This document outlines an internet strategy for 2013, focusing on establishing an online presence through customer-driven websites, online marketplaces, SEO, social media, and mobile. It discusses how to get started, the importance of an integrated internet presence to drive more leads, sales, and visibility. Specific topics covered include optimizing websites for customers and prospects, expanding sales through online marketplaces, the constant evolution of SEO, how to effectively use social media, and designing for the mobile experience. Resources for maintaining an online strategy and budget considerations are also addressed.
This document outlines an internet strategy for 2013, focusing on establishing an online presence through customer-driven websites, online marketplaces, SEO, social media, and mobile. It discusses how to get started, the importance of an integrated internet presence to drive more leads, sales, and visibility. Specific topics covered include optimizing websites for customers and prospects, expanding sales through online marketplaces, the constant evolution of SEO, how to effectively use social media, and designing for the mobile experience. Resources for maintaining an online strategy and budget considerations are also addressed.
Sage MAS Intelligence is a reporting and business intelligence tool that integrates with Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200. It allows users to easily create customizable reports, analyze data, and gain insights. Key benefits include saving time on reporting, reducing errors, and providing a single version of truth for real-time, fact-based decision making. The tool includes pre-defined report templates, centralized report management, and the ability to output reports to Excel.
The Virtual Accounting System (VAS) allows small business owners to outsource their accounting tasks like bill paying, bookkeeping, payroll, and tax preparation to a dedicated accounting firm. VAS takes care of daily accounting tasks remotely using the latest technology so business owners can focus on growing their business instead of paperwork. VAS provides real-time access to financial records and statements through a secure online portal at a predictable monthly fee.
Rotte barriere tra la vita digitale e quella reale:
quello che succede on-line sempre pi湛 spesso ha impatto fuori da Internet, nella vita di tutti i giorni e nei rapporti con gli altri.
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The document discusses CareCom's HealthTerm product, which aims to provide syntactic and semantic interoperability across healthcare systems by serving as a single repository and interface for terminology management. Key points:
- HealthTerm allows various healthcare systems to access and maintain terminologies and classifications in a single system, rather than each system having separate access. This improves data consistency.
- The system provides interfaces for concept browsing, requests and editing, mapping between terminologies, creating subsets of data, qualification of clinical concepts, and translation of terms.
- Using a single source of terminologies provides advantages of improved security, data quality, and cost savings compared to multiple disconnected systems.