1) The Visual Persuasion course at Quinnipiac Law teaches students how to use visual evidence like videos and images in legal cases to enhance oral arguments.
2) A Quinnipiac law graduate created a "day in the life" video for a medical malpractice client that showed the impact of his injuries, helping secure a favorable settlement.
3) The course founders believe visual evidence is increasingly important as technology evolves and more visual content enters the public domain and legal system.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In a single sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily design presentations.
This document contains the resume of Waqas Naeem, including his contact information, objective, personal details, education history, work experience, skills, and computer skills. He is currently working as a Valve Technician in Abu Dhabi and is looking for career opportunities where he can demonstrate and grow his mechanical and technical skills. He has 5 years of experience in various mechanical fields including valve servicing, pressure testing, plant shutdowns, and fabrication work.
The document summarizes a study that used a climate model to predict how climate change may impact the spatial distribution of freshwater snails that transmit parasites in Zimbabwe. The study found:
1) Snail habitat suitability in Zimbabwe varies currently, with some high suitability areas and low suitability areas.
2) Future climate change may cause a reduced spatial distribution of suitable habitat for most snail species by 2100, but the habitat of one snail species may increase by 2055 before declining.
3) Temperature appears to be a main driver of suitable snail habitat and climate change is expected to impact the transmission of parasites that rely on these snail species.
Enerpac Launching System with Spindel bar with retentionJosip Omazic
This document discusses an ILM spindle bar system and ENERLAUNCHER friction system for controlled lifting and lowering with custom solutions. It also mentions perfect formwork, good preparation, pulling a bridge back using breaking cylinders to remove a bad segment, and notes some projects done with ENERPAC, with more to be continued.
The ONE Project was an oncology nurses' education project conducted in May 2014 in Bahrain. It aimed to provide educational programs targeting oncology nurses to improve their disease awareness, adverse event management skills, and ability to improve patient outcomes. Over 30 nurses attended educational sessions on various cancer types and management of adverse events from Roche's oncology portfolio. The project received positive feedback and was accredited by the Ministry of Health. It established Roche as committed to raising disease awareness and opened opportunities for future patient access programs.
This document discusses the emerging third wave of the Industrial Revolution known as "Entrepreneurship 3.0". It notes that current innovation is evolutionary, not disruptive, and everything that can be digitized will be. It highlights insane growth rates in technology companies and falling costs. While Germany has strengths in operational excellence and B2B, its culture can be a barrier for startups. However, with the right culture, partnerships, foresight and by solving challenges with technology, Germany can be a driver of growth in this new era.
There are 6 members in a family group - A, B, C, D, E and F. The key relationships are:
- C is the sister of F
- B is the brother of E's husband
- D is the father of A and grandfather of F
- There are 2 fathers, 3 brothers and 1 mother in the group
- E's husband is B
- There are 4 male members in the group
- F is the son of E
- The group of brothers is A, B and F.
Berikut ini cara install windows 8 lengkap beserta gambarnyaagus
Berikut ringkasan cara instalasi Windows 8 dalam 3 kalimat:
Pertama, masukkan DVD instalasi Windows 8 saat komputer dalam mode booting dan pilih boot dari CD/DVD-ROM. Kemudian ikuti proses instalasi dengan memasukkan produk key dan memilih partisi untuk instalasi. Setelah proses selesai, buatlah akun pengguna untuk mengakses layar utama Windows 8.
This presentation provides an overview of Memphis' Strong Cities, Strong Communities initiative and how it uses a triad of 311, performance metrics, and CitiStat to improve government services. It summarizes how Memphis transformed its Mayor's Call Center into a 311 system, highlights examples of using 311 data and performance metrics in CitiStat meetings to address issues like curbside trash complaints, and outlines next steps to further develop these tools. The presentation aims to demonstrate how these public administration strategies can be connected to drive continuous improvement in service delivery.
This document provides instructions for creating a vocabulary list using Read&Write for Google. It explains that creating vocabulary lists can help students build familiarity with novel words and improve reading comprehension. The steps outlined include selecting words to highlight, using the highlight tool, and generating the list by clicking the vocabulary button. The completed list in a new Google Doc tab displays the word, its meaning, and a picture definition for each highlighted term from the original text.
Le slide dell'ottavo webinar di BrioAcademy dedicato al mondo dello storytelling. Rivedi il video della puntata a questo indirizzo: http://www.brioweb.eu/academy/2015/01x08.aspx
BrioAcademy - 1x06 - Personal Branding: LinkedInBrioWeb
Le slide del sesto webinar di BrioAcademy dedicato a come fare business con LinkedIn. Rivedi il video della puntata a questo indirizzo: http://www.brioweb.eu/academy/2015/01x06.aspx
Los maestros australianes de primaria tienden a tener un estereotipo negativo de los estudiantes tartamudos (1) debido a que la tartamudez es visible y causa incomodidad, y (2) porque los maestros mantienen una relaci┏n m│s distante con los estudiantes que sus compa?eros. Los maestros se enfocan m│s en las dificultades de participaci┏n de los estudiantes tartamudos.
Copyright trolls have emerged as opportunistic entities that aggressively pursue copyright infringement lawsuits against individuals, not to protect creative works, but rather to profit through coercing settlements. The article discusses the rise of copyright trolls and their abusive tactics, such as targeting large numbers of "John Doe" defendants and exploiting high statutory damages to pressure settlements. While a victory against a troll lawsuit in Oregon reduced the financial viability of the troll business model, the problem persists nationwide due to imbalances in copyright law promoted by entertainment industry lobbying.
Gunilla Sj?berg is an experienced HR professional with over 30 years of experience in strategic HR roles. She has worked in a variety of industries including IT, telecom, insurance, construction, and retail. Her experience includes positions as an HR manager, director, consultant, and business partner. She has strong skills in leadership development, change management, recruitment, and building relationships.
The Materiel Readiness of the future 8 Sept 16edil66
The document discusses the future of materiel readiness in the US Army. It outlines new technologies and equipment that will impact various Army roles in the coming years, known as the "Big 6+1". This includes future vertical lift, advanced protection systems, cross domain fires, combat vehicles, expeditionary mission command/cyber electromagnetic, robotics/autonomous systems, and soldier/team performance overmatch. It emphasizes the importance of technicians staying informed about emerging technologies to ensure Army readiness now and in the future.
Maria Elena Caporaletti has over 30 years of experience in strategic communications, public relations, and corporate communications. She has held leadership roles developing communications strategies for major companies in energy, telecommunications, and transportation. Her experience includes launching new business ventures and managing communications for startups. Currently, she works as a freelance communications consultant and lecturer.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang budaya hidup sehat, termasuk pengertian, tujuan, dan manfaatnya. Budaya hidup sehat adalah konsep kehidupan yang mengedepankan kesehatan dengan cara berolahraga rutin, makan sehat, dan istirahat cukup. Menerapkan budaya ini memberikan manfaat seperti daya tahan tubuh yang tinggi dan menghindari berbagai penyakit.
Este documento presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre los usos y h│bitos de los dispositivos m┏viles en M└xico. El estudio encuest┏ a 2,037 personas y analiz┏ las actividades m│s comunes, el tiempo dedicado a estas y la influencia de la conexi┏n a internet. La mayor┴a usa los dispositivos principalmente para comunicarse, pero tambi└n para entretenimiento y algunas tareas en l┴nea.
Mohankumar Soman Menon has over 38 years of experience in finance roles. He worked his way up from Accounts Assistant to Deputy General Manager of Finance at a reputed electrical engineering company. He implemented ERP systems like SAP and developed financial systems. Currently, he is a consultant specializing in optimizing accounting procedures and systems.
This document contains Phillip Donley's personal statement, resume, and reflections from his undergraduate ePortfolio. In his personal statement, he discusses initially pursuing psychology for career purposes but later becoming fascinated with child psychology after becoming a parent. He wants to help children avoid mistakes and maximize their potential. His reflections discuss learning from classmates and faculty, questioning himself productively, and gaining valuable skills and characteristics from Argosy University to further his education in psychology.
This document presents a coursework on the framing effect. It begins with an introduction describing the framing effect as how the way options are presented can influence people's decisions, even when the objective information is the same. It then describes the framing effect in more detail over several sections, including its history and phases. It also presents results from two experiments demonstrating the impact of framing - people are more motivated to avoid losses than gain equivalent gains. The document concludes that framing is a strong cognitive bias and outlines Kahneman's system 1 intuitive thinking that is more susceptible to framing effects.
This document discusses the impact of interactive technology on child development. It explores how digital games can benefit hospitalized or special needs children by improving motivation and attention, as well as allowing social interaction. However, excessive screen time for young children may negatively impact social-emotional development by reducing caregiver interaction. While violent video games likely do not cause real-world violence, parents should monitor content and consider age ratings. Overall, technology shows promise if used judiciously, but in-person social interaction remains important for child development.
Two medical students at the Perelman School of Medicine, J.C. Lopez and Alex Sotolongo, first met playing against each other in high school water polo. They have now teamed up to develop a magnetic surgical device called Vesicon to improve vascular surgery procedures. With help from Penn resources like the Penn Center for Innovation and its DevelUPmed competition, they have formed a company called Angiio to develop their device. Their device aims to simplify and shorten vascular anastomosis procedures using magnetic forces.
Literature ReviewIn an article written by Eakin et al. in 2003 f.docxSHIVA101531
Through five studies, Eakin et al. found that exposure to misleading post-event information significantly impaired participants' ability to recall accurate information. They used modified opposition tests and found that participants who received misleading information were more likely to recall the misinformation than accurate details, even with warnings. Loftus confirmed these findings, noting some groups are more susceptible to misinformation effects. Rivardo et al. also found misinformation effects occurred whether the inaccurate information was received individually or collaboratively. Valentine and Maras demonstrated that cross-examination techniques like leading questions can cause witnesses to change their answers and testimony.
Bob Jacobson has over 25 years of experience as a commercial photographer and is now certified in evidence photography for litigation. He has worked on dozens of civil and criminal cases involving photography of construction defects and other evidence. Jacobson graduated from San Diego State University with degrees in psychology, sociology, and communications. He has provided photography services and expert testimony to insurance companies, law firms, government agencies, and contractors.
How To Write An Essay On A Movie. How to Write a Movie ReviewCarolyn Collum
How To Write A Movie Review? The Complete Guide - EssayMin. FREE 8 Sample Movie Reviews in MS Word PDF Essay, Review essay .... Best Film Analysis Essay Examples PNG - scholarship. Write films essay. Sample Essay. 006 Essay Movies English Paper Help How To Write For High School .... Film Essay. Help with writing a film essay - YouTube. How To Write A Movie Review: Complete Guide, Examples, Tips .... 020 Year9shortfilmcharacterisationessay Phpapp02 Thumbnail Film Essay .... How To Write A Movie Review : How to Write a Movie Review? : But it .... How to write a film paper. How to Write a Movie Analysis Essay .... How to write an analysis essay on a movie. How to Write an Analysis .... How to write a film analysis essay by Franz Morales - Issuu. 008 Film Evaluation Essay Example On Movie How To Write Review Analysis .... How to write a movie review essay. The Movie Review, the Blind Side .... My Favourite Film Essay Telegraph. Example Film Essay Thesis - How to Write an Evaluation Essay. 012 Movie Review Essay Cover Letters Of Exploratory Essays Good Basics .... Pay for Exclusive Essay - movie essay writing - copyeditingrate.web.fc2.com. Film essay example. How To Write A Good Movie Review Guide with .... Film Analysis Essay Format - Top 20 Useful Tips for Writing a Film .... Review essay movie example. Kinds of movies essay in 2021 Essay writing, Good essay, Expository essay. How to Write a Movie Review. Sample evaluation essay on a movie - opencoursewarefinance.web.fc2.com. Easy a movie essay. How to Write a Film Analysis Essay. 2019-01-10. 018 Film Essay Food Inc Movie Worksheet Answers Inspirational Summary .... 003 Example Movie Review Essays 130056 Essay Thatsnotus. Writing essays about movies. How to write a good film. How to Write a Short Film: Step. 2022-10-21. film essay How To Write An Essay On A Movie How To Write An Essay On A Movie. How to Write a Movie Review
The document discusses juvenile justice systems and how they handle juveniles who commit crimes. It notes that juveniles' brains are still developing so they may have difficulty weighing decisions and consequences. Research shows the frontal lobe, which controls advanced functions, develops last. The system aims to rehabilitate youth rather than solely punish them. Factors like substance abuse, trauma and lack of guidance can influence juvenile delinquency.
Berikut ini cara install windows 8 lengkap beserta gambarnyaagus
Berikut ringkasan cara instalasi Windows 8 dalam 3 kalimat:
Pertama, masukkan DVD instalasi Windows 8 saat komputer dalam mode booting dan pilih boot dari CD/DVD-ROM. Kemudian ikuti proses instalasi dengan memasukkan produk key dan memilih partisi untuk instalasi. Setelah proses selesai, buatlah akun pengguna untuk mengakses layar utama Windows 8.
This presentation provides an overview of Memphis' Strong Cities, Strong Communities initiative and how it uses a triad of 311, performance metrics, and CitiStat to improve government services. It summarizes how Memphis transformed its Mayor's Call Center into a 311 system, highlights examples of using 311 data and performance metrics in CitiStat meetings to address issues like curbside trash complaints, and outlines next steps to further develop these tools. The presentation aims to demonstrate how these public administration strategies can be connected to drive continuous improvement in service delivery.
This document provides instructions for creating a vocabulary list using Read&Write for Google. It explains that creating vocabulary lists can help students build familiarity with novel words and improve reading comprehension. The steps outlined include selecting words to highlight, using the highlight tool, and generating the list by clicking the vocabulary button. The completed list in a new Google Doc tab displays the word, its meaning, and a picture definition for each highlighted term from the original text.
Le slide dell'ottavo webinar di BrioAcademy dedicato al mondo dello storytelling. Rivedi il video della puntata a questo indirizzo: http://www.brioweb.eu/academy/2015/01x08.aspx
BrioAcademy - 1x06 - Personal Branding: LinkedInBrioWeb
Le slide del sesto webinar di BrioAcademy dedicato a come fare business con LinkedIn. Rivedi il video della puntata a questo indirizzo: http://www.brioweb.eu/academy/2015/01x06.aspx
Los maestros australianes de primaria tienden a tener un estereotipo negativo de los estudiantes tartamudos (1) debido a que la tartamudez es visible y causa incomodidad, y (2) porque los maestros mantienen una relaci┏n m│s distante con los estudiantes que sus compa?eros. Los maestros se enfocan m│s en las dificultades de participaci┏n de los estudiantes tartamudos.
Copyright trolls have emerged as opportunistic entities that aggressively pursue copyright infringement lawsuits against individuals, not to protect creative works, but rather to profit through coercing settlements. The article discusses the rise of copyright trolls and their abusive tactics, such as targeting large numbers of "John Doe" defendants and exploiting high statutory damages to pressure settlements. While a victory against a troll lawsuit in Oregon reduced the financial viability of the troll business model, the problem persists nationwide due to imbalances in copyright law promoted by entertainment industry lobbying.
Gunilla Sj?berg is an experienced HR professional with over 30 years of experience in strategic HR roles. She has worked in a variety of industries including IT, telecom, insurance, construction, and retail. Her experience includes positions as an HR manager, director, consultant, and business partner. She has strong skills in leadership development, change management, recruitment, and building relationships.
The Materiel Readiness of the future 8 Sept 16edil66
The document discusses the future of materiel readiness in the US Army. It outlines new technologies and equipment that will impact various Army roles in the coming years, known as the "Big 6+1". This includes future vertical lift, advanced protection systems, cross domain fires, combat vehicles, expeditionary mission command/cyber electromagnetic, robotics/autonomous systems, and soldier/team performance overmatch. It emphasizes the importance of technicians staying informed about emerging technologies to ensure Army readiness now and in the future.
Maria Elena Caporaletti has over 30 years of experience in strategic communications, public relations, and corporate communications. She has held leadership roles developing communications strategies for major companies in energy, telecommunications, and transportation. Her experience includes launching new business ventures and managing communications for startups. Currently, she works as a freelance communications consultant and lecturer.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang budaya hidup sehat, termasuk pengertian, tujuan, dan manfaatnya. Budaya hidup sehat adalah konsep kehidupan yang mengedepankan kesehatan dengan cara berolahraga rutin, makan sehat, dan istirahat cukup. Menerapkan budaya ini memberikan manfaat seperti daya tahan tubuh yang tinggi dan menghindari berbagai penyakit.
Este documento presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre los usos y h│bitos de los dispositivos m┏viles en M└xico. El estudio encuest┏ a 2,037 personas y analiz┏ las actividades m│s comunes, el tiempo dedicado a estas y la influencia de la conexi┏n a internet. La mayor┴a usa los dispositivos principalmente para comunicarse, pero tambi└n para entretenimiento y algunas tareas en l┴nea.
Mohankumar Soman Menon has over 38 years of experience in finance roles. He worked his way up from Accounts Assistant to Deputy General Manager of Finance at a reputed electrical engineering company. He implemented ERP systems like SAP and developed financial systems. Currently, he is a consultant specializing in optimizing accounting procedures and systems.
This document contains Phillip Donley's personal statement, resume, and reflections from his undergraduate ePortfolio. In his personal statement, he discusses initially pursuing psychology for career purposes but later becoming fascinated with child psychology after becoming a parent. He wants to help children avoid mistakes and maximize their potential. His reflections discuss learning from classmates and faculty, questioning himself productively, and gaining valuable skills and characteristics from Argosy University to further his education in psychology.
This document presents a coursework on the framing effect. It begins with an introduction describing the framing effect as how the way options are presented can influence people's decisions, even when the objective information is the same. It then describes the framing effect in more detail over several sections, including its history and phases. It also presents results from two experiments demonstrating the impact of framing - people are more motivated to avoid losses than gain equivalent gains. The document concludes that framing is a strong cognitive bias and outlines Kahneman's system 1 intuitive thinking that is more susceptible to framing effects.
This document discusses the impact of interactive technology on child development. It explores how digital games can benefit hospitalized or special needs children by improving motivation and attention, as well as allowing social interaction. However, excessive screen time for young children may negatively impact social-emotional development by reducing caregiver interaction. While violent video games likely do not cause real-world violence, parents should monitor content and consider age ratings. Overall, technology shows promise if used judiciously, but in-person social interaction remains important for child development.
Two medical students at the Perelman School of Medicine, J.C. Lopez and Alex Sotolongo, first met playing against each other in high school water polo. They have now teamed up to develop a magnetic surgical device called Vesicon to improve vascular surgery procedures. With help from Penn resources like the Penn Center for Innovation and its DevelUPmed competition, they have formed a company called Angiio to develop their device. Their device aims to simplify and shorten vascular anastomosis procedures using magnetic forces.
Literature ReviewIn an article written by Eakin et al. in 2003 f.docxSHIVA101531
Through five studies, Eakin et al. found that exposure to misleading post-event information significantly impaired participants' ability to recall accurate information. They used modified opposition tests and found that participants who received misleading information were more likely to recall the misinformation than accurate details, even with warnings. Loftus confirmed these findings, noting some groups are more susceptible to misinformation effects. Rivardo et al. also found misinformation effects occurred whether the inaccurate information was received individually or collaboratively. Valentine and Maras demonstrated that cross-examination techniques like leading questions can cause witnesses to change their answers and testimony.
Bob Jacobson has over 25 years of experience as a commercial photographer and is now certified in evidence photography for litigation. He has worked on dozens of civil and criminal cases involving photography of construction defects and other evidence. Jacobson graduated from San Diego State University with degrees in psychology, sociology, and communications. He has provided photography services and expert testimony to insurance companies, law firms, government agencies, and contractors.
How To Write An Essay On A Movie. How to Write a Movie ReviewCarolyn Collum
How To Write A Movie Review? The Complete Guide - EssayMin. FREE 8 Sample Movie Reviews in MS Word PDF Essay, Review essay .... Best Film Analysis Essay Examples PNG - scholarship. Write films essay. Sample Essay. 006 Essay Movies English Paper Help How To Write For High School .... Film Essay. Help with writing a film essay - YouTube. How To Write A Movie Review: Complete Guide, Examples, Tips .... 020 Year9shortfilmcharacterisationessay Phpapp02 Thumbnail Film Essay .... How To Write A Movie Review : How to Write a Movie Review? : But it .... How to write a film paper. How to Write a Movie Analysis Essay .... How to write an analysis essay on a movie. How to Write an Analysis .... How to write a film analysis essay by Franz Morales - Issuu. 008 Film Evaluation Essay Example On Movie How To Write Review Analysis .... How to write a movie review essay. The Movie Review, the Blind Side .... My Favourite Film Essay Telegraph. Example Film Essay Thesis - How to Write an Evaluation Essay. 012 Movie Review Essay Cover Letters Of Exploratory Essays Good Basics .... Pay for Exclusive Essay - movie essay writing - copyeditingrate.web.fc2.com. Film essay example. How To Write A Good Movie Review Guide with .... Film Analysis Essay Format - Top 20 Useful Tips for Writing a Film .... Review essay movie example. Kinds of movies essay in 2021 Essay writing, Good essay, Expository essay. How to Write a Movie Review. Sample evaluation essay on a movie - opencoursewarefinance.web.fc2.com. Easy a movie essay. How to Write a Film Analysis Essay. 2019-01-10. 018 Film Essay Food Inc Movie Worksheet Answers Inspirational Summary .... 003 Example Movie Review Essays 130056 Essay Thatsnotus. Writing essays about movies. How to write a good film. How to Write a Short Film: Step. 2022-10-21. film essay How To Write An Essay On A Movie How To Write An Essay On A Movie. How to Write a Movie Review
The document discusses juvenile justice systems and how they handle juveniles who commit crimes. It notes that juveniles' brains are still developing so they may have difficulty weighing decisions and consequences. Research shows the frontal lobe, which controls advanced functions, develops last. The system aims to rehabilitate youth rather than solely punish them. Factors like substance abuse, trauma and lack of guidance can influence juvenile delinquency.
The document provides instructions for students seeking writing assistance on HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and the company offers refunds for plagiarized work.
Augmented Reality: Revolutionary or Disruptor of Training and AssessmentSeriousGamesAssoc
Dennis Glenn, MFA, Adjunct Professor| DePaul University Graduate School for New Learning / President | Dennis Glenn LLC
Augmented Reality: Revolutionary or Disruptor of Training and Assessment
Augmented reality (AR) has the potential to revolutionize training and assessment. This technology innovation superimposes computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data onto a live or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment. The increasing need to scale education-based interactive learning to larger audiences thus mitigating the larger development costs, is where AR has a few potential revolutionary and disruption attributes that must be considered.
Learning Objectives:
Assessment needs to be done rigorously and methodologically, and AR technologies can provide multiple avenues to achieve this goal. Recall of knowledge is no longer a viable method to provide accurate validation of mastery. In order to assess competency, we need to understand what the learner needs to know and be able to do and then demonstrate their ability to perform these tasks. We will offer multiple solutions to this disruptor.
Privacy and security of the data con be compromised using AR technologies. A few of the risks to be discussed are identity theft, invasion of privacy, and unequal access, thus increasing the inequality divide. We will lead a discussion of the avenues to reduce these risks.
On the positive side we offer a number of effective solutions that lead to the demonstration of mastery. Using AR technology to disseminate education is a way to teach thousands of users across the globe while eliminating barriers to access, reducing costs, and ensuring consistency in quality and delivery.
Presented by the
Serious Play Conference
University of Central Florida,
July 24-26, 2019
The document provides a summary of articles from the newsletter "O BEHAVE! Issue 17". It discusses several topics:
1) Research showing both positive and negative impacts of video games on behavior, emphasizing the media only focuses on negatives.
2) The Dunning-Kruger effect where people with low ability are unaware of their incompetence and overestimate their skills.
3) A phenomenon called the "belief in a favorable future" where people think the world will change to align with their views without action needing to be taken.
4) The concept of "defensive decision making" where people choose inferior options to protect their reputation if things go wrong.
5) How people with
Juvenile Justice SystemComment by Jamie Price Good job.docxtawnyataylor528
Juvenile Justice System Comment by Jamie Price: Good job with the title page
Chalyne A. Arvie
Juvenile Justice System
Juvenile Justice System Development Comment by Jamie Price: Good job with using headings.
But your first paragraph should be an introduction.
Introduce the main points that will be covered. Let the reader know where the paper is going.
Refer to my help documents associated with this assignment for assistance with creating a good academic introduction.
In the United States, the adolescent court framework was established more than ten years before the main court establishment in 1899 in Illinois. Before its formation, all youngsters were considered as adults or grownup where they were punished in similar ways as adults. Prior to the creation of juvenile courts, the common law's infancy defense provided the only special protections for young offenders charged with crimes. The common law conclusively presumed that children younger than seven years of age lacked criminal capacity, while those fourteen years of age and older possessed full criminal responsibility. Comment by Jamie Price: This is good information but you need to cite your work.
If the information isn¨t common knowledge, you need to cite it using in-text citations.
Some basic formats are:
Blah blah blah (Last name, year).
According to Last name (year), blah blah blah.
Last name (year) reported that ^blah blah blah ̄ (p. #).
^Blah blah blah ̄ (Last name, year, p. #).
The history of the juvenile justice system dates as far back as to the bible to Roman Era time. In this period, it was the parent¨s responsibility to punish their children, unless the child is in need of a more severe consequences. In the middle ages, common law was established in England. The use of shires, reeves, and chancellors were used. When being punished, the English used the same punishments on children over the age of seven as an adult. In eighteenth-century London, jails were created based upon workhouses. On July 1899, United States established the first juvenile justice system located in Illinois. The Illinois legislature passed the Illinois Juvenile Act that would disciple accordingly to children under the age of sixteen. The juvenile courts were to take jurisdiction over the children (Champion, Merlo, & Benekos, 2013). Comment by Jamie Price: Try to remove unnecessary words.
^is in need of a ̄ = needs Comment by Jamie Price: Good job citing your work.
Predominant Philosophy of the Juvenile System
Alterations in the social origination ideology of youngsters and the system of cultural control in the nineteenth-century y led to the establishment of the very first juvenile court in 1899. To differentiate between the young and adult offenders, progressive philosophers made efforts to reform the juvenile court system. They developed new thoughts regarding adolescence and made the court ...
The document discusses the Davis v. Washington Supreme Court case from 2006 regarding the confrontation clause of the Sixth Amendment and the admissibility of statements made during a 911 call. The case centered around whether admitting recordings of statements made during an emergency 911 call violated the defendant's right to confront witnesses, as the witness whose statements implicated the defendant did not testify at trial. The Supreme Court ultimately ruled the statements were admissible as they were made during an ongoing emergency and not with the intent of future prosecution.
Effective use of demonstrative evidence at trialEdward K. Le
The days when an attorney can simply try a case based solely on oral presentation and testimony are gone. With the advent of technology, jurors are now more visual than ever. The negative effect is that their attention span is short and these same jurors are now more impatient than ever. While they may not tell you, these jurors expect trials to be seamless, quick, and entertaining. To hold their attention, the attorney not only has to present seamless testimony, he or she must employ compelling and powerful demonstrative evidence that will educate, inform, and captivate the juror¨s attention. That is why the use of compelling and persuasive demonstrative evidence is as important as ever. The point of this paper is to help answer some basic questions to the attorney and his legal team about the use of demonstrative evidence, but also provide ideas and tips on how to create and use demonstrative evidence to persuade jurors. Along the way, another goal is to create and use these demonstrative evidence to increase and enhance the value of your case.
The document summarizes several studies that have investigated the cognitive and visual benefits of playing video games. It discusses research showing that action game players have improved contrast sensitivity, response times, probabilistic inference abilities, and memory in some contexts. However, the evidence on aggression is mixed, and while some studies found short-term increases in aggression, there is no clear evidence that video games directly cause long-term violent behavior. Critics argue that the methodology of some aggression studies is flawed and more research is still needed to establish clear links.
This document summarizes research on the effects of playing video games. It discusses several studies that have found benefits such as improved vision, cognition, and problem-solving abilities from playing action-oriented video games. However, it also notes some controversies around other research claiming links between violent video games and aggressive behavior. More recent issues discussed include in-game systems that use psychological rewards in a way that some argue promotes addictive gambling-like behavior, particularly in games designed for children.
This document summarizes research on the effects of playing video games. It discusses several studies that have found benefits such as improved vision, cognition, and problem-solving abilities from playing action-oriented video games. However, it also notes some controversies around other research claiming links between violent video games and aggressive behavior. More recent issues discussed include in-game systems that use psychological rewards in a way that some argue promotes addictive gambling-like behavior, particularly in games designed for children.
This document discusses the key actors in juvenile court systems, including the prosecutor, defense counsel, and judge. The prosecutor decides whether to bring a case to court and can close cases at their discretion. The defense counsel advocates for the expressed interests of their clients and ensures their rights are protected. Both the prosecutor and defense counsel are important to provide balanced perspectives in cases. As a judge, roles include deciding cases and dispositions, making legal rulings, and acting as a parental figure, but this dual role can present advantages and disadvantages.
How to effectively create and use demonstrative evidence at trialEdward K. Le
The days when an attorney can simply try a case based solely on oral testimony are gone. With technology, a whole new generation of jurors now expect more visual and illustrative evidence than ever. Their attention span is short. Their patience span is even shorter. To capture attention, attorneys must must employ compelling and powerful demonstrative evidence to educate, inform, and captivate. This paper is written for personal injury and trial lawyers about the use of demonstrative evidence and provide ideas and tips on creating and using them.
2. SHOW&
ason Gamsby, JD ¨13, a trial lawyer with the Faxon Law Group in New
Haven, recently had a client who entered the hospital for routine sur-
gery and left with paralysis, kidney and heart damage, significant
brain damage and a head deformation. The injuries followed a stroke
and subsequent surgeries that were a result of staff errors.
An articulate lawyer, Gamsby could have explained the repercussions of
these errors to the mediating judge. Instead, he and his firm created a video
that captured the limitations and challenges of his client¨s new life: not being
able to wash himself, eat or get to and from doctor visits without assistance
from his aging sisters.
^If you¨re a trial lawyer in the state, or the country, one of the best ways to get
your point across is to do a visual like this, ̄ said Gamsby, who often handles
complex personal injury cases involving product liability or medical malprac-
tice. ^These `day in the life¨ videos start off in the morning and tell your client¨s
story, just as they would in a deposition. I¨m not telling you; I¨m showing you.
These videos really get to your heart. ̄
The client received the settlement he wanted, which will pay for the care he
will need for the rest of his life.
As a paralegal for about a decade before entering law school, Gamsby had
seen these types of videos, but it wasn¨t until he took the course Visual Persua-
sion in the Law that he understood the elements that made a video compelling.
3. Jason Gamsby, JD ¨13,
says video can enhance
his ability to persuade
a judge or jury.
Neal Feigenson, professor of law, and Christina Spiesel,
adjunct professor, teach the course. Fifteen years ago, they were
the first to offer what no other law school had at the time: a
course that gave law students the skills and knowledge to under-
stand, create and effectively use demonstrative evidence from
graphics to photographs, videos and animations.
^Lawyers tend to paint pictures with words, ̄ explained Brian
Young, JD ¨12, a former student in the course. He and fellow
alumnus Virginia Jijion-Caamano, JD ¨12, started the Law Firm
of Jijion-Caamano and Young in Trumbull, Conn.
^We tend to think, `I can do this with the power of my writing
or my oral argument.¨ Neal and Christina taught us how to think
about visuals in legal cases and understand the difference
between the message presented by words and the message pre-
sented by visuals. The world is changing, and law schools need
to produce lawyers who can think differently. ̄
Today, recording devices are ubiquitous, and their recordings
are often an integral part of high-profile cases. Surveillance cam-
eras assisted in the capture of the accused Boston Marathon
bombers. An elevator security camera taped football player Ray
Rice assaulting his wife, and the footage led to the NFL commis-
sioner suspending him indefinitely. The convicted murderers in the
Cheshire home invasion filmed their own heinous crimes. And a
bystander with a camera phone caught the police chokehold that
led to the death of Eric Garner in New York City.
Third-year students, who most often take this elective, have
spent most of their lives in a digital environment. While the course
draws on their digital know-how, its foundation has remained con-
stant since 2000.
The course takes students through several simple exercises that
show how pictures and words can change each other¨s meanings.
Students also learn how many different ways people will respond
to the same pictures, which will help them anticipate how these
multiple meanings may help or hinder them in communicating
their message to a judge, jury or other audience.
The students bring this experiential knowledge, as well as expo-
sure to visuals used in practice, guest lectures and multidiscipli-
nary readings, to their work on two major course projects. First,
they create a piece of demonstrative evidence to illustrate and
explain testimony or other facts, using either analog (such as a
poster) or digital media (such as PowerPoint); then, they work in
teams to produce a short digital video to be used as part of their
argument in a case.
^We hope the students will gain some basic visual literacy and
^The world is changing, and
law schools need to produce
lawyers who can think
differently. ̄!Brian Young, JD '12
basic digital visual literacy, ̄ explained Feigenson, who researches
the psychology of legal judgment and the uses of visual media in
legal communication and persuasion. ^It¨s a big step one just to
have their eyes and their minds open to the possibility of using
images as well as words when they put their cases together to
make their arguments more effective. ̄
^Big step two is to think critically about the uses so that they
might see the possibilities in the evidence and how it might be
used, ̄ added Spiesel. This includes considering what visuals the
opposing counsel will use and how to counter them!by creating
more or different visuals for her own side. In addition to teaching
at Quinnipiac, she is a visual artist and senior research scholar at
Yale Law School.
Many of the ideas that Feigenson and Spiesel learned while
working with their visual persuasion students over the years were
incorporated into their 2009 book, ^Law on Display: The Digital
Transformation of Legal Persuasion and Judgment ̄ (NYU Press).
he new School of Law Center on the North Haven Campus
contains a Visual Persuasion Suite outfitted with six com-
puter workstations, locked cabinets for equipment, and an
adjoining classroom to view and discuss projects.
Like many great ideas (think: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
starting Apple in a garage), Feigenson and Spiesel started their
groundbreaking course in a library storage closet in the School of
Law on the Mount Carmel Campus.
^There was enough room for one person to face the computer
and a couple of other people to squeeze in the room, ̄ Spiesel
recalled. Students would sit on the counter, and sometimes under
the counter, crossing their fingers that their early versions of video
editing software wouldn¨t crash and destroy their work. That first
year, Feigenson and Spiesel weren¨t certain students would be able
to complete their video projects.
Professors Neal Feigenson and Christina Spiesel review a video with
third-year law student Travis Nunziato in the new editing suite used for
the Visual Persuasion course.
^Some lawyers may use it precisely because it¨s flashy, not really
appreciating that it¨s not serving their purposes, ̄ Feigenson said.
Moreover, not all images and video are allowed into court.
Lawyers have to work with materials that have some kind of pro-
bative value to the case, as determined by the judge or mediator,
and they must make sure to authenticate any pictures they want
to use as evidence.
eigenson is now working on a book investigating the use
of demonstrative evidence to convey what a litigant¨s sub-
jective perceptual state is like. Is it possible to use science
to see what someone else thinks he¨s seeing, even though it¨s not
what the rest of us see? Sounds fanciful, even futuristic. But
researchers are already using fMRI (functional magnetic reso-
nance imaging) and sophisticated conversion algorithms to
reconstruct, on the basis of brain scans, the visual images people
are generating in their brains.
The technology is young, but one day we might be able to view
what a person is thinking or remembering!or even dreaming,
Feigenson said.
^There is a deep tension in our society between loving what
digital technology makes possible and being afraid of digital
technology taking over what we regard as essential qualities of
personhood, ̄ Feigenson said. ^Partly because of that, it¨s unclear
how judges and juries will respond to this sort of technological
evidence if it becomes available. ̄
No matter how the technology advances, visuals always will be
a part of the legal system. The key is to know how to use them
and to anticipate how the opposing side could use them in a trial
or negotiation. The course will continue to evolve to reflect what¨s
happening in practice.
Spiesel cautioned that visuals alone will not win a case, but
properly thought through and skillfully deployed, they can be
highly effective.
^It is very important, first, to have some idea of what pictures
have been seen by the public if there has been publicity surround-
ing the case. Then you need to know what will help your jury or
the people you are negotiating with understand the case better, ̄
Spiesel explained.
^Clear, good communication, backed up by evidence of facts,
presented in a way that is easily understood, is enormously
powerful. ̄
^There was a certain camaraderie, an esprit du combat, when
you have 10 people working in a shared space with IT, ̄ said Speisel
of one of their many workstation homes.
For each main project in the course, students argue the same
side of a fictitious lawsuit that reflects a real or potential case.
Young¨s class had to argue on behalf of a deaf woman who wanted
a deaf child. The fertility lab¨s error led to the woman giving birth
to a baby who could hear. Young¨s group believed a jury would
have a hard time understanding the desire for a child who couldn¨t
hear. They showed that many deaf children have a great life.
^We ran all these pictures of kids having fun!waterskiing,
water tubing, playing!and didn¨t identify them as deaf until the
end, ̄ said Young, whose group used promotional footage from a
camp for deaf children. ^Fun is fun for everybody. ̄ The video,
through interviews, demonstrated the challenges of a deaf mother
raising a hearing child given the two distinctly different communi-
ties they would occupy and the emotional investment made by the
mother throughout the fertilization process and the pregnancy,
only to have her expectations shattered.
^It was a phenomenal class, ̄ Young said. ^The law is far more
than the courtroom. Being able to persuade people with visuals is
important in a number of different arenas. ̄
Young has used visuals in seemingly straightforward contract
issues. He creates more visually appealing presentations, often
enlarging important text passages for emphasis. In one case, Young
said he believes his use of color photos in a property appraisal offset
the cold plot map, allowing the court to have a clearer vision of
the property. Whatever the reason, the court made a $1.5 million
upward adjustment that Young believes wouldn¨t have happened
without the photos to bring the property to life.
eigenson and Spiesel make the future attorneys acutely
aware of the challenges of using demonstrative evidence.
Using images, a lawyer can make a desired point without
actually saying it, Feigenson said. ^Sometimes it better serves your
argument to imply things than to say them outright, ̄ he said. ^On
the other hand, whenever you use pictures, you don¨t always con-
trol the message. ̄
Lawyers may present images that are interpreted in different
ways. This was apparent in Ferguson, Mo., where a police officer
shot and killed an unarmed teenager. The course will discuss the
case this spring. No one recorded the shooting on video; however,
convenience store security footage and audio recording of gun-
shots were released and fueled public opinion both in favor of and
opposed to the officer involved.
People seeing the same footage had different interpretations,
which often happens with pictures. ^Will they draw their own con-
clusions about who is responsible just as they did in the Rodney
King case? ̄ Feigenson stated. ^Of course they will, and they will
draw opposite conclusions. ̄
^Society just expects to see visuals, ̄ Gamsby said. ^If they aren¨t
there, they think something is missing. ̄ Gamsby noted videos can
cost a few thousand dollars to make, so a lawyer needs to evaluate if
it¨s worth the cost. Not all pictures and videos are helpful to a case.
^Sometimes it better serves
your argument to imply things
than to say them outright. ̄
!Professor Neal Feigenson