[MW01] ご注文は Linux + Docker ですか? Windows だけじゃない App Service を使い切るde:code 2017
Windows Server で構築されていた App Service が、高速なプロビジョニングと柔軟なスケーリングといった特徴をそのままに、Linux と Docker というコンテナ ベースで再構築されました。App Service on Linux の構造とコンテナを利用するメリット、そして Docker を使った CI/CD に至るまでの実践的な利用法を紹介します。
製品/テクノロジ: Microsoft Azure/OSS/Web 開発/クラウド/コンテナー/Docker
芝村 達郎
Building video applications on Windows 8 with Windows Azure Media ServicesMingfei Yan
This document provides an overview of Windows Azure Media Services, which allows users to upload, encode, store, stream, and protect media content. Key features include tools for pre-encrypting files, encoding to formats like H.264 and AAC, packaging to streaming formats, integrating partner media processors, and using APIs or SDKs to manage content. It also discusses related services for media delivery like Azure CDN and tools for building playback applications.
Jennifer emailed her father James to ask if he would take her to see her favorite band, Of Monsters and Men, at the Paramount Theater in May. She tells him how much she loves the band and wants to see them with her "concert buddy". She asks James to let her know if he can take her, and signs off saying it will be a father-daughter night out with him treating.
[Microsoft Tech Summit 2016] Linux の PaaS がついに登場! Azure App Service on Linux ...Daiyu Hatakeyama
Web やMobile アプリのバックエンドなどで数多くご利用いただいているPaaSの真骨頂ともいえる Azure App Service。ついに Linux 版が登場しました。このセッションでは、既存のWindows 版と比較をしながら、DevOps 全体のプロセスを通じて、その全容を明らかにしていきます。?
[MW01] ご注文は Linux + Docker ですか? Windows だけじゃない App Service を使い切るde:code 2017
Windows Server で構築されていた App Service が、高速なプロビジョニングと柔軟なスケーリングといった特徴をそのままに、Linux と Docker というコンテナ ベースで再構築されました。App Service on Linux の構造とコンテナを利用するメリット、そして Docker を使った CI/CD に至るまでの実践的な利用法を紹介します。
製品/テクノロジ: Microsoft Azure/OSS/Web 開発/クラウド/コンテナー/Docker
芝村 達郎
Building video applications on Windows 8 with Windows Azure Media ServicesMingfei Yan
This document provides an overview of Windows Azure Media Services, which allows users to upload, encode, store, stream, and protect media content. Key features include tools for pre-encrypting files, encoding to formats like H.264 and AAC, packaging to streaming formats, integrating partner media processors, and using APIs or SDKs to manage content. It also discusses related services for media delivery like Azure CDN and tools for building playback applications.
Jennifer emailed her father James to ask if he would take her to see her favorite band, Of Monsters and Men, at the Paramount Theater in May. She tells him how much she loves the band and wants to see them with her "concert buddy". She asks James to let her know if he can take her, and signs off saying it will be a father-daughter night out with him treating.
[Microsoft Tech Summit 2016] Linux の PaaS がついに登場! Azure App Service on Linux ...Daiyu Hatakeyama
Web やMobile アプリのバックエンドなどで数多くご利用いただいているPaaSの真骨頂ともいえる Azure App Service。ついに Linux 版が登場しました。このセッションでは、既存のWindows 版と比較をしながら、DevOps 全体のプロセスを通じて、その全容を明らかにしていきます。?
The document discusses using computer vision and media analytics technologies to create new opportunities for value-added connected TV services. It describes using these technologies to capitalize on existing content rights, unlock new niche markets, create a better viewing experience, and grow the business. Specific technologies mentioned include speech-to-text, facial detection, emotion recognition, video summarization, object recognition, and face redaction.
ソフトウェア業界ではワクワクする新しいテクノロジーがどんどん生まれ、それが世の中で使われるまでも早くなっています。2018年に革新があった Deep Learning は、既に民主化?日常化もしてます。この講演では、そのソフトウェアの今を俯瞰し、今後どうなっていくのか? その未来予想とともに。職業として20年以上の経験を得た私の学びをお伝えします。
1. The document discusses using Outlook and Teams to efficiently handle multitasking. It provides tips for classifying and processing information and tasks in a timely manner.
2. It suggests using tools like Outlook, Teams, OneDrive for task management and sharing files and information. Smartphones are highly effective for initial processing of emails and tasks.
3. PCs are necessary for longer responses, document creation, coding, and research. Cloud services allow storing and accessing all work files and emails from any device.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
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