algod坦n hecha a mano siguiendo tradiciones paraguayas.
Este documento presenta una serie de lugares y caracter鱈sticas notables de la ciudad de Zumaia en el Pa鱈s Vasco, Espa単a. Incluye lugares como la playa de Santiago, la r鱈a Narrondo, Foronda, los acantilados, la antigua aduana, el puente, el pintor Ignacio Zuloaga, el polideportivo, el puerto, el castillo de Foronda, el puerto deportivo, el paseo del faro, el camino de Santiago, la calle Ribera y Puntanoeta. El documento est叩 ilustrado con fotograf
O meu pai - adapta巽達o em escrita com s鱈mbolos pelo CRTICbibliogpais
Este documento introduce conceptos b叩sicos de inform叩tica. Explica que la inform叩tica es la ciencia del tratamiento de la informaci坦n mediante m叩quinas autom叩ticas. Define un ordenador como una m叩quina capaz de procesar datos bajo un programa previamente almacenado. Distingue entre hardware, los componentes f鱈sicos de la computadora, y software, los programas. Describe la arquitectura b叩sica de una computadora, incluyendo perif辿ricos de entrada como teclados y esc叩neres, y de salida como monitores, impresoras y altavoc
Brian garrett joseph is a well known educationistBernard Jenson
Brian Garrett Joseph is the online faculty member at the University of Phoenix. He provides theory and practice education through learner-centered instruction that will enable graduates to fulfill their career objectives.
Mr. Brian has many years of professional teaching experience. Brian Garrett Joseph at Etiwanda High School performed a variety of administrative functions and served as an educational leader of the school.
Brian garrett joseph is an experienced educatorBernard Jenson
Brian Garrett Joseph is an experienced educator who has worked as an English teacher, administrator, and faculty member. He has a Bachelor's in English Literature, a Master's in Educational Administration, and a doctorate in educational leadership. Throughout his career, he has gained expertise working in senior-level positions and managing school administrative functions and budgets. Currently, he is an online faculty member at the University of Phoenix where he provides learner-centered instruction to help students achieve their career goals.
Gregory Forster has over 17 years of experience as a teacher and teacher trainer in various subjects and grade levels. He has taught in the US, Venezuela, Jamaica, Mexico, and Ghana. Forster holds bachelor's and master's degrees in education and served four years in the Peace Corps as a teacher and teacher trainer. Currently, he works as an educational consultant, providing professional development and organizational consulting to schools.
Zubaidah AlamerSummary of Cross-Class Friendship and Academic Ac.docxgerardkortney
This study investigated the relationship between parental education, cross-class friendships, and academic achievement in middle school students. It was a longitudinal correlational study that used survey data from students in 6th-8th grade to measure parental education, friendship characteristics, and grade point average. The results showed that students with cross-class friendships, or friendships with students from different socioeconomic backgrounds, had weaker correlations between parental education and GPA. This suggests that cross-class friendships may help equalize academic opportunities and outcomes between students from varying family backgrounds. The findings provide insights into factors that influence academic achievement and could inform efforts to support diverse friendships in middle school.
Final Parent Handbook 2015 2201_2015ParentsHandbook_withEdits_4PrinterSteve Cardamone
This document provides information to students and parents about the Partner School Scholarship program from the Give Something Back Foundation (GSBF). The scholarship funds the full cost of tuition, fees, room and board for eligible high school freshmen to attend one of three partner colleges. To receive the scholarship, students must maintain a minimum GPA, complete mandatory activities, and adhere to program guidelines. The document outlines the academic requirements, student activities in high school and college, contact expectations, and other program details. It aims to ensure students have a successful experience and preparation for their future.
Maria is a motivated 18-year-old from a developing country who wants to get a top degree faster than through her country's outdated university system. She wants to study abroad but cannot afford the best international universities. She thinks online education could provide an affordable alternative if it offers an integrated program from a reputable source that allows her to learn at her own pace while continuing to work.
PROPOSAL Students need a better Education to be ready for Co.docxaryan532920
Students need a better Education to be ready for College
Today education in high school is different from what most students face in college. Every year many students graduate from high school from all around the world, but the question that many students do not ask themselves is I am prepared to move forward. Many students struggle when they take classes at colleges. Sometimes they fail, do not do well in college and they feel disappointed and drop out of college. Many students feel that everything is new for them because the way that they had been taught was different or maybe it was a basic style. Students believe that high school should be more like preparation to enter to college; teachers should teach as college professors do, so that the students do not get surprised when they enter into a college institution.
High school is the end for some students, but for other, it is only a new beginning. Students face many responsibilities, new ways of learning, and different ways of teaching when they are introduce into a college institution. For some students, it is hard to adapt to this new ways of learning because in high school it was different. Yates Kathy Jo Ed Ph. made a survey to find out if students were prepare for college.
The analysis indicated that students who entered college prepared for college-level work, based on earned ACT scores, were much more likely to graduate within 3 years as compared to students who entered college underprepared and required to take developmental courses. Further, the study revealed that the number of developmental courses and the number of developmental academic subject content areas students were required to take was inversely related to the 3-year persistence-to-graduation rate. (Graduation rates: A comparison of first-time, full-time freshmen who entered a community college prepared and those who entered underprepared for college-level work) (Yates, 2011)
Some examples are, in high school, teachers grade students for the effort and not for doing it the right way, another example is the discipline of doing things in a professional way, not in a basic way. Students got used to being baby-sat in high school. In college, students feel that teachers do not care about them because teachers do not tell them what they did wrong. Students need to know that high school is not the same as college. This is the big surprise that students find when they enter into an institution. Teachers treat students as an adult and that most students do not understand it.
For the most part students in high school learn in only one learning style. Students learn the basic subjects in an easy way, not like college level. Crosby, Lynne Sponaugle, Ph.D survey was that,
The results of this study can support community college faculty and administrators' efforts to prepare their students as actively engaged and effective citizens. The findings suggest that students may benefit from meaningful civic activities an ...
Advanced Faculty Professional Development For Online Course Building An Acti...Joaquin Hamad
This document provides a summary of an action research project conducted by distance education directors and online coordinators at Kennesaw State University. The goal was to develop an advanced online training program for faculty with experience teaching online. They created and tested an alpha version with 10 coordinators, then beta tested it with faculty feedback to identify themes for revision. The revised program was offered to faculty in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, leading to an increase in new online course development in subsequent years. The training program aimed to equip experienced faculty with additional instructional skills for online teaching through collaborative action research.
Brianna Fae Liberatore has over 5 years of experience in sales, marketing, and photography. She has a background in admissions and recruiting from Education Management Corporation, where she was an Assistant Director of Admissions and Associate Director of Admissions. She also owns her own photography business, BFL Photography, where she provides photography services for events like engagements and families. Liberatore has a Bachelor's degree in Marketing from Robert Morris University and additional photography and design coursework from The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. She is proficient in software like Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, and Lightroom.
The document discusses a proposed scholarship program called APSSP aimed at increasing retention and graduation rates of low-income freshmen at the University of Florida Institute of Technology (UFIT). APSSP would provide students with tuition, housing, meals, tutoring, and a monthly allowance. It aims to give students enough support to become persistent and succeed academically and socially. The program boasts positive retention, graduation, and recruitment rates for UFIT. Its yearly budget of $100,000 primarily supports students through scholarships and pays personal tutors.
Creating Connections: Using Technology to Build Student CommunityJill Lingard
Through the lens of both an academic advisor and a student, presenters of this session will share how their use of technology has enhanced communication and a sense of community among students, faculty, and staff, and also heightened the academic performance and persistence of students in an online program.
The document discusses the benefits of studying in the USA and provides tips for foreign students pursuing education there. Some key points covered are:
- Studying in the USA provides exposure to a diverse environment that enhances understanding and thinking. However, the application process requires planning at least a year in advance.
- Students need strong English skills, high SAT/TOEFL scores, good academic performance, letters of recommendation, and proof of sufficient financial resources.
- Degrees from US universities open opportunities worldwide and enhance career prospects. The practical learning style also makes students more tech-savvy.
Online Teaching during Crises and Its Possible Impacts on Higher EducationQingjiang (Q. J.) Yao
Online teaching has been an auxiliary method in higher education for years, and its quality in comparison with traditional face-to-face teaching has been a long-time topic of scholarly examination and debate. This study aims at accessing the extent research about the comparison in qualities of online and face-to-face teachings, their practices in the ongoing pandemic period, and the possible impacts of the large-scale practice of online teaching during this COVID pandemic on higher education in the long run.油
First Year Students Essay
Essay about Higher Education
International Students Essay example
Studying Abroad Essay
Why Grades Are Important Essay
How to Be A Good Student Essay
Essay about Student Financial Assistance
Essay about The Education System
My Life As A Student
Essay about Teachers and Students
Best Ways To Study Essay
Student Engagement Essay
Essay On Student Stress
The document discusses the expectations of Grade 10 students about the Senior High School academic track in the Philippines. It provides background on the K-12 educational reform and implementation of the Senior High School program. It reviews literature on academic preparation, skills development, and character formation expectations. The study aims to determine Grade 10 students' expectations of the SHS academic tracks in these areas and provide suggestions to better meet their expectations.
Supporting Students With Intellectual and Developmenta.docxcalvins9
Students With
Intellectual and
Disabilities to
Attend College
Megan M. Griffin and Clare K. Papay
l C
, V
. 6
, p
. 4
. C
t 2
. D
412 CounCil for ExCEptional ChildrEn
One of Ms. Barrys students, Paul, a
16-year-old with autism spectrum
disorder and intellectual disability (ID),
came to school talking about his older
brother who had just started college.
Paul wants to go to college, too, but his
parents do not think that this is a
realistic goal and are asking for her
advice. Ms. Barry has never heard this
question from a students parents before
and is unsure about what to tell them.
Students with intellectual and
developmental disabilities (IDD), such
as autism spectrum disorder and Down
syndrome, have more opportunities to
go to college than ever before (Hart,
Grigal, & Weir, 2010). Over the last
decade, the issue of increasing access
to college for students with IDD has
gained much national attention, in part
due to federal funding through the
Higher Education Opportunity Act
(2008). According to Think College
a national organization dedicated to
expanding and improving opportunities
for inclusive higher education for
students with IDDmore than 240
inclusive college programs for students
with ID exist across the United States
(see Figure 1; Think College, 2017).
This number represents an exponential
increase in programsnearly 10 times
greater than the number of programs
available in 2004 (National
Coordinating Center Accreditation
Workgroup, 2016). Not only are there
more programs to choose from, with
recent revisions to the Higher
Education Opportunity Act, students
with ID also can access federal
financial aid for attending
postsecondary education programs that
meet federal requirements (Hart et al.,
Several sources of data provide a
snapshot of college attendance by
students with IDD. An analysis of data
from the Rehabilitation Services
Administration suggests that up to 20%
of youth with ID in each state are in
postsecondary education while
receiving vocational rehabilitation
services (Grigal, Migliore, & Hart,
2014). The National Longitudinal
Transition Study 2 indicated that 28.7%
of youth with ID enrolled in some type
of postsecondary education within 8
years after exiting high school
(Newman et al., 2011). Through recent
federal funding for Transition and
Postsecondary Programs for Students
With Intellectual Disabilities, 2,245
students accessed postsecondary
education at 57 college and university
campuses between 2010 and 2015
(Grigal, Hart, Smith, Domin, & Weir,
2017). Alongside the ex.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
2. Brian Garrett Joseph has been writing since
2002. He writes articles and blogs on
educational topics/issues. He has experience
in writing articles about athletics, mostly
American Football. He also writes regarding
current issues in K-12 education. He says that
21st century high school classroom has not
successfully adapted to the needs of all
students. At the turn of the century in
accordance with the technology boom, various
online high school surfaced.
3. These schools were largely created to offer
an option to traditional high school teaching,
curriculum and instruction, thereby meeting
the needs of students who for a variety of
reasons had not been successful in the
traditional environment. The online schools
proudly proclaim their accreditation by their
respective governing bodies and advertise
their flexibility and versatility for students who
want an alternative virtual setting.
4. Based in Southern California, Brian Garrett
Joseph has been a teacher, administrator
and college professor for nearly 20 years. He
is presently an online faculty member at
University of Phoenix. He provides theory
and practice education through learner-
centered instruction that will enable
graduates to fulfill their career objectives. He
instructs and facilitates a meaningful learning
experience of the course competencies in the
curriculum and proactively supports all facets
of LTU online learning environment.
5. Brian Garrett Joseph has broad interests in
brain based learning and research, as well as
educational achievement gap between
African Americans, Latinos, low
socioeconomic students and their White and
Asian counterparts. He is specifically
interested in the role that school climate,
teacher's attitude and approach play in the
role of academic achievement of the
aforementioned groups. He is an avid movie
buff and has written two screenplays.