This certificate certifies that Asif Ghazi completed the Basic Security In The Field II course on December 4, 2015. The certificate is valid for 3 years after the completion date of December 4, 2015.
This document lists and provides contact information for 11 accredited physician assistant programs in California. It notes that PA programs typically require 2 years of study, with the first year focusing on classroom learning and the second on clinical rotations. It also states that most PA schools require prior healthcare experience and a bachelor's degree. Prospective PAs must graduate from an accredited program and pass a national certification exam to become licensed.
This document discusses a computerized accounting application created by Bayu Rima Aditia and Erry Iman Vianto with student ID 6703150006 for their Computerized Accounting course at Telkom University. The document references various tools used in the application's development such as the toolbox menu, toolbar, useform, project explorer, and property.
The document discusses an asbestos removal project at a hotel in Knightsbridge, London that Amiante STR Limited has been working on for over a year. Asbestos containing materials were discovered deeper in the building than originally identified. The company provided the full range of asbestos services, including removal of asbestos insulation board buried in brickwork, while ensuring worker and public safety through proper notification, risk assessment, and controlled removal procedures.
La filiaci¨®n es el v¨ªnculo jur¨ªdico entre padres e hijos que reconoce derechos y obligaciones. Puede ser leg¨ªtima (dentro del matrimonio), natural (fuera del matrimonio) o legitimada (hijos reconocidos antes o despu¨¦s del matrimonio). La filiaci¨®n proporciona identidad al menor y responsabilidades de cuidado a los padres, independientemente del estado civil de la pareja.
Sucesi¨®n testamentaria y clasificaci¨®n de los testamentosJoordanS
El documento resume los conceptos clave de la sucesi¨®n testamentaria y clasificaci¨®n de testamentos seg¨²n el C¨®digo Civil venezolano. Explica que la sucesi¨®n testamentaria es aquella que se origina cuando el causante dispone voluntariamente de sus bienes se?alando a sus herederos. Luego clasifica los testamentos en ordinarios abiertos y cerrados, y especiales, los cuales pueden otorgarse en casos como epidemias, buques o por militares. Finalmente, destaca los requisitos de capacidad y forma que deben cumplir los testamentos
Este documento resume los tipos de sucesi¨®n testamentaria y clasificaci¨®n de testamentos seg¨²n la ley venezolana. Explica que la sucesi¨®n testamentaria ocurre cuando alguien deja disposiciones sobre sus bienes en un testamento. Luego describe los testamentos ordinarios, especiales y aquellos otorgados en el extranjero, destacando sus caracter¨ªsticas y requisitos legales.
The document summarizes a gas absorption experiment that analyzed the effect of various factors on the overall mass transfer coefficient (KLa) and absorption rate (Ra) of CO2. The experiment measured physical absorption using water and chemical absorption using an NaOH solution, varying liquid flow rates and gas composition. Results showed KLa and Ra were greater with higher liquid flows and CO2 concentration. Chemical absorption and higher temperatures produced better absorption. Recommendations included relocating the liquid feed bucket for easier access and conducting more runs.
The document provides an overview of the Indian economy as an emerging global power. It notes that India is the 10th most industrialized country and 4th largest economy by GDP at purchasing power parity. Some key points are:
- India has a strong services sector accounting for over 50% of GDP, with industry and agriculture making up the remainder.
- The economy has experienced strong real GDP growth of over 9% in recent years, with corporate earnings growth over 20%.
- Projections estimate India's GDP will surpass Japan's by 2032 and per capita income will increase 35-fold by 2050, cementing India as the third largest economy.
Thermal Performance Evaluation of a Direct Absorption Flat Plate Solar Collec...IOSR Journals
Abstract: Due to the growing demand of energy and lesser availability of fossil fuels there is a shift in our
energy concern towards renewable energy sources. There is no doubt that from all the available sources, solar
energy is the best option with its minimum environmental impact. Now a days different types of solar collectors
are widely used to harvest solar energy. It has been found that performance of the solar collector depends upon
the characteristics of the working fluid which is used to harvest solar energy in solar collector. In the present
work the effect of Al2O3-H2O based nanofluids on the direct absorption type solar collector has been
investigated experimentally. Nanofluids are the new class of the fluids with their improved properties over the
host/conventional fluids. The volume fraction of Al2O3 nanoparticles used is 0.005% and 0.05%. Efficiency of
the collector is calculated for different mass flow rates (60, 80, 100 ml/hr) of Al2O3-H2O based nanofluids. From
the results obtained by performing experiments, it has been found that collector efficiency increases about to 3-
4% when Al2O3-H2O nanofluids are used as compared to simple water. Comparison of the collector efficiency
for different mass flow rate and different concentrations are done. ASHRAE [4] standards were followed while
performing all the experiments.
Keywords: Nanofluids, ASHRAE, Volume fraction, Efficiency, Collectors etc.
- This document describes absorption and stripping processes using packed columns and graphical methods.
- It discusses operating lines, height of transfer units (HOG), number of transfer units (NOG), and how to calculate the height equivalent of a theoretical plate (HETP) for a packed column given mass transfer coefficients, flow rates, and equilibrium data.
- An example is provided to calculate the HETP for a specific packed column based on the mass transfer coefficients, flow rates, and equilibrium constant given.
Movie review the message 97 by asif ghaziASIF GHAZI
The movie The Message depicts the life of the Prophet Muhammad and the early years of Islam. It shows the hardships faced by Muslims in Mecca from non-believers, forcing their migration to Abyssinia and later Medina. Major battles are portrayed such as Badr and Uhud, as well as the conquest of Mecca and Prophet's farewell sermon. While showing types of violence against early Muslims, the movie also emphasizes the principles of justice, nonviolence, and peaceful treatment of prisoners as laid out by the Prophet.
This document contains repeated information about an individual named Ilya LAZAREV and includes their name, a number that appears to be an identification code, and a date.
Information Security Awareness Training_Information Security Awareness Additi...ASIF GHAZI
This certificate certifies that Asif Ghazi completed an Information Security Awareness course on February 16, 2016. The course was completed with a verification code of Qzc8F38W3x.
Information Security Awareness Training_Information Security Awareness Advanc...ASIF GHAZI
Asif Ghazi has completed an advanced Information Security Awareness course on February 16, 2016, as evidenced by this Certificate of Achievement. The certificate confirms that Asif Ghazi successfully finished the Information Security Awareness Advanced course and provides a verification code of xAphNc6fae.
This certificate recognizes that Asif Ghazi completed the Advanced Security In The Field course on December 4, 2015. The course certification number is joZQ9U3f3L and the certificate will expire three years after the completion date.
La filiaci¨®n es el v¨ªnculo jur¨ªdico entre padres e hijos que reconoce derechos y obligaciones. Puede ser leg¨ªtima (dentro del matrimonio), natural (fuera del matrimonio) o legitimada (hijos reconocidos antes o despu¨¦s del matrimonio). La filiaci¨®n proporciona identidad al menor y responsabilidades de cuidado a los padres, independientemente del estado civil de la pareja.
Sucesi¨®n testamentaria y clasificaci¨®n de los testamentosJoordanS
El documento resume los conceptos clave de la sucesi¨®n testamentaria y clasificaci¨®n de testamentos seg¨²n el C¨®digo Civil venezolano. Explica que la sucesi¨®n testamentaria es aquella que se origina cuando el causante dispone voluntariamente de sus bienes se?alando a sus herederos. Luego clasifica los testamentos en ordinarios abiertos y cerrados, y especiales, los cuales pueden otorgarse en casos como epidemias, buques o por militares. Finalmente, destaca los requisitos de capacidad y forma que deben cumplir los testamentos
Este documento resume los tipos de sucesi¨®n testamentaria y clasificaci¨®n de testamentos seg¨²n la ley venezolana. Explica que la sucesi¨®n testamentaria ocurre cuando alguien deja disposiciones sobre sus bienes en un testamento. Luego describe los testamentos ordinarios, especiales y aquellos otorgados en el extranjero, destacando sus caracter¨ªsticas y requisitos legales.
The document summarizes a gas absorption experiment that analyzed the effect of various factors on the overall mass transfer coefficient (KLa) and absorption rate (Ra) of CO2. The experiment measured physical absorption using water and chemical absorption using an NaOH solution, varying liquid flow rates and gas composition. Results showed KLa and Ra were greater with higher liquid flows and CO2 concentration. Chemical absorption and higher temperatures produced better absorption. Recommendations included relocating the liquid feed bucket for easier access and conducting more runs.
The document provides an overview of the Indian economy as an emerging global power. It notes that India is the 10th most industrialized country and 4th largest economy by GDP at purchasing power parity. Some key points are:
- India has a strong services sector accounting for over 50% of GDP, with industry and agriculture making up the remainder.
- The economy has experienced strong real GDP growth of over 9% in recent years, with corporate earnings growth over 20%.
- Projections estimate India's GDP will surpass Japan's by 2032 and per capita income will increase 35-fold by 2050, cementing India as the third largest economy.
Thermal Performance Evaluation of a Direct Absorption Flat Plate Solar Collec...IOSR Journals
Abstract: Due to the growing demand of energy and lesser availability of fossil fuels there is a shift in our
energy concern towards renewable energy sources. There is no doubt that from all the available sources, solar
energy is the best option with its minimum environmental impact. Now a days different types of solar collectors
are widely used to harvest solar energy. It has been found that performance of the solar collector depends upon
the characteristics of the working fluid which is used to harvest solar energy in solar collector. In the present
work the effect of Al2O3-H2O based nanofluids on the direct absorption type solar collector has been
investigated experimentally. Nanofluids are the new class of the fluids with their improved properties over the
host/conventional fluids. The volume fraction of Al2O3 nanoparticles used is 0.005% and 0.05%. Efficiency of
the collector is calculated for different mass flow rates (60, 80, 100 ml/hr) of Al2O3-H2O based nanofluids. From
the results obtained by performing experiments, it has been found that collector efficiency increases about to 3-
4% when Al2O3-H2O nanofluids are used as compared to simple water. Comparison of the collector efficiency
for different mass flow rate and different concentrations are done. ASHRAE [4] standards were followed while
performing all the experiments.
Keywords: Nanofluids, ASHRAE, Volume fraction, Efficiency, Collectors etc.
- This document describes absorption and stripping processes using packed columns and graphical methods.
- It discusses operating lines, height of transfer units (HOG), number of transfer units (NOG), and how to calculate the height equivalent of a theoretical plate (HETP) for a packed column given mass transfer coefficients, flow rates, and equilibrium data.
- An example is provided to calculate the HETP for a specific packed column based on the mass transfer coefficients, flow rates, and equilibrium constant given.
Movie review the message 97 by asif ghaziASIF GHAZI
The movie The Message depicts the life of the Prophet Muhammad and the early years of Islam. It shows the hardships faced by Muslims in Mecca from non-believers, forcing their migration to Abyssinia and later Medina. Major battles are portrayed such as Badr and Uhud, as well as the conquest of Mecca and Prophet's farewell sermon. While showing types of violence against early Muslims, the movie also emphasizes the principles of justice, nonviolence, and peaceful treatment of prisoners as laid out by the Prophet.
This document contains repeated information about an individual named Ilya LAZAREV and includes their name, a number that appears to be an identification code, and a date.
Information Security Awareness Training_Information Security Awareness Additi...ASIF GHAZI
This certificate certifies that Asif Ghazi completed an Information Security Awareness course on February 16, 2016. The course was completed with a verification code of Qzc8F38W3x.
Information Security Awareness Training_Information Security Awareness Advanc...ASIF GHAZI
Asif Ghazi has completed an advanced Information Security Awareness course on February 16, 2016, as evidenced by this Certificate of Achievement. The certificate confirms that Asif Ghazi successfully finished the Information Security Awareness Advanced course and provides a verification code of xAphNc6fae.
This certificate recognizes that Asif Ghazi completed the Advanced Security In The Field course on December 4, 2015. The course certification number is joZQ9U3f3L and the certificate will expire three years after the completion date.
This is to certify that
Asif Ghazi
has completed the course
Basic Security In The Field II
4 December 2015
This certificate is valid for 3 years after the date of completion.
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