Offers Christian Men\'s Ministry Leaders a sequence elements toward mature men who are alive with purpose and actively expressing their faith in Christian service and stewardship.
Ephesians 6austinexecThis document outlines a Bible study on spiritual warfare and the character of discipleship. It discusses putting on the full armor of God according to Ephesians, with a focus on fastening the belt of truth. Truth is discussed as objective, absolute, and the very character of God. Small accountability groups are proposed to challenge members to overcome challenges through transparency, forgiveness, and mutual support. The study aims to equip men to be gospel warriors through developing close relationships with God and each other.
NW Midweek disipling series class #1 6-7-17DenverCoCThis document discusses discipleship and healthy discipleship relationships. It begins with a survey asking people to rate their discipleship relationships and the church's discipleship on a scale of 1-10. It then discusses a healthy discipleship model focused on Jesus as the master and using men as the method. It contrasts man-focused vs Christ-focused discipleship and discusses the purpose of discipleship as presenting everyone perfect in Christ.
Living life to the fullestrockmooresanielThe document is a summary of Talk Three from a 2021 retreat on embracing God's love held at the Benedictine Retreat House in Digos City. The talk focuses on living life to the fullest by not wasting pains, focusing on potentials, following dreams, and chasing significance. Key points include trusting the process as God separates incompatible paths, keeping moving forward even if crawling or floating, and that people have great potentials and should fight for their dreams despite habits, money, beliefs, relationships or past that may hold them back.
Vintage 8.23.20 covid19_sunday24Vintage Church1. Paul encourages the Romans to offer their bodies as living sacrifices and to be transformed by renewing their minds to discern God's will, which is good, acceptable, and complete.
2. He says they should not conform to the patterns of this world but use their various gifts, such as prophecy, serving, teaching, and generosity, to benefit others.
3. Paul emphasizes that though they are many, they form one body in Christ and should think soberly and not judge others.
Transforming others through our gifts (Anne Witton, Bountiful conference 2018)Anne WittonA workshop given by Anne Witton at the Bountiful women's conference in Sevenoaks in February 2018. It covers using our gifts in mission, evangelism and social action.
Holy Sex - Part 1BibleTalk.tv1. The document discusses the history of views on sex, from a "necessary evil" in Roman Catholicism to a "wonderful gift" in modern times.
2. It argues that sex is a holy act, as it was created by God, is holy by design, and has specific purposes including creating intimacy between partners, representing the relationship between Christ and the Church, and procreation.
3. The deeper meaning of sex is that it allows a married couple to represent the full image of God through their sexual union as male and female.
Self RespectJason KichlineThis document discusses the concepts of self-esteem, self-respect, self-image and finding strength through God. It explores the differences between self-esteem and self-respect, and emphasizes respecting yourself and your body as God's temple. The document encourages finding strength and contentment through God, keeping your self-esteem in check, and staying plugged into your relationship with God to avoid becoming drained. Biblical references are provided to support these ideas.
Christian Living Experience 10 - First CommandmentJuan Miguel PaleroIt is a powerpoint presentation that discusses about the first commandment given by God: You Shall not have other Gods besides me. It also includes some offenses and definitions on the meaning of the commandment.
HTWM Retreat 2016 Pressing Towards The Prize by Pst Kayode KolawoleTola OlukiledeThis document outlines the key points from an annual leadership retreat focused on "pressing towards the mark - the high calling of God". The retreat facilitator encourages leaders not to settle for mediocrity or average, but to continuously improve and develop their skills and potential. The document defines what it means to "press", provides principles for pressing towards God's goals like developing relationships and positive habits. It also gives steps and strategies for pressing forward, embracing growth opportunities, and staying passionate about achieving one's destiny.
TMIY - Becoming a Man after God's Own Heart - Week 1PDEIThis document provides an overview of the "That Man is You!" leadership program for men. It discusses how the program seeks to form authentic leaders by addressing the pressures men face in modern culture. The program uses research, teachings of the Catholic faith, and wisdom of saints. It identifies roles and traits of leadership. The goal is for men to transform themselves, their families, and society by becoming leaders after God's heart. The next session will discuss the price of failed leadership.
Where do i sign pledge of allegianceHarry JarrettThe document discusses pledging allegiance, with questions around who or what we should pledge our allegiance to. It describes Jesus willingly walking into difficult situations and not retaliating against attackers, instead trusting God. Jesus is presented as an example of pledging allegiance to God over earthly powers like Caesar. The conclusion calls readers to pledge allegiance to Jesus who died for us so we may follow God's intended life.
JAMES 6 - YOUR SEAT, JESUS SEAT - PTR VETTY GUTIERREZ - 10AM MORNING SERVICEMarcus AmabaThe document discusses favoritism and partiality in the church. It describes a scenario where a rich man and poor man come to church, and the rich man is given preferential seating over the poor man. The document argues this shows partiality, which is wrong. Christians should treat all people equally, regardless of wealth, as all are equally sinful and only Jesus is truly good. Favoring some over others in the church goes against biblical teachings of equality. The ultimate message is that the only seat of true importance is that of Jesus, and Christians should not concern themselves with status or seating, but only worship the one who alone deserves glory.
safety environment for kids, Circle of GraceEmanuelEstradaSafety environments for kids, Circle of Grace, How to protect yourself from unsafe situations, examples of unsafe situations. prepare kids for unsafe situations
ConscienceEmanuelEstradaJohn is on a long journey and must follow the right path by using a map, road signs, and asking trusted people for directions if lost. God gives each person an inner voice of conscience to guide them on their journey through life towards the happiness of God's family. However, people can be distracted from this path and must make efforts to quiet external noises and listen to their conscience with the help of prayer, confession and God's forgiveness.
How to fail in lifePeter HammondThe document provides advice on how to fail in life and how to succeed. It recommends against planning for the future, living for short-term pleasures, blaming others, being negative, and being selfish. Instead, it suggests committing one's life to God, seeking His kingdom, studying the Bible daily, engaging in prayer, being generous, and surrounding oneself with people who live according to God's word. The overall message is that one should fear God alone, delight in Him, and trust and obey His commands in order to succeed in life.
Chad Bird symbolelyonjohnsonThis document contains short passages about God, Jesus Christ, and the author himself. It expresses love for God and Jesus, feeling special when praying or going to church. It describes Jesus as nice to everyone, dying for forgiveness and love, and rising to heaven on the third day. The author sees himself as always up for adventure, unafraid to be different, and a nice, loveable, friendly Christian who loves God and Jesus.
Mr and Mrs Fantastic - Just before I say I do (Spring 2012)RUBibleStudyThis document discusses realities about relationships and marriage. It advises that to attract the right partner, one must work on becoming the right partner by developing values and vision. It warns of different types of men, including scavengers and hunters, and encourages both men and women to grow up through developing maturity physically, mentally, spiritually and socially to have successful relationships and marriages built on alignment of values rather than superficial factors.
Chayil HonorHope GrayThis document discusses the concept of honor as the fourth pillar. It provides several points about honor: honor is having a good reputation and the respect of others; it is giving praise and keeping agreements. The document encourages honoring parents, marriage, pastors, and others as they are made in God's image. Living righteously and representing God with honor brings glory to him.
APEDS Day 1 - Finishing WellBeng Chuan TanThe document discusses finishing well in Christian ministry. It provides quotes from the Bible about running the race of faith and remaining faithful until death. It notes that of the 100 people in the Bible we know about, only 1 in 3 finished well. The document encourages maintaining a relationship with God, constant learning, reflecting Christ-like character, allowing God's truth to be lived out, leaving a legacy, and having a sense of destiny in order to finish well. It discusses factors that have helped the author finish well such as commitment to Christ, a guiding Bible verse, spiritual disciplines, and mentors. The document concludes with a prayer for God to sanctify the reader fully.
Travellah: An IntroductionRenn H'ngIntroduction presentation to the new travel community in Malaysia. For more into:
The power of sincere worshipGardendalechurchTrue worship is life changing and correctional. It involves drawing near to God on the mountain and coming down changed by washing away sins and putting away evil. During worship we seek to correct wrongs committed against others, strengthen unity, and leave better than we came as we are conscious of God's desire for glory and honor. The goal is to leave feeling justified before God.
Circle of Grace - Circle of VirtueDr. Poornima DSouzaThis document discusses boundaries and preventing boundary violations, especially in a digital context. It begins with an opening prayer and review of how boundaries protect people emotionally, physically, sexually, and spiritually. It then discusses how boundaries can be violated, both in-person and online, through inappropriate content, contact, or commerce. The document provides tips for internet safety, such as monitoring software, discussing safety with others, and not sharing private information publicly. It closes with a prayer.
APEDS 2016 Day2 Our Spiritual InfluenceBeng Chuan TanThe document discusses spiritual influence and leadership. It suggests that everyone wants to lead but no one wants the responsibility, and that cultures have corrupted the meaning of leadership. True spiritual leaders accept responsibility, do not lord over others, and are remembered for their obedience. Spiritual influence involves more than decisions - it is unseen influence. Followers of Christ should encourage the timid, help the weak, and be kind to all. Spiritual gifts should be used to build up the body of Christ. The document provides guidance on expanding spiritual influence through believing in it, guarding credibility, being driven by Christ's values, and always working in partnership with trust and by learning.
Remix 2012 ݺߣs, 8/19/12CLADSMThe document discusses the importance of keeping the central message of the gospel as the main focus. It emphasizes that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected on the third day, according to scripture. It encourages moving from an institutional to a relational focus, empowering others rather than just entertaining them, and being externally focused on serving the community rather than just growing one's own church.
No choiceKeaganaThusoThere are some people who have choices in how they live their lives and what they achieve, but for Christians there is no choice - they must strive to fulfill their God-given potential and destiny. Becoming a Christian means having no option except to become the best version of yourself that God intended by being helpful, healthy, sharing the good news, and inspiring others. A Christian's faith should compel them to abandon excuses and complacency in order to reach their beautiful God-given destiny.
As the Man at Home and in Society; Do not be on the PeripheryKIGUME KaruriTimes and seasons have changed. We are living in times when roles between men and women have also changed. Men in general have become reluctant warriors in a social revolution. Men everywhere want to find their places in the world.
Perfections of god for kidsEmanuelEstradaPerfections of God, God is Eternal, God is infinity, God cant be measure, God is all loving, God is all-knowing, God is Almigthy
My Favorite Carsguesta81b2bThis document lists several of the author's favorite things including cars, places, movies, teams, TV shows and sports but provides no details about any of them.
Mike3Tagger.fmThis document describes, an organization that aims to connect entrepreneurs, artists, and others in the music industry in Belgium. It wants to provide a platform for people to meet, share projects and experiences, and foster new collaborations. The organization is starting in Belgium but connecting with similar groups in other countries. It plans to facilitate information exchange through its Twitter and website, and to organize gatherings at industry events and evening speaker events called MikeCafes.
HTWM Retreat 2016 Pressing Towards The Prize by Pst Kayode KolawoleTola OlukiledeThis document outlines the key points from an annual leadership retreat focused on "pressing towards the mark - the high calling of God". The retreat facilitator encourages leaders not to settle for mediocrity or average, but to continuously improve and develop their skills and potential. The document defines what it means to "press", provides principles for pressing towards God's goals like developing relationships and positive habits. It also gives steps and strategies for pressing forward, embracing growth opportunities, and staying passionate about achieving one's destiny.
TMIY - Becoming a Man after God's Own Heart - Week 1PDEIThis document provides an overview of the "That Man is You!" leadership program for men. It discusses how the program seeks to form authentic leaders by addressing the pressures men face in modern culture. The program uses research, teachings of the Catholic faith, and wisdom of saints. It identifies roles and traits of leadership. The goal is for men to transform themselves, their families, and society by becoming leaders after God's heart. The next session will discuss the price of failed leadership.
Where do i sign pledge of allegianceHarry JarrettThe document discusses pledging allegiance, with questions around who or what we should pledge our allegiance to. It describes Jesus willingly walking into difficult situations and not retaliating against attackers, instead trusting God. Jesus is presented as an example of pledging allegiance to God over earthly powers like Caesar. The conclusion calls readers to pledge allegiance to Jesus who died for us so we may follow God's intended life.
JAMES 6 - YOUR SEAT, JESUS SEAT - PTR VETTY GUTIERREZ - 10AM MORNING SERVICEMarcus AmabaThe document discusses favoritism and partiality in the church. It describes a scenario where a rich man and poor man come to church, and the rich man is given preferential seating over the poor man. The document argues this shows partiality, which is wrong. Christians should treat all people equally, regardless of wealth, as all are equally sinful and only Jesus is truly good. Favoring some over others in the church goes against biblical teachings of equality. The ultimate message is that the only seat of true importance is that of Jesus, and Christians should not concern themselves with status or seating, but only worship the one who alone deserves glory.
safety environment for kids, Circle of GraceEmanuelEstradaSafety environments for kids, Circle of Grace, How to protect yourself from unsafe situations, examples of unsafe situations. prepare kids for unsafe situations
ConscienceEmanuelEstradaJohn is on a long journey and must follow the right path by using a map, road signs, and asking trusted people for directions if lost. God gives each person an inner voice of conscience to guide them on their journey through life towards the happiness of God's family. However, people can be distracted from this path and must make efforts to quiet external noises and listen to their conscience with the help of prayer, confession and God's forgiveness.
How to fail in lifePeter HammondThe document provides advice on how to fail in life and how to succeed. It recommends against planning for the future, living for short-term pleasures, blaming others, being negative, and being selfish. Instead, it suggests committing one's life to God, seeking His kingdom, studying the Bible daily, engaging in prayer, being generous, and surrounding oneself with people who live according to God's word. The overall message is that one should fear God alone, delight in Him, and trust and obey His commands in order to succeed in life.
Chad Bird symbolelyonjohnsonThis document contains short passages about God, Jesus Christ, and the author himself. It expresses love for God and Jesus, feeling special when praying or going to church. It describes Jesus as nice to everyone, dying for forgiveness and love, and rising to heaven on the third day. The author sees himself as always up for adventure, unafraid to be different, and a nice, loveable, friendly Christian who loves God and Jesus.
Mr and Mrs Fantastic - Just before I say I do (Spring 2012)RUBibleStudyThis document discusses realities about relationships and marriage. It advises that to attract the right partner, one must work on becoming the right partner by developing values and vision. It warns of different types of men, including scavengers and hunters, and encourages both men and women to grow up through developing maturity physically, mentally, spiritually and socially to have successful relationships and marriages built on alignment of values rather than superficial factors.
Chayil HonorHope GrayThis document discusses the concept of honor as the fourth pillar. It provides several points about honor: honor is having a good reputation and the respect of others; it is giving praise and keeping agreements. The document encourages honoring parents, marriage, pastors, and others as they are made in God's image. Living righteously and representing God with honor brings glory to him.
APEDS Day 1 - Finishing WellBeng Chuan TanThe document discusses finishing well in Christian ministry. It provides quotes from the Bible about running the race of faith and remaining faithful until death. It notes that of the 100 people in the Bible we know about, only 1 in 3 finished well. The document encourages maintaining a relationship with God, constant learning, reflecting Christ-like character, allowing God's truth to be lived out, leaving a legacy, and having a sense of destiny in order to finish well. It discusses factors that have helped the author finish well such as commitment to Christ, a guiding Bible verse, spiritual disciplines, and mentors. The document concludes with a prayer for God to sanctify the reader fully.
Travellah: An IntroductionRenn H'ngIntroduction presentation to the new travel community in Malaysia. For more into:
The power of sincere worshipGardendalechurchTrue worship is life changing and correctional. It involves drawing near to God on the mountain and coming down changed by washing away sins and putting away evil. During worship we seek to correct wrongs committed against others, strengthen unity, and leave better than we came as we are conscious of God's desire for glory and honor. The goal is to leave feeling justified before God.
Circle of Grace - Circle of VirtueDr. Poornima DSouzaThis document discusses boundaries and preventing boundary violations, especially in a digital context. It begins with an opening prayer and review of how boundaries protect people emotionally, physically, sexually, and spiritually. It then discusses how boundaries can be violated, both in-person and online, through inappropriate content, contact, or commerce. The document provides tips for internet safety, such as monitoring software, discussing safety with others, and not sharing private information publicly. It closes with a prayer.
APEDS 2016 Day2 Our Spiritual InfluenceBeng Chuan TanThe document discusses spiritual influence and leadership. It suggests that everyone wants to lead but no one wants the responsibility, and that cultures have corrupted the meaning of leadership. True spiritual leaders accept responsibility, do not lord over others, and are remembered for their obedience. Spiritual influence involves more than decisions - it is unseen influence. Followers of Christ should encourage the timid, help the weak, and be kind to all. Spiritual gifts should be used to build up the body of Christ. The document provides guidance on expanding spiritual influence through believing in it, guarding credibility, being driven by Christ's values, and always working in partnership with trust and by learning.
Remix 2012 ݺߣs, 8/19/12CLADSMThe document discusses the importance of keeping the central message of the gospel as the main focus. It emphasizes that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected on the third day, according to scripture. It encourages moving from an institutional to a relational focus, empowering others rather than just entertaining them, and being externally focused on serving the community rather than just growing one's own church.
No choiceKeaganaThusoThere are some people who have choices in how they live their lives and what they achieve, but for Christians there is no choice - they must strive to fulfill their God-given potential and destiny. Becoming a Christian means having no option except to become the best version of yourself that God intended by being helpful, healthy, sharing the good news, and inspiring others. A Christian's faith should compel them to abandon excuses and complacency in order to reach their beautiful God-given destiny.
As the Man at Home and in Society; Do not be on the PeripheryKIGUME KaruriTimes and seasons have changed. We are living in times when roles between men and women have also changed. Men in general have become reluctant warriors in a social revolution. Men everywhere want to find their places in the world.
Perfections of god for kidsEmanuelEstradaPerfections of God, God is Eternal, God is infinity, God cant be measure, God is all loving, God is all-knowing, God is Almigthy
My Favorite Carsguesta81b2bThis document lists several of the author's favorite things including cars, places, movies, teams, TV shows and sports but provides no details about any of them.
Mike3Tagger.fmThis document describes, an organization that aims to connect entrepreneurs, artists, and others in the music industry in Belgium. It wants to provide a platform for people to meet, share projects and experiences, and foster new collaborations. The organization is starting in Belgium but connecting with similar groups in other countries. It plans to facilitate information exchange through its Twitter and website, and to organize gatherings at industry events and evening speaker events called MikeCafes.
Week 5 Assignment Edld 5352Nancy SeidenstickerThis document reflects on Nancy Seidensticker's learning outcomes from a course on instructional leadership and technology integration. Some key learnings included creating and using a blog, understanding how to align curriculum with technology standards, and learning about various Web 2.0 applications. While not achieving all anticipated outcomes like podcasting, Nancy felt more confident in her technology knowledge and vocabulary. She looks forward to continuing her technology integration journey and using blogs to share information with teachers across her new district-wide position.
Week 5 Assignment Edld 5352Nancy SeidenstickerThis document reflects on Nancy Seidensticker's experience in an instructional leadership course focusing on technology integration. Some key learnings included creating and maintaining a blog, understanding how to align curriculum with technology standards, and learning about various Web 2.0 applications. While unable to achieve all anticipated outcomes like podcasting, Nancy felt more confident in her technology knowledge and vocabulary. She looks forward to continuing her technology journey and integrating blogs into her new district-wide role to better communicate with teachers, students, and parents across multiple campuses.
Texas S Ta R ChartNancy SeidenstickerThe Texas Teacher STaR Chart is a tool to help teachers, schools, and districts assess their progress in meeting the goals of Texas's long-range technology plan. The STaR Chart evaluates educators in four key areas: teaching and learning, educator preparation, leadership and support, and infrastructure. It can determine professional development needs, provide data for funding and grants, help conceptualize a technology vision, and document spending of federal funds. The sample profile shows two areas as "developing" and infrastructure as "advanced." Next steps include assessing student technology knowledge and cross-curricular planning.
NOLA Powerpointsmithjw1The document outlines the mission and goals of the 2009 ELCA Youth Gathering. The mission was to inspire and equip young people to follow Jesus' example of compassionate justice. It discusses cultivating mindfulness, openness, and non-judgment to prepare attendees to engage in servant ministry focused on six dimensions: compassion, community, advocacy, servanthood, leadership, and vocation. The gathering aimed to shape participants' faith through practices and experiences that deepen their Christian discipleship.
State of the Church AddressMt. Pleasant United Methodist ChurchMtUnited Methodist Church is examining how to become a great church. Currently it is a good church with increasing attendance, generosity, and programs. However, to become great, the church will need to take more risks, think bigger, and equip members for ministry beyond maintenance. The goal is for the church's work, passion, and life to come together to make a meaningful contribution and spend time on earth well.
Spiritus Sanctus: How the Holy Spirit RenewsdoxologieOn the first Sunday of 2015, it's appropriate to discuss a topic for the New Year: renewal. How do we acquire good habits? How do we drop bad ones? This & more as we discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Hope and Not DespairSister Edith Bogueݺߣs from the January 2014 meeting of the Benedictine Oblates of St Scholastica Monastery in Duluth, Minnesota. Part of the year-long theme of Benedictine Virtures.
TMIY - Becoming a Man after God's Own Heart - Week 14PDEIThis document discusses the That Man is You program which aims to help men develop authentic leadership through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. It outlines the topics that will be covered in the fall and spring semesters, including identifying leadership roles, characteristics of authentic leaders, temptations from Satan, and living in union with God. The program uses wisdom from secular science, religious teachings, and saints to facilitate transformation through discussion and putting an action plan in place.
St. Mark Faculty RetreatpennpadreThis document provides an overview of the agenda for a faculty retreat on the topics of marriage, Mary, and the wedding at Cana. It includes an opening prayer, guidelines for presentations, and an interactive exercise on discerning the signs of the times. It also discusses Mary as a model and faith in action, with examples of applying faith through celebrating Marian feast days and daily rosary prayer.
Developing a Contextual ChurchEcclesia NetworkEcclesia National Gathering 2010
The Life and Work of a Missional Leader
Focused Session
Bob and Mary Hopkins
In search of "Son Glasses"rfochlerThis document summarizes a talk given by Russ Fochler at the Blazing Fire Church on September 1st, 2012. The talk discusses the importance of how we see God, the world around us, the future, and ourselves. It emphasizes letting the Holy Spirit give us "upgrades" in our perspective so we can see through "Son Glasses" rather than through fear. It encourages focusing on building relationship with God and showing love to others rather than obsessing over conspiracies. The talk provides tips for staying on the path of life, such as considering the fruit of one's focus and allowing the Holy Spirit to train one's brain.
Five church planting lessonsRoger HernandezThis document discusses 5 lessons learned from church planting:
1. Your church's roots and core beliefs will be exposed over time.
2. Effective church leaders inspire and guide their congregation with a clear vision and strategy.
3. Church leaders shape the culture of their congregation through behaviors, values, and beliefs.
4. Church planting often faces challenges and conflicts that require strong, principled leadership.
5. Church leaders must prioritize leading their congregation and cannot delegate all responsibilities.
2013 Malvern Young Adult RetreatpennpadreYoung adults gathered for a retreat focused on discerning their charisms and becoming who God created them to be. The retreat included an inventory to identify potential charisms, followed by discussions differentiating charisms from talents and the process of discernment. Attendees were encouraged to test any potential charisms and have ongoing conversations with others to further discern if they possessed a charism and how to develop and use it for the benefit of others.
Necessity and means of GraceGordon CotterillThis document discusses the necessity of grace in living a transformed life according to God's calling. It provides three models for understanding grace: the Cycle of Grace, VIM, and Circles of Transformation. It also discusses different types of spirituality and spiritual disciplines that can help cultivate a deeper spiritual life through practices like prayer, study, fellowship and service. The overall message is that grace transforms us inwardly and places us in environments where spiritual growth can occur through intentional spiritual practices and disciplines.
Christian Spirituality and Recovery from Addiction - January 2014Dawn Farm“Recovery From Addiction and Christian Spirituality” was presented on Tuesday January 21, 2014; by Brother Edward Conlin, BSEd, CADC; Addiction Counselor, Detroit Capuchin Service System. Spirituality often plays an important role in recovery initiation, recovery maintenance, and quality of life in recovery from chemical dependency. This program will describe a Christian perspective of how spirituality relates to recovery from chemical dependency, explore personal spiritual needs and life choices, and discuss the Twelve Steps as a spiritual program. This program is part of the Dawn Farm Education Series, a FREE, annual workshop series developed to provide accurate, helpful, hopeful, practical, current information about chemical dependency, recovery, family and related issues. The Education Series is organized by Dawn Farm, a non-profit community of programs providing a continuum of chemical dependency services. For information, please see
Generations of faith Morality november december 2016 sin slides aParish of the IncarnationThis document provides a summary of a session on morality from the Generations of Faith program. It discusses the concepts of sin, both social and personal, and gives examples of each. It emphasizes that God's forgiveness is unlimited and explores how people can recognize and remedy their sins through reflection, conscience, and the sacrament of reconciliation. It tells a story of personal sin and redemption to illustrate these points and quotes teachings from Saint Ignatius to explain how to properly deal with guilt and grow in faith.
July 2007 Enjoying Everyday LifeAlisa LewandowskiThis document summarizes Joyce Meyer Ministries' efforts to distribute hygiene gift bags to prisoners across Central America. They were able to deliver bags to over 58,000 prisoners in 102 prisons across 7 countries. During these visits, they also held worship services and shared the gospel message. Many prisoners responded positively and gave their lives to Christ, including 40-60% in some prisons. The ministry has faced challenges gaining access but their partnership with another organization has helped overcome obstacles. Their work is making a spiritual impact in these prisons.
SELF DENIAL, LIFT HIM UP,AUTHOR :JOSIAH SARPONG BOATENG,OD.Sarpong Boateng JosiahThis is a book you will surely love to read. it probes into the virtue of humility with JESUS CHRIST us the GREAT OBJECT OF STUDY. I hope after reading this book you will really enjoy it and be changed by it
Balance in Life [Spiritual Disciplines]URBANarmyThe document discusses spiritual disciplines and bringing balance to life. It provides an overview of different spiritual disciplines such as prayer, study, fasting and solitude. It notes that spiritual disciplines allow for growth and transformation by God's grace as we place our minds and bodies before Him. However, spiritual disciplines must be practiced with balance and not become ends in themselves, as too strong an emphasis on either human effort or divine grace can be problematic. The overall goal of the disciplines is to know, love and trust God more fully.
The Oriole February 2010Oriole-York Mills United Church • TorontoThis newsletter article summarizes the pastor's message about suffering from an earthquake in Haiti. The pastor discusses how we often suffer innocently from events outside of our control. While we may question why bad things happen, God does not cause our suffering but suffers with us and promises never to abandon us. The pastor encourages donations to help with relief efforts in Haiti. Additional articles discuss church council news and updates, a social justice initiative, and a refugee camp orientation.
02-Successful_Bible_Sharing[2].pptxjoabisrael890The document provides principles and guidelines for conducting effective Bible studies and gaining decisions for Christ. It emphasizes being filled with the Holy Spirit, never thinking of failure, focusing on those who are responsive, making witnessing the top priority, being direct but kind, using abundant Scripture, and securing a commitment to follow Christ. Common mistakes to avoid include presenting too much information too soon, an overreliance on proof texts, discussing unclear topics, allowing studies to become social visits, alone time with those of the opposite sex, and missing scheduled studies.
Leading In TraditionbrianmclarenThis document provides advice for religious leaders on how to lead their traditions in a changing world. It suggests leading through adding to the tradition rather than subtracting from it, focusing on practices like trusting scripture over interpretations, extending grace to both insiders and outsiders, and seeing the church's role as furthering God's kingdom rather than ensuring the church's own survival. The overall message is to lead with patience, creativity, and an outward focus on serving God and others.
Leading In TraditionbrianmclarenThis document provides advice for religious leaders on how to lead their traditions in a changing world. It suggests leading by adding to the tradition rather than subtracting from it, focusing on practices like trusting scripture over interpretations. Leaders are advised to get outside their normal environments to find where God is working, teach openly rather than covertly, and celebrate the journey of faith rather than only focusing on survival or exclusion of others. The overarching message is that religious leaders should see their role as furthering God's kingdom through both caring for their communities and engaging in mission that brings people together.
1. Bridging Men’s & Outreach Ministries Preparing Men To Be Used For God’s Purpose Through His Church Or All about men of god exploring discovering & expressing themselves
2. He lived wild, unfettered and free – a dangerous man with nothing to lose. His wife was radiant such was his expressed love toward her. His daughters were captivating images of beauty, purity, composure and strength. His sons were valiant men of God. The men with whom he fellowshipped sensed God’s pleasure in their lives and the grace of God & His presence were manifest in their undertakings. He depended on God, took risks & experienced God coming through. ~ Epitaph ~ He lived life as though it were but a vapor … A dash between two dates – his moment, his opportunity in eternity to participate in the battle, to shine for the Lord. Those whom he served were drawn to his faith. A vision …..
3. Bridging Men’s & Outreach Ministries Supporting The Church of Irresistible Influence Explore E x p r e s s Discover Men’s Ministry Outreach Ministry Good works of service Local Community Needs: Local Missions Service projects Food Pantry Benevolence House wares resource Seniors Missions Needs: Infrastructure Projects Discipleship Casual Adventures - stretch you beyond your comfort zone. Critical Adventures - involving major areas of your life: relationships, home and community. Programs & Small Groups Crucial Adventures - a direct result of following God into the unknown. God is essential …
4. Confident Composed Content EXPLORE DISCOVER EXPRESS The Spiritually Centered, adventurous life Casual Critical Crucial
7. Deeply dependent on God Godless Fearful Risk averse Fearless Courageous Risk Taking Crucial Adventures Casual Adventures Critical Adventures
8. The Journey Through The Wall Adapted from: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality , Peter Scazzero & Wild At Heart , John Eldridge Spiritual Awareness Discipleship The Active Life Of Service “ starts” The Wall Casual & Critical Adventures Crucial Adventures Do “I” have what it takes? Does “God” have what it takes? Spiritual growth for Progressive Sanctification Process of “setting apart” for God’s use. Sent out … used by God. A active life of faith-in-action service “ continues” Proof of things hoped for – evidence of things unseen
9. “ What every Christian man wants .. an authentic walk.” -Introspection - Consider the following statements and concepts : The Adventurers Sacred Oath ; “I will fervently live my life according to my unique design and with the end in mind”. (Robert Lewis. The End = Standing accountable before the Designer & Creator) “ Every man has been uniquely crafted and gifted by God to perform meaningful tasks of service to Him and to others .” Men discover their purpose by stepping out in faith and in service … one step at a time. A real man is one who: Rejects passivity Accepts responsibility Leads courageously Expects the greater reward, God’s reward. (The “End in Mind”) Fill in the blanks : “ When I do ____________, I feel God’s pleasure.” The things that prevent me from having what I would consider to be an authentic walk are:___________________________. I am beginning to realize ____________________________.
10. The Progressive Sanctification, Transformation & Preparation For Leadership of Simon/Peter – The Battle For Peter’s Heart Birth Gifts of Disposition Intuitive nature Inquisitive mind Involved – man of action Leadership traits Negative by-products when applied only in the flesh Quick to anger Impatience Pride – total self confidence – self centeredness Task orientation Detachment from people Doubt – panic – fear Knowledge-based faith Egoism – arrogance Impetuousness False courage & bravado – ”POSER” Brash, clumsy, hasty, impulsive decision making Learned Through Trial Submission Humility Restraint Love, tender heartedness People Orientation Compassion Patience Empathy Graciousness Authentic courage True character “ Simon” is renamed “ rock ”!
12. Roadblocks Seasons of Life Common Cause Personal Roadblocks : Fear/Lack of confidence Confusion Lack of Direction Questions of Impact Preparation Equipping for Life = Equipping for Service and true Adventure
13. The Battle For a Man’s Heart - Equipping New Believer/Disciple Mature Steward & Servant/Apostle To Anxious Fearful Lonely Needy Confused Protective Committed Courageous Connected Fruitful Focused Productive
14. Equipped For WHAT ? A foggy vision of what we’re here for, where we’re going …. OR A clear vision of where we’re going and what we’re bridging? Band of Brothers, “ Bridge-Builders” A Church of Irresistible Influence
15. Bridging Men’s & Outreach Ministries Supporting The Church of Irresistible Influence Explore E x p r e s s Discover Men’s Ministry Outreach Ministry Good works of service Local Community: Local Missions Service projects Food Pantry Benevolence House wares resource Seniors Missions: Infrastructure Projects Discipleship Casual Adventures - stretch you beyond your comfort zone. Critical Adventures - involving major areas of your life: relationships, home and community. Programs & Small Groups Crucial Adventures - a direct result of following God into the unknown. God is essential … What’s Next Equipped for Life Equipped For service
16. A Church view of need fulfillment in its “communities” † Small Groups Serving: Needs within the Church Small Groups Serving: Needs in the Community Small Groups Serving: Needs around the World