This document provides guidance on structuring responses for a business case study exam worth 60 marks over 75 minutes. It is divided into 3 sections. Section A is worth 20 marks and involves short answer questions testing definitions, calculations, explanations, and interpretations. Section B involves two 15-mark questions analyzing and evaluating issues in the case study. Responses should define key concepts, develop causal chains, and argue both sides of an issue with conclusions justifying judgments. The document advises using a SWOT analysis box to develop thoughts and carefully reading the case study to identify relevant details.
2. Structure + Timing
60 marks in 75 minutes
40 % of AS Mark = 20 % A Level
Skim Read Case Study (2-3 mins) make a mental
Product or Service + USP?
Industry + Competition + market conditions?
Target market ?
Characters + background + experience?
Evidence of research?
3. SWOT Box
Strengths Weaknesses
Within the business now Creates and develops issues
Opportunities Threats
Outside the business in the future Creates opportunity for evaluative tone
4. Section A: 20 marks
Short Answer
Definition (2 Marks)
Calculation (3 marks)
Explanation (6 marks)
Interpretation? (5 marks?)
16 + is a target level
Work through carefully within time guide
Always add to swot box when thoughts occur
5. Definitions
Clear and concise
Addressing every word in the term
Giving an example where possible in the
context of the case study
Fixed costs are payments related to inputs which
do not vary with output eg Tonys rents paid on
the caf辿
7. Explanation
Define the key term in the question
Have two distinct separated issues, identified
and applied to the context of the case study
Link clearly to question set
Separate each issue with a paragraph
8. Section B
3 questions 40 marks
2a: 10 mark analyse
2b + 2c: 15 mark analyse and evaluate (x2)
Take key concepts form question and place at top of
case study
Re-read case study carefully
Use a symbol system to identify parts of case study
relevant to each topic
Start thinking how sections link together
Always add to swot box when thoughts occur
9. Question 2a: Analyse 10 marks
Define key concept
Identify one issue and develop a causal chain
in context
Identify second issue and develop causal chain
No need to conclude
10. Question 2b + 2c: Analyse and Apply
Gan+Gap=L5=10 marks
Define key concepts clearly and concisely
Argue on one side of issue linking steps with connectives
The reason why I feel why location A was right..
Leading to
As a result of
This means that
As a consequence of
Hint a evaluate where appropriate
This depends on
Separate argument with paragraph and argue on other-side (counter
Use SW in SWOT box to develop thoughts
11. Clear conclusion =E3 = 5 marks
Judgement + justification
Use the words from the question to give focus overall I agree/disagree
Explain why you have made this decision
Use evidence to support your view
Significance is important
Which is the stronger argument and why
because is a good work to use
Objectives and motives of the entrepreneur are a good sources of evaluation
Suggest limits on your assessment
it depends on
Use OT in swot box the develop thoughts
Social change?
Environmental issues?