Dokumen ini memberikan gambar berbagai hewan liar seperti harimau, beruang, burung hantu, singa, buaya, kuda belang, rusa, monyet, harimau bintang, dan ikan yu. Dokumen ini kemudian memberikan beberapa pertanyaan untuk memadankan gambar-gambar hewan liar tersebut.
Dokumen ini memberikan gambar berbagai hewan liar seperti harimau, beruang, burung hantu, singa, buaya, kuda belang, rusa, monyet, harimau bintang, dan ikan yu. Dokumen ini kemudian memberikan beberapa pertanyaan untuk memadankan gambar-gambar hewan liar tersebut.
La reuni坦n se cancel坦 debido a que algunos asistentes estaban enfermos. Los dem叩s asistentes no ten鱈an otras tareas asignadas y por lo tanto no hubo ninguna otra actividad programada.
Lirik lagu anak-anak mendorong anak-anak untuk makan sayur-sayuran seperti kobis, salad, timun, lobak merah, kangkung, cendawan dan tomato karena makan sayur dapat menjaga kesehatan tubuh.
This document contains a kindergarten classroom lesson on weather science that discusses different types of precipitation like rain, sleet, hail and snow. It also covers wind, temperature, cloud cover and their effects. Students are quizzed on identifying types of precipitation, the purpose of cloud cover, signs of wind and what temperature cold weather represents.
The document appears to be a list of random words with the prefix "sitisaniah12" between each word. There is no clear meaning or topic conveyed in the document.
This document contains a list of 22 names. It provides the names of various individuals but no other details about them. The high level information is a list of names without any other context about the people named.
This document lists various jobs that involve wearing a uniform such as soldiers, police officers, doctors, nurses, and security guards. People in these roles perform important tasks to help and protect society while representing their occupation through their uniform. The document focuses on the common element of uniforms across different career paths.
The document outlines the activities at the Siriwat Wittaya Bilingual School Kindergarten. It describes several events including a parents' orientation, Mother's Day, Wai Kru Day, breakfast with parents, naming a Star of the Month, English Fun Day, Thai Language Day, a play dough competition, educational and field trips, a science experiment day, Loi Kratong celebrations, Father's Day, birthday celebrations, charity events, and a Sports Day.
This document is a list of days of the week in Malay. It provides the Malay word for each day from Monday to Sunday in alphabetical order. HARI is the Malay word for day. The other words are: ISNIN for Monday, SELASA for Tuesday, RABU for Wednesday, KHAMIS for Thursday, JUMAAT for Friday, SABTU for Saturday, and AHAD for Sunday.
This document lists various types of fruits including mangoes, durian, rambutan, pineapples, bananas, mangosteen, apples, oranges, limes, lemons, ciku, jackfruit, cempedak, rose apples, water apples, langsat, belimbing, pomegranates, snake fruit, kiwis, and strawberries.
The document lists different animals seen at the zoo such as panda, monkey, zebra, giraffe, tiger, lion, ostrich, and camel. It then asks what animal is depicted, and confirms it is a panda. Finally, it says goodbye.