Le slide dell'ottavo webinar di BrioAcademy dedicato al mondo dello storytelling. Rivedi il video della puntata a questo indirizzo: http://www.brioweb.eu/academy/2015/01x08.aspx
BrioAcademy - 1x04 - Personal Branding: Google+BrioWebLe slide del quarto webinar di BrioAcademy dedicato a come fare business con Google+. Rivedi la puntata a questo indirizzo: http://www.brioweb.eu/academy/2015/01x04.aspx
Speciale Numero 2 - Google e il mobile friendlyBrioWebLe slide del webinar di BrioAcademy dedicato al cambiamento di Google che avverrà il 21 aprile 2015 in merito ai siti web responsivi e alla SERP mobile.
Guarda il webinar su: http://www.brioweb.eu/academy/2015/speciale2.aspx
BrioAcademy - 1x06 - Personal Branding: LinkedInBrioWebLe slide del sesto webinar di BrioAcademy dedicato a come fare business con LinkedIn. Rivedi il video della puntata a questo indirizzo: http://www.brioweb.eu/academy/2015/01x06.aspx
BrioAcademy - 1x05 - Personal Branding: TwitterBrioWebLe slide del quinto webinar di BrioAcademy dedicato a come fare business con Twitter. Rivedi il video della puntata a questo indirizzo: http://www.brioweb.eu/academy/2015/01x05.aspx
Speciale 1 - La sicurezza nel web e la questione privacyBrioWebLe slide del webinar dedicato alla privacy ed alla sicurezza nel web di BrioAcademy
Guarda il webinar su: http://www.brioweb.eu/academy/2015/stagione.aspx
MatematikalombkTBKBuku ini membahas tentang bilangan cacah dan lambangnya untuk siswa SD kelas 1. Materi yang diajarkan antara lain membilang banyak benda hingga sepuluh, membaca dan menulis lambang bilangan 1 sampai 10, membandingkan kumpulan benda, serta membaca lambang bilangan 11 sampai 20.
Bunny storyboard MichaelNcube3Jack goes sleepwalking at night, wandering from his house and ending up at a graveyard. He comes across a gravestone for someone named Josh Billman who died in 1997 at only one year old. Jack has a flashback to the previous night's events and becomes confused about what happened, wondering if he's connected to the gravestone in some way.
Lastecnologias100418204358-phpapp01Thaiis MichellEste documento describe los beneficios que pueden obtener las empresas al implementar sistemas de gestión de recursos humanos como SAP HR. Estos sistemas permiten administrar de manera integral los procesos operativos del personal y la gestión estratégica del capital humano. Además, brindan ventajas como liberar tiempo al departamento de recursos humanos, mejorar la motivación de los empleados, centralizar la información del personal, y reducir costos. No obstante, la implementación requiere capacitar adecuadamente a los usuarios y realizar un levant
Max Photography Portfolio_low resMaxine ListerThe document provides contact information for Maxine Lister Photography, including an email address of maxlister@hotmail.com and a website of www.maxinelister.co.uk. It gives the name Maxine Lister as well as the business name of Max Lister Photography.
Konferencja- II Forum Strategicznego Wywiadu BiznesowegoSebastian BlazkiewiczPrzewaga informacyjna - na tej konferencji dowiesz się co znaczy w praktyce i jak ją zdobyć
Using Data to Improve Linkage to CareRandi SylveThe document discusses using HIV program data to evaluate gaps and disparities in linkage to care. It provides examples of how Louisiana measures linkage, retention, and viral suppression, and presents continuum of care data for the state overall and by region, race/ethnicity, and testing site. Linkage to care rates for newly diagnosed individuals are shown to be improving over time but still vary between regions and community-based organizations. The document encourages evaluating one's own agency's linkage data and identifying opportunities for the State HIV Program to provide more useful data support.
Odbywająca się co roku konferencja - SASMA Business Security Conference jest znana jako najważniejsze tego typu wydarzenie w branży bezpieczeństwa biznesu w Europie Środkowo - Wschodniej, które przyciąga zarówno przedstawicieli branży technologicznej jak i pracowników korporacji, menedżerów, członków kadry kierowniczej i specjalistów z branży, zapewniając wgląd oraz umożliwiając dyskusje i wymianę doświadczeń dotyczących praktyk stosowanych w bezpieczeństwie biznesu.
JGamsby - Quinnipiac_Winter2015Jason Gamsby1) Jason Gamsby, a Quinnipiac law school graduate, created a "day in the life" video for a medical malpractice case that showed the limitations his client faced following errors during surgery. The video helped his client receive a favorable settlement that will pay for his lifetime of care.
2) Quinnipiac offers a Visual Persuasion in the Law course taught by Professors Neal Feigenson and Christina Spiesel that teaches students how to incorporate visuals like videos, photos and graphics in legal cases to enhance oral arguments.
3) The new Quinnipiac School of Law facility includes a Visual Persuasion Suite equipped for students to work on video and other visual projects for
Land Ethic: Aesthetic ResearchÁlvaro MaloThis document provides an overview of the geology, hydrology, and climate of the Sonoran Desert region in Arizona. It discusses the formation of the desert landscape through tectonic forces over millions of years, shaping mountain ranges, valleys, and drainage patterns. It also describes the rain and water cycles that sustain plant and animal life, noting how over-pumping of groundwater has disrupted natural riparian areas. The author reflects on learning from the desert's emphasis on endurance over conquest and living within natural limits.
The Genesis Path - Burkhead Brand GroupCassie GrimmLaunching a new product? Breathing fresh energy into an existing brand? Our Genesis Path may be the answer.
PortfolioLavina SinghLavina Rana is a graphic designer from Singapore who was raised in Adelaide, Australia. She has a bachelor's degree in photography and a graduate diploma in graphic design. Her interests include typography, photography, and art direction. Her goal is to become an art director. The document includes samples of her magazine layouts, posters, print designs and wedding invitation designs showcasing her skills and interests in graphic design, photography, and combining images and text.
Entrepreneurship30 150320021537-conversion-gate01Oliver COMBASTETThis document discusses the emerging third wave of the Industrial Revolution known as "Entrepreneurship 3.0". It notes that current innovation is evolutionary, not disruptive, and everything that can be digitized will be. It highlights insane growth rates in technology companies and falling costs. While Germany has strengths in operational excellence and B2B, its culture can be a barrier for startups. However, with the right culture, partnerships, foresight and by solving challenges with technology, Germany can be a driver of growth in this new era.
Linux 141030142206-conversion-gate01Thaiis MichellEl documento habla sobre el software libre y Linux. Explica que el software libre incluye aplicaciones, una filosofía de desarrollo y un modelo de distribución. Además, describe a Linux como un sistema operativo de código abierto creado por Linus Torvalds y desarrollado por la comunidad, el cual es uno de los principales exponentes de la filosofía del software libre. Finalmente, menciona que Linux tiene muchos desarrolladores y se usa comúnmente como servidor web u de correo electrónico.
JGamsby - Quinnipiac_Winter2015Jason Gamsby1) The Visual Persuasion course at Quinnipiac Law teaches students how to use visual evidence like videos and images in legal cases to enhance oral arguments.
2) A Quinnipiac law graduate created a "day in the life" video for a medical malpractice client that showed the impact of his injuries, helping secure a favorable settlement.
3) The course founders believe visual evidence is increasingly important as technology evolves and more visual content enters the public domain and legal system.
SASMA CONFERENCE 2015Sebastian Blazkiewicz7th SASMA Business Security Conference – Your Business Challenges Today & Tomorrow
Mark your calendars! 7th SASMA Business Security Conference 2015 is just around the corner!
Annual SASMA Business Security Conference is already known as the most important event in the business security industry in Central and Eastern Europe that combines top technological minds in the security industry with business professionals, executives, senior management and industry experts providing insight into successful business practices for the security community.
La cultura Italiana salvata da Internet? #iloveischia 27 Marzo 2014Fabrizio TodiscoIntervento all'interno dell'evento #iloveischia del 27 Marzo presso la sala conferenze del Museo Diocesano di Ischia.
La cultura che invade- Marianna MarcucciRavenna Future LessonsMarianna Marcucci, Senior consultant in strategie di digital marketing per il turismo in Mind Lab Hotel, Hotel Manager, Co-founder di Invasioni Digitali: un progetto che di co-creazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale di un paese attraverso la partecipazione attiva dei suoi cittadini.
Le Invasioni Digitali in tour a Ravenna future lessonsMarianna MarcucciLe Invasioni Digitali raccontate in occasione di Ravenna Future Lessons il 29 ottobre 2014.
Invasioni Digitali è un progetto rivolto a diffondere la cultura digitale e l’utilizzo degli open data, formare e sensibilizzare le istituzioni all’utilizzo del web e dei social media per la realizzazione di progetti innovativi rivolti alla co-creazione di valore culturale oltre che alla promozione e diffusione della cultura.
Transmedia StorytellingUniversità di PisaOggi una storia per essere rilevante e continuare a vivere nel tempo deve essere LIQUIDA, distribuirsi nei vari media a diversi livelli di approfondimento e di coinvolgimento, deve consentire ai diversi “utilizzatori” di entrarci dentro attraverso diversi “rabbit hole” eppure sentirne ogni parte come il frammento di un messaggio più grande e coerente. Una storia così promette una esperienza immersiva e potente e stimola la conversazione e il coinvolgimento: questo nuovo modo di raccontare storie è il TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING
MatematikalombkTBKBuku ini membahas tentang bilangan cacah dan lambangnya untuk siswa SD kelas 1. Materi yang diajarkan antara lain membilang banyak benda hingga sepuluh, membaca dan menulis lambang bilangan 1 sampai 10, membandingkan kumpulan benda, serta membaca lambang bilangan 11 sampai 20.
Bunny storyboard MichaelNcube3Jack goes sleepwalking at night, wandering from his house and ending up at a graveyard. He comes across a gravestone for someone named Josh Billman who died in 1997 at only one year old. Jack has a flashback to the previous night's events and becomes confused about what happened, wondering if he's connected to the gravestone in some way.
Lastecnologias100418204358-phpapp01Thaiis MichellEste documento describe los beneficios que pueden obtener las empresas al implementar sistemas de gestión de recursos humanos como SAP HR. Estos sistemas permiten administrar de manera integral los procesos operativos del personal y la gestión estratégica del capital humano. Además, brindan ventajas como liberar tiempo al departamento de recursos humanos, mejorar la motivación de los empleados, centralizar la información del personal, y reducir costos. No obstante, la implementación requiere capacitar adecuadamente a los usuarios y realizar un levant
Max Photography Portfolio_low resMaxine ListerThe document provides contact information for Maxine Lister Photography, including an email address of maxlister@hotmail.com and a website of www.maxinelister.co.uk. It gives the name Maxine Lister as well as the business name of Max Lister Photography.
Konferencja- II Forum Strategicznego Wywiadu BiznesowegoSebastian BlazkiewiczPrzewaga informacyjna - na tej konferencji dowiesz się co znaczy w praktyce i jak ją zdobyć
Using Data to Improve Linkage to CareRandi SylveThe document discusses using HIV program data to evaluate gaps and disparities in linkage to care. It provides examples of how Louisiana measures linkage, retention, and viral suppression, and presents continuum of care data for the state overall and by region, race/ethnicity, and testing site. Linkage to care rates for newly diagnosed individuals are shown to be improving over time but still vary between regions and community-based organizations. The document encourages evaluating one's own agency's linkage data and identifying opportunities for the State HIV Program to provide more useful data support.
Odbywająca się co roku konferencja - SASMA Business Security Conference jest znana jako najważniejsze tego typu wydarzenie w branży bezpieczeństwa biznesu w Europie Środkowo - Wschodniej, które przyciąga zarówno przedstawicieli branży technologicznej jak i pracowników korporacji, menedżerów, członków kadry kierowniczej i specjalistów z branży, zapewniając wgląd oraz umożliwiając dyskusje i wymianę doświadczeń dotyczących praktyk stosowanych w bezpieczeństwie biznesu.
JGamsby - Quinnipiac_Winter2015Jason Gamsby1) Jason Gamsby, a Quinnipiac law school graduate, created a "day in the life" video for a medical malpractice case that showed the limitations his client faced following errors during surgery. The video helped his client receive a favorable settlement that will pay for his lifetime of care.
2) Quinnipiac offers a Visual Persuasion in the Law course taught by Professors Neal Feigenson and Christina Spiesel that teaches students how to incorporate visuals like videos, photos and graphics in legal cases to enhance oral arguments.
3) The new Quinnipiac School of Law facility includes a Visual Persuasion Suite equipped for students to work on video and other visual projects for
Land Ethic: Aesthetic ResearchÁlvaro MaloThis document provides an overview of the geology, hydrology, and climate of the Sonoran Desert region in Arizona. It discusses the formation of the desert landscape through tectonic forces over millions of years, shaping mountain ranges, valleys, and drainage patterns. It also describes the rain and water cycles that sustain plant and animal life, noting how over-pumping of groundwater has disrupted natural riparian areas. The author reflects on learning from the desert's emphasis on endurance over conquest and living within natural limits.
The Genesis Path - Burkhead Brand GroupCassie GrimmLaunching a new product? Breathing fresh energy into an existing brand? Our Genesis Path may be the answer.
PortfolioLavina SinghLavina Rana is a graphic designer from Singapore who was raised in Adelaide, Australia. She has a bachelor's degree in photography and a graduate diploma in graphic design. Her interests include typography, photography, and art direction. Her goal is to become an art director. The document includes samples of her magazine layouts, posters, print designs and wedding invitation designs showcasing her skills and interests in graphic design, photography, and combining images and text.
Entrepreneurship30 150320021537-conversion-gate01Oliver COMBASTETThis document discusses the emerging third wave of the Industrial Revolution known as "Entrepreneurship 3.0". It notes that current innovation is evolutionary, not disruptive, and everything that can be digitized will be. It highlights insane growth rates in technology companies and falling costs. While Germany has strengths in operational excellence and B2B, its culture can be a barrier for startups. However, with the right culture, partnerships, foresight and by solving challenges with technology, Germany can be a driver of growth in this new era.
Linux 141030142206-conversion-gate01Thaiis MichellEl documento habla sobre el software libre y Linux. Explica que el software libre incluye aplicaciones, una filosofía de desarrollo y un modelo de distribución. Además, describe a Linux como un sistema operativo de código abierto creado por Linus Torvalds y desarrollado por la comunidad, el cual es uno de los principales exponentes de la filosofía del software libre. Finalmente, menciona que Linux tiene muchos desarrolladores y se usa comúnmente como servidor web u de correo electrónico.
JGamsby - Quinnipiac_Winter2015Jason Gamsby1) The Visual Persuasion course at Quinnipiac Law teaches students how to use visual evidence like videos and images in legal cases to enhance oral arguments.
2) A Quinnipiac law graduate created a "day in the life" video for a medical malpractice client that showed the impact of his injuries, helping secure a favorable settlement.
3) The course founders believe visual evidence is increasingly important as technology evolves and more visual content enters the public domain and legal system.
SASMA CONFERENCE 2015Sebastian Blazkiewicz7th SASMA Business Security Conference – Your Business Challenges Today & Tomorrow
Mark your calendars! 7th SASMA Business Security Conference 2015 is just around the corner!
Annual SASMA Business Security Conference is already known as the most important event in the business security industry in Central and Eastern Europe that combines top technological minds in the security industry with business professionals, executives, senior management and industry experts providing insight into successful business practices for the security community.
La cultura Italiana salvata da Internet? #iloveischia 27 Marzo 2014Fabrizio TodiscoIntervento all'interno dell'evento #iloveischia del 27 Marzo presso la sala conferenze del Museo Diocesano di Ischia.
La cultura che invade- Marianna MarcucciRavenna Future LessonsMarianna Marcucci, Senior consultant in strategie di digital marketing per il turismo in Mind Lab Hotel, Hotel Manager, Co-founder di Invasioni Digitali: un progetto che di co-creazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale di un paese attraverso la partecipazione attiva dei suoi cittadini.
Le Invasioni Digitali in tour a Ravenna future lessonsMarianna MarcucciLe Invasioni Digitali raccontate in occasione di Ravenna Future Lessons il 29 ottobre 2014.
Invasioni Digitali è un progetto rivolto a diffondere la cultura digitale e l’utilizzo degli open data, formare e sensibilizzare le istituzioni all’utilizzo del web e dei social media per la realizzazione di progetti innovativi rivolti alla co-creazione di valore culturale oltre che alla promozione e diffusione della cultura.
Transmedia StorytellingUniversità di PisaOggi una storia per essere rilevante e continuare a vivere nel tempo deve essere LIQUIDA, distribuirsi nei vari media a diversi livelli di approfondimento e di coinvolgimento, deve consentire ai diversi “utilizzatori” di entrarci dentro attraverso diversi “rabbit hole” eppure sentirne ogni parte come il frammento di un messaggio più grande e coerente. Una storia così promette una esperienza immersiva e potente e stimola la conversazione e il coinvolgimento: questo nuovo modo di raccontare storie è il TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING
ROBERTA MILANO - 3 giugno 2014 - Autenticità e Racconto - Castelli del Ducato...BTO EducationalCastelli e Parchi del Ducato di Parma e Piacenza
Il piano di marketing e comunicazione
3 giugno 2014
Corte di Giarola
Collecchio [Parma]
Autenticità e racconto
Autenticità e rete, “unire i puntini”, “Finestra di Jojari sul Turismo”, Country Brand Index, ascolto, raccolta, cross medialità, cross settorialità, Storytelling e autenticità
GDPR e strategia di marketingBrioWebBrioWeb - Agenzia di Marketing e Comunicazione
Siamo impegnati costantemente nell'offrire occasioni di formazione (anche gratuita) attraverso il nostro marchio Eclettica.
Scopri tutti i nostri eventi formativi ed i nostri corsi visitando il nostro sito web: www.brioweb.eu.
Vendi per i socialBrioWebBrioWeb - Agenzia di Marketing e Comunicazione
Siamo impegnati costantemente nell'offrire occasioni di formazione (anche gratuita) attraverso il nostro marchio Eclettica.
Scopri tutti i nostri eventi formativi ed i nostri corsi visitando il nostro sito web: www.brioweb.eu.
SMAU Milano 2016 - La gestione del tempo e i social networkBrioWebLe slide del seminario tenuto il 25 ottobre 2016 a SMAU Milano, sono il materiale di conclusione di un percorso iniziato proprio un anno prima nell'edizione SMAU 2015.
Le slide illustrano quali sono gli elementi che ci "distraggono" impedendo la realizzazione di una strategia di marketing e in particolar modo come utilizzare con costanza e successo i social network.
La gestione del tempo e i social network - SMAU Firenze 2016BrioWebLe slide presentano i contenuti del workshop tenuto a SMAU Firenze 2016 riguardo la gestione del tempo, in particolar modo alla luce della presenza dei social network nel business aziendale.
Workshop ݺߣ SMAU Torino 2016BrioWebLe slide del workshop "La gestione del tempo ed i social network nella strategia di marketing" tenuto a SMAU Torino il 1 luglio 2016.
Mindfulness e Marketing - SMAU Bologna 2016BrioWebLa versione integrale delle slide del workshop tenuto a SMAU Bologna 2016 da Francesco BrioWeb Russo su come sfruttare le proprie capacità di mantenere l'attenzione per usare al meglio i social network e più in generale la nostra strategia di marketing.
Mindfulness e Marketing - Le slide del Workshop di SMAU Padova - 11 marzo 2016BrioWebLe slide del workshop dedicato a come la mindfulness, e quindi la capacità di riuscire ad ascoltare se stessi ed il mondo che ci circonda, può aiutare la nostra strategia di marketing
ݺߣ SMAU 2015 - La strategia della StazioneBrioWebIl tempo è una risorsa preziosa. La strategia della stazione è una possibile soluzione all'ottimizzazione del tuoi tempo, può essere applicata a qualsiasi ambito della vita di una persona.
A SMAU 2015 l'ho presentata applicata ai Social Network che spesso assorbono molto tempo senza portare una risultato...