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A Distributed Version Controlling
BUET Systems Analysis, Design & Development Group
Md. Maksud Alam Chowdhury
Bsadd training-git
 A version controlling system
 Most popular software for managing
 Support for remote collaboration
Bsadd training-git
 Remove millions of backup folder
 Smartly merge separate codes
 Track day to day changes of codes
 Small changes wont destroy whole
 Disk crash or virus wont hamper your
codes ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bsadd training-git
Bsadd training-git
Bsadd training-git
 Branching & Merging (to be discussed widely)
 Small & Fast
 Free & Open Source
Bsadd training-git
 Standalone version:
 Portable version:
 They both have command line interface .
Bsadd training-git
 Navigate to your project folder
 Right Click on Folder-> Git Bash
 It will open a shell
Bsadd training-git
 Type git init to initialize a git repo on your
project folder.
 Having existing codes wont cause problem
 In most cases , you will create a repo where you
have your codes.
 Note that we are in master branch by default
 We will discuss it later on branching.
Bsadd training-git
 Lets add some files
(not needed in case already have existing codes)
 Lets create a.cpp , b.txt , c.cpp in the
DemoApp Folder.
 Add some dummy texts on them
 Current Working Directory
Bsadd training-git
 So we think our app is stable right now.
 So we need to commit the files to be
 Type git add .
git commit am message describing commit
 So git will have save current codes as the latest
stable code on master branch
Bsadd training-git
 We can check the status of the current
condition of codes by typing
git status
 Every commit is saved uniquely with a
 You can switch back to any previous commit
any time
Bsadd training-git
Bsadd training-git
 By Default we are in the master branch which is
root .
 Branches are independent of each other
 Enough talking !!!!!!
 Lets create another branch dev which is a
development version.
 We will experiment in the dev branch where as
fully stable codes will be in master branch
git checkout b dev
 It will create a new branch dev and switch to
dev branch
 The new branch will contain exact copy from
where we created it.
 Any change we do now in the working
directory , after commit will go for dev
Bsadd training-git
 Lets change the content of b.txt and create
 So we have changed b.txt and added d.txt
 Now Type
git status
Bsadd training-git
 We now commit the current working directory
 So Type Again
git add .
git commit am commit message
Bsadd training-git
 Lets switch back to the master branch
git checkout master
 It will restore the master branch codes
 Note that b.txt is restored & d.txt is gone
 So you have two separate version of codes
On Master Branch On dev branch
Bsadd training-git
 So we were in the master branch again
 We are sure to merge the dev branch into
master branch
git merge dev
Bsadd training-git
 Surprisingly there is no conflict in b.txt
 Because until now you are the only person
who changed the branch in local workstation
Bsadd training-git
 We need a central place to synchronize the
team members repositories
 Github , Bitbucket , gitorious , Assembla ,
repositoryhosting etc.
 Github only provides public repo
 If you dont want it to be public go for
Bsadd training-git
Bsadd training-git
Bsadd training-git
Bsadd training-git
Bsadd training-git
 Similarly as previous slide
git push origin dev
Bsadd training-git
Bsadd training-git
 There are several mechanisms [try googling]
 We will show an easy approach for small
 We will maintain master for ultimate stable
version .
 Each team member will have their own branch
 After finalizing some features team members
will create a temporary branch
 The temporary branch will be incrementally
merged and tested by team captain
 But there might be conflict in configuration
files which might hamper project.
[Android menifest.xml , database settings
etc ]
 Do ignore such files while committing
 Create a .gitignore file and list the directories
or file not to be tracked
 Keep a list of changelog.txt file
 After merging master do manually change the
 Conflicts arise when You have changed your local
files and committed them in your branch
 But someone else have also changed the same
files in his own branch
 You want to merge his branch
 Git will have no way to decide which one to keep
and which one to abandon
 So it keeps both of them in a way you can
identify difference.
 We change our local file b.txt again in master
 Add , Commit it
 We pull some previous version of the same file in
git pull origin dev
 Pull = fetch + merge
 Now this will create a conflict
Bsadd training-git
Bsadd training-git
 Here head is local version
 Lower part is the fetched version
 The marker is where things actually started to be
 It would not create a conflict if appending was
required or creating a new or deleting a file was
 But here a complete rewrite is required
 Git tool command
 Manually change the conflicting files
 Add, Commit , Push
 Dont Pull directly
 At first fetch (git fetch origin dev)
 See Whether any difference (git diff origin/dev)
 The decide to merge
 If you already have a repo on bitbucket or
github like the one we created
 Just type
git clone <http_link_of_project>
 So you dont need to bother about backup or
disk lost
Bsadd training-git
Bsadd training-git
 git init
 git add .
 git commit am <your commit message>
 git status
 git checkout b <New_Branch_Name>
 git checkout <Branch_Name>
 git merge <Branch_Name>
 git remote add <Name_For_Server> <Link_Of_Your_Project>
 git push <Name_For_Server> <Branch_To_Push>
 git pull <Name_For_Server> <Branch_To_Pull>
 git fetch <Name_For_Server> <Branch_To_Fetch>
 git diff <Branch_To_Compare_With_Current_Branch>
Bsadd training-git
Please Email Any Question At:

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Bsadd training-git

  • 1. A Distributed Version Controlling System BUET Systems Analysis, Design & Development Group Md. Maksud Alam Chowdhury CSE ,BUET mc65799@gmail.com
  • 3. A version controlling system Distributed Most popular software for managing codebases Support for remote collaboration
  • 5. Remove millions of backup folder Smartly merge separate codes Track day to day changes of codes Small changes wont destroy whole project Disk crash or virus wont hamper your codes ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 9. Branching & Merging (to be discussed widely) Small & Fast Distributed Free & Open Source
  • 11. Standalone version: http://git-scm.com/downloads Portable version: https://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloa ds/list They both have command line interface .
  • 13. Navigate to your project folder Right Click on Folder-> Git Bash It will open a shell
  • 15. Type git init to initialize a git repo on your project folder. Having existing codes wont cause problem In most cases , you will create a repo where you have your codes. Note that we are in master branch by default We will discuss it later on branching.
  • 17. Lets add some files (not needed in case already have existing codes) Lets create a.cpp , b.txt , c.cpp in the DemoApp Folder. Add some dummy texts on them Current Working Directory DemoApp/ |--a.cpp |--b.txt |--c.cpp
  • 19. So we think our app is stable right now. So we need to commit the files to be preserved Type git add . Type git commit am message describing commit So git will have save current codes as the latest stable code on master branch
  • 21. We can check the status of the current condition of codes by typing git status Every commit is saved uniquely with a number You can switch back to any previous commit any time
  • 24. By Default we are in the master branch which is root . Branches are independent of each other Enough talking !!!!!! Lets create another branch dev which is a development version. We will experiment in the dev branch where as fully stable codes will be in master branch
  • 25. Type git checkout b dev It will create a new branch dev and switch to dev branch The new branch will contain exact copy from where we created it. Any change we do now in the working directory , after commit will go for dev branch
  • 27. Lets change the content of b.txt and create d.txt So we have changed b.txt and added d.txt Now Type git status
  • 29. We now commit the current working directory So Type Again git add . git commit am commit message
  • 31. Lets switch back to the master branch Type git checkout master It will restore the master branch codes Note that b.txt is restored & d.txt is gone So you have two separate version of codes
  • 32. On Master Branch On dev branch
  • 34. So we were in the master branch again We are sure to merge the dev branch into master branch Type git merge dev
  • 36. Surprisingly there is no conflict in b.txt Because until now you are the only person who changed the branch in local workstation
  • 38. We need a central place to synchronize the team members repositories Github , Bitbucket , gitorious , Assembla , repositoryhosting etc. Github only provides public repo If you dont want it to be public go for Bitbucket https://bitbucket.org/account/signup/
  • 44. Similarly as previous slide Type git push origin dev
  • 47. There are several mechanisms [try googling] We will show an easy approach for small teams We will maintain master for ultimate stable version . Each team member will have their own branch
  • 48. After finalizing some features team members will create a temporary branch The temporary branch will be incrementally merged and tested by team captain But there might be conflict in configuration files which might hamper project. [Android menifest.xml , database settings etc ]
  • 49. Do ignore such files while committing Create a .gitignore file and list the directories or file not to be tracked Keep a list of changelog.txt file After merging master do manually change the configurations
  • 50. Conflicts arise when You have changed your local files and committed them in your branch But someone else have also changed the same files in his own branch You want to merge his branch Git will have no way to decide which one to keep and which one to abandon So it keeps both of them in a way you can identify difference.
  • 51. We change our local file b.txt again in master Add , Commit it We pull some previous version of the same file in dev git pull origin dev Pull = fetch + merge Now this will create a conflict
  • 54. Here head is local version Lower part is the fetched version The marker is where things actually started to be different It would not create a conflict if appending was required or creating a new or deleting a file was required But here a complete rewrite is required
  • 55. Git tool command Manually change the conflicting files Add, Commit , Push Dont Pull directly At first fetch (git fetch origin dev) See Whether any difference (git diff origin/dev) The decide to merge
  • 56. If you already have a repo on bitbucket or github like the one we created Just type git clone <http_link_of_project> So you dont need to bother about backup or disk lost
  • 59. git init git add . git commit am <your commit message> git status git checkout b <New_Branch_Name> git checkout <Branch_Name> git merge <Branch_Name> git remote add <Name_For_Server> <Link_Of_Your_Project> git push <Name_For_Server> <Branch_To_Push> git pull <Name_For_Server> <Branch_To_Pull> git fetch <Name_For_Server> <Branch_To_Fetch> git diff <Branch_To_Compare_With_Current_Branch>
  • 62. Please Email Any Question At: mc65799@gmail.com