Web App for Containers + MySQLでコンテナ鬉靴Railsアプリを恬ろうYoichi Kawasaki
Web App for Containers は、アプリスタックのホストに Docker コンテナ`を聞喘するため峻さんが書Linux貧で旋喘しているOSSベ`スのアプリもアプリスタックごとDockerコンテナ晒することでそのまま Web App for Containersで旋喘することができます。云ウェビナ`ではgなMySQL + Ruby on Rails アプリ を}可に、アプリをコンテナ晒し Web App for Containersにデプロイするまでの匯Bの送れを盾hし、CIツ`ルを聞った@A議なデプロイ圭隈についてごB初します。書指、Azureのフルマネ`ジドMySQLサ`ビスであるAzure DB for MySQLを旋喘して頼畠マネ`ジドなh廠でのアプリg佩をgFします。
Web App for Containers + MySQLでコンテナ鬉靴PHPアプリを恬ろう Yoichi Kawasaki
Web App for Containers は、アプリスタックのホストに Docker コンテナ`を聞喘するため峻さんが書Linux貧で旋喘しているOSSベ`スのアプリもアプリスタックごとDockerコンテナ晒することでそのまま Web App for Containersで旋喘することができます。云ウェビナ`ではgなMySQL + PHPアプリWordpressを}可に、アプリをコンテナ晒し Web App for Containersにデプロイするまでの匯Bの送れを盾hし、CIツ`ルを聞った@A議なデプロイ圭隈についてごB初します。書指、Azureのフルマネ`ジドMySQLサ`ビスであるAzure DB for MySQLを旋喘して頼畠マネ`ジドなh廠でのアプリg佩をgFします。
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan¨s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
11. On-premises
Your datacenter
Hardware VPN or
Windows RRAS
Virtual Network
<subnet 1> <subnet 2> <subnet 3>
Site-to-Site 俊A
? オンプレミスのネットワ`クをクラウドに辛嬬
? On-ramp for migrating services to the cloud
? オンプレミスのリソ`スをAzureで聞喘
13. Cloud on your WAN
? Avoidsrisks fromexposureto Internet
? Avoidscomplexityand addedcosts
? Provideslower latency, higherbandwidthand
Public cloud
Customer DC
Customer site 1
Customer site 2
IPsec VPN over Internet
? Greaternetworkingcosts and latencysince data is hair
pinnedthrougha customerdata center
? Data travels over the openInternetto connectto cloud
? Bandwidthis limited
Public cloud
Customer DC
Customer site 1
Customer site 2
20. ExpressRoute PowerShell Commandlets
ExpressRoute commandlets Description
Get-AzureDedicatedCircuitServiceProvider Lists all ExpressRoute service providers including carriers and internet exchange points offering
connectivity across all regions in Windows Azure.
Get-AzureDedicatedCircuit Lists all ExpressRoute circuits and details of each circuit.
Get-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink Lists the link state of a particular virtual network and an ExpressRoute circuit.
New-AzureDedicatedCircuit Creates a new ExpressRoute circuit in a Windows Azure subscription.
New-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink Creates a link between an ExpressRoute circuit and a virtual network in the current Windows
Azure subscription.
Remove-AzureDedicatedCircuit Removes an ExpressRoute circuit.
Remove-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink Removes the link between a Virtual Network and an ExpressRoute circuit.
BGP Configuration commandlets Description
Get-AzureBGPPeering Returns an object with bgp configuration information of an ExpressRoute circuit.
New-AzureBGPPeering Creates a new BGP peering configuration for an ExpressRoute circuit.
Remove-AzureBGPPeering Removes the routing configuration for an ExpressRoute circuit.
Set-AzureBGPPeering Updates a BGP peering configuration for an ExpressRoute circuit.
23. Summary
? Use Traffic Manager to build highly available services
? Use Virtual Network to create virtual private networks in Azure and extend your premises to Azure
? Use Point-to-site connectivity to simplify prototyping and dev / test / lab scenarios
? Use ExpressRoute for Enterprise grade connectivity to Azure
New features
? Traffic Manager, traffic manager for websites
? Static private IPv4 addresses for VMs
? Migrate VMs from one subnet to another without having to redeploy them
? Point-to-site and dynamic routing generally available
? New VPN device vendors validated
? ExpressRoute in preview