This certificate certifies that Asif Ghazi completed an Information Security Awareness course on February 16, 2016. The course was completed with a verification code of Qzc8F38W3x.
Here is a three sentence summary of the text in my own words:
A strengths-based approach focuses on the abilities of migrants and their communities rather than deficiencies, and emphasizes resilience and opportunities. For Korean migrants, their transnational networks are an important source of support, belonging, and empowerment. Effective social work with migrant groups involves utilizing community resources, empowering individuals and families, and promoting inclusion in the host society.
El documento describe diferentes formas de comunicación digital como chat messenger para interrelacionarse con otros usuarios de forma inmediata, correo electrónico para enviar documentos, buscadores para acceder rápidamente a información en internet y FTP para transferir archivos a mayor velocidad en internet.
Fax: 281.292.7272
The Woodlands Texas Real Estate Market Report
February 2016
Listing Inventory
The number of active listings in The Woodlands was 809 in February 2016, up slightly from 788 in January. Compared to a year ago, inventory is up 7.5% from 751 listings in February 2015.
Home Sales
There were 160 homes placed under contract in February 2016, down slightly from 170 contracts written in January. Compared to a year ago, sales are up 9.4% from 146 sales in February 2015.
Average Sold Price & Median Sold Price
The average sold price in February was
La BasÃlica del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en Riobamba fue construida entre 1883 y 1915 por dos jesuitas y dedicada al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. La fachada principal cuenta con una estatua de Cristo Rey y las frases "En nombre de Dios, Autor y Legislador de la Sociedad" y "LIBRES BAJO EL SIGNO DE LA CRUZ". Actualmente se encuentra dentro del Colegio San Felipe Neri, encargado de formar a la juventud de Riobamba.
Movie review the message 97 by asif ghaziASIF GHAZI
The movie The Message depicts the life of the Prophet Muhammad and the early years of Islam. It shows the hardships faced by Muslims in Mecca from non-believers, forcing their migration to Abyssinia and later Medina. Major battles are portrayed such as Badr and Uhud, as well as the conquest of Mecca and Prophet's farewell sermon. While showing types of violence against early Muslims, the movie also emphasizes the principles of justice, nonviolence, and peaceful treatment of prisoners as laid out by the Prophet.
This document contains repeated information about an individual named Ilya LAZAREV and includes their name, a number that appears to be an identification code, and a date.
Information Security Awareness Training_Information Security Awareness Advanc...ASIF GHAZI
Asif Ghazi has completed an advanced Information Security Awareness course on February 16, 2016, as evidenced by this Certificate of Achievement. The certificate confirms that Asif Ghazi successfully finished the Information Security Awareness Advanced course and provides a verification code of xAphNc6fae.
This certificate certifies that Asif Ghazi completed the Basic Security In The Field II course on December 4, 2015. The certificate is valid for 3 years after the completion date of December 4, 2015.
This certificate recognizes that Asif Ghazi completed the Advanced Security In The Field course on December 4, 2015. The course certification number is joZQ9U3f3L and the certificate will expire three years after the completion date.
Movie review the message 97 by asif ghaziASIF GHAZI
The movie The Message depicts the life of the Prophet Muhammad and the early years of Islam. It shows the hardships faced by Muslims in Mecca from non-believers, forcing their migration to Abyssinia and later Medina. Major battles are portrayed such as Badr and Uhud, as well as the conquest of Mecca and Prophet's farewell sermon. While showing types of violence against early Muslims, the movie also emphasizes the principles of justice, nonviolence, and peaceful treatment of prisoners as laid out by the Prophet.
This document contains repeated information about an individual named Ilya LAZAREV and includes their name, a number that appears to be an identification code, and a date.
Information Security Awareness Training_Information Security Awareness Advanc...ASIF GHAZI
Asif Ghazi has completed an advanced Information Security Awareness course on February 16, 2016, as evidenced by this Certificate of Achievement. The certificate confirms that Asif Ghazi successfully finished the Information Security Awareness Advanced course and provides a verification code of xAphNc6fae.
This certificate certifies that Asif Ghazi completed the Basic Security In The Field II course on December 4, 2015. The certificate is valid for 3 years after the completion date of December 4, 2015.
This certificate recognizes that Asif Ghazi completed the Advanced Security In The Field course on December 4, 2015. The course certification number is joZQ9U3f3L and the certificate will expire three years after the completion date.
Information Security Awareness Training_Information Security Awareness Additional Certificate
This is to certify that
Asif Ghazi
has completed the course
Information Security Awareness
16 February 2016
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