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Abstract submission deadline:
March 31 2016
Confirmation of abstract acceptance:
April 30 2016
Pristina, Kosovo
September 14 - 17 2016
20 IAAH CongressEuropean
President's word
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of local organizing committee and as a President, it is
my great pleasure to invite you to attend the 20 European
Congress of the International Association for Adolescents Health
th th
(IAAH), that will take place between 14 and 16 of September,
2016, in Pristina, Kosovo.
Getting a better knowledge on the role and impact of social
media during adolescence is crucial for all adults in contact with
young people.
The 20th European congress of IAAH will offer a multidisciplinary
platform allowing researchers , students, professionals but also
young people and parents to exchange on latest developments
and emerging challenges in adolescent health.
Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, is a city that has a deep and
fascinating history. It is our pleasure to provide a rich social
I look forward to meet you all in Pristina,
Fitim Uka
President of the 20 European IAAH Congress 2016
Aiming to attract an international audience of adolescents
health experts, the 20 European Congress of IAAH will be held
in the newest country in Europe - Republic of Kosovo. The
Congress venue will be the Hotel Emerald in downtown Pristina.
Kosovo has a large population (more than 20%) of adolescents
and based on the interest for this European Congress, we are
expecting to have more than 1000 participants with local,
national, regional, and global experts in the field presenting their
Local and international participants will be able to share their
experiences during sessions with simultaneous translation in the
main venue. Throughout the last several European IAAH
Congresses, youth participation has been a corner stone and will
continue to be instrumental in this jubilee.
Preconference (Sept 14 ): choice of skill-building workshops.
During the two days of the conference (September 15 and 16 )
parallel plenary sessions, workshops, poster sessions with a wide
choice of topics.
On September 17 , Kosovo during day trip for interested
About the European Congress location and venue
Abstract submission for the 20 IAAH
Congress is now open
We invite all health professionals, researchers, professors and
devoted students to submit their abstracts for the 20
IAAH Congress.
The goal of the conference is to exchange ideas about best
practices across all fields of adolescents health. The abstracts may
be research-focused, clinical-focused, or program focussed, and we
welcome oral and poster presentations. All abstracts will be
reviewed by the Scientific committee.
Abstract Requirements
側 The abstract should NOT exceed 400 words.
側 Indicate type of presentation (write POSTER or ORAL on
the top of the document)
側 Title of the presentation
側 Authors and affiliation
側 Introduction (including research question)
側 Method
側 Results
側 Discussion (including practical implications)
20 European
IAAH Congress
側 The abstract should be submitted in a PDF document (titled
with your name). Please, submit your abstract in our
official web-mail:
側 In case you do not receive an automatic reply, confirming
we have received your abstract please contact:
側 Abstracts should be short (maximum 400 words), clear,
concise and written in English with correct spelling and
good sentence structure.
側 Figures and tables must not be included!
側 We recommend that the abstract is carefully compiled and
thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list of
authors, before submission in order to avoid last minute
changes. Please, indicate if the first author is not going to
be the presenter.
側 The submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation
that it is actually presented at the meeting by the author
or, at least, by one of the co-authors.
General Remarks
Category Early
registration fee
registration fee
In site
Local Other Local Other Local Other
Active participants
(oral & posters presenters)
50 100 70 140 100 200
Passive participation
(attending work of the Congress)
40 80 50 100 70 140
Students 30 50 40 80 50 100
Pre-conference workshops fee / per workshop
Students 10 20 15 30 20 50
Other 15 30 20 50 30 60
Social program
Lunches 20 euro (lunch and two coffee breaks included)
Gala dinner 30 euro (dinner accompanied with national music)
Excursion free of charge for international participants
The call for abstract submission for the 20 IAAH
Congress with all necessary details is now open.
Registration fee (in EURO) are as follow:
Deadline for submission st
March 31 2016.

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  • 1. Abstract submission deadline: st March 31 2016 Confirmation of abstract acceptance: th April 30 2016 Pristina, Kosovo th September 14 - 17 2016 th 20 IAAH CongressEuropean SOCIAL MEDIA AND ADOLESCENTS HEALTH
  • 2. President's word Dear colleagues, On behalf of local organizing committee and as a President, it is th my great pleasure to invite you to attend the 20 European Congress of the International Association for Adolescents Health th th (IAAH), that will take place between 14 and 16 of September, 2016, in Pristina, Kosovo. Getting a better knowledge on the role and impact of social media during adolescence is crucial for all adults in contact with young people. The 20th European congress of IAAH will offer a multidisciplinary platform allowing researchers , students, professionals but also young people and parents to exchange on latest developments and emerging challenges in adolescent health. Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, is a city that has a deep and fascinating history. It is our pleasure to provide a rich social program. I look forward to meet you all in Pristina, Fitim Uka th President of the 20 European IAAH Congress 2016
  • 3. Aiming to attract an international audience of adolescents th health experts, the 20 European Congress of IAAH will be held in the newest country in Europe - Republic of Kosovo. The Congress venue will be the Hotel Emerald in downtown Pristina. Kosovo has a large population (more than 20%) of adolescents and based on the interest for this European Congress, we are expecting to have more than 1000 participants with local, national, regional, and global experts in the field presenting their research. Local and international participants will be able to share their experiences during sessions with simultaneous translation in the main venue. Throughout the last several European IAAH Congresses, youth participation has been a corner stone and will continue to be instrumental in this jubilee. th Preconference (Sept 14 ): choice of skill-building workshops. th During the two days of the conference (September 15 and 16 ) parallel plenary sessions, workshops, poster sessions with a wide choice of topics. th On September 17 , Kosovo during day trip for interested participants. About the European Congress location and venue
  • 4. th Abstract submission for the 20 IAAH Congress is now open European We invite all health professionals, researchers, professors and th devoted students to submit their abstracts for the 20 IAAH Congress. The goal of the conference is to exchange ideas about best practices across all fields of adolescents health. The abstracts may be research-focused, clinical-focused, or program focussed, and we welcome oral and poster presentations. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific committee. Abstract Requirements 側 The abstract should NOT exceed 400 words. 側 Indicate type of presentation (write POSTER or ORAL on the top of the document) 側 Title of the presentation 側 Authors and affiliation 側 Introduction (including research question) 側 Method 側 Results 側 Discussion (including practical implications) European
  • 5. th 20 European IAAH Congress 側 The abstract should be submitted in a PDF document (titled with your name). Please, submit your abstract in our official web-mail: 側 In case you do not receive an automatic reply, confirming we have received your abstract please contact: 側 Abstracts should be short (maximum 400 words), clear, concise and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure. 側 Figures and tables must not be included! 側 We recommend that the abstract is carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list of authors, before submission in order to avoid last minute changes. Please, indicate if the first author is not going to be the presenter. 側 The submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation that it is actually presented at the meeting by the author or, at least, by one of the co-authors. abstract@iaah-congress20.com info@iaah-congress20.com General Remarks
  • 6. Category Early registration fee Late registration fee In site registration Local Other Local Other Local Other Active participants (oral & posters presenters) 50 100 70 140 100 200 Passive participation (attending work of the Congress) 40 80 50 100 70 140 Students 30 50 40 80 50 100 Pre-conference workshops fee / per workshop Students 10 20 15 30 20 50 Other 15 30 20 50 30 60 Social program Lunches 20 euro (lunch and two coffee breaks included) Gala dinner 30 euro (dinner accompanied with national music) Excursion free of charge for international participants th The call for abstract submission for the 20 IAAH Congress with all necessary details is now open. European Registration fee (in EURO) are as follow: SEE YOU IN PRISTINA Deadline for submission st March 31 2016.