Network theorizing examines theories related to networks. Two prominent theories are Granovetter's strength of weak ties theory and Burt's structural holes theory. Granovetter's theory characterizes the strength of interpersonal connections and how weak ties can provide novel information. Burt's theory focuses on structural holes, or gaps between groups, and how occupying these holes provides social capital and information benefits. Network theorizing deepens our understanding of networks and social structures.
Dhoombox is a gifting concept that provides customers with a box containing a voucher that allows them to choose an experience from a wide selection of activities. The boxes can be customized with a company's logo and promotional materials. Customers use the voucher by calling to book an activity and then redeeming it. Dhoombox offers companies a way to build memorable bonds with customers by gifting them an experience along with a new product like a car.
Employee engagement is important for retention, productivity, profitability and the bottom line. Engaged employees are enthusiastic, caring and committed. Tools for recognizing employee performance in India include certificates, cash awards, mailers to employees, plaques, mentions on newsletters, gifts, gift certificates, team outings, and leadership roles. Giving employees unique experiences through gift boxes with vouchers for experiences can build loyalty among employees and clients. DhoomBox is a gift box company that provides thematic boxes with catalogues of engaging services and a prepaid voucher for one service to give as employee gifts, client appreciation, sales incentives, and retirement benefits.
El documento habla sobre un tema complejo con mltiples factores interrelacionados. Se menciona una variedad de conceptos como poltica, economa, sociedad y tecnologa. No se proporciona una conclusin clara sino ms bien se deja el tema abierto a ms discusin y anlisis.
Mahesh Sonawane is seeking a managerial position in a pleasant working environment to continue expanding his skills as a DC SME. He has a Bachelor's in Engineering from North Maharashtra University and certifications in ITIL v3, CCNP Routing, and CCNA. His expertise includes IT service delivery management, project management, networking operations, and client relations. He is currently an Assistant Manager at Netmagic Solutions where he manages daily DC operations and a team of 10 members across networking, VMware, and storage platforms.
Mahesh Sonawane is seeking a managerial position in a pleasant working environment to continue expanding his skills as a DC SME. He has a Bachelor's in Engineering from North Maharashtra University and certifications in ITIL v3, CCNP Routing, and CCNA. Currently an Assistant Manager at Netmagic Solutions Pvt. Ltd., his responsibilities include managing day-to-day DC operations, acting as a point of contact, team building, and handling escalations. He has over 15 years of experience in networking, operations, and customer support roles.
This document discusses several topics related to automated jigsaw puzzle solving including:
1. A jigsaw puzzle solver that uses a greedy algorithm to solve puzzles of different sizes ranging from 2x2 to 16x16 pieces.
2. A method for comparing puzzle pieces using color differences in LAB color space.
3. An algorithm that solves puzzles by iteratively matching border pieces.
4. Test results showing the algorithm is most successful on smaller puzzles.
5. Plans to improve the visual interface using computer vision techniques.
This document discusses differentiation under the integral sign using Leibniz's rule. It provides three examples of applying Leibniz's rule to evaluate derivatives of integrals with respect to a parameter. Leibniz's rule states that the derivative of an integral is equal to the integral of the derivative with respect to the parameter, plus or minus boundary terms involving the limits of integration. The examples show how to use partial fractions and standard integral reduction formulae to evaluate the derivatives.
This document discusses the benefits of online reading and the growth of digital libraries. It notes that with the rise of the internet, people now have convenient access to a large quantity and variety of reading materials. It also talks about how libraries have evolved over the years to offer both physical and online collections in order to meet people's diverse reading needs.
The document presents the calculation of the volume of a solid bounded by planes and cylinders using triple integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates. The solid is calculated in three parts:
1) A rectangular solid bounded above by z=4, below by z=0, and laterally by a cylinder.
2) A solid bounded above and below by planes, and laterally by a cylinder over a circular region.
3) A solid bounded by the coordinate planes and the plane x+y+z=6 in the first octant.
The document presents the calculation of the volume of a solid bounded by planes and cylinders using triple integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates. The solid is calculated in three parts:
1) A rectangular solid bounded above by z=4, below by z=0, and laterally by a cylinder.
2) A solid bounded above and below by planes, and laterally by a cylinder over a circular region.
3) A solid bounded by the coordinate planes and the plane x+y+z=6 in the first octant.
The document discusses the anthropic bias that arises from observational selection effects when estimating probabilities of rare catastrophic events that could threaten human existence. It describes how such events are often underestimated because frequencies of catastrophes that could destroy observers are not properly accounted for. The authors analyze the consequences of anthropic bias in risk assessment and suggest topics for further research.
Project to represent Indian languages in a common script. Have chosen Devnagari (as opposed to English) as it seems to represent most languages correctly.
English school-books-1st-preparatory-1st-term-khawagah-2019-11khawagah
The document provides guidance for proper etiquette and behavior when interacting with others online or through social media. It emphasizes showing respect to all people and avoiding harming or insulting others. It also encourages focusing interactions on positive topics that bring people together and promote peace rather than division.
The document provides guidance for members of a group in 7 points. It emphasizes acting with humility and kindness towards others according to the teachings of God. It encourages sharing knowledge and skills with less experienced members to help them improve, while also learning from others. Disputes should be avoided and resolved peacefully through respectful dialogue as believers in God.
Analysis of electromagnetic field radiation from aAlexander Decker
This document analyzes a rectangular cavity-backed slot antenna (CBSA) using the Alternating Direction Implicit - Finite Difference Time Domain (ADI-FDTD) method. The ADI-FDTD method provides a more accurate definition of electromagnetic fields within rectangular apertures while eliminating stability conditions of regular FDTD. A 14cmx22cmx30cm CBSA structure is modeled with slot measurements done at 3GHz. Results showing current distribution and a discussion of aperture radiation phenomena are presented. Key equations for the electric and magnetic fields of TE modes in a rectangular waveguide and cavity are provided. The ADI-FDTD scheme and update equations are also outlined.
1) The document discusses the concept of reading and how it changes as people age, with reading when young focused on entertainment but shifting to gaining knowledge and wisdom in older years.
2) It also touches on Jungian psychology and how archetypes from stories can influence people on deep, unconscious levels across different stages of life.
3) Finally, the document recommends continuing to read and draw inspiration from stories, as they can help people face life's challenges and find meaning at any age.
Proving Decidability of Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus on CoqMasaki Hara
The document discusses proving the decidability of the intuitionistic propositional calculus (IPC) on the Coq proof assistant. It outlines the methodology as: 1) Eliminating the cut rule through cut elimination, 2) Eliminating the contraction rule, 3) Splitting the L rule into 4 pieces, and 4) Proving that every rule is strictly decreasing under a well-founded relation. This will prove the decidability of IPC by showing that all rules are finitary. Details are provided on implementing cut elimination and contraction elimination in Coq.
In 1802, ?leuthre Irne du Pont established a gunpowder mill on the Brandywine River in Delaware. Construction began in 1802 and gunpowder was first sold in 1804. The location provided resources necessary to operate the mill. Safety was a top priority, with strict rules and accountability measures in place. However, accidents still occurred such as explosions in 1807, 1815, and 1818 - the worst, which killed 34 people including children at the on-site school. Through these hardships, the du Pont family remained committed to running the business safely.
Conceptual evolution of risk and risk management 201901eshwayne
Organize and review concept, tool and methodology(e.g., insurance, hazard identification, accident investigation, risk assessment etc) in the region of industrial safety and risk management
The change of manufacturing injury patterneshwayne
The document discusses how business cycles and industrial structure affect occupational injury patterns in Taiwan's manufacturing sector. It analyzes injury data from 1996-2011 using correspondence analysis to identify three phases where injury severity, accident types, and sources changed. The analysis found that injury patterns correlate with the composition of industries over time and fluctuate with economic conditions, suggesting safety measures need to consider both contextual and individual factors. Understanding how injuries vary can help prevent future occupational injuries.
Este documento describe un nuevo enfoque para el mapeo de tecnologa (TRM) que utiliza tcnicas de minera de textos para analizar grandes cantidades de datos acumulados en bases de datos de empresas y gobiernos. El nuevo mtodo proporciona una visin detallada de posibles configuraciones de productos y tecnologas que es fcil de actualizar, en lugar de concentrarse solo en la planificacin estratgica a alto nivel como los enfoques tradicionales de TRM.
This document discusses several topics related to automated jigsaw puzzle solving including:
1. A jigsaw puzzle solver that uses a greedy algorithm to solve puzzles of different sizes ranging from 2x2 to 16x16 pieces.
2. A method for comparing puzzle pieces using color differences in LAB color space.
3. An algorithm that solves puzzles by iteratively matching border pieces.
4. Test results showing the algorithm is most successful on smaller puzzles.
5. Plans to improve the visual interface using computer vision techniques.
This document discusses differentiation under the integral sign using Leibniz's rule. It provides three examples of applying Leibniz's rule to evaluate derivatives of integrals with respect to a parameter. Leibniz's rule states that the derivative of an integral is equal to the integral of the derivative with respect to the parameter, plus or minus boundary terms involving the limits of integration. The examples show how to use partial fractions and standard integral reduction formulae to evaluate the derivatives.
This document discusses the benefits of online reading and the growth of digital libraries. It notes that with the rise of the internet, people now have convenient access to a large quantity and variety of reading materials. It also talks about how libraries have evolved over the years to offer both physical and online collections in order to meet people's diverse reading needs.
The document presents the calculation of the volume of a solid bounded by planes and cylinders using triple integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates. The solid is calculated in three parts:
1) A rectangular solid bounded above by z=4, below by z=0, and laterally by a cylinder.
2) A solid bounded above and below by planes, and laterally by a cylinder over a circular region.
3) A solid bounded by the coordinate planes and the plane x+y+z=6 in the first octant.
The document presents the calculation of the volume of a solid bounded by planes and cylinders using triple integrals in Cartesian and polar coordinates. The solid is calculated in three parts:
1) A rectangular solid bounded above by z=4, below by z=0, and laterally by a cylinder.
2) A solid bounded above and below by planes, and laterally by a cylinder over a circular region.
3) A solid bounded by the coordinate planes and the plane x+y+z=6 in the first octant.
The document discusses the anthropic bias that arises from observational selection effects when estimating probabilities of rare catastrophic events that could threaten human existence. It describes how such events are often underestimated because frequencies of catastrophes that could destroy observers are not properly accounted for. The authors analyze the consequences of anthropic bias in risk assessment and suggest topics for further research.
Project to represent Indian languages in a common script. Have chosen Devnagari (as opposed to English) as it seems to represent most languages correctly.
English school-books-1st-preparatory-1st-term-khawagah-2019-11khawagah
The document provides guidance for proper etiquette and behavior when interacting with others online or through social media. It emphasizes showing respect to all people and avoiding harming or insulting others. It also encourages focusing interactions on positive topics that bring people together and promote peace rather than division.
The document provides guidance for members of a group in 7 points. It emphasizes acting with humility and kindness towards others according to the teachings of God. It encourages sharing knowledge and skills with less experienced members to help them improve, while also learning from others. Disputes should be avoided and resolved peacefully through respectful dialogue as believers in God.
Analysis of electromagnetic field radiation from aAlexander Decker
This document analyzes a rectangular cavity-backed slot antenna (CBSA) using the Alternating Direction Implicit - Finite Difference Time Domain (ADI-FDTD) method. The ADI-FDTD method provides a more accurate definition of electromagnetic fields within rectangular apertures while eliminating stability conditions of regular FDTD. A 14cmx22cmx30cm CBSA structure is modeled with slot measurements done at 3GHz. Results showing current distribution and a discussion of aperture radiation phenomena are presented. Key equations for the electric and magnetic fields of TE modes in a rectangular waveguide and cavity are provided. The ADI-FDTD scheme and update equations are also outlined.
1) The document discusses the concept of reading and how it changes as people age, with reading when young focused on entertainment but shifting to gaining knowledge and wisdom in older years.
2) It also touches on Jungian psychology and how archetypes from stories can influence people on deep, unconscious levels across different stages of life.
3) Finally, the document recommends continuing to read and draw inspiration from stories, as they can help people face life's challenges and find meaning at any age.
Proving Decidability of Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus on CoqMasaki Hara
The document discusses proving the decidability of the intuitionistic propositional calculus (IPC) on the Coq proof assistant. It outlines the methodology as: 1) Eliminating the cut rule through cut elimination, 2) Eliminating the contraction rule, 3) Splitting the L rule into 4 pieces, and 4) Proving that every rule is strictly decreasing under a well-founded relation. This will prove the decidability of IPC by showing that all rules are finitary. Details are provided on implementing cut elimination and contraction elimination in Coq.
In 1802, ?leuthre Irne du Pont established a gunpowder mill on the Brandywine River in Delaware. Construction began in 1802 and gunpowder was first sold in 1804. The location provided resources necessary to operate the mill. Safety was a top priority, with strict rules and accountability measures in place. However, accidents still occurred such as explosions in 1807, 1815, and 1818 - the worst, which killed 34 people including children at the on-site school. Through these hardships, the du Pont family remained committed to running the business safely.
Conceptual evolution of risk and risk management 201901eshwayne
Organize and review concept, tool and methodology(e.g., insurance, hazard identification, accident investigation, risk assessment etc) in the region of industrial safety and risk management
The change of manufacturing injury patterneshwayne
The document discusses how business cycles and industrial structure affect occupational injury patterns in Taiwan's manufacturing sector. It analyzes injury data from 1996-2011 using correspondence analysis to identify three phases where injury severity, accident types, and sources changed. The analysis found that injury patterns correlate with the composition of industries over time and fluctuate with economic conditions, suggesting safety measures need to consider both contextual and individual factors. Understanding how injuries vary can help prevent future occupational injuries.
Este documento describe un nuevo enfoque para el mapeo de tecnologa (TRM) que utiliza tcnicas de minera de textos para analizar grandes cantidades de datos acumulados en bases de datos de empresas y gobiernos. El nuevo mtodo proporciona una visin detallada de posibles configuraciones de productos y tecnologas que es fcil de actualizar, en lugar de concentrarse solo en la planificacin estratgica a alto nivel como los enfoques tradicionales de TRM.
2. Network Theorizing ??????
????????? ? ? ??? ? ? ? (Network Theory )? ?
????? Granovetters (1973) strength of weak ties
(SWT) theory
?? ? ?? Burts (1992) structural holes (SH) theory.
Mark Granovetter
Ronald S. Burt
Joan Butler Ford Professor in the School of
Humanities and Sciences, Department of Hobart W. Williams Professor of Sociology and Strategy,
Sociology, Stanford University. University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Ph.D. Sociology, 1970, Harvard University PhD in sociology from the University of Chicago in 1977
A.B. American and Modern European bachelor' degree in social and behavioral science, 1971,
History, 1965, Princeton University Johns Hopkins University -2-