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1000 W. Marr +971501562077
Hobbs NM 88242 ebertbryn@yahoo.com
A top-performing Structures Technician with over 30 years in aviation inspection and maintenance and a
strong background in evaluating and redesigning military and commercial aircraft to ensure the highest
standards of safety. Highly dedicated with a certification in A&P, continually seeking opportunities to expand
knowledge and expertise. Solid foundation in structural modifications, fulfilling engineering orders, Service
Bulletins, and blueprint reading work. Maintains a Public Trust security clearance. Currently resides in the
UAE, willing to travel/relocate.
 Quality Assurance
 Engine Maintenance
 Strategic Planning/Analysis
 Corrosion Expertise
 Aircraft Management
 Microsoft Office
 Integrity-Based Selling
 Team Leadership
 Aircraft Maintenance
 MultipleAircraft Knowledgeable
GAL, ABU DHABI, UAE 2012  Present
 Quickly promoted from initial position as A & P Mechanic to Technical Inspector to Structures Supervisor
directing a team of Technicians in daily operations and mentoring.
 Motivate team and investigate completed tasks to ensure AT802, DHC6, and Cessna 208B aircrafts fly
accurately and safely.
 Document fault and weight and balance records and logbooks, tracking all maintenance to enable
proficient data keeping of sensitive information.
 Instituted required maintenance and repair of aircraft structures for commercial and domestic plans.
 Evaluated acceptance checks on ATR 42s and 72s, provide valued recommendations for new process
implementations and procedural development.
 Orchestrated repair and replacement of aircraft structure, examining C&D checks on ERJ145s, DHC8-
100, 200s and interior modifications on E170s.
 Essential technician revitalizing structural repairs to seat tracks, floor beams, frames, stringers, floor to
sidewall panels, and cockpit floor repair.
K & S ELECTIRC, HOBBS, NM 2008  2009
Page Two of Two
 Design and Build electrical Automation panels using Blueprints for oilfield, ensuring highest level of safety
standards and maintaining effective work order and flow.
 Initiated annual inspections, analyzing structural and composite damaged for repair.
 Completed mechanical repairs, R & R components, rebuilt aircraft to eradicate bullet damage, and
overhauled structural build of two OV-10s to reduce costs successfully returning to service.
Previous employment includes Structures Technician with Raytheon (2000-2001); Electricians Helper with
K & S Electric (1996,1997,1999,2002); Structures Technician with Dee Howard (1995-1999); Structures
Technician with Southwest Aerotech (1997-1999); Structures Technician with Renown Aviation (1998);
Structures Technician with Reeve Alution Air (1998); Structures Technician with Evergreen Air (1991-
1992,1996); Structures Technician with Hamilton Aviation (1995-1996); Self-Employed A&P Mechanic (1993-
1995); Structures Technician with Lockheed (1992-1993); Structures Technician with American Airlines
(1992); Structures Technician with TRAMCO (1990-1991);
ACFT Worked: Air Tractor 802, Thrush, Cessna 208B, Casa 212, Bach 111, OV10 Bronco, Twin Otter
DHC 6300 & 6400, C-27, ATR-42 & 72, ERJ-145 & 170, Convair 480, Lockheed 188 & L1011, McDonald
Douglas MD80, DC8 & DC9, Boeing 707, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767.
A&P Certificate, Cheyenne Aerotech
Helicopter Mechanic, Military Transportation School
US ARMY, 1985-1988
Helicopter Repairman
Oversaw functionality of flight-line maintenance, R & R engine, transmission, components, main and tail
rotors, N1 and N2 fuel systems, vibrex main rotor, stick tail rotor, and others on AH-1P Attack Helicopter,
UH-1H Huey Helicopter, and OH-58 Scout Helicopter.

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  • 1. BRYN EBERT 1000 W. Marr +971501562077 Hobbs NM 88242 ebertbryn@yahoo.com STRUCTURES SUPERVISOR A top-performing Structures Technician with over 30 years in aviation inspection and maintenance and a strong background in evaluating and redesigning military and commercial aircraft to ensure the highest standards of safety. Highly dedicated with a certification in A&P, continually seeking opportunities to expand knowledge and expertise. Solid foundation in structural modifications, fulfilling engineering orders, Service Bulletins, and blueprint reading work. Maintains a Public Trust security clearance. Currently resides in the UAE, willing to travel/relocate. AREAS OF EXPERTISE Quality Assurance Engine Maintenance Strategic Planning/Analysis Corrosion Expertise Aircraft Management Inspections Microsoft Office Integrity-Based Selling Team Leadership Aircraft Maintenance MultipleAircraft Knowledgeable Service-Oriented PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE GAL, ABU DHABI, UAE 2012 Present STRUCTURES SUPERVISOR Quickly promoted from initial position as A & P Mechanic to Technical Inspector to Structures Supervisor directing a team of Technicians in daily operations and mentoring. Motivate team and investigate completed tasks to ensure AT802, DHC6, and Cessna 208B aircrafts fly accurately and safely. Document fault and weight and balance records and logbooks, tracking all maintenance to enable proficient data keeping of sensitive information. EMPIRE AIRLINES, HAYDEN, ID 2011 2012 STRUCTURES TECHNICIAN (CONTRACTOR) Instituted required maintenance and repair of aircraft structures for commercial and domestic plans. Evaluated acceptance checks on ATR 42s and 72s, provide valued recommendations for new process implementations and procedural development. AVMAX GROUP, INC., GREAT FALLS, MT 2011 STRUCTURES TECHNICIAN (CONTRACTOR) Orchestrated repair and replacement of aircraft structure, examining C&D checks on ERJ145s, DHC8- 100, 200s and interior modifications on E170s. AVIATION TECHNICAL SERVICES, EV ERETT, WA 2009 2011 STRUCTURES TECHNICIAN (CONTRACTOR) Essential technician revitalizing structural repairs to seat tracks, floor beams, frames, stringers, floor to sidewall panels, and cockpit floor repair. K & S ELECTIRC, HOBBS, NM 2008 2009 ELECTRICIANS HELPER
  • 2. BRYN EBERT Page Two of Two Design and Build electrical Automation panels using Blueprints for oilfield, ensuring highest level of safety standards and maintaining effective work order and flow. DYNCORP INTERNATIONAL, EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FL 2002 2008 SHEET METAL TECHNICIAN Initiated annual inspections, analyzing structural and composite damaged for repair. Completed mechanical repairs, R & R components, rebuilt aircraft to eradicate bullet damage, and overhauled structural build of two OV-10s to reduce costs successfully returning to service. Previous employment includes Structures Technician with Raytheon (2000-2001); Electricians Helper with K & S Electric (1996,1997,1999,2002); Structures Technician with Dee Howard (1995-1999); Structures Technician with Southwest Aerotech (1997-1999); Structures Technician with Renown Aviation (1998); Structures Technician with Reeve Alution Air (1998); Structures Technician with Evergreen Air (1991- 1992,1996); Structures Technician with Hamilton Aviation (1995-1996); Self-Employed A&P Mechanic (1993- 1995); Structures Technician with Lockheed (1992-1993); Structures Technician with American Airlines (1992); Structures Technician with TRAMCO (1990-1991); ACFT Worked: Air Tractor 802, Thrush, Cessna 208B, Casa 212, Bach 111, OV10 Bronco, Twin Otter DHC 6300 & 6400, C-27, ATR-42 & 72, ERJ-145 & 170, Convair 480, Lockheed 188 & L1011, McDonald Douglas MD80, DC8 & DC9, Boeing 707, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767. EDUCATION & TRAINING A&P Certificate, Cheyenne Aerotech Helicopter Mechanic, Military Transportation School MILITARY EXPERIENCE US ARMY, 1985-1988 Helicopter Repairman Oversaw functionality of flight-line maintenance, R & R engine, transmission, components, main and tail rotors, N1 and N2 fuel systems, vibrex main rotor, stick tail rotor, and others on AH-1P Attack Helicopter, UH-1H Huey Helicopter, and OH-58 Scout Helicopter.