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Contract Testing of WebSockets:
Functional Programming is taking the Stage
Artem Demchenkov
Illustration 息 Caterina Carraro/Billie
Artem Demchenkov
 CTO & Co-Founder at Billie
We are an innovative financial platform, focused on working capital financing.
Some numbers:
 Start: 01.12.2016
 Closed Beta: 01.05.2017
 Public Launch: 01.06.2017
 Team: 36
 Engineering Crew: 18
Frontend/Backend communication process at Billie
Frontend BackendPush Server
1.WebSocket Connection
5. WebSocket Push 4. API Endpoint Push
3. Change2. WebSocket Authorization
Testing at Billie
 Unit Testing (PHPUnit)
 Functional Testing (Behat, PHPUnit)
 End-to-End Testing (Selenium, Java)
 API Testing (Postman Collections)
 Contract Testing (Pact.io)
 Load Testing (JMeter, Gatling)
 Penetration Testing (OWASP, External audit)
 Chaos Engineering / Monkey Testing
Pact Contract Testing
Consumer ProviderMock Server
1. Actual Request
2. Expected Response 4. Actual Response
3. Expected Request
Contract Testing
is a perfect way
to test
WebSocket Communication
What makes it possible
 Backend is a Provider of data
 Frontend is a Consumer of data
 Push Server is a unit, responsible for communication. Same as Mock Server
 FE/BE Pact is a collection of two Interactions
 WS Connection/Authorization
 Backend - Frontend Push
What else makes it possible. Erlang Worldview *
 Everything is a process
 Processes have unique names
 If you know the name of a process you can send it a message
 Processes do what they are supposed to do or fail
* as Joe Armstrong, co-inventor of Erlang, summarized in his PhD thesis
Contract Testing of WebSockets
Consumer (Process) Test (Process)Push Server (Process)
3. Interaction 1
5. Interaction 2
1. Start
2. Start
4. Verification 1
6. Verification 2
What if not 束Everything is a process損? E.g. PHP
Consumer (Object) Test (Process)Push Server (Process)
3. Interaction 1
5. Interaction 2
1. Start
2. Create
4. Verification 1
6. Verification 2
Thank you
Check it out. Theres interesting
More in our Engineering Corner on Medium

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Contract Testing of Web Sockets: Functional Programming is taking the Stage

  • 1. Contract Testing of WebSockets: Functional Programming is taking the Stage Artem Demchenkov Illustration 息 Caterina Carraro/Billie
  • 2. 2 Artem Demchenkov CTO & Co-Founder at Billie ardemchenkov@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/artem-demchenkov-76b69934/
  • 3. Billie We are an innovative financial platform, focused on working capital financing. Some numbers: Start: 01.12.2016 Closed Beta: 01.05.2017 Public Launch: 01.06.2017 Team: 36 Engineering Crew: 18
  • 4. Frontend/Backend communication process at Billie 4 Frontend BackendPush Server 1.WebSocket Connection 5. WebSocket Push 4. API Endpoint Push 3. Change2. WebSocket Authorization
  • 5. Testing at Billie 5 Unit Testing (PHPUnit) Functional Testing (Behat, PHPUnit) End-to-End Testing (Selenium, Java) API Testing (Postman Collections) Contract Testing (Pact.io) Load Testing (JMeter, Gatling) Penetration Testing (OWASP, External audit) Chaos Engineering / Monkey Testing
  • 6. Pact Contract Testing 6 Consumer ProviderMock Server 1. Actual Request 2. Expected Response 4. Actual Response 3. Expected Request
  • 7. 7 Contract Testing is a perfect way to test WebSocket Communication
  • 8. What makes it possible 8 Backend is a Provider of data Frontend is a Consumer of data Push Server is a unit, responsible for communication. Same as Mock Server FE/BE Pact is a collection of two Interactions WS Connection/Authorization Backend - Frontend Push
  • 9. What else makes it possible. Erlang Worldview * 9 Everything is a process Processes have unique names If you know the name of a process you can send it a message Processes do what they are supposed to do or fail * as Joe Armstrong, co-inventor of Erlang, summarized in his PhD thesis
  • 10. Contract Testing of WebSockets 10 Consumer (Process) Test (Process)Push Server (Process) 3. Interaction 1 5. Interaction 2 1. Start 2. Start 4. Verification 1 6. Verification 2
  • 12. What if not 束Everything is a process損? E.g. PHP 12 Consumer (Object) Test (Process)Push Server (Process) 3. Interaction 1 5. Interaction 2 1. Start 2. Create 4. Verification 1 6. Verification 2
  • 13. Thank you ardemchenkov@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/artem-demchenkov-76b69934/
  • 14. Check it out. Theres interesting More in our Engineering Corner on Medium 14 https://medium.com/billie-finanzratgeber