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INTERNET EXPLORERMicrosoft Windows line of operating systems starting in 1995.since its first release, Microsoft has added features and technologies such as basic table display (in version 1.5); XMLHttpRequest (in version 5), which aids creation of dynamic web pages; and Internationalized Domain Names (in version 7), which allow Web sites to have native-language addresses with non-Latin characters.Internet Explorer uses a zone-based security groups and sites on certain conditions, even if it's an Internet or Web-based intranet and a user on the whitelist. Security restrictions apply for each zone, all sites in an area subject to restrictions.Internet Explorer uses the Windows accessibility provided. Internet Explorer is also an FTP user interface, with operations similar to Windows Explorer
Surfing of the internet
MOZILLA FIREFOXMozilla firefoxwascreatedonApril 3, 2003.Version 1.5, version 2.0, version 3.0, version 3.5, version 3.6, version 4.0.Firefox usa un sistema de seguridad sandbox.Utilizael sistema SSL/TLS para proteger la comunicaci坦n con los servidores web, utilizando fuerte criptograf鱈a cuando se utiliza el protocolo Https.
Surfing of the internet
GOOGLE CHROMEit was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on 2 September 2008, and the public stable release was on 11 December 2008.Chrome keeps and uses a cache of DNS addresses for faster loading web sitesThe primary goals in designing the browser were to improve the safety, speed and stability than existing browsers offer. It also made major changes to the UI. Chrome was assembled from 26 different code libraries from Google and other third parties such as Netscape.
Surfing of the internet
OPERAOpera began in 1994 as a research project at Telenor, the largest Norwegian telecommunications company.In addition to the versions of Opera for personal computers, there are versions for a variety of devices, all based on the same core, with some variation in the features offered and the user interface.Easy of use: It has油little details油that make油their use油more油comfortable油when油browsing,油such油as油a button油"new油tab"油to油view油an option油"paste油and油go油'for油hyperlinks,油duplicate油tab,油or油the油fact that in油almost油every油section油of the油browser油can油perform油an instant search.
Surfing of the internet
SAFARISafari is a graphical web browser developed by Apple and included as part of the Mac OS X operating system. Safari wascreatedonjanuary油7/油2003Version 1.0油,version 1.1, version 2.0, version 2.0.2油, Safari 3, Safari 4.
Surfing of the internet
MAXTHONMaxthonwascreated in 2000.Version 1, version 2, version 3.Easy of use: Tabbed browsing and Split View油-油two油pages at油once油in the same油window.Security : Saves open tabs in case of program shutdown or system crash.
Surfing of the internet
FLOCKWascreatedonApril 11, 2005.Flock 2.5  Starting with version 3Flock is a web browser that specializes in providing social networking and Web 2.0 facilities built into its user interface.Flock is the successor to Round Two who raised money from Bessemer Venture Partners, Catamount Ventures, Shasta Ventures, and other angel investors.
Surfing of the internet
AVANTWas created on April 26, 1978Security: Push-button quick blocking of unwanted items (Popups, Adverts, ActiveX, Java, Scripts, Flash, Video, Sound, Images).Avant Browser was largely inspired by Opera, the first major browser to have a multiple document interface.
Surfing of the internet
DEEPNET is a web browser created by Deepnet Security for the Microsoft Windows platform. The most recent version is 1.5.3 (BETA 3) which was Released October 19, 2006.Deepnet Explorer gained early recognition both for its use of anti-phishing tools and the inclusion of a peer-to-peer facility for file sharing, based on the Gnutella network. The anti-phishing feature, in combination with other additions, led the developers to claim that it had a higher level of security than either Firefox or Internet Explorerhowever, as the underlying rendering engine was still the same as that employed in Internet Explorer, it was suggested that the improved security would fail to address the vulnerabilities found in the rendering engine
Surfing of the internet
PHASEOUTPhaseout Web browser is a futuristic, eye-catching, trying to be an alternative to other more famous as Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.Phaseoutof the useful features tabbed browsing, so you do not have many windows open, and a popup blocker for advertising does not flood your computer as you move through the Internet. It also has an interesting virtual remote control to make it easier to choose different options.Version 5.2
Surfing of the internet
CAMINOThe first downloadable build of Chimera 0.1 was released on February 13, 2002.Version 0.1, version 0.2, version 0.4,version 0.5, version 0.6, version 0.7, version 0.8, version 1.0, version 1.5, version 1.6, version 2.0.2
Surfing of the internet
SEAMONKEYSeaMonkey is a free and open source cross-platform Internet suite. It is the continuation of the former Mozilla Application Suite, based on the same source code. Core Mozilla project source code is licensed under a disjunctive tri-license that gives the choice of one of the three following sets of licensing terms: Mozilla Public License, version 1.1 or later, GNU General Public License, version 2.0 or later, GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later.he first version of SeaMonkey, 1.0 Alpha, was released on September 15, 2005
Surfing of the internet
NETSURFAfter five years of development, the first stable version of the browser was released on 19 May 2007 to coincide with the Wakefield RISC OS show. Version 1.0 was made available for download from the project's web site and the software was sold on CD at the show.
Surfing of the internet

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Surfing of the internet

  • 1. SURFING OF THE INTERNETMar鱈a Camila Garc鱈a D鱈az
  • 2. INTERNET EXPLORERMicrosoft Windows line of operating systems starting in 1995.since its first release, Microsoft has added features and technologies such as basic table display (in version 1.5); XMLHttpRequest (in version 5), which aids creation of dynamic web pages; and Internationalized Domain Names (in version 7), which allow Web sites to have native-language addresses with non-Latin characters.Internet Explorer uses a zone-based security groups and sites on certain conditions, even if it's an Internet or Web-based intranet and a user on the whitelist. Security restrictions apply for each zone, all sites in an area subject to restrictions.Internet Explorer uses the Windows accessibility provided. Internet Explorer is also an FTP user interface, with operations similar to Windows Explorer
  • 4. MOZILLA FIREFOXMozilla firefoxwascreatedonApril 3, 2003.Version 1.5, version 2.0, version 3.0, version 3.5, version 3.6, version 4.0.Firefox usa un sistema de seguridad sandbox.Utilizael sistema SSL/TLS para proteger la comunicaci坦n con los servidores web, utilizando fuerte criptograf鱈a cuando se utiliza el protocolo Https.
  • 6. GOOGLE CHROMEit was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on 2 September 2008, and the public stable release was on 11 December 2008.Chrome keeps and uses a cache of DNS addresses for faster loading web sitesThe primary goals in designing the browser were to improve the safety, speed and stability than existing browsers offer. It also made major changes to the UI. Chrome was assembled from 26 different code libraries from Google and other third parties such as Netscape.
  • 8. OPERAOpera began in 1994 as a research project at Telenor, the largest Norwegian telecommunications company.In addition to the versions of Opera for personal computers, there are versions for a variety of devices, all based on the same core, with some variation in the features offered and the user interface.Easy of use: It has油little details油that make油their use油more油comfortable油when油browsing,油such油as油a button油"new油tab"油to油view油an option油"paste油and油go油'for油hyperlinks,油duplicate油tab,油or油the油fact that in油almost油every油section油of the油browser油can油perform油an instant search.
  • 10. SAFARISafari is a graphical web browser developed by Apple and included as part of the Mac OS X operating system. Safari wascreatedonjanuary油7/油2003Version 1.0油,version 1.1, version 2.0, version 2.0.2油, Safari 3, Safari 4.
  • 12. MAXTHONMaxthonwascreated in 2000.Version 1, version 2, version 3.Easy of use: Tabbed browsing and Split View油-油two油pages at油once油in the same油window.Security : Saves open tabs in case of program shutdown or system crash.
  • 14. FLOCKWascreatedonApril 11, 2005.Flock 2.5 Starting with version 3Flock is a web browser that specializes in providing social networking and Web 2.0 facilities built into its user interface.Flock is the successor to Round Two who raised money from Bessemer Venture Partners, Catamount Ventures, Shasta Ventures, and other angel investors.
  • 16. AVANTWas created on April 26, 1978Security: Push-button quick blocking of unwanted items (Popups, Adverts, ActiveX, Java, Scripts, Flash, Video, Sound, Images).Avant Browser was largely inspired by Opera, the first major browser to have a multiple document interface.
  • 18. DEEPNET is a web browser created by Deepnet Security for the Microsoft Windows platform. The most recent version is 1.5.3 (BETA 3) which was Released October 19, 2006.Deepnet Explorer gained early recognition both for its use of anti-phishing tools and the inclusion of a peer-to-peer facility for file sharing, based on the Gnutella network. The anti-phishing feature, in combination with other additions, led the developers to claim that it had a higher level of security than either Firefox or Internet Explorerhowever, as the underlying rendering engine was still the same as that employed in Internet Explorer, it was suggested that the improved security would fail to address the vulnerabilities found in the rendering engine
  • 20. PHASEOUTPhaseout Web browser is a futuristic, eye-catching, trying to be an alternative to other more famous as Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.Phaseoutof the useful features tabbed browsing, so you do not have many windows open, and a popup blocker for advertising does not flood your computer as you move through the Internet. It also has an interesting virtual remote control to make it easier to choose different options.Version 5.2
  • 22. CAMINOThe first downloadable build of Chimera 0.1 was released on February 13, 2002.Version 0.1, version 0.2, version 0.4,version 0.5, version 0.6, version 0.7, version 0.8, version 1.0, version 1.5, version 1.6, version 2.0.2
  • 24. SEAMONKEYSeaMonkey is a free and open source cross-platform Internet suite. It is the continuation of the former Mozilla Application Suite, based on the same source code. Core Mozilla project source code is licensed under a disjunctive tri-license that gives the choice of one of the three following sets of licensing terms: Mozilla Public License, version 1.1 or later, GNU General Public License, version 2.0 or later, GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later.he first version of SeaMonkey, 1.0 Alpha, was released on September 15, 2005
  • 26. NETSURFAfter five years of development, the first stable version of the browser was released on 19 May 2007 to coincide with the Wakefield RISC OS show. Version 1.0 was made available for download from the project's web site and the software was sold on CD at the show.