T端rkiyenin gitmekte olduu kutuplaman脹n Game Kudra g旦z端nden analizi!
Ge巽irdiimiz heyecanl脹 ve olayl脹 24 g端n端n ard脹ndan Game Kudra olarak, bu s端recin yans脹malar脹n脹 bir yaz脹 diziyle analiz ettik. Bu dizinin ilk analizi: Onlar- Bunlar-Biz-Siz
Keyifli okumalar dileriz.
Yurtta gazetecilii, medya eletirilerinin hayli artt脹脹 son y脹llarda hakim medyadaki mevcut gazetecilik pratiini sorgulayarak yeni bir anlay脹la, demokrasiye farkl脹 a巽脹l脹mlar getirme amac脹 ta脹maktad脹r.
Bu 巽al脹ma; televizyon izleme s端recinde izleyicinin edilgin bir al脹c脹 olduu d端端ncesinin; 1960lardan sonra deimesiyle, izleyicilerin kitle iletiim ara巽lar脹n脹 etkin bir ekilde nas脹l kulland脹脹n脹 anlamaya 巽al脹an 聴ngiliz 悪端鉛岳端姻el al脹malar脹 ve onun en 旦nemli kuramc脹s脹 Stuart Hall un bu 巽al脹malara katk脹s脹n脹 Kodlama-Koda巽脹mlama makalesi ile incelemeyi hedeflemitir. al脹ma; arat脹rma konusu gerei; Hallun biyografisi, 聴ngiliz 悪端鉛岳端姻el al脹malarda ki yeri, izleyici odakl脹 iletiim 巽al脹mas脹 (Kodlama-Koda巽脹mlama)ve bu makaleye uygun g端ncel bir arat脹rma 旦rnei ile sonu巽land脹r脹lacakt脹r. Amac脹m脹z; Hall un 旦nemli bir k端lt端r teorisyeni olarak k端lt端rel 巽al脹malardaki 旦nemini; bir par巽a ihmal edilmi olan izleyiciyi, al脹mlama 巽al脹malar脹na yapt脹脹 katk脹 ile anlamakt脹r.
The document provides information about learning Ruby on Rails from Edureka including contact details. It outlines the objectives of understanding Rails framework features, MVC architecture and building applications. It also summarizes the history and advantages of Ruby as a programming language and how Rails applications use the MVC pattern and conventions over configuration approach.
This document provides information about a data visualization course in Tableau offered by Edureka. The course teaches how to connect Tableau to various statistical packages like SAS and SPSS, split data columns, use the new Tableau Discover side menu, connect to data sources quickly using the search option, and take advantage of dynamically fast tool tips that now remain visible as long as your mouse hovers over a data point. The document includes course objectives, details about these Tableau features, and contact information for Edureka.
First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.d by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.
This document provides an overview and objectives of a course on web scraping and analytics with Python. The course covers web scraping concepts and the BeautifulSoup package for scraping websites. It also demonstrates scraping an IMDB webpage to extract movie data and the PyDoop package for performing analytics on large datasets with Hadoop using Python. Examples of preprocessing text data with NLTK on Hadoop are also provided.
HOME TO MEXICAN DECOR MEXICAN ARTS, MEXICAN TILES, COPPER SINKS & MUCH MORE Terra Artesana brings you the creative beauty of Mexico directly from the artisans hands to your home. Our copper kitchen sinks, talavera tiles and talavera toilet, frost proof tiles, copper bathtubs, decorative tiles, mural tiles designs are personally selected. We ensure you receive the highest quality at an affordable price while keeping the artisans' traditions and profession alive.
Why do Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence go hand in hand? Vineet Chaturvedi
The document provides an overview of data warehousing and business intelligence. It defines data warehousing as a separately maintained database used for analysis rather than transactions. The key properties of data warehouses are that they are subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and non-volatile. Business intelligence is defined as the set of techniques and tools used to transform operational data into meaningful and useful information for analysis. Common business intelligence categories are strategic and analytical. The document also provides overviews of data warehouse architecture, ER modeling, the open source ETL tool Talend, and the business intelligence tool Tableau.
2013 trendleri neler?
Beklentiler neydi ve bu trendlerin ne kadar脹 ger巽ekleti?
Bu hafta paylat脹脹m脹z arat脹rmada bu sorular脹n yan脹tlar脹na ulaabileceksiniz...
聴yi okumalar...
Serve4impact Arat脹rma irketinin T端ketici
Trendlerine 聴likin 聴kinci Yakla脹m脹 : Sell it to me!
Sell it to me: Kiisellemenin daha da 旦nemli hale geldii g端n端m端z pazarlama d端nyas脹nda, t端keticilerin beklentilerinin ne derece ileri gittiine dair bir arat脹rma...
聴yi Okumalar...
El documento habla sobre el D鱈a Internacional del Agua, que se celebra el 22 de marzo para crear conciencia sobre el uso responsable y la protecci坦n del agua. El agua es esencial para la vida y nos permite cocinar, ba単arnos y lograr muchas otras cosas, por lo que debemos aprovecharla al m叩ximo y evitar contaminarla.
El documento habla sobre el D鱈a Internacional del Agua, que se celebra el 22 de marzo para crear conciencia sobre la importancia de este recurso y evitar su mal uso y contaminaci坦n. El agua es fundamental para la vida y nos permite cocinar, ba単arnos y realizar muchas otras actividades, por lo que debemos aprovecharla al m叩ximo y protegerla para asegurar un mejor futuro.
O texto discute a import但ncia de esperar em Cristo n達o apenas nesta vida, mas para al辿m da morte. Esperar em Cristo requer entender a eternidade e n達o se apegar apenas s coisas passageiras da vida. Devemos confiar no trabalho incessante com amor e bondade, certo de que a esperan巽a leg鱈tima n達o 辿 o repouso, mas a f辿 no futuro.
Este documento describe las posibles ventajas de implementar un sistema en la nube para una peque単a empresa del sector alimentario, incluyendo el acceso remoto a correo electr坦nico y archivos, mayor colaboraci坦n con clientes, presencia en internet, y ventas en l鱈nea. Sin embargo, la gerencia de la empresa puede tener reservas sobre alojar documentos privados en la nube debido a su edad y falta de familiaridad con la tecnolog鱈a.
El documento habla sobre la celebraci坦n de Pascua y la resurrecci坦n de Jes炭s. Resalta que la resurrecci坦n trae esperanza, vida y paz; anuncia la buena nueva del evangelio con la fuerza de Jes炭s resucitado. Celebra que Cristo ha resucitado y vive, y que su triunfo sobre la muerte es el triunfo de todos.
La qu鱈mica org叩nica es fundamental para comprender la bioqu鱈mica, la medicina y otras ciencias relacionadas con el carbono. Es importante porque permite sintetizar medicamentos y pol鱈meros sint辿ticos que son vitales para la industria y la vida moderna. Tambi辿n es necesaria para entender las mol辿culas org叩nicas que componen los seres vivos y muchos productos de uso cotidiano.
O documento d叩 conselhos sobre educar os filhos, enfatizando orient叩-los mas respeitar sua individualidade, n達o superproteg棚-los e permitir que aprendam atrav辿s do pr坦prio esfor巽o ao inv辿s de facilidades. Tamb辿m ressalta a import但ncia de conversar com os filhos e iniciarles no bem desde cedo para evitar que se percam na descren巽a.
El documento presenta la caracterizaci坦n del sistema educativo nacional, que constituye el cuerpo de leyes, normas y procedimientos que rigen la educaci坦n en el pa鱈s. Adem叩s, tiene como objetivo identificar los principios y reglas que rigen el sistema educativo.
Este documento apresenta a empresa Agel Enterprises, que desenvolveu uma tecnologia inovadora de suspens達o em gel para suplementos nutricionais. Apresenta os produtos da empresa, o modelo de neg坦cio de venda direta e o plano de compensa巽達o para parceiros. Convida o leitor a experimentar os produtos e explorar a oportunidade de neg坦cio.
El documento presenta un proyecto de pr叩ctica profesional cuyo objetivo general es incrementar la participaci坦n comunitaria de los actores en consultorios jur鱈dicos. Los objetivos espec鱈ficos son dise単ar nuevos procesos a partir de publicidad no convencional y resignificar los imaginarios sobre el rol de cada actor. El an叩lisis de alternativas concluye que estas cumplen con los criterios de recursos, viabilidad e impacto. La matriz de planificaci坦n describe las actividades, indicadores, fuentes de verificaci坦n e hip坦tesis sobre lograr particip
As praias do Brasil possuem uma grande diversidade, com 叩guas quentes e areias claras em muitas regi探es costeiras. O documento fornece informa巽探es sobre as praias brasileiras, incluindo fotos, endere巽os de e-mail e uma m炭sica para descrever a beleza das praias.
This document outlines several mobile phone plans with different price points and included data, call, and text allowances. The 贈10 plan includes 2GB data, 300 texts, and 400 minutes, while the 贈15 plan has 3GB data, unlimited calls, and 500 texts. A 贈20 unlimited plan provides unlimited texts, calls, and 4GB data. Higher priced plans offer an iPhone with certain allowances, such as the 贈35 plan with an iPhone 4S, 2GB data, 300 texts, and 200 calls.
Roberto Mangabeira Ungeris a Brazilian contemporary social theorist, politician, and law professor at Harvard Law School.
He is the Harvard Law School's only South American faculty member. He was associated with the Critical Legal Studies movement for a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, although Unger has set forth his own criticisms of some of the central ideas that emerged out of this movement, in particular the indeterminacy debate in legal theory, which Unger calls the "radicalization of indeterminacy" in his own writings. He also taught Barack Obama while in Harvard. Roberto Mangabeira Ungeris a Brazilian contemporary social theorist, politician, and law professor at Harvard Law School.
He is the Harvard Law School's only South American faculty member. He was associated with the Critical Legal Studies movement for a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, although Unger has set forth his own criticisms of some of the central ideas that emerged out of this movement, in particular the indeterminacy debate in legal theory, which Unger calls the "radicalization of indeterminacy" in his own writings. He also taught Barack Obama while in Harvard. Roberto Mangabeira Ungeris a Brazilian contemporary social theorist, politician, and law professor at Harvard Law School.
He is the Harvard Law School's only South American faculty member. He was associated with the Critical Legal Studies movement for a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, although Unger has set forth his own criticisms of some of the central ideas that emerged out of this movement, in particular the indeterminacy debate in legal theory, which Unger calls the "radicalization of indeterminacy" in his own writings. He also taught Barack Obama while in Harvard. Roberto Mangabeira Ungeris a Brazilian contemporary social theorist, politician, and law professor at Harvard Law School.
He is the Harvard Law School's only South American faculty member. He was associated with the Critical Legal Studies movement for a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, although Unger has set forth his own criticisms of some of the central ideas that emerged out of this movement, in particular the indeterminacy debate in legal theory, which Unger calls the "radicalization of indeterminacy" in his own writings. He also taught Barack Obama while in Harvard. Roberto Mangabeira Ungeris a Brazilian contemporary social theorist, politician, and law professor at Harvard Law School.
He is the Harvard Law School's only South American faculty member. He was associated with the Critical Legal Studies movement for a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, although Unger has set forth his own criticisms of some of the central ideas that emerged out of this movement, in particular the indeterminacy debate in legal theory, which Unger calls the "radicalization of indeterminacy" in his own writings. He also taught Barack Obama while in Harvard.
This document provides information about a data visualization course in Tableau offered by Edureka. The course teaches how to connect Tableau to various statistical packages like SAS and SPSS, split data columns, use the new Tableau Discover side menu, connect to data sources quickly using the search option, and take advantage of dynamically fast tool tips that now remain visible as long as your mouse hovers over a data point. The document includes course objectives, details about these Tableau features, and contact information for Edureka.
First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.d by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.
This document provides an overview and objectives of a course on web scraping and analytics with Python. The course covers web scraping concepts and the BeautifulSoup package for scraping websites. It also demonstrates scraping an IMDB webpage to extract movie data and the PyDoop package for performing analytics on large datasets with Hadoop using Python. Examples of preprocessing text data with NLTK on Hadoop are also provided.
HOME TO MEXICAN DECOR MEXICAN ARTS, MEXICAN TILES, COPPER SINKS & MUCH MORE Terra Artesana brings you the creative beauty of Mexico directly from the artisans hands to your home. Our copper kitchen sinks, talavera tiles and talavera toilet, frost proof tiles, copper bathtubs, decorative tiles, mural tiles designs are personally selected. We ensure you receive the highest quality at an affordable price while keeping the artisans' traditions and profession alive.
Why do Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence go hand in hand? Vineet Chaturvedi
The document provides an overview of data warehousing and business intelligence. It defines data warehousing as a separately maintained database used for analysis rather than transactions. The key properties of data warehouses are that they are subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and non-volatile. Business intelligence is defined as the set of techniques and tools used to transform operational data into meaningful and useful information for analysis. Common business intelligence categories are strategic and analytical. The document also provides overviews of data warehouse architecture, ER modeling, the open source ETL tool Talend, and the business intelligence tool Tableau.
2013 trendleri neler?
Beklentiler neydi ve bu trendlerin ne kadar脹 ger巽ekleti?
Bu hafta paylat脹脹m脹z arat脹rmada bu sorular脹n yan脹tlar脹na ulaabileceksiniz...
聴yi okumalar...
Serve4impact Arat脹rma irketinin T端ketici
Trendlerine 聴likin 聴kinci Yakla脹m脹 : Sell it to me!
Sell it to me: Kiisellemenin daha da 旦nemli hale geldii g端n端m端z pazarlama d端nyas脹nda, t端keticilerin beklentilerinin ne derece ileri gittiine dair bir arat脹rma...
聴yi Okumalar...
El documento habla sobre el D鱈a Internacional del Agua, que se celebra el 22 de marzo para crear conciencia sobre el uso responsable y la protecci坦n del agua. El agua es esencial para la vida y nos permite cocinar, ba単arnos y lograr muchas otras cosas, por lo que debemos aprovecharla al m叩ximo y evitar contaminarla.
El documento habla sobre el D鱈a Internacional del Agua, que se celebra el 22 de marzo para crear conciencia sobre la importancia de este recurso y evitar su mal uso y contaminaci坦n. El agua es fundamental para la vida y nos permite cocinar, ba単arnos y realizar muchas otras actividades, por lo que debemos aprovecharla al m叩ximo y protegerla para asegurar un mejor futuro.
O texto discute a import但ncia de esperar em Cristo n達o apenas nesta vida, mas para al辿m da morte. Esperar em Cristo requer entender a eternidade e n達o se apegar apenas s coisas passageiras da vida. Devemos confiar no trabalho incessante com amor e bondade, certo de que a esperan巽a leg鱈tima n達o 辿 o repouso, mas a f辿 no futuro.
Este documento describe las posibles ventajas de implementar un sistema en la nube para una peque単a empresa del sector alimentario, incluyendo el acceso remoto a correo electr坦nico y archivos, mayor colaboraci坦n con clientes, presencia en internet, y ventas en l鱈nea. Sin embargo, la gerencia de la empresa puede tener reservas sobre alojar documentos privados en la nube debido a su edad y falta de familiaridad con la tecnolog鱈a.
El documento habla sobre la celebraci坦n de Pascua y la resurrecci坦n de Jes炭s. Resalta que la resurrecci坦n trae esperanza, vida y paz; anuncia la buena nueva del evangelio con la fuerza de Jes炭s resucitado. Celebra que Cristo ha resucitado y vive, y que su triunfo sobre la muerte es el triunfo de todos.
La qu鱈mica org叩nica es fundamental para comprender la bioqu鱈mica, la medicina y otras ciencias relacionadas con el carbono. Es importante porque permite sintetizar medicamentos y pol鱈meros sint辿ticos que son vitales para la industria y la vida moderna. Tambi辿n es necesaria para entender las mol辿culas org叩nicas que componen los seres vivos y muchos productos de uso cotidiano.
O documento d叩 conselhos sobre educar os filhos, enfatizando orient叩-los mas respeitar sua individualidade, n達o superproteg棚-los e permitir que aprendam atrav辿s do pr坦prio esfor巽o ao inv辿s de facilidades. Tamb辿m ressalta a import但ncia de conversar com os filhos e iniciarles no bem desde cedo para evitar que se percam na descren巽a.
El documento presenta la caracterizaci坦n del sistema educativo nacional, que constituye el cuerpo de leyes, normas y procedimientos que rigen la educaci坦n en el pa鱈s. Adem叩s, tiene como objetivo identificar los principios y reglas que rigen el sistema educativo.
Este documento apresenta a empresa Agel Enterprises, que desenvolveu uma tecnologia inovadora de suspens達o em gel para suplementos nutricionais. Apresenta os produtos da empresa, o modelo de neg坦cio de venda direta e o plano de compensa巽達o para parceiros. Convida o leitor a experimentar os produtos e explorar a oportunidade de neg坦cio.
El documento presenta un proyecto de pr叩ctica profesional cuyo objetivo general es incrementar la participaci坦n comunitaria de los actores en consultorios jur鱈dicos. Los objetivos espec鱈ficos son dise単ar nuevos procesos a partir de publicidad no convencional y resignificar los imaginarios sobre el rol de cada actor. El an叩lisis de alternativas concluye que estas cumplen con los criterios de recursos, viabilidad e impacto. La matriz de planificaci坦n describe las actividades, indicadores, fuentes de verificaci坦n e hip坦tesis sobre lograr particip
As praias do Brasil possuem uma grande diversidade, com 叩guas quentes e areias claras em muitas regi探es costeiras. O documento fornece informa巽探es sobre as praias brasileiras, incluindo fotos, endere巽os de e-mail e uma m炭sica para descrever a beleza das praias.
This document outlines several mobile phone plans with different price points and included data, call, and text allowances. The 贈10 plan includes 2GB data, 300 texts, and 400 minutes, while the 贈15 plan has 3GB data, unlimited calls, and 500 texts. A 贈20 unlimited plan provides unlimited texts, calls, and 4GB data. Higher priced plans offer an iPhone with certain allowances, such as the 贈35 plan with an iPhone 4S, 2GB data, 300 texts, and 200 calls.
Roberto Mangabeira Ungeris a Brazilian contemporary social theorist, politician, and law professor at Harvard Law School.
He is the Harvard Law School's only South American faculty member. He was associated with the Critical Legal Studies movement for a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, although Unger has set forth his own criticisms of some of the central ideas that emerged out of this movement, in particular the indeterminacy debate in legal theory, which Unger calls the "radicalization of indeterminacy" in his own writings. He also taught Barack Obama while in Harvard. Roberto Mangabeira Ungeris a Brazilian contemporary social theorist, politician, and law professor at Harvard Law School.
He is the Harvard Law School's only South American faculty member. He was associated with the Critical Legal Studies movement for a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, although Unger has set forth his own criticisms of some of the central ideas that emerged out of this movement, in particular the indeterminacy debate in legal theory, which Unger calls the "radicalization of indeterminacy" in his own writings. He also taught Barack Obama while in Harvard. Roberto Mangabeira Ungeris a Brazilian contemporary social theorist, politician, and law professor at Harvard Law School.
He is the Harvard Law School's only South American faculty member. He was associated with the Critical Legal Studies movement for a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, although Unger has set forth his own criticisms of some of the central ideas that emerged out of this movement, in particular the indeterminacy debate in legal theory, which Unger calls the "radicalization of indeterminacy" in his own writings. He also taught Barack Obama while in Harvard. Roberto Mangabeira Ungeris a Brazilian contemporary social theorist, politician, and law professor at Harvard Law School.
He is the Harvard Law School's only South American faculty member. He was associated with the Critical Legal Studies movement for a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, although Unger has set forth his own criticisms of some of the central ideas that emerged out of this movement, in particular the indeterminacy debate in legal theory, which Unger calls the "radicalization of indeterminacy" in his own writings. He also taught Barack Obama while in Harvard. Roberto Mangabeira Ungeris a Brazilian contemporary social theorist, politician, and law professor at Harvard Law School.
He is the Harvard Law School's only South American faculty member. He was associated with the Critical Legal Studies movement for a brief period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, although Unger has set forth his own criticisms of some of the central ideas that emerged out of this movement, in particular the indeterminacy debate in legal theory, which Unger calls the "radicalization of indeterminacy" in his own writings. He also taught Barack Obama while in Harvard.
Gelecek hane perspektif-raporu-subat-2015Gelecek Hane
Genel gidis箕at iyiye dogru gitmektedir. Yas箕am kalitesi genel itibariyle gelis箕mektedir. Ancak es箕it oranlarda dag脹lmamaktad脹r. Bilim ve teknoloji daha once gorulmedigi h脹zda gelis箕mektedir. Ancak gezegenin buyuk sorunlar脹 vard脹r ve yeterli hassasiyet henuz olus箕mam脹s箕t脹r.
Tabiat, iklim, dogal kaynaklar, enerji, siyaset ve ekonomi, insan ve toplum dengelerini tutturmam脹z s箕artt脹r. Teknolojik devrimleri bu dengeyi tutturmak ic箕in seferber etmeliyiz. Ben odakl脹 dus箕unceden Biz odakl脹 dus箕unce yap脹s脹na gec箕mek zorunday脹z. Bunlar脹 bas箕ar脹rsak, 21. yuzy脹l ve sonras脹 c箕ok guzel olacak.
Bu 巽al脹mada 21.yy la birlikte t脹bbileen ve bireyselleen sal脹k anlay脹脹n脹n medya arac脹l脹脹yla erkek bedeni 端zerinden yeniden 端retilmesine odaklan脹lmaktad脹r. Sal脹k, hastal脹k, birey ilikisi her topluma g旦re yeniden d端zenlenir, d旦n端t端r端l端r ve bir ekilde iktidar i巽erisinde kendini g旦sterir. Bu iktidar ilikileri i巽erisinde medya iktidar脹n g端c端n端 bir tak脹m politikalar 端zerinden elendirerek ve g端ndelik pratiklerle sunarak iktidar脹n g端c端n端 yeniden 端retir. Bu balamda, g端n端m端z toplumunda medyan脹n 旦nemli bir g端巽 olduu d端端ncesinden hareketle bu 巽al脹ma, d旦n端en sal脹k anlay脹脹n脹n bir d端zenleme ve disiplin arac脹 olarak erkek bedeni 端zerinden nas脹l ilediini sal脹k haberleriyle anlamay脹 ama巽lamaktad脹r.
Anahtar s旦zc端kler: Sal脹k, erkek bedeni, iktidar, medya, sal脹k haberleri
1990'lar itibariyle mobil iletiim hayat脹m脹zda 旦nemli bir rol oynuyor.
Bug端n mobil iletiim sadece konuman脹n deil, g旦r端nt端l端 konumadan da 旦te internet eriiminin de ana cihaz脹 demek. Bu balamda ak脹ll脹 telefonlar脹n 旦nemi 巽ok a巽脹k.
Game Kudra olarak, sitemize eklediimiz mobilitede ve ak脹ll脹 telefonlardaki trendleri ele alan arat脹rmay脹 keyifle okuman脹z脹 dileriz.
Ge巽tiimiz y脹l sosyal mecralarda ne gibi yenilikler oldu?
Dijital pazarlama hangi konumda?
Krombera'n脹n 2013 ubat ay脹nda yay脹nlad脹脹 Trend Raporu ile ge巽tiimiz y脹la bir g旦z atal脹m...
聴yi okumalar...
Game Kudra
Serve4impact Arat脹rma irketinin T端ketici
Trendlerine 聴likin D旦rd端nc端 Yakla脹m脹 : I'm in your hands!
Im in your hands: T端keticilerin, markalar ve h端k端metlerle g端ven ve uzun vadeli, fonksiyon iliki beklentisine d旦n端端 端zerine bir arat脹rma.
Keyifli okumalar dileriz.
Serve4impact, 2020 y脹l脹na kadar t端keticilerin 4 ayr脹 yakla脹mla pazarlama d端nyas脹n脹 etkileyeceini d端端n端yor. 聴te o yakla脹mlar脹n 3.s端: From Me To You...
From me to you: T端kettii markalar ve 端r端nler d端nyas脹nda, daha direk, 旦zg端r ve 旦zel hizmet talep eden t端keticilerin 旦yk端lerine yer verilen bir arat脹rma.
Keyifli okumalar dileriz.
A Research About Customer Trends Until 2020 Game Kudra
n端m端zdeki 4 hafta boyunca, Serve4impact Arat脹rma irketi taraf脹ndan yay脹nlanan, 2020 y脹l脹na kadar t端keticiler i巽in 旦ng旦rd端kleri 4 ayr脹 trendi inceleyen bir dizi arat脹rma sunumunu sizlerle paylaaca脹z.
Serve4impact, 2020 y脹l脹na kadar t端keticilerin 4 ayr脹 yakla脹mla pazarlama d端nyas脹n脹 etkileyeceini d端端n端yor.
1. My way: T端keticilerin, yaad脹脹m脹z belirsiz ve kaotik d端nyada kendilerine farkl脹 f脹rsatlar yaratmas脹 端zerine kurulu bir arat脹rma
2. Sell it to me: Kiisellemenin daha da 旦nemli hale geldii g端n端m端z pazarlama d端nyas脹nda, t端keticilerin beklentilerinin ne derece iler gittiine dair bir arat脹rma
3. From me to you: T端kettii markalar ve 端r端nler d端nyas脹nda, daha direk, 旦zg端r ve 旦zel hizmet talep eden t端keticilerin 旦yk端lerine yer verilen bir arat脹rma
4. Im in your hands: T端keticilerin, markalar ve h端k端metlerle g端ven ve uzun vadeli, fonksiyon iliki beklentisine d旦n端端 端zerine bir arat脹rma
Bu hafta okuyaca脹m脹z makale My Way
Keyifli okumalar dileriz.
A Report of Trust and Car Purchasing HabitsGame Kudra
This document discusses consumer trust and purchasing habits related to cars. It finds that trust takes a long time to build but can be destroyed quickly. Consumers want to feel safe and protected in their cars. The most trusted brands are those with good reputations, consistency, safety, and security. For the automotive industry specifically, trust is important since consumers are placing their lives in their vehicles. Brands that understand consumer needs and are innovative, reliable, and functional will satisfy consumers rationally and emotionally. External factors like media, friends/family, dealers, and women influencers also impact car purchasing decisions.
1. Onlar- Bunlar-Biz-Siz
Yakla脹k 1 ay 旦nce balad脹 巽脹t脹rdamalar.. Sonra bir park konusu
聴stanbulu 1 Haziranda yollara 巽ekti. 聴nsanlar kilometrelerce y端r端d端.
Bibergaz脹 at脹lan dehet i巽indeki vatanda脹n脹 savunmak i巽in, haks脹zl脹a
tepkisiz kalmayaca脹n脹 g旦stermek i巽in, haklar脹n脹 savunmak i巽in, sahipsiz
b脹rakmamak i巽in. Ard脹ndan parka yerleip hem park脹 hem de i巽indeki
insanlar脹 savunma d旦nemi balad脹.
Bu kitlesel-halk hareketini anlayabilmek i巽in hem s端reci hem de 旦nce ve
sonras脹n脹 iyi anlamam脹z laz脹m. S端re巽 tabii ki hem bireyleri hem de
toplumu ve etkenlerini inceleyerek daha tan脹mlanabilir hale gelecektir.
Son 30 y脹ldan balayal脹m.
1980 ihtilali d旦nemi 旦ncelikli 1955-65 kua脹n脹 yani olaylarda aktif olan
gen巽lii bast脹r脹rken, 65-75 kua脹n da milliyet巽ilik duygular脹n脹 besledi.
Bu s端re巽teki gen巽ler hep ailelerinden duyduu 端lkenin iyilii i巽in
merkezde topland脹lar. Merkez sadece politika demek deil, yaam
bi巽imi.. Farkl脹lamalar脹n zor kabul g旦rd端端, komunun dediinin daha
da 旦nem kazand脹脹 bir k端lt端r. 80 ihtilaline neden olan kutuplaman脹n,
sa-sol 巽at脹mas脹n脹n yaanmamas脹 i巽in merkezde toplan脹ld脹. D端nyaya
kapal脹 bir toplumdan, baka 端lkelerle ilikilerin dolay脹s脹yla yeni
k端lt端rlerin ve farkl脹 dillerin 旦renilmeye baland脹脹 bir d旦nem geldi.
D旦viz konuuldu, yeni kot pantolonlar geldi, ithal sigaralardan i巽ilmeye
baland脹. 75-85 kua脹 bu yeni d旦nemde gittik巽e artan 端r端n se巽enei ve
gelien iletiim teknolojisi i巽inde b端y端d端. Politikada merkez h端k端m
s端rerken, 80 旦ncesine k脹yasla daha demokratik hava esiyordu. Politika
ihtilalsizdi de ekonomi ard脹 ard脹na ihtilalliydi. Hem 端lke olarak
se巽eneklerin ve kredi kartlar脹n脹n 巽oalmas脹ndan c端zdanlar脹n kontrol端
salanam脹yor, hem de d端nyayla bir hareket edince baka 端lkelerin
etkileri ard脹 arkas脹 kesilmeyen ekonomik krizleri yaat脹yordu. Bu
s端re巽te SES tan脹mlamas脹 da deiti. ncesinde daha net olan da脹l脹mlar
art脹k 巽ok net tan脹mlanamaz hale geldi. Ekonomik gelir da脹l脹m脹 da
merkezci bir yakla脹m g旦sterdi. Ancak orta gelirli asl脹nda genel hayat脹n脹
巽ok orta seviyede yaayamad脹. Orta gelirin sat脹n al脹m g端c端 d端erken, 端st
ve alt gelirlilerin oranlar脹 s脹k脹maya balad脹. Zenginin 巽ok zengin fakirin
de 巽ok fakir olduu, orta gelirin yaamakta zorland脹脹 d旦nemde sosyal
stat端lerde de deiiklikler oldu. Stat端 tan脹mlamas脹 eitim ve yaam
2. tarz脹ndan daha 巽ok gelir ile daha tan脹mlan脹r hale geldi. Tam olarak bu
s端recin darboaz脹nda ana g端ndem ekonomi ve ge巽mite verilmeyen
sosyal haklar脹 koruma 端zerindeydi. Yaam脹n i巽inde bir de t端ketim i巽in
u巽suz bucaks脹z se巽enein olduunu g旦z旦n端nde tutarsak, ekonomik
istikrar ve az脹nl脹k haklar脹n脹n geri verilmesi bu talebin en g端zel
kar脹l脹脹 olacak vaatti. Az脹nl脹k talepleri sadece say脹ca az olanlar脹
kapsam脹yordu, o ana kadar g端ndelik hayatta 巽ok yer almayan herkesi
kaps脹yordu. ok demokratik vaat 端zerine yeni bir parti bu a巽脹脹 kapatt脹
ve 2002 se巽imlerinde tek parti olarak iktidara geldi. Bu yeni parti
y脹llard脹r denenmi merkeze yak脹n olmakla beraber sadece merkezde
yeni aray脹 i巽inde olan se巽menleri deil y脹llard脹r sesini duyurmak
isteyen sa kanad脹 da kazand脹.
Ve imdi bu son 10 y脹lda neler oldu?
Sa-merkez yaam balang脹c脹yla kitlesel medyada da daha 巽ok g旦r端nen
聴slami T端rkler g端ndelik hayatta yer almaya balad脹. Y脹llarca T端rkiyenin
belli lokasyonlar脹nda kendi hallerinde yaayan bu kitle, daha
muhafazakar yaam tarzlar脹yla Avrupai T端rklere varl脹klar脹n脹 al脹t脹rmak,
anlatmak ve kabul ettirmek 端zere T端rkiyenin her yerinde g端ndelik
hayatta yer ald脹lar. Kendi i巽lerine, kendi cemiyetlerine ve bilgilerine
tamamen bal脹 olan muhafazakar-i巽e kapan脹k bir kitle ile Cumhuriyetin
kuruluu itibar脹yla sadece Bat脹l脹 normlara eilim g旦stermekle etmekle
kalmay脹p bu normlara yeni tan脹mlamalar getiren 80 sonras脹nda t端m
d端nyayla bilgi iletiimi i巽inde olan d脹a d旦n端k-modern yaam tarz脹nda
bir dier kitle.. 10 y脹l boyunca ad脹m ad脹m birbirlerine kendini kendi
ekilleriyle kabul ettirmeye 巽al脹an bir s端re巽 balad脹.
2 kitlenin de birbirine kabul ettirme ile yeni bir tahamm端l g旦sterme
d旦nemi balad脹. Demokrasinin ana kural脹 olan farkl脹 fikirlere, inan脹lara
kar脹l脹kl脹 tahamm端l g旦sterme ilkesi.
Bu farkl脹 yaam tarzlar脹n脹 detayl脹 incelemekte ve bu tahamm端l
s端recini anlamakta fayda var.
Muhafazakar-i巽e kapan脹k kitledeki muhafazakar kanat y脹llard脹r orduyu,
merkezcileri, solcular脹 kaynak g旦stererek daha 聴slami yaam
bi巽imlerinin k脹s脹tland脹脹na inan脹yorlard脹. Merkeze yak脹n se巽menler ise
merkezi 端lkenin iyilii i巽in ekonomide g端n be g端n salanan istikrar
3. ile se巽imlerinin doruluunu pekitiriyorlard脹. H端k端metin verdii
mesajlar脹n i巽erii ile 巽ok ilgilenmemekle beraber muhafazakar-i巽e
kapan脹k kitle i巽in doru yolda olunduu, art脹k bast脹r脹lm脹lar脹n olmad脹脹
kanaatiyle yaam tarz脹- g端ndelik hayat脹n ve deerlerin doru olduunun
alt脹 巽izildi.
D脹a d旦n端k-modern kesim i巽in ise al脹kanl脹klar脹n alt端st olduu bir
d旦nem balad脹. Bir taraftan son 20 y脹ld脹r yaamaya al脹t脹klar脹 modern
yaam tarzlar脹n脹 devam ettirirken, internet-teknolojideki h脹zl脹
ilerlemeyle t端m d端nyayla ve gelimeleri izliyorlard脹. Dier tarafta ise
端lkelerindeki g端ndelik hayat脹n g旦r端nt端s端n端n deiimini de izlediler.
Din deerlerinden uzak olmamakla beraber, simgesel dinin 巽ok da
taraftar脹 olmayan d脹a d旦n端kler t端rban脹 ve 巽araf脹 herg端n g旦rmeye
al脹t脹lar. H端k端metin ad脹m ad脹m g端ndelik hayatlar脹na getirdikleri yeni
koullar脹 duydular. D脹a d旦n端k kimlik bu d旦nemde internet ile daha
bireysellemeye hatta gen巽 kuak i巽in bencil alg脹lamas脹na
d旦n端t端. Ekran 旦n端nde kimlii fiziksel olarak sorgulanabilecek 2.
ah脹slarla konuan, bat脹y脹 douyu arat脹ran- soran- sorgulayan-
inceleyen-bolca marka t端keten yeni bir gen巽 kuak dodu. Bu kuak d脹a
d旦n端k-modern kesimdeki orta ya ve 端zerindeki kitle i巽in bile dierine
tahamm端l etme s端reci getirdi. Apolitik, ekran ba脹nda oturup,
hareketsiz, hatta duraan g旦z端ken, sadece al脹verie 巽脹kan aktif olmayan
巽ocuklar脹na ebeveynler bile tahamm端l etmeye 巽al脹t脹lar.
Haziran 2013te neyi g旦zlemledik neyi g旦r端yoruz?
Bir tarafta cemiyet i巽i yaayan i巽e d旦n端kler, dier tarafta cemiyet
ba脹ms脹z d端nyayla yaayan bencil d脹a d旦n端kler birbirlerine tahamm端l
etme s端recine al脹脹rken, siyasal s旦ylemler d脹ad旦n端klerin
bencilliklerinden her g端n g端巽 olarak yasak s旦ylemlerini ilerletti. Bu
s端re巽 yaanmaya devam ederken anti milliyet巽i s旦ylemlerle g端ndelik
hayata m端dahil olunacak konulara da girildi. S旦ylemlerin a巽脹klamaktan
ve genel iyilik 端zerine s旦ylemlerden uzak yapt脹r脹mc脹 tonu
tahamm端l s端reciniinatlama s端recine itti.
D脹a d旦n端kler sadece kiisel haklar脹 端zerinden 巽脹karken, bencillik-
bireysellikleri onlar脹 politika 端st端 bir teklikte birletirdi. Medya ama
sosyal medya deil, cumhuriyet ama demokrasi deil anlat脹mlara
4. kar脹koullu ve tahamm端ls端z demokrasiye kar脹 durarak
birliklerini tan脹mlad脹lar. O g端ne kadar kendisini anlamayan ebeveynler
de hem 巽ocuklar脹 hem de genel alg脹lay脹la b端t端nleti. D脹a d旦n端kler
esprili, sarkastik, korkusuz ve vazge巽meyen durular脹yla taraf oldular.
聴巽e d旦n端kler ise i巽 bilgilerden tek tarafl脹 bilgilendirilmeleriyle 10 y脹ll脹k
s端re巽te yava yava elde ettikleri haklar脹n脹 kaybetme d端rt端s端yle dier
tarafta olanlar脹 izleyen ve kabullenen, ancak gerektiinde ortaya
巽脹kacaklar脹n脹 farkl脹 s旦ylem ve olaylarda belirten dier taraf oldu. Merkez
yak脹nl脹脹ndan daha 巽ok 聴slami-muhafazakar kimlikte b端t端nletiler.
Politik s旦ylemlerdeki halk脹 ayr脹t脹ran bunlar s旦ylemi, eitim
d端zeyleri ve yaam bi巽imleriyle birbirlerinden farkl脹laan bu 2 grubu
net olarak taraflat脹rd脹. Herkes kendisinin bakalat脹r脹ld脹脹n脹 d端端n端r
noktada. Kimin halk, kimin bu kimin bizden olduunu herkes
kendi kendine soruyor. S端re巽 sadece i巽e d旦n端k-d脹a d旦n端k kimlikleri
taraflat脹rmakla kalmad脹,Parti-politika halk- polis taraflamas脹na geldi.
Art脹k taraflamadan daha 巽ok kutuplama noktas脹nday脹z.
S端re巽 devam ederken yaz脹ya devam ettiim i巽in u anki durum
g旦zlemiyle noktalamak istiyorum: Tahamm端l bak脹p kafalar脹n
巽evrilebilecei bir s端re巽 olmaktan ziyade, kaynat脹ran ve hog旦r端l端 bir
anlay脹la 旦z端msenecek, inattan uzak, anlamak 端zerine bir olgu olmal脹.
Umar脹m s端reci tamamlarken T端rkiye hog旦r端s端n端 pekitirir.
24 Haziran 2013
Didem Tokatl脹olu