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3300 NW 178 STREET, Miami, Fl. 33056 | Cell (305) 305-389-8215 | bphillip06@bellsouth.net
FinancialAid Professional - verysuccessful at advising multi-million dollar educationalinstitutions, small businesses,
and individual clients. Areas of expertise include Federal and State Grant(s) Management, Federal DirectStudent Loan
Management, and Designated or Institutional Scholarship Management. Managed a team of Financial Aid Experts for
over 20 years,working hands-on with a unique student clientele in assisting them with the entire application processes of
the Federal and State Financial Aid Forms. I also counseled students about their decisions to attend college to
obtain an education that will launch them into a career and notjust a job.Conducted various Financial Aid Awareness
Seminars in many of the surrounding high schools and colleges, allover Dade County,to assist our young people and
provided their parents with the expertise needed to successfullycomplete the Financial Aid Process for the firsttime and
with the personal touch theycould not get from many ofthe colleges' Financial Aid Offices.
Strategicand financial planning expert Internal Audit
Staff leadership and development Account Reconciliation
Banner Software Expert Bookkeeping
Federal Pell Grant Administrator InterviewSkills
Policy and Procedures Management Excellent Customer Service Representative
Research and Development General ledger
Strong Organization and Leadership Skills Microsoft office,Word, Excel
Event Management Financial Aid Consultant
Brand Management Small Business Consultant
Federal Aid Compliance Financial Risk Assessment
Strong writing and oral communication skills Project Management
Awarded annually over $40 million in Federal & State Grants,FMUScholarships,and Federal Direct Loansto
students atFlorida Memorial Universityfrom 7/1990 - 10/2010.
Increased Enrollment over 15% Annuallyfrom Fall 1988 to Fall 2010 through compliance enforcementand
implementation of a rigorous quality controlsystem and the effective management of the Institution's Scholarship
Manage and maintain allcomputer mainframe duties to fullyimplement the Colleges' financial database
management Computer Options System (COCO).Tooklead in implementing the entire Financial Aid COCO
System implementation in 1990 to 2006, and administered the Annual Start-up Procedures each year, until the
school move to Power-Campus and PowerFaidsSoftware Systems - 2006 - 2010 at Florida Memorial University.
Managed and maintained all computer operationsas itpertain to the effectivelycompleting the entire financial aid
operationselectronicallyby using of the Banner Software @ NSU, and PowerFaids, & Power Campus Software
programs @ FMUsince implementation at the institution since Fall2006 to present.
Assisted with the coordination of the University's - Financial Aid (Title IV - A-133) AnnualInternal or External
Audits thatshowed the effective managementof the FinancialAid Records for over 22 yearsof which 20 years
resulted in Clean Federal Audit Reports byan external C.P.A.Firm of the one of the top five national companies.
Assistant Director, student Recruitment & Enrollment Management - I 2016 - Present
Nova Southeastern University – Miami Campus Miami, Florida
ï‚· Establish and execute activities to market and promote NSU programs for the regional campus locations to
increase student enrollment 10 - 15% each year
ï‚· Contact corporations, educational facilities, and other organizations to: A. Develop a network of appropriate contacts.
B. Develop and maintain a tracking system of these contacts and outcomes.
C. Establish an effective recruitment plan for inquiries
ï‚· Establish and provide NSU information sessions and presentations for marketing programs.
ï‚· Represent NSU at conferences, educational fairs, career days, etc. to present programs offered to prospective students.
ï‚· Prepare weekly reports of activities and tracking of inquiries, applications and student outcomes.
ï‚· Provide feedback and recommendations to campus director regarding customer service, communication and recruitment
ï‚· Work with Regional Campuses Director of Marketing & Performance Management on copy for program marketing, brochures,
schedules and surveys.
ï‚· Coordinate with various University support services regarding student questions and problems and travel to various locations
to promote and support NSU programs.
ï‚· Serve in public relations capacity at professional, civic and business functions and perform other duties as assigned.
ï‚· Assist in special project management assignments, and also serve as Campus Director in the absence of the
Director/Assist Director II or III.
ï‚· Be Knowledgeable and experience in database management, spreadsheets, word processing, email, etc.
ï‚· Have the ability to work a flexible schedule and be possess excellent communication skills in writing and public speaking using
the English language.
Student Financial Aid Services Manager – Off- Site 4/2015 – 5/2016
Nova Southeastern University – Kendall -Miami Campus Miami, Florida
ï‚· Provide overall coordination and administration of financial aid and other ESS-related services at the Miami -
Kendall Campus, including counseling students and parents, and awarding financial aid.
ï‚· Work closely with the Miami-Kendall Campus Site Director, staff, and academic units.
ï‚· Coordinate and administer financial aid, including grants, loans, and Federal Work-Study, and other ESS-related
student services for the Miami-Kendall Campus.
ï‚· Supervise the off-site counselors and provide reports and updates concerning the regional campus to the ESS
ï‚· Conduct financial aid workshops for prospective and currently enrolled students. These workshops are held at
both local and out-of-area locations, and may be held in the evening and during the weekend, as required.
ï‚· Prepare, review, award, and certify financial aid within established parameters and in accordance with federal
legislation, state statutes, and institutional guidelines.
ï‚· Electronically process loans for awarded students, and perform verification of selected student financial aid
applications as required by the United States Department of Education.
ï‚· Utilize the Banner software to complete job responsibilities, also initiate and maintain correspondence with
students and parents to facilitate the evaluation of special circumstances.
ï‚· Participate and attend ESS and university sanctioned meetings, committees, and events, including orientations
and information sessions.
ï‚· Work with the Admissions Office as a liaison with regard to recruitment and other registration and financial
services matters and perform other duties as assigned.
ï‚· Responsible for the administration of all Financial Aid Awardsto NSU's Newand Returning students including
all Federal,State Grants, Direct Loans, and FederalWork-studyPrograms. This includes the awarding, revising,
and adjusting of all student awards on the Banner system, and ensuring that all awardsare within established parameters
in accordance with the Federal Financial Aid Regulations, State Statutes,and Institutional
ï‚· Advising the Prospective, and Current Students,their Parents, and the NSUCommunity as well, regarding all
financialaid matters.
ï‚· Attending presentations and workshopsat both localand out ofarea @ NSU's Regional Campuses located in
Orlando, and Kendall.
ï‚· I am required to travel to NSU's Off-CampusSites,to backup and /or cover the Financial Aid Vacant Staff
positions asthe need arises.
ï‚· Conduct Money Matters FinancialAid Work-shops to both prospective studentsand parents,or to Grad Students
as well.
ï‚· Utilizes the Banner Financial Aid Software Program to complete my job duties and responsibilities in managing
all Federal,State, and InstitutionalFinancial Aid Programs' awarded.
ï‚· Reviewand generatesDirect Loan Awardsand Federaland State Grantsawarded through our Banner Software
ï‚· Participatesin ESS and University sanctioned meetings, committees,and events, including Open House,
Orientations,and Information Sessions.
ï‚· Liaison with Admissions office regarding recruitment and other financialaid matters and also assist atthe
One-Stop-Shop to address student financial aid questions asneeded.
Florida Memorial University Miami, Florida
ï‚· Oversawthe Title IV-Financial Aid operation atthe college,by establishing with the concurrence ofthe Director
of EnrollmentManagement, the Statement of Principles, Policies, and Proceduresfor allstudentfinancialaid
programs offered.
ï‚· Developed the AnnualPlan of Operation and allunit goalsand objectives along with the necessary internal
controlsto assure program compliance with all federal,state,and institutionalregulations.
ï‚· Served on various Ad-HocCommittees asestablished bythe University, as they relate to the Office of Financial
Aid such as the University's Tuition and Fees Committee,UniversityScholarship Committee,and the University
Registration and Orientation Committees.
ï‚· Coordinated,directed, and monitored all activitiesof the Office of FinancialAid relating to the implementation of
all federal,state, and institutional regulationsregarding the Federal Pell Grant,FederalCollege Work-study
Program, the Federal SEOG, the Stare Grants -FSAG,FRAG, the Institutional Scholarship Programs,and the
Federal Direct Subsidized / Unsubsidized /ParentPlus Loan Programs for over 4500 studentsrecords.
ï‚· Monitored and managed the Annual Budgetof the FinancialAid Office and all Financial Aid Programs, managed
over $35 Million dollars annually.
ï‚· CoordinatesallFinancial Aid staff training and development,and providesannualevaluationsofall personnelin the
office. Managed over25 staff members including 12-15 Full-time Staff plus12-15 work-study students.
Perform financialneed analysisand counseling to financial aid recipientswhich was over 7500 records annually.
Disseminate financial aid information to prospective students and the community atlarge including over 5000new
Admission applicants and3500FinancialAid Applicants annually.
ï‚· Hosted and directed NationalCOCO Work-shops on various financial aid office operationsand computer
programs available.
ï‚· Recruited students to attend the University during varioustrips to the Virgin Islands(St.Thomas, St. Croix, and
Tortola, B.W.I.) annually and yielded over 80% of 400 applications each year which equated to bringing over300new
students to attend the college each year for over 10 years asan Alumni Recruiter.
Assistant Director of Financial Aid 07/1989 to 07/1990
Florida Memorial University Miami, Florida
ï‚· Assisted the Director of Financial Aid with the implementation ofthe Statement ofPrinciples,Policies,and Procedures
for Student FinancialAid.
ï‚· Also assisted with the planning of the annualgoalsand objectives,and in developing internal controlsto assure
program compliance with all federal, state, and institutional regulations.
ï‚· Served on Ad-hoc Committeesof the college in the absence of the Director,astheyrelate to the Office of
Financial Aid.
ï‚· Monitored and supervised all staff members and internal operation with some direction from the Director.
ï‚· Coordinated and administered the PellGrant,SEOG,and the entire FMUInstitutional and Designated
Scholarship Programs.
ï‚· Disseminated financialaid information to prospective students, parents,and the community-at-large.
ï‚· Managed a portfolio of over10 million Dollars in Scholarshipsannuallyinboth Institutional and Designated
Scholarship Funds.
Financial Aid Officer 07/1988 to 07/1989
Florida Memorial College Miami, Florida
ï‚· Assist the Director of FinancialAid with the administration ofthe various Federal, State, and Institutional financial
aid programs.
ï‚· Advise and assist students in completing allof their financial aid applications.
ï‚· Processing applications for financial aid recipients, determine students' eligibility for the various financial aid
programs, and notifythe studentsof the programs awarded.
ï‚· Develop and implement informational sessionswith newand returning students in reference to personal
budgeting,and wise loan borrowing practices.
ï‚· Prepare and maintain all Reconciliation Reportsmonthly, quarterly, and annually,for all Financial Aid program(s)
and also ensure the effective implementation of all required administrative procedures.
ï‚· Project and plan for changes in financial aid programs due to changes in enrollment, legislation,and
ï‚· Representthe Financial Aid Office at variousprofessionalstate, regional,and nationalconferences.
University -started 10/2007 to present with a Cum G.P.A of 3.16 and 18 hours earned.
ï‚· BACHELORS DEGREE, IN ACCOUNTING from Florida Memorial University - 4/1988. Graduated Cum
Laude with a G.P.A - 3.34
ï‚· Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Society -1984-88 *FMUStudentLeader of the Year -1987-88
ï‚· Accounting Excellence Award-Dade County Chapter -Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants- 4/1988
ï‚· President'sList and Dean's List for AcademicAchievements 1984-88
ï‚· FMU SGA President 1987-88 during my senior year at FMU.
ï‚· On-Campus -College Advisor - Alpha phiAlpha Fraternity, Inc.,Delta Psi Chapter @ FMU - 8/1989 -4/2010.
ï‚· Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Beta Beta Lambda Chapter - 1988 - 2010,and held position(s) as
Scholarship Ball Chairperson 1994-1995, Intake Manager - 1996-1998.
ï‚· Co-Chaired-Annual FMUHomecoming Committee Step-show/ConcertEvent, Februaryfrom 1988 -2007
Served asa member of the FMU"Lion Hunter's"AdmissionsRecruiting Team 1989 to 2010.
ï‚· Inducted into the FMUPresident'sFountain of Excellence,February 20,1994.
ï‚· Elected asPresident of FMUNational Alumni Association-North Dade Alumni Chapter - 8/1998 to 6/2000.
ï‚· Received an outstanding Leadership Award -April,2000, asthe Vice President of the Staff capital campaign
"Rising to New Heights."
ï‚· Received Outstanding Leadership Award as FMUStudentGovernmentAdvisor for 2000 to 2010.
ï‚· Received Distinguished Service Awards for over ten years ofoutstanding service to the Athlete Departments at
FMU -1996-2009.
ï‚· Attended annual FMURecruiting Trip for the HistoricallyBlack College Fairs in the USVIinclude Tortola,BWI,
to recruitstudent for FMUfrom St. Thomas, St.Croix, and Tortola aswell from 2/1988 to 2/2009.
ï‚· Served in the position of FMU Vice Presidentofthe Staff Council,7/2008-6/2009 and 7/2009-10/2010.
ï‚· Served asNational President of the FMUNational Alumni Association 7/2012- 6/2014.

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Brian Phillip Resume Updated 06-16-2016

  • 1. BRIAN N. PHILLIP 3300 NW 178 STREET, Miami, Fl. 33056 | Cell (305) 305-389-8215 | bphillip06@bellsouth.net Summary FinancialAid Professional - verysuccessful at advising multi-million dollar educationalinstitutions, small businesses, and individual clients. Areas of expertise include Federal and State Grant(s) Management, Federal DirectStudent Loan Management, and Designated or Institutional Scholarship Management. Managed a team of Financial Aid Experts for over 20 years,working hands-on with a unique student clientele in assisting them with the entire application processes of the Federal and State Financial Aid Forms. I also counseled students about their decisions to attend college to obtain an education that will launch them into a career and notjust a job.Conducted various Financial Aid Awareness Seminars in many of the surrounding high schools and colleges, allover Dade County,to assist our young people and provided their parents with the expertise needed to successfullycomplete the Financial Aid Process for the firsttime and with the personal touch theycould not get from many ofthe colleges' Financial Aid Offices. Highlights Strategicand financial planning expert Internal Audit Staff leadership and development Account Reconciliation Banner Software Expert Bookkeeping Federal Pell Grant Administrator InterviewSkills Policy and Procedures Management Excellent Customer Service Representative Research and Development General ledger Strong Organization and Leadership Skills Microsoft office,Word, Excel Event Management Financial Aid Consultant Brand Management Small Business Consultant Federal Aid Compliance Financial Risk Assessment Strong writing and oral communication skills Project Management Accomplishments Awarded annually over $40 million in Federal & State Grants,FMUScholarships,and Federal Direct Loansto students atFlorida Memorial Universityfrom 7/1990 - 10/2010. Increased Enrollment over 15% Annuallyfrom Fall 1988 to Fall 2010 through compliance enforcementand implementation of a rigorous quality controlsystem and the effective management of the Institution's Scholarship Portfolio. Manage and maintain allcomputer mainframe duties to fullyimplement the Colleges' financial database management Computer Options System (COCO).Tooklead in implementing the entire Financial Aid COCO System implementation in 1990 to 2006, and administered the Annual Start-up Procedures each year, until the school move to Power-Campus and PowerFaidsSoftware Systems - 2006 - 2010 at Florida Memorial University. Managed and maintained all computer operationsas itpertain to the effectivelycompleting the entire financial aid operationselectronicallyby using of the Banner Software @ NSU, and PowerFaids, & Power Campus Software programs @ FMUsince implementation at the institution since Fall2006 to present. Assisted with the coordination of the University's - Financial Aid (Title IV - A-133) AnnualInternal or External Audits thatshowed the effective managementof the FinancialAid Records for over 22 yearsof which 20 years resulted in Clean Federal Audit Reports byan external C.P.A.Firm of the one of the top five national companies.
  • 2. Experience Assistant Director, student Recruitment & Enrollment Management - I 2016 - Present Nova Southeastern University – Miami Campus Miami, Florida ï‚· Establish and execute activities to market and promote NSU programs for the regional campus locations to increase student enrollment 10 - 15% each year ï‚· Contact corporations, educational facilities, and other organizations to: A. Develop a network of appropriate contacts. B. Develop and maintain a tracking system of these contacts and outcomes. C. Establish an effective recruitment plan for inquiries ï‚· Establish and provide NSU information sessions and presentations for marketing programs. ï‚· Represent NSU at conferences, educational fairs, career days, etc. to present programs offered to prospective students. ï‚· Prepare weekly reports of activities and tracking of inquiries, applications and student outcomes. ï‚· Provide feedback and recommendations to campus director regarding customer service, communication and recruitment programs. ï‚· Work with Regional Campuses Director of Marketing & Performance Management on copy for program marketing, brochures, schedules and surveys. ï‚· Coordinate with various University support services regarding student questions and problems and travel to various locations to promote and support NSU programs. ï‚· Serve in public relations capacity at professional, civic and business functions and perform other duties as assigned. ï‚· Assist in special project management assignments, and also serve as Campus Director in the absence of the Director/Assist Director II or III. ï‚· Be Knowledgeable and experience in database management, spreadsheets, word processing, email, etc. ï‚· Have the ability to work a flexible schedule and be possess excellent communication skills in writing and public speaking using the English language. Student Financial Aid Services Manager – Off- Site 4/2015 – 5/2016 Nova Southeastern University – Kendall -Miami Campus Miami, Florida ï‚· Provide overall coordination and administration of financial aid and other ESS-related services at the Miami - Kendall Campus, including counseling students and parents, and awarding financial aid. ï‚· Work closely with the Miami-Kendall Campus Site Director, staff, and academic units. ï‚· Coordinate and administer financial aid, including grants, loans, and Federal Work-Study, and other ESS-related student services for the Miami-Kendall Campus. ï‚· Supervise the off-site counselors and provide reports and updates concerning the regional campus to the ESS administration. ï‚· Conduct financial aid workshops for prospective and currently enrolled students. These workshops are held at both local and out-of-area locations, and may be held in the evening and during the weekend, as required. ï‚· Prepare, review, award, and certify financial aid within established parameters and in accordance with federal legislation, state statutes, and institutional guidelines. ï‚· Electronically process loans for awarded students, and perform verification of selected student financial aid applications as required by the United States Department of Education. ï‚· Utilize the Banner software to complete job responsibilities, also initiate and maintain correspondence with students and parents to facilitate the evaluation of special circumstances. ï‚· Participate and attend ESS and university sanctioned meetings, committees, and events, including orientations and information sessions. ï‚· Work with the Admissions Office as a liaison with regard to recruitment and other registration and financial services matters and perform other duties as assigned. FINANCIAL AID COUNSELOR-ON/OFF CAMPUS 04/2012 to 4/2015 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Davie,Florida ï‚· Responsible for the administration of all Financial Aid Awardsto NSU's Newand Returning students including all Federal,State Grants, Direct Loans, and FederalWork-studyPrograms. This includes the awarding, revising,
  • 3. and adjusting of all student awards on the Banner system, and ensuring that all awardsare within established parameters in accordance with the Federal Financial Aid Regulations, State Statutes,and Institutional Guidelines,etc. ï‚· Advising the Prospective, and Current Students,their Parents, and the NSUCommunity as well, regarding all financialaid matters. ï‚· Attending presentations and workshopsat both localand out ofarea @ NSU's Regional Campuses located in Orlando, and Kendall. ï‚· I am required to travel to NSU's Off-CampusSites,to backup and /or cover the Financial Aid Vacant Staff positions asthe need arises. ï‚· Conduct Money Matters FinancialAid Work-shops to both prospective studentsand parents,or to Grad Students as well. ï‚· Utilizes the Banner Financial Aid Software Program to complete my job duties and responsibilities in managing all Federal,State, and InstitutionalFinancial Aid Programs' awarded. ï‚· Reviewand generatesDirect Loan Awardsand Federaland State Grantsawarded through our Banner Software System. ï‚· Participatesin ESS and University sanctioned meetings, committees,and events, including Open House, Orientations,and Information Sessions. ï‚· Liaison with Admissions office regarding recruitment and other financialaid matters and also assist atthe One-Stop-Shop to address student financial aid questions asneeded. FINANCIAL AID DIRECTOR / ALUMNI/STUDENT RECRUITER 07/1990 to 11/2010 Florida Memorial University Miami, Florida ï‚· Oversawthe Title IV-Financial Aid operation atthe college,by establishing with the concurrence ofthe Director of EnrollmentManagement, the Statement of Principles, Policies, and Proceduresfor allstudentfinancialaid programs offered. ï‚· Developed the AnnualPlan of Operation and allunit goalsand objectives along with the necessary internal controlsto assure program compliance with all federal,state,and institutionalregulations. ï‚· Served on various Ad-HocCommittees asestablished bythe University, as they relate to the Office of Financial Aid such as the University's Tuition and Fees Committee,UniversityScholarship Committee,and the University Registration and Orientation Committees. ï‚· Coordinated,directed, and monitored all activitiesof the Office of FinancialAid relating to the implementation of all federal,state, and institutional regulationsregarding the Federal Pell Grant,FederalCollege Work-study Program, the Federal SEOG, the Stare Grants -FSAG,FRAG, the Institutional Scholarship Programs,and the Federal Direct Subsidized / Unsubsidized /ParentPlus Loan Programs for over 4500 studentsrecords. ï‚· Monitored and managed the Annual Budgetof the FinancialAid Office and all Financial Aid Programs, managed over $35 Million dollars annually. ï‚· CoordinatesallFinancial Aid staff training and development,and providesannualevaluationsofall personnelin the office. Managed over25 staff members including 12-15 Full-time Staff plus12-15 work-study students. Perform financialneed analysisand counseling to financial aid recipientswhich was over 7500 records annually. Disseminate financial aid information to prospective students and the community atlarge including over 5000new Admission applicants and3500FinancialAid Applicants annually. ï‚· Hosted and directed NationalCOCO Work-shops on various financial aid office operationsand computer programs available. ï‚· Recruited students to attend the University during varioustrips to the Virgin Islands(St.Thomas, St. Croix, and Tortola, B.W.I.) annually and yielded over 80% of 400 applications each year which equated to bringing over300new students to attend the college each year for over 10 years asan Alumni Recruiter. Assistant Director of Financial Aid 07/1989 to 07/1990 Florida Memorial University Miami, Florida ï‚· Assisted the Director of Financial Aid with the implementation ofthe Statement ofPrinciples,Policies,and Procedures for Student FinancialAid. ï‚· Also assisted with the planning of the annualgoalsand objectives,and in developing internal controlsto assure program compliance with all federal, state, and institutional regulations.
  • 4. ï‚· Served on Ad-hoc Committeesof the college in the absence of the Director,astheyrelate to the Office of Financial Aid. ï‚· Monitored and supervised all staff members and internal operation with some direction from the Director. ï‚· Coordinated and administered the PellGrant,SEOG,and the entire FMUInstitutional and Designated Scholarship Programs. ï‚· Disseminated financialaid information to prospective students, parents,and the community-at-large. ï‚· Managed a portfolio of over10 million Dollars in Scholarshipsannuallyinboth Institutional and Designated Scholarship Funds. Financial Aid Officer 07/1988 to 07/1989 Florida Memorial College Miami, Florida ï‚· Assist the Director of FinancialAid with the administration ofthe various Federal, State, and Institutional financial aid programs. ï‚· Advise and assist students in completing allof their financial aid applications. ï‚· Processing applications for financial aid recipients, determine students' eligibility for the various financial aid programs, and notifythe studentsof the programs awarded. ï‚· Develop and implement informational sessionswith newand returning students in reference to personal budgeting,and wise loan borrowing practices. ï‚· Prepare and maintain all Reconciliation Reportsmonthly, quarterly, and annually,for all Financial Aid program(s) and also ensure the effective implementation of all required administrative procedures. ï‚· Project and plan for changes in financial aid programs due to changes in enrollment, legislation,and regulations. ï‚· Representthe Financial Aid Office at variousprofessionalstate, regional,and nationalconferences. EDUCATION ï‚· CURRENTLY PURSUING MBA(MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) FROM Nova Southeastern University -started 10/2007 to present with a Cum G.P.A of 3.16 and 18 hours earned. ï‚· BACHELORS DEGREE, IN ACCOUNTING from Florida Memorial University - 4/1988. Graduated Cum Laude with a G.P.A - 3.34 OTHER OUTSTANDING HONORS AN AWARDS or ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ï‚· Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Society -1984-88 *FMUStudentLeader of the Year -1987-88 ï‚· Accounting Excellence Award-Dade County Chapter -Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants- 4/1988 ï‚· President'sList and Dean's List for AcademicAchievements 1984-88 ï‚· FMU SGA President 1987-88 during my senior year at FMU. ï‚· On-Campus -College Advisor - Alpha phiAlpha Fraternity, Inc.,Delta Psi Chapter @ FMU - 8/1989 -4/2010. ï‚· Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Beta Beta Lambda Chapter - 1988 - 2010,and held position(s) as Scholarship Ball Chairperson 1994-1995, Intake Manager - 1996-1998. ï‚· Co-Chaired-Annual FMUHomecoming Committee Step-show/ConcertEvent, Februaryfrom 1988 -2007 Served asa member of the FMU"Lion Hunter's"AdmissionsRecruiting Team 1989 to 2010. ï‚· Inducted into the FMUPresident'sFountain of Excellence,February 20,1994. ï‚· Elected asPresident of FMUNational Alumni Association-North Dade Alumni Chapter - 8/1998 to 6/2000. ï‚· Received an outstanding Leadership Award -April,2000, asthe Vice President of the Staff capital campaign "Rising to New Heights." ï‚· Received Outstanding Leadership Award as FMUStudentGovernmentAdvisor for 2000 to 2010. ï‚· Received Distinguished Service Awards for over ten years ofoutstanding service to the Athlete Departments at FMU -1996-2009. ï‚· Attended annual FMURecruiting Trip for the HistoricallyBlack College Fairs in the USVIinclude Tortola,BWI, to recruitstudent for FMUfrom St. Thomas, St.Croix, and Tortola aswell from 2/1988 to 2/2009. ï‚· Served in the position of FMU Vice Presidentofthe Staff Council,7/2008-6/2009 and 7/2009-10/2010. ï‚· Served asNational President of the FMUNational Alumni Association 7/2012- 6/2014.