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BrowsersSebasti叩n G坦mez lora
INTERNET EXPLORERis a series of graphical web browsers developed by Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems starting in 1995. It was first released as part of the add-on package Plus! for Windows 95 that yearINTERNET EXPLORER 1,INTERNET EXPLORER 2,INTERNET EXPLORER 3,INTERNET EXPLORER 5,INTERNET EXPLORER 6,INTERNET EXPLORER 7,INTERNET EXPLORER 8,INTERNET EXPLORER 9;Internet Explorer uses a zone-based security framework that groups sites based on certain conditions, including whether it is an Internet- or intranet-based site as well as a user-editable whitelist. Security restrictions are applied per zone; all the sites in a zone are subject to the restrictions.
MOZILLA FIREFOXis a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation. As of February 2011, Firefox is the second most widely used browser with approximately 30% of worldwide usage share of web browsers. Version 2.0,version 3.0 version 4.0Firefox uses a sandbox security model, and limits scripts from accessing data from other web sites based on the same origin policy. It uses SSL/TLS to protect communications with web servers using strong cryptography when using the HTTPS protocol.
Google Chromeis a web browser developed by Google that uses the WebKit layout engine. It was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on 2 September 2008, and the public stable release was on 11 December 2008. The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. SpeedThe油JavaScript油virtual machine油used by Chrome, the油V8 JavaScript engine, has features such as油dynamic code generation,油hidden class transitions, and油precise garbage collection. Tests by Google in September 2008 showed that V8 was about twice as fast as油Firefox 3.0 and the WebKit nightlines.Chrome periodically retrieves updates of two油blacklists(one for油phishing油and one for油malware), and warns users when they attempt to visit a harmful site. This service is also made available for use by others via a free public油API油called "Google Safe Browsing API"
OPERA油is a web browser and Internet suite developed by Opera Software. The browser handles common Internet-related tasks such as displaying web sites, sending and receiving e-mail messages, managing contacts, chatting on IRC, downloading files v鱈a BitTorrent, and reading web feeds.Opera has several security features visible to the end user. One is the option to delete private data, such as HTTP cookies, the browsing history, and the cache, with the click of a button. This lets users erase personal data after browsing from a shared computer.In addition to the versions of Opera for personal computers, there are versions for a variety of devices, all based on the same core, with some variation in the features offered and the user interface.
SAFARIis a graphical web browser developed by Apple and included as part of the Mac OS X operating system. First released as a public beta on January 7, 2003[2] on the company's Mac OS X operating system, it became Apple's default browser beginning with Mac OS X v10.3 "Panther. Version safari 1, safari 2, safari 3, safari 4, safari 5.It is油written油on油the油WebKit油framework, which油includesWebCore,油the油rendering engine油and油JavaScriptCore, theJavaScript interpreter.油For its油part,油WebKit油(the油enginebrowser rendering)油is油based油on油the engineKHTML,油created油by油the油KDE project油for your油browserKonqueror.油As油a result,油the油internal engineSafari油is油free油software油and油is released油under油the油termsLGPL油license.油Improvements油to the油KHTML油code油forApple's油are incorporated in the油KDE油codequickly
MAXTHONis a web browser for Microsoft Windows. The latest release, Maxthon 3, supports both the Trident and the WebKit rendering engines.Maxthon has developed a growing user base since its initial release in 2003, especially in China, so that in 2006, Maxthon 2.0 gained support of several sponsors.Since油late油July油2010 is油available油a油stable version油of油Maxthon油3.2browser油uses油this version油in preference to油the油WebKit油rendering engine,油but油also油includes油the油Internet油Explorer's Trident油engine, so油itautomatically switches油between them油to油display油properly油old pagesdesigned油only油for viewing油with Internet油Explorer.油The油new油version isgiven a score油of油100/100油in油the油test油Acid3油standards油compliance.
FLOCKIs a web browser that specializes in providing social networking and Web 2.0 facilities built into its user interface.[2] Earlier versions of Flock used the Gecko HTML rendering engine by Mozilla. Version 2.6.2, released in July 2010, was the last version based on Mozilla.Flock油is油a油social油browser油based open source油technology油fromMozilla,油soon油happen油to油webkit油in油version油3.0.0.3989,油is油scheduledaround the油Gecko油engine.油Flock油has油tools油for油managing油blogs,feeds油(RSS,油Atom),油favorite sites油del.icio.us油and油integrated into油the possibility油of油sharing photos油on油Flickr,油among others.
AVANTis a freeware web browser from a Chinese programmer named Anderson Che, which unites the Trident layout engine built into Windows (see Internet Explorer shell) with an interface intended to be more feature-rich, flexible and ergonomic than Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE). It runs on Windows 98 and above, including Windows Vista. Internet Explorer version 6, 7 or 8 must be installed.Security and privacyPush-button quick blocking of unwanted items (Popups, Adverts, ActiveX, Java, Scripts, Flash, Video, Sound, Images)Customizable black/white lists for popups and ad serversMultiple proxy servers may be configuredBrowsing tracks cleaner - can clear traces automaticallyXP Service Pack 2 security extensions can be integrated
DEEPNET油is a fair browser in that it has a handful of features, but nothing that overly impresses. Deepnet Explorer's primary focus is on facilitating P2P networking and RSS feeds. It offers several useful tools and features, but fails to deliver all that the best油Internet browsers do.Features Set:油Deepnet Explorer aims to please with most of the features found in better browsers. This browser includes saved tabs, a limited zoom function, and some add-ons to customize. But Deepnet Explorer falls a bit short when it comes to some additional features like spell checking, a password manager, or automatic updates.The only stand-out feature is the at-a-glance security found on each tab.Ease of Use:油Though not always as intuitive as our higher ranked Internet browsers, Deepnet Explorer usually allows you to do what you want to do. Tabbed browsing is utilized, complete with a save session function. The at-a-glance security button on each tab is a nice addition, but there is no way to quickly delete a tab. The interface is customizable, but seems sort of clunky.Security:油Deepnet Explorer does block pop-ups and has anti-phishing. It doesn't however, block spyware or viruses.You can delete your Internet browsing history and saved passwords just like in Internet Explorer.Speed & Compatibility:油We had no problems viewing the web quickly and easily using Deepnet Explorer.
PHASEOUTPhaseOut油is a flash-based shell for Internet Explorer. It adds some really impressive looking graphics and customizable skins to your油Internet browsing油experience. If futuristic looks and space inspired graphics are your thing, you might want to consider PhaseOut.Features Set:油PhaseOut has most of the essential features, but still lacks some of the nice bonus features such as a password manager, feeds, or parental controls.Ease of Use:油PhaseOut aims to be completely customizable and tailored to easy surfing. While the remote function is innovative, it seems unnecessary and doesn't add a lot of utility. PhaseOut provides most of the tools of a good browser, but they are not as easy to use as we would like.
Security:油PhaseOut comes with top-notch security features, including anti-phishing. Since it's Internet Explorer based you can also remove your browsing history quickly.Speed & Compatibility:油PhaseOut is completely compatible with Internet Explorer, but on our computers ran a bit slower than we'd like. The futuristic look is neat, but not if you have to sacrifice speed. Refer to our油Internet browser time trials油to find the fastest browser.
CAMINO is a free, open source, GUI-based Web browser based on Mozilla's Gecko layout engine and specifically designed for the Mac OS X operating system. In place of an XUL-based user interface used by most Mozilla-based applications, Camino uses Mac-native Cocoa APIs.
SEA MONKEYis a free and open source cross-platform Internet suite. It is the continuation of the former Mozilla Application Suite, based on the same source code. Core Mozilla project source code is licensed under a disjunctive tri-license that gives the choice of one of the three following sets of licensing terms: Mozilla Public License, version 1.1 or later, GNU General Public License, version 2.0 or later, GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later.SeaMonkey 2.0.12 Security UpdateAs part of Mozilla's ongoing stability and security update process, SeaMonkey 2.0.12 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as a free download fromwww.seamonkey-project.org.
is an open source web browser which runs on a variety of platforms including RISC OS, AmigaOS and Unix-like systems. NetSurf has features that include tabbed browsing, text selection and PDF export. Running on other platforms is also possible by building from source, with the developers intending to add further binaries when time can be found to do so.Speed:Efficiency lies at the heart of the Netsurf engine, allowing it to outwit the heavyweights of the web browser world. The Netsurf team continue to squeeze more speed out of their code.
NetSurf 2.6 featuresGeneralWeb standards: HTML 4.01 and CSS 2.1Image formats: PNG, GIF, JPEG, SVG, JNG, MNG and BMPHTTPS for secure online transactionsUnicode textWeb page thumbnailingLocal history treesGlobal historyURL completionText selectionScale viewSearch-as-you-type text search highlightingSave pages complete with images

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  • 2. INTERNET EXPLORERis a series of graphical web browsers developed by Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems starting in 1995. It was first released as part of the add-on package Plus! for Windows 95 that yearINTERNET EXPLORER 1,INTERNET EXPLORER 2,INTERNET EXPLORER 3,INTERNET EXPLORER 5,INTERNET EXPLORER 6,INTERNET EXPLORER 7,INTERNET EXPLORER 8,INTERNET EXPLORER 9;Internet Explorer uses a zone-based security framework that groups sites based on certain conditions, including whether it is an Internet- or intranet-based site as well as a user-editable whitelist. Security restrictions are applied per zone; all the sites in a zone are subject to the restrictions.
  • 4. MOZILLA FIREFOXis a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation. As of February 2011, Firefox is the second most widely used browser with approximately 30% of worldwide usage share of web browsers. Version 2.0,version 3.0 version 4.0Firefox uses a sandbox security model, and limits scripts from accessing data from other web sites based on the same origin policy. It uses SSL/TLS to protect communications with web servers using strong cryptography when using the HTTPS protocol.
  • 6. Google Chromeis a web browser developed by Google that uses the WebKit layout engine. It was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on 2 September 2008, and the public stable release was on 11 December 2008. The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. SpeedThe油JavaScript油virtual machine油used by Chrome, the油V8 JavaScript engine, has features such as油dynamic code generation,油hidden class transitions, and油precise garbage collection. Tests by Google in September 2008 showed that V8 was about twice as fast as油Firefox 3.0 and the WebKit nightlines.Chrome periodically retrieves updates of two油blacklists(one for油phishing油and one for油malware), and warns users when they attempt to visit a harmful site. This service is also made available for use by others via a free public油API油called "Google Safe Browsing API"
  • 8. OPERA油is a web browser and Internet suite developed by Opera Software. The browser handles common Internet-related tasks such as displaying web sites, sending and receiving e-mail messages, managing contacts, chatting on IRC, downloading files v鱈a BitTorrent, and reading web feeds.Opera has several security features visible to the end user. One is the option to delete private data, such as HTTP cookies, the browsing history, and the cache, with the click of a button. This lets users erase personal data after browsing from a shared computer.In addition to the versions of Opera for personal computers, there are versions for a variety of devices, all based on the same core, with some variation in the features offered and the user interface.
  • 10. SAFARIis a graphical web browser developed by Apple and included as part of the Mac OS X operating system. First released as a public beta on January 7, 2003[2] on the company's Mac OS X operating system, it became Apple's default browser beginning with Mac OS X v10.3 "Panther. Version safari 1, safari 2, safari 3, safari 4, safari 5.It is油written油on油the油WebKit油framework, which油includesWebCore,油the油rendering engine油and油JavaScriptCore, theJavaScript interpreter.油For its油part,油WebKit油(the油enginebrowser rendering)油is油based油on油the engineKHTML,油created油by油the油KDE project油for your油browserKonqueror.油As油a result,油the油internal engineSafari油is油free油software油and油is released油under油the油termsLGPL油license.油Improvements油to the油KHTML油code油forApple's油are incorporated in the油KDE油codequickly
  • 12. MAXTHONis a web browser for Microsoft Windows. The latest release, Maxthon 3, supports both the Trident and the WebKit rendering engines.Maxthon has developed a growing user base since its initial release in 2003, especially in China, so that in 2006, Maxthon 2.0 gained support of several sponsors.Since油late油July油2010 is油available油a油stable version油of油Maxthon油3.2browser油uses油this version油in preference to油the油WebKit油rendering engine,油but油also油includes油the油Internet油Explorer's Trident油engine, so油itautomatically switches油between them油to油display油properly油old pagesdesigned油only油for viewing油with Internet油Explorer.油The油new油version isgiven a score油of油100/100油in油the油test油Acid3油standards油compliance.
  • 14. FLOCKIs a web browser that specializes in providing social networking and Web 2.0 facilities built into its user interface.[2] Earlier versions of Flock used the Gecko HTML rendering engine by Mozilla. Version 2.6.2, released in July 2010, was the last version based on Mozilla.Flock油is油a油social油browser油based open source油technology油fromMozilla,油soon油happen油to油webkit油in油version油3.0.0.3989,油is油scheduledaround the油Gecko油engine.油Flock油has油tools油for油managing油blogs,feeds油(RSS,油Atom),油favorite sites油del.icio.us油and油integrated into油the possibility油of油sharing photos油on油Flickr,油among others.
  • 16. AVANTis a freeware web browser from a Chinese programmer named Anderson Che, which unites the Trident layout engine built into Windows (see Internet Explorer shell) with an interface intended to be more feature-rich, flexible and ergonomic than Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE). It runs on Windows 98 and above, including Windows Vista. Internet Explorer version 6, 7 or 8 must be installed.Security and privacyPush-button quick blocking of unwanted items (Popups, Adverts, ActiveX, Java, Scripts, Flash, Video, Sound, Images)Customizable black/white lists for popups and ad serversMultiple proxy servers may be configuredBrowsing tracks cleaner - can clear traces automaticallyXP Service Pack 2 security extensions can be integrated
  • 18. DEEPNET油is a fair browser in that it has a handful of features, but nothing that overly impresses. Deepnet Explorer's primary focus is on facilitating P2P networking and RSS feeds. It offers several useful tools and features, but fails to deliver all that the best油Internet browsers do.Features Set:油Deepnet Explorer aims to please with most of the features found in better browsers. This browser includes saved tabs, a limited zoom function, and some add-ons to customize. But Deepnet Explorer falls a bit short when it comes to some additional features like spell checking, a password manager, or automatic updates.The only stand-out feature is the at-a-glance security found on each tab.Ease of Use:油Though not always as intuitive as our higher ranked Internet browsers, Deepnet Explorer usually allows you to do what you want to do. Tabbed browsing is utilized, complete with a save session function. The at-a-glance security button on each tab is a nice addition, but there is no way to quickly delete a tab. The interface is customizable, but seems sort of clunky.Security:油Deepnet Explorer does block pop-ups and has anti-phishing. It doesn't however, block spyware or viruses.You can delete your Internet browsing history and saved passwords just like in Internet Explorer.Speed & Compatibility:油We had no problems viewing the web quickly and easily using Deepnet Explorer.
  • 20. PHASEOUTPhaseOut油is a flash-based shell for Internet Explorer. It adds some really impressive looking graphics and customizable skins to your油Internet browsing油experience. If futuristic looks and space inspired graphics are your thing, you might want to consider PhaseOut.Features Set:油PhaseOut has most of the essential features, but still lacks some of the nice bonus features such as a password manager, feeds, or parental controls.Ease of Use:油PhaseOut aims to be completely customizable and tailored to easy surfing. While the remote function is innovative, it seems unnecessary and doesn't add a lot of utility. PhaseOut provides most of the tools of a good browser, but they are not as easy to use as we would like.
  • 21. Security:油PhaseOut comes with top-notch security features, including anti-phishing. Since it's Internet Explorer based you can also remove your browsing history quickly.Speed & Compatibility:油PhaseOut is completely compatible with Internet Explorer, but on our computers ran a bit slower than we'd like. The futuristic look is neat, but not if you have to sacrifice speed. Refer to our油Internet browser time trials油to find the fastest browser.
  • 23. CAMINO is a free, open source, GUI-based Web browser based on Mozilla's Gecko layout engine and specifically designed for the Mac OS X operating system. In place of an XUL-based user interface used by most Mozilla-based applications, Camino uses Mac-native Cocoa APIs.
  • 25. SEA MONKEYis a free and open source cross-platform Internet suite. It is the continuation of the former Mozilla Application Suite, based on the same source code. Core Mozilla project source code is licensed under a disjunctive tri-license that gives the choice of one of the three following sets of licensing terms: Mozilla Public License, version 1.1 or later, GNU General Public License, version 2.0 or later, GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later.SeaMonkey 2.0.12 Security UpdateAs part of Mozilla's ongoing stability and security update process, SeaMonkey 2.0.12 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as a free download fromwww.seamonkey-project.org.
  • 27. is an open source web browser which runs on a variety of platforms including RISC OS, AmigaOS and Unix-like systems. NetSurf has features that include tabbed browsing, text selection and PDF export. Running on other platforms is also possible by building from source, with the developers intending to add further binaries when time can be found to do so.Speed:Efficiency lies at the heart of the Netsurf engine, allowing it to outwit the heavyweights of the web browser world. The Netsurf team continue to squeeze more speed out of their code.
  • 28. NetSurf 2.6 featuresGeneralWeb standards: HTML 4.01 and CSS 2.1Image formats: PNG, GIF, JPEG, SVG, JNG, MNG and BMPHTTPS for secure online transactionsUnicode textWeb page thumbnailingLocal history treesGlobal historyURL completionText selectionScale viewSearch-as-you-type text search highlightingSave pages complete with images