What you need to know to build a slackbot. Why you would, what your options are, and other considerations for constructing a Slack facade over operational complexity.
The document discusses strategies for controlling content migrations. It recommends planning migrations early within the broader project context. A hybrid approach between "nuclear" and "forklift" options is usually best. An inventory of existing content should be used to understand what needs to be migrated and apply rules rather than case-by-case reviews. Quality should be viewed on a grayscale rather than binary scale. Efforts should focus on reducing the volume of content migrated and minimizing the distance between old and new systems or formats.
This document outlines an introductory workshop on Javascript. It introduces the instructor and TAs, describes Thinkful's approach to teaching programming, and covers key Javascript concepts like variables, functions, conditionals, and parameters. The agenda includes learning key concepts, completing assignments with support, and reviewing steps to continue learning Javascript after the workshop.
This document outlines an agenda for an introductory Javascript workshop. The workshop will be led by Andy Amaya and TAs from Thinkful, and will introduce key Javascript concepts over 2 hours. Attendees will learn about variables, functions, if/else statements, and comparing values. They will practice these concepts through assignments and examples on JSBin and Repl.it with support from instructors. The document also provides background on Javascript and Thinkful's program for becoming a developer through mentorship and flexible online learning.
The document outlines many ways that individuals can contribute to WordPress without coding skills, including answering questions in the support forums, organizing local meetups, volunteering at WordCamps, translating documentation, testing websites, and more. It provides details on various WordPress teams and projects and how to get involved through the Make WordPress website.
This document contains the agenda for a SBTUG (Sydney Business Technology User Group) meeting on 29 September 2010. The agenda includes presentations on various web content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, Umbraco, Business Catalyst, Elcom, Kentico, SharePoint and Squiz from 6:00pm to 8:30pm followed by a panel session and finishing at 9:00pm. It also includes other logistical details like the location, organizing team and a request for user questions and feedback.
This document provides an agenda and details for a WordUp Pompey meetup on July 19th 2018. The agenda includes networking from 19:00-19:30, a problem solving clinic from 19:30-20:45, and a wrap up from 20:45-21:00. Following the meetup, there will be a social at Sovereigns pub from 21:00 onwards. The document also lists upcoming WordPress release dates and events, and provides a discount code for a web hosting company for WordUp Pompey members.
Agenda for the WordPress Portsmouth Meetup with Tim Nash from 34sp.com on the subject of "Website security and recovering your site from a hack".
A session to help take the fear out of being hacked, provide some practical tips for how to better protect your website and some of the steps you can take to recover.
Its easy! contributing to open source - Devnexus 2020C辿sar Hern叩ndez
The problem developers new to open source have is joining the community, starting to contribute, and using common open source tools. In this session, attendees will learn how to contribute and become valuable a part of any open source community. Attendees will learn soft and hard skills based on two case studies: Eclipse MicroProfile and Apache TomEE projects. Attendees will learn to access the culture of open source projects, expected behavior and attitude toward new contributors; how to start small, take risks, ask lots of questions; and how to get started with common open source tools like Maven, Git, and JIRA. Students will leave this workshop the soft skills and the hard skills required to make meaningful contributions.
Open Source Secret Sauce - Lugor Sep 2011Ted Husted
The document discusses the "Open Source Secret Sauce" - how open source projects are able to create compelling software through a volunteer model. It explains that open source projects use portals, repositories, issue trackers, mailing lists, and automated builds (PRIMA) to coordinate work. The Apache Software Foundation is provided as a successful example, with its meritocratic process allowing developers to do work and make decisions through consensus-based voting. The opportunity for open source is that it can produce successful software to solve problems like failed commercial projects.
It is easy contributing to open source - JCON 2020C辿sar Hern叩ndez
The problem developers new to open source have is joining the community, starting to contribute, and using common open source tools. In this session, attendees will learn how to contribute and become valuable a part of any open source community. Attendees will learn soft and hard skills based on two case studies: Eclipse MicroProfile and Apache TomEE projects. Attendees will learn to access the culture of open source projects, expected behavior and attitude toward new contributors; how to start small, take risks, ask lots of questions; and how to get started with common open source tools like Maven, Git, and JIRA. Students will leave this workshop the soft skills and the hard skills required to make meaningful contributions.
It is easy contributing to Open Source - ECLIPSE CON 2020C辿sar Hern叩ndez
The problem developers new to open source have is joining the community, starting to contribute, and using common open source tools. In this session, attendees will learn how to contribute and become valuable a part of any open source community. Attendees will learn soft and hard skills based on two case studies: Eclipse MicroProfile and Apache TomEE projects. Attendees will learn to access the culture of open source projects, expected behavior and attitude toward new contributors; how to start small, take risks, ask lots of questions; and how to get started with common open source tools like Maven, Git, and JIRA. Students will leave this workshop the soft skills and the hard skills required to make meaningful contributions.
This document outlines an Ethereum smart contract coding dojo where participants will build a winner-takes-all crowdfunding application using Solidity and web3.js. It introduces the tools and technologies used, including Solidity for smart contract development and web3.js for interacting with contracts from JavaScript. Participants will work in pairs to create a smart contract that allows projects to be submitted and voted on, with all funds going to the highest voted project. The document provides documentation resources and example code to help guide the coding exercise.
7 recomendaciones para migrar tus aplicaciones a Jakarta EE utilizando Apache...C辿sar Hern叩ndez
Con el impacto en el ecosistema despu辿s de la migraci坦n del paquete javax a Jakarta en Jakarta EE 9 y el soporte para Java SE 11 en Jakarta EE 9.1, esta sesi坦n cubre recomendaciones y estrategias para ayudarlo a navegar el proceso de migraci坦n a Jakarta EE 9.1 usando Apache TomEE .
Serverless computing allows developers to run code without managing servers. It is billed based on usage rather than on servers. Key serverless services include AWS Lambda for compute, S3 for storage, and DynamoDB for databases. While new, serverless offers opportunities to reduce costs and focus on code over infrastructure. Developers must learn serverless best practices for lifecycle management, organization, and hands-off operations. The Serverless Framework helps develop and deploy serverless applications.
Design Systems have been all over the media for the past few years. You probably know what they are about, probably heard about atoms, molecules, organisms and hopefully, you didnt turn around because you felt overwhelmed after reading a bunch of articles flooded with design terminology that you think has nothing to do with you as a Frontend Engineer.
In this talk, I will show you a way to implement it using a modern component-oriented architecture framework such as React and the design system-related tools you can find in its ecosystem.
Getting Started with SOA using SwitchYardLuan Cestari
This lecture will give an introduction of SOA, giving an background of history and an overview of its specifications. How does Service Component Architecture (SCA, which is an open source standard) can help you to create services that can exposed by an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). The SwitchYard implement SCA specification and also bring integration of many features you have available at WildFly application server. It also aims to simplify the integration with its built-in tools (like IDE) and components. You might surprise yourself with the Open Source power.
SharePoint 2016 & Office 365: A Look Ahead To What's Coming - SPS VancouverRichard Harbridge
With SharePoint 2016 around the corner and Office 365 constantly releasing new functionality it can be hard to feel ready for what will come over the next few years. Where should we invest in learning? What other technologies should we understand? Why are some things changing?
Join Richard Harbridge as he explores Technology roadmaps and industry trends and how Microsoft and many customers are planning for the challenges ahead.
Es f叩cil contribuir al open source - Bolivia JUG 2020C辿sar Hern叩ndez
En esta sesi坦n impartida el 18 de Abril de 2020 compartimos con el JUG de Bolivia lo f叩cil que es contribuir al Opensource. Utilizamos como ejemplo dos proyecto Java: Apache TomEE y Eclipse MicroProfile.
The document discusses HTML5 and CSS3, the future of web technologies. It provides an overview of what HTML5 and CSS3 are, who develops them, how developers and designers can start using them, and why they should transition to these new standards now despite still being works in progress. The document aims to introduce readers to HTML5 and CSS3 and encourage them to begin experimenting with and applying these new technologies in their own projects.
The document discusses HTML5 and CSS3, the future of web technologies. It provides an overview of what HTML5 and CSS3 are, who develops them, how developers and designers can start using them, and why they should transition to these new standards now despite still being works in progress. The document aims to introduce readers to HTML5 and CSS3 and encourage them to begin experimenting with and applying these new technologies in their own projects.
Html5, css3 and the future of web technologiesV探 Duy Tu畉n
The document discusses HTML5 and CSS3, new versions of HTML and CSS that introduce additional features and functionality. It provides an overview of what HTML5 and CSS3 are, who develops their specifications (WHATWG, W3C, IETF), how developers and companies are adopting them, and how to start learning and using the new technologies. The document encourages developers to start building projects with HTML5 and CSS3 now rather than waiting due to benefits like improved user experiences across devices and more flexibility in design.
The document discusses HTML5 and CSS3, the future of web technologies. It provides an overview of what HTML5 and CSS3 are, who develops them, how developers and designers can start using them, and why they should transition to these new standards now despite still being works in progress. The document aims to introduce readers to HTML5 and CSS3 and encourage them to begin experimenting with and applying these new technologies in their own projects.
Contributing to the Odoo Community Association (OCA)Camptocamp
The Odoo Community Association hosts 105 projects on Github, with 67 topic-oriented teams.
Contributing to the OCA is more than proposing your pet module for inclusion. This talk will present:
1. the OCA communication channels (web site, IRC, mailing lists)
2. how to use github to browse the projects
3. how to do a code review
4. how to propose a patch
5. the Contributor License Agreement
6. our continuous integration tools
7. how to propose new projects
Contributing to the Odoo Community Associationafayolle
The Odoo Community Association hosts 105 projects on Github, with 67 topic-oriented teams.
Contributing to the OCA is more than proposing your pet module for inclusion. This talk will present:
the OCA communication channels (web site, IRC, mailing lists)
how to use github to browse the projects
how to do a code review
how to propose a patch
the Contributor License Agreement
our continuous integration tools
how to propose new projects
JWTs - What PHP developers need to know - LonghornPHP.pdfDan Moore
The document discusses JSON web tokens (JWTs) and what PHP developers need to know about them. It covers JWTs in brief, the problem they solve, validation, bearer tokens, common issues, refresh tokens, and JWT revocation. The key points are that JWTs are signed JSON objects used to securely transmit information between parties as a replacement for session cookies, and the document outlines best practices for using and validating JWTs.
In this presentation, after a brief introduction to JSON HTTP APIs, you'll build a PHP based API project which allows users to retrieve Chuck Norris quotes. You'll then progressively protect the API using a variety of methods. You'll also understand why and when to use each choice, as well as the tradeoffs they provide.
Its easy! contributing to open source - Devnexus 2020C辿sar Hern叩ndez
The problem developers new to open source have is joining the community, starting to contribute, and using common open source tools. In this session, attendees will learn how to contribute and become valuable a part of any open source community. Attendees will learn soft and hard skills based on two case studies: Eclipse MicroProfile and Apache TomEE projects. Attendees will learn to access the culture of open source projects, expected behavior and attitude toward new contributors; how to start small, take risks, ask lots of questions; and how to get started with common open source tools like Maven, Git, and JIRA. Students will leave this workshop the soft skills and the hard skills required to make meaningful contributions.
Open Source Secret Sauce - Lugor Sep 2011Ted Husted
The document discusses the "Open Source Secret Sauce" - how open source projects are able to create compelling software through a volunteer model. It explains that open source projects use portals, repositories, issue trackers, mailing lists, and automated builds (PRIMA) to coordinate work. The Apache Software Foundation is provided as a successful example, with its meritocratic process allowing developers to do work and make decisions through consensus-based voting. The opportunity for open source is that it can produce successful software to solve problems like failed commercial projects.
It is easy contributing to open source - JCON 2020C辿sar Hern叩ndez
The problem developers new to open source have is joining the community, starting to contribute, and using common open source tools. In this session, attendees will learn how to contribute and become valuable a part of any open source community. Attendees will learn soft and hard skills based on two case studies: Eclipse MicroProfile and Apache TomEE projects. Attendees will learn to access the culture of open source projects, expected behavior and attitude toward new contributors; how to start small, take risks, ask lots of questions; and how to get started with common open source tools like Maven, Git, and JIRA. Students will leave this workshop the soft skills and the hard skills required to make meaningful contributions.
It is easy contributing to Open Source - ECLIPSE CON 2020C辿sar Hern叩ndez
The problem developers new to open source have is joining the community, starting to contribute, and using common open source tools. In this session, attendees will learn how to contribute and become valuable a part of any open source community. Attendees will learn soft and hard skills based on two case studies: Eclipse MicroProfile and Apache TomEE projects. Attendees will learn to access the culture of open source projects, expected behavior and attitude toward new contributors; how to start small, take risks, ask lots of questions; and how to get started with common open source tools like Maven, Git, and JIRA. Students will leave this workshop the soft skills and the hard skills required to make meaningful contributions.
This document outlines an Ethereum smart contract coding dojo where participants will build a winner-takes-all crowdfunding application using Solidity and web3.js. It introduces the tools and technologies used, including Solidity for smart contract development and web3.js for interacting with contracts from JavaScript. Participants will work in pairs to create a smart contract that allows projects to be submitted and voted on, with all funds going to the highest voted project. The document provides documentation resources and example code to help guide the coding exercise.
7 recomendaciones para migrar tus aplicaciones a Jakarta EE utilizando Apache...C辿sar Hern叩ndez
Con el impacto en el ecosistema despu辿s de la migraci坦n del paquete javax a Jakarta en Jakarta EE 9 y el soporte para Java SE 11 en Jakarta EE 9.1, esta sesi坦n cubre recomendaciones y estrategias para ayudarlo a navegar el proceso de migraci坦n a Jakarta EE 9.1 usando Apache TomEE .
Serverless computing allows developers to run code without managing servers. It is billed based on usage rather than on servers. Key serverless services include AWS Lambda for compute, S3 for storage, and DynamoDB for databases. While new, serverless offers opportunities to reduce costs and focus on code over infrastructure. Developers must learn serverless best practices for lifecycle management, organization, and hands-off operations. The Serverless Framework helps develop and deploy serverless applications.
Design Systems have been all over the media for the past few years. You probably know what they are about, probably heard about atoms, molecules, organisms and hopefully, you didnt turn around because you felt overwhelmed after reading a bunch of articles flooded with design terminology that you think has nothing to do with you as a Frontend Engineer.
In this talk, I will show you a way to implement it using a modern component-oriented architecture framework such as React and the design system-related tools you can find in its ecosystem.
Getting Started with SOA using SwitchYardLuan Cestari
This lecture will give an introduction of SOA, giving an background of history and an overview of its specifications. How does Service Component Architecture (SCA, which is an open source standard) can help you to create services that can exposed by an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). The SwitchYard implement SCA specification and also bring integration of many features you have available at WildFly application server. It also aims to simplify the integration with its built-in tools (like IDE) and components. You might surprise yourself with the Open Source power.
SharePoint 2016 & Office 365: A Look Ahead To What's Coming - SPS VancouverRichard Harbridge
With SharePoint 2016 around the corner and Office 365 constantly releasing new functionality it can be hard to feel ready for what will come over the next few years. Where should we invest in learning? What other technologies should we understand? Why are some things changing?
Join Richard Harbridge as he explores Technology roadmaps and industry trends and how Microsoft and many customers are planning for the challenges ahead.
Es f叩cil contribuir al open source - Bolivia JUG 2020C辿sar Hern叩ndez
En esta sesi坦n impartida el 18 de Abril de 2020 compartimos con el JUG de Bolivia lo f叩cil que es contribuir al Opensource. Utilizamos como ejemplo dos proyecto Java: Apache TomEE y Eclipse MicroProfile.
The document discusses HTML5 and CSS3, the future of web technologies. It provides an overview of what HTML5 and CSS3 are, who develops them, how developers and designers can start using them, and why they should transition to these new standards now despite still being works in progress. The document aims to introduce readers to HTML5 and CSS3 and encourage them to begin experimenting with and applying these new technologies in their own projects.
The document discusses HTML5 and CSS3, the future of web technologies. It provides an overview of what HTML5 and CSS3 are, who develops them, how developers and designers can start using them, and why they should transition to these new standards now despite still being works in progress. The document aims to introduce readers to HTML5 and CSS3 and encourage them to begin experimenting with and applying these new technologies in their own projects.
Html5, css3 and the future of web technologiesV探 Duy Tu畉n
The document discusses HTML5 and CSS3, new versions of HTML and CSS that introduce additional features and functionality. It provides an overview of what HTML5 and CSS3 are, who develops their specifications (WHATWG, W3C, IETF), how developers and companies are adopting them, and how to start learning and using the new technologies. The document encourages developers to start building projects with HTML5 and CSS3 now rather than waiting due to benefits like improved user experiences across devices and more flexibility in design.
The document discusses HTML5 and CSS3, the future of web technologies. It provides an overview of what HTML5 and CSS3 are, who develops them, how developers and designers can start using them, and why they should transition to these new standards now despite still being works in progress. The document aims to introduce readers to HTML5 and CSS3 and encourage them to begin experimenting with and applying these new technologies in their own projects.
Contributing to the Odoo Community Association (OCA)Camptocamp
The Odoo Community Association hosts 105 projects on Github, with 67 topic-oriented teams.
Contributing to the OCA is more than proposing your pet module for inclusion. This talk will present:
1. the OCA communication channels (web site, IRC, mailing lists)
2. how to use github to browse the projects
3. how to do a code review
4. how to propose a patch
5. the Contributor License Agreement
6. our continuous integration tools
7. how to propose new projects
Contributing to the Odoo Community Associationafayolle
The Odoo Community Association hosts 105 projects on Github, with 67 topic-oriented teams.
Contributing to the OCA is more than proposing your pet module for inclusion. This talk will present:
the OCA communication channels (web site, IRC, mailing lists)
how to use github to browse the projects
how to do a code review
how to propose a patch
the Contributor License Agreement
our continuous integration tools
how to propose new projects
JWTs - What PHP developers need to know - LonghornPHP.pdfDan Moore
The document discusses JSON web tokens (JWTs) and what PHP developers need to know about them. It covers JWTs in brief, the problem they solve, validation, bearer tokens, common issues, refresh tokens, and JWT revocation. The key points are that JWTs are signed JSON objects used to securely transmit information between parties as a replacement for session cookies, and the document outlines best practices for using and validating JWTs.
In this presentation, after a brief introduction to JSON HTTP APIs, you'll build a PHP based API project which allows users to retrieve Chuck Norris quotes. You'll then progressively protect the API using a variety of methods. You'll also understand why and when to use each choice, as well as the tradeoffs they provide.
The document provides an overview of AWS (Amazon Web Services) including the types of cloud services, key AWS concepts and services, security considerations, and how to get help. It discusses infrastructure as a service (IAAS), platform as a service (PAAS), and software as a service (SAAS). Key services mentioned include EC2, S3, RDS, IAM, VPC and Lambda. The presenter provides their contact information and notes their company is hiring.
Three things that surprised me when I was a new developerDan Moore
Congrats! You learned to code and now are looking for a job as a developer; or perhaps youve just found a shiny new job as a developer, and are excited to start programming. I have some bad news, however. Being a developer is about so much more than just churning out code. In this presentation Ill cover things I wish Id known as a new developer that surprised me. Includes war stories over 20 years of development, but nothing about how to get a job.
New developer talk culture foundry - 0519Dan Moore
Congrats! You learned to code and now are looking for a job as a developer; or perhaps youve just found a shiny new job as a developer, and are excited to start programming. I have some bad news, however. Being a developer is about so much more than just churning out code. In this presentation Ill cover 10 things I wish Id known as a new developer.
Super Simple Supervised Learning - AML - Dan MooreDan Moore
This document provides an overview of Amazon Machine Learning (AML) including:
- AML allows for supervised learning on structured CSV data with little to no coding needed using AWS hosted models.
- AML is best for exploring data, intro to machine learning, and not wanting to manage infrastructure or pay high costs.
- Limitations include only supporting "medium data", no model export, single region/algorithm, and being AWS only.
- An example shows training data, observations, predictions for customer churn, and discusses ethics and scale issues.
- Alternatives like other AWS services, Google, Azure, and open source tools are also presented.
Life at an early stage SaaS company as a technical co-founderDan Moore
This document discusses the author's experience as a technical co-founder of an early stage SaaS startup. It covers the initial steps of shipping the first version of the product, choosing technologies, expectations for long hours and challenges, finding early customers, strategies for revenue, working with a co-founder, and eventually leaving the startup. The author shares lessons learned from starting and helping grow a software as a service company in its early days.
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咋諮駒告駒諮 ю介稲巨諮腫告腫基油 is proud to be a part of the 艶駒巨 駒艶 瑞介 $介腫瑞 () success story! By delivering seamless, secure, and high-speed connectivity, OSWAN has revolutionized e-腫介瑞諮諮稲 駒 艶駒巨, enabling efficient communication between government departments and enhancing citizen services.
Through our innovative solutions, 咋諮駒告駒諮 ю介稲巨諮腫告腫基 has contributed to making governance smarter, faster, and more transparent. This milestone reflects our commitment to driving digital transformation and empowering communities.
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Technology use over time and its impact on consumers and businesses.pptxkaylagaze
In this presentation, I will discuss how technology has changed consumer behaviour and its impact on consumers and businesses. I will focus on internet access, digital devices, how customers search for information and what they buy online, video consumption, and lastly consumer trends.
UiPath Agentic Automation Capabilities and OpportunitiesDianaGray10
Learn what UiPath Agentic Automation capabilities are and how you can empower your agents with dynamic decision making. In this session we will cover these topics:
What do we mean by Agents
Components of Agents
Agentic Automation capabilities
What Agentic automation delivers and AI Tools
Identifying Agent opportunities
If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
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Free Download Wondershare Filmora Full Version - All-in-one home video editor to make a great video.Free Download Wondershare Filmora for Windows PC is an all-in-one home video editor with powerful functionality and a fully stacked feature set. Filmora has a simple drag-and-drop top interface, allowing you to be artistic with the story you want to create.Video Editing Simplified - Ignite Your Story. A powerful and intuitive video editing experience. Filmora 10 hash two new ways to edit: Action Cam Tool (Correct lens distortion, Clean up your audio, New speed controls) and Instant Cutter (Trim or merge clips quickly, Instant export).Filmora allows you to create projects in 4:3 or 16:9, so you can crop the videos or resize them to fit the size you want. This way, quickly converting a widescreen material to SD format is possible.
EaseUS Partition Master Crack 2025 + Serial Keykherorpacca127
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EASEUS Partition Master Crack is a professional hard disk partition management tool and system partition optimization software. It is an all-in-one PC and server disk management toolkit for IT professionals, system administrators, technicians, and consultants to provide technical services to customers with unlimited use.
EASEUS Partition Master 18.0 Technician Edition Crack interface is clean and tidy, so all options are at your fingertips. Whether you want to resize, move, copy, merge, browse, check, convert partitions, or change their labels, you can do everything with a few clicks. The defragmentation tool is also designed to merge fragmented files and folders and store them in contiguous locations on the hard drive.
Understanding Traditional AI with Custom Vision & MuleSoft.pptxshyamraj55
Understanding Traditional AI with Custom Vision & MuleSoft.pptx | ### 際際滷 Deck Description:
This presentation features Atul, a Senior Solution Architect at NTT DATA, sharing his journey into traditional AI using Azure's Custom Vision tool. He discusses how AI mimics human thinking and reasoning, differentiates between predictive and generative AI, and demonstrates a real-world use case. The session covers the step-by-step process of creating and training an AI model for image classification and object detectionspecifically, an ad display that adapts based on the viewer's gender. Atulavan highlights the ease of implementation without deep software or programming expertise. The presentation concludes with a Q&A session addressing technical and privacy concerns.
This is session #4 of the 5-session online study series with Google Cloud, where we take you onto the journey learning generative AI. Youll explore the dynamic landscape of Generative AI, gaining both theoretical insights and practical know-how of Google Cloud GenAI tools such as Gemini, Vertex AI, AI agents and Imagen 3.
DealBook of Ukraine: 2025 edition | AVentures CapitalYevgen Sysoyev
The DealBook is our annual overview of the Ukrainian tech investment industry. This edition comprehensively covers the full year 2024 and the first deals of 2025.
Transform Your Future with Front-End Development TrainingVtechlabs
Kickstart your career in web development with our front-end web development course in Vadodara. Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and more through hands-on projects and expert mentorship. Our front-end development course with placement includes real-world training, mock interviews, and job assistance to help you secure top roles like Front-End Developer, UI/UX Developer, and Web Designer.
Join VtechLabs today and build a successful career in the booming IT industry!
[Webinar] Scaling Made Simple: Getting Started with No-Code Web AppsSafe Software
Ready to simplify workflow sharing across your organization without diving into complex coding? With FME Flow Apps, you can build no-code web apps that make your data work harder for you fast.
In this webinar, well show you how to:
Build and deploy Workspace Apps to create an intuitive user interface for self-serve data processing and validation.
Automate processes using Automation Apps. Learn to create a no-code web app to kick off workflows tailored to your needs, trigger multiple workspaces and external actions, and use conditional filtering within automations to control your workflows.
Create a centralized portal with Gallery Apps to share a collection of no-code web apps across your organization.
Through real-world examples and practical demos, youll learn how to transform your workflows into intuitive, self-serve solutions that empower your team and save you time. We cant wait to show you whats possible!
Fl studio crack version 12.9 Free Downloadkherorpacca127
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
The ultimate guide to FL Studio 12.9 Crack, the revolutionary digital audio workstation that empowers musicians and producers of all levels. This software has become a cornerstone in the music industry, offering unparalleled creative capabilities, cutting-edge features, and an intuitive workflow.
With FL Studio 12.9 Crack, you gain access to a vast arsenal of instruments, effects, and plugins, seamlessly integrated into a user-friendly interface. Its signature Piano Roll Editor provides an exceptional level of musical expression, while the advanced automation features empower you to create complex and dynamic compositions.
Computational Photography: How Technology is Changing Way We Capture the WorldHusseinMalikMammadli
Computational Photography (Computer Vision/Image): How Technology is Changing the Way We Capture the World
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The Future of Repair: Transparent and Incremental by Botond DenesScyllaDB
Regularly run repairs are essential to keep clusters healthy, yet having a good repair schedule is more challenging than it should be. Repairs often take a long time, preventing running them often. This has an impact on data consistency and also limits the usefulness of the new repair based tombstone garbage collection. We want to address these challenges by making repairs incremental and allowing for automatic repair scheduling, without relying on external tools.
Technology use over time and its impact on consumers and businesses.pptxkaylagaze
In this presentation, I explore how technology has changed consumer behaviour and its impact on consumers and businesses. I will focus on internet access, digital devices, how customers search for information and what they buy online, video consumption, and lastly consumer trends.
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
Brave is a free Chromium browser developed for Win Downloads, macOS and Linux systems that allows users to browse the internet in a safer, faster and more secure way than its competition. Designed with security in mind, Brave automatically blocks ads and trackers which also makes it faster,
As Brave naturally blocks unwanted content from appearing in your browser, it prevents these trackers and pop-ups from slowing Download your user experience. It's also designed in a way that strips Downloaden which data is being loaded each time you use it. Without these components
UiPath Document Understanding - Generative AI and Active learning capabilitiesDianaGray10
This session focus on Generative AI features and Active learning modern experience with Document understanding.
Topics Covered:
Overview of Document Understanding
How Generative Annotation works?
What is Generative Classification?
How to use Generative Extraction activities?
What is Generative Validation?
How Active learning modern experience accelerate model training?
If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
A Framework for Model-Driven Digital Twin EngineeringDaniel Lehner
際際滷s from my PhD Defense at Johannes Kepler University, held on Janurary 10, 2025.
The full thesis is available here: https://epub.jku.at/urn/urn:nbn:at:at-ubl:1-83896
2. About me
Startup CTO
Eng manager
Tech instructor
Community engineer
Meetup co-organizer
@mooreds https://www.transposit.com
4. Why do you need a Slackbot?
@mooreds https://www.transposit.com
? ?
5. Why do you need a Slackbot?
You use Slack
@mooreds https://www.transposit.com
6. Why do you need a Slackbot?
You use Slack
You have a business process which is relatively complicated but should be
@mooreds https://www.transposit.com
7. Why do you need a Slackbot?
You use Slack
You have a business process which is relatively complicated but should be
Submitting expense reports
Asking for vacation
Setting up a new project
@mooreds https://www.transposit.com
8. What is a Slackbot?
@mooreds https://www.transposit.com