Father's Day 2016 Powerpoint for HUDTV 5-2-2016LP2013
The document announces HUD's 2016 National Father's Day event to strengthen and empower families, providing a website with more information. It expresses appreciation for support of the Father's Day initiative and provides contact information for the event coordinator Gerald Smith and ways to register or contact the event organizers.
This document describes the game "marshmallow roulette". It involves using a ceiling fan to shoot dry marshmallows around a room at high speeds while players try to catch them. The rules state that a hit counts as a strike against the tossed, while a catch counts as a strike against the tosser. Players are eliminated after receiving 5 strikes, with the last player standing winning. Suggestions to increase complexity include varying the number of marshmallows tossed, players, surrounding walls, and marshmallow dryness.
The document discusses the history and development of a new technology called blockchain. Blockchain was originally developed for the digital currency Bitcoin in 2008 as a way to record transactions in a secure, decentralized manner without the need for a central authority. Since then, blockchain has expanded beyond cryptocurrencies and is now being applied in areas like banking, supply chain management, and healthcare due to its ability to securely and efficiently share verified data across networks.
The document summarizes what the author learned from their preliminary school magazine task and how they improved for their main music magazine task. Some key things the author learned were to do more detailed research, use professional magazines as inspiration for layouts, vary fonts for visual interest, and better manage their time between research and production. For the music magazine, the author applied their Photoshop and InDesign skills, researched appropriate models, costumes, and photography styles to match the R&B genre. Overall, the author felt their final product more closely resembled a professional magazine compared to their initial school magazine.
1. The document presents research conducted on the impact of online shopping on retail business in India.
2. It analyzes the sales drop in retail outlets due to the increasing popularity and convenience of online shopping sites/applications. Online shopping offers discounts, varied products, and satisfying delivery and service.
3. The research objectives are to study the effects on retail store profitability and pricing patterns, and how retailers can adapt business patterns to improve customer satisfaction.
The document discusses how media both reflects and shapes reality. It examines the traditional view that media should accurately reflect the real world in order to inform audiences. However, it also notes that media can manipulate views and influence decisions through advertising, political campaigning, and only presenting one-sided information without context. While media aims to increase audience involvement and learning, it also acknowledges that media may enhance emotions and attitudes in both positive and negative ways. Ultimately, the document concludes that media serves as a system for information sharing but also seeks high ratings, and can both help people in daily life and potentially spread misleading news.
Este documento propone una metodolog¨ªa para la gesti¨®n de inventario de repuestos modulares en plantas de compresi¨®n de gas del sector petrolero. Presenta el problema de investigaci¨®n, los objetivos general y espec¨ªficos, y revisa la literatura relevante sobre gesti¨®n de inventarios e investigaciones previas relacionadas. Tambi¨¦n describe los conceptos te¨®ricos clave y la metodolog¨ªa que se utilizar¨¢, incluyendo t¨¦cnicas como encuestas y entrevistas.
El documento resume diferentes teor¨ªas sobre la fluencia y rotura de materiales: la teor¨ªa de esfuerzo cortante m¨¢ximo, la teor¨ªa de energ¨ªa de deformaci¨®n, la teor¨ªa de Mohr-Coulomb, la teor¨ªa de esfuerzo normal m¨¢ximo, la teor¨ªa de Mohr-Coulomb fr¨¢gil y la teor¨ªa de Mohr modificada. Estas teor¨ªas establecen cu¨¢ndo ocurre la fluencia o rotura de un material dependiendo de si alcanza ciertos valores l¨ªmite de esfuerzo, energ¨ªa o deformaci¨®n.
KYC (Know Your Customer) is the process banks use to verify a customer's identity and assess potential risks of money laundering or terrorist financing. It involves customer identification, verifying their identity documents, gathering information about the nature and purpose of business relationships, and ongoing monitoring of transactions. Banks are legally required by RBI guidelines to follow KYC procedures to open accounts and comply with anti-money laundering laws. KYC applies to all bank customers, including those opening savings accounts or getting credit/debit cards. If a customer refuses to provide the necessary KYC information, the bank may close their account after notifying them.
Music videos began in the 1920s with early films of artists performing songs. In the 1940s, Walt Disney created animated shorts pairing music with Mickey Mouse. In the 1950s, videos primarily showed artists performing for dancing audiences to promote their music. Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in 1982 combined a narrative story with promotion and influenced most modern videos to include mini-movie plots along with close-ups of the artist. Today, while still promoting the artist, most music videos tell short stories through their visuals like the early 1920s films.
i-Sat is a printing solution that allows secure printing from distributed locations without needing a VPN or dedicated network lines. It exports print jobs to an independent Print System separated from core systems. Remote users only have access to the Print System, not other backend systems. Print jobs are sent securely over the internet through encrypted web services to authenticated users' locations.
This document summarizes a report on how online relationships affect consumer behavior. It tests a widely accepted five stage consumer buying model against data from interviews and research from marketing and e-commerce practitioners. While the internet influences consumer behavior at every stage, providing richer interactions, the five stage model still applies overall. The internet excels at information search but lacks some emotional elements. Areas for further research are identified.
This document outlines a project-based learning proposal for a Form Three English class to design a three-day tour of Hong Kong. The proposal is divided into three stages. In stage one, students will learn about Hong Kong tourism and group to develop subtopics. In stage two, students will research attractions, collect materials, and write reports. In stage three, students will analyze data, create websites and presentations, and write final reports on their proposed tours. The proposal identifies five learning outcomes and assessment criteria for students to develop study, communication, technology, critical thinking, and creativity skills through this collaborative project.
This document discusses the importance of human resource management and the key processes involved. It covers identifying and selecting employees, orientation and training, retaining employees, and contemporary HR issues. The HR processes are influenced by external factors like the economy, laws, and demographics. Tasks include job analysis, developing descriptions and specifications, recruitment, selection methods, performance management, and compensation.
Este documento propone una metodolog¨ªa para la gesti¨®n de inventario de repuestos modulares en plantas de compresi¨®n de gas del sector petrolero. Presenta el problema de investigaci¨®n, los objetivos general y espec¨ªficos, y revisa la literatura relevante sobre gesti¨®n de inventarios e investigaciones previas relacionadas. Tambi¨¦n describe los conceptos te¨®ricos clave y la metodolog¨ªa que se utilizar¨¢, incluyendo t¨¦cnicas como encuestas y entrevistas.
El documento resume diferentes teor¨ªas sobre la fluencia y rotura de materiales: la teor¨ªa de esfuerzo cortante m¨¢ximo, la teor¨ªa de energ¨ªa de deformaci¨®n, la teor¨ªa de Mohr-Coulomb, la teor¨ªa de esfuerzo normal m¨¢ximo, la teor¨ªa de Mohr-Coulomb fr¨¢gil y la teor¨ªa de Mohr modificada. Estas teor¨ªas establecen cu¨¢ndo ocurre la fluencia o rotura de un material dependiendo de si alcanza ciertos valores l¨ªmite de esfuerzo, energ¨ªa o deformaci¨®n.
KYC (Know Your Customer) is the process banks use to verify a customer's identity and assess potential risks of money laundering or terrorist financing. It involves customer identification, verifying their identity documents, gathering information about the nature and purpose of business relationships, and ongoing monitoring of transactions. Banks are legally required by RBI guidelines to follow KYC procedures to open accounts and comply with anti-money laundering laws. KYC applies to all bank customers, including those opening savings accounts or getting credit/debit cards. If a customer refuses to provide the necessary KYC information, the bank may close their account after notifying them.
Music videos began in the 1920s with early films of artists performing songs. In the 1940s, Walt Disney created animated shorts pairing music with Mickey Mouse. In the 1950s, videos primarily showed artists performing for dancing audiences to promote their music. Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in 1982 combined a narrative story with promotion and influenced most modern videos to include mini-movie plots along with close-ups of the artist. Today, while still promoting the artist, most music videos tell short stories through their visuals like the early 1920s films.
i-Sat is a printing solution that allows secure printing from distributed locations without needing a VPN or dedicated network lines. It exports print jobs to an independent Print System separated from core systems. Remote users only have access to the Print System, not other backend systems. Print jobs are sent securely over the internet through encrypted web services to authenticated users' locations.
This document summarizes a report on how online relationships affect consumer behavior. It tests a widely accepted five stage consumer buying model against data from interviews and research from marketing and e-commerce practitioners. While the internet influences consumer behavior at every stage, providing richer interactions, the five stage model still applies overall. The internet excels at information search but lacks some emotional elements. Areas for further research are identified.
This document outlines a project-based learning proposal for a Form Three English class to design a three-day tour of Hong Kong. The proposal is divided into three stages. In stage one, students will learn about Hong Kong tourism and group to develop subtopics. In stage two, students will research attractions, collect materials, and write reports. In stage three, students will analyze data, create websites and presentations, and write final reports on their proposed tours. The proposal identifies five learning outcomes and assessment criteria for students to develop study, communication, technology, critical thinking, and creativity skills through this collaborative project.
This document discusses the importance of human resource management and the key processes involved. It covers identifying and selecting employees, orientation and training, retaining employees, and contemporary HR issues. The HR processes are influenced by external factors like the economy, laws, and demographics. Tasks include job analysis, developing descriptions and specifications, recruitment, selection methods, performance management, and compensation.