This document outlines the features and user interface of a mobile app called "Rate My Clothes" that allows users to take pictures of outfits, submit them for ratings from peers and professionals, and receive style and purchase recommendations to improve their looks. The app provides options to rate others' outfits, view recommended combinations from a "closet" of uploaded clothes, and shop to acquire missing pieces.
Service Redundancy and Traffic Balancing Using AnycastSean Jain Ellis
Anycast is a method of load balancing and high availability that uses dynamic routing protocols to direct client traffic to the optimal server that shares a common IP address. Each service is assigned an IP address that is configured on the loopback interface of multiple servers. Routers then determine the best server to terminate connections based on routing metrics. This allows traffic to be load balanced across servers and for connections to failover to alternate sites when primary servers fail.
CloudFlare operates a global anycast content delivery network (CDN) to improve website performance and security. Their network routes web traffic through data centers located around the world, where services like caching, security filtering, and optimizations are applied. Anycast routing allows a client to connect to the closest data center, and if that location fails traffic will automatically reroute to the next closest one. Operating an anycast CDN presents challenges around efficient routing, new market deployments, and troubleshooting unusual routing behaviors between networks. Peering is important for reachability but must be considered economically in each region.
The document summarizes an experiment conducted by a biology class to determine if the inheritance of anthocyanin (purple pigment) in Brassica Rapa follows Mendel's laws of inheritance. The class hypothesized that anthocyanin would be inherited as a dominant trait in a 3:1 ratio. The results were inconclusive, as the class data found a green trait to be dominant while combined data found purple to be dominant. Errors in planting, pollination and counting led to inconsistent results, preventing the class from supporting or refuting their hypothesis. Future experiments need more active involvement to limit errors and reach a clear conclusion.
In 1802, ?leuth¨¨re Ir¨¦n¨¦e du Pont established a gunpowder mill on the Brandywine River in Delaware. Construction began in 1802 and gunpowder was first sold in 1804. The location provided resources necessary to operate the mill. Safety was a top priority, with strict rules and accountability measures in place. However, accidents still occurred such as explosions in 1807, 1815, and 1818 - the worst, which killed 34 people including children at the on-site school. Through these hardships, the du Pont family remained committed to running the business safely.
Conceptual evolution of risk and risk management 201901eshwayne
Organize and review concept, tool and methodology(e.g., insurance, hazard identification, accident investigation, risk assessment etc) in the region of industrial safety and risk management
The change of manufacturing injury patterneshwayne
The document discusses how business cycles and industrial structure affect occupational injury patterns in Taiwan's manufacturing sector. It analyzes injury data from 1996-2011 using correspondence analysis to identify three phases where injury severity, accident types, and sources changed. The analysis found that injury patterns correlate with the composition of industries over time and fluctuate with economic conditions, suggesting safety measures need to consider both contextual and individual factors. Understanding how injuries vary can help prevent future occupational injuries.
Network theorizing examines theories related to networks. Two prominent theories are Granovetter's strength of weak ties theory and Burt's structural holes theory. Granovetter's theory characterizes the strength of interpersonal connections and how weak ties can provide novel information. Burt's theory focuses on structural holes, or gaps between groups, and how occupying these holes provides social capital and information benefits. Network theorizing deepens our understanding of networks and social structures.
El documento habla sobre un tema complejo con m¨²ltiples factores interrelacionados. Se menciona una variedad de conceptos como pol¨ªtica, econom¨ªa, sociedad y tecnolog¨ªa. No se proporciona una conclusi¨®n clara sino m¨¢s bien se deja el tema abierto a m¨¢s discusi¨®n y an¨¢lisis.
Este documento describe un nuevo enfoque para el mapeo de tecnolog¨ªa (TRM) que utiliza t¨¦cnicas de miner¨ªa de textos para analizar grandes cantidades de datos acumulados en bases de datos de empresas y gobiernos. El nuevo m¨¦todo proporciona una visi¨®n detallada de posibles configuraciones de productos y tecnolog¨ªas que es f¨¢cil de actualizar, en lugar de concentrarse solo en la planificaci¨®n estrat¨¦gica a alto nivel como los enfoques tradicionales de TRM.
Conceptual evolution of risk and risk management 201901eshwayne
Organize and review concept, tool and methodology(e.g., insurance, hazard identification, accident investigation, risk assessment etc) in the region of industrial safety and risk management
The change of manufacturing injury patterneshwayne
The document discusses how business cycles and industrial structure affect occupational injury patterns in Taiwan's manufacturing sector. It analyzes injury data from 1996-2011 using correspondence analysis to identify three phases where injury severity, accident types, and sources changed. The analysis found that injury patterns correlate with the composition of industries over time and fluctuate with economic conditions, suggesting safety measures need to consider both contextual and individual factors. Understanding how injuries vary can help prevent future occupational injuries.
Network theorizing examines theories related to networks. Two prominent theories are Granovetter's strength of weak ties theory and Burt's structural holes theory. Granovetter's theory characterizes the strength of interpersonal connections and how weak ties can provide novel information. Burt's theory focuses on structural holes, or gaps between groups, and how occupying these holes provides social capital and information benefits. Network theorizing deepens our understanding of networks and social structures.
El documento habla sobre un tema complejo con m¨²ltiples factores interrelacionados. Se menciona una variedad de conceptos como pol¨ªtica, econom¨ªa, sociedad y tecnolog¨ªa. No se proporciona una conclusi¨®n clara sino m¨¢s bien se deja el tema abierto a m¨¢s discusi¨®n y an¨¢lisis.
Este documento describe un nuevo enfoque para el mapeo de tecnolog¨ªa (TRM) que utiliza t¨¦cnicas de miner¨ªa de textos para analizar grandes cantidades de datos acumulados en bases de datos de empresas y gobiernos. El nuevo m¨¦todo proporciona una visi¨®n detallada de posibles configuraciones de productos y tecnolog¨ªas que es f¨¢cil de actualizar, en lugar de concentrarse solo en la planificaci¨®n estrat¨¦gica a alto nivel como los enfoques tradicionales de TRM.