Tots Som SantperencsCristina Erra CanadellPrograma electoral del partit polític Tots Som Santperencs
Os seres vivosmaromadeourenseEl documento presenta información sobre 7 organismos diferentes, incluyendo bacterias, protozoos, algas, hongos, plantas y animales. Para cada organismo se proporciona su grupo, reino y características principales como si son unicelulares o pluricelulares, autótrofos u heterótrofos, y si forman o no tejidos.
Traballo seres vivos paula pérez tesouromaromadeourenseEl documento describe las características de varios seres vivos pertenecientes a los reinos Moneras, Protoctistas, Fungos, Plantas y Animales, incluyendo bacterias, amebas, algas, levaduras, hongos, frutos, y animales. Se especifican sus características como unicelularidad, forma de obtener alimento, y si forman o no tejidos.
julaprobnieThe document provides information about the online client portal and services offered by Lido-Lang, a translation agency with over 20 years of experience. The portal allows 24/7 access to project management and business reports from any device. Lido-Lang offers comprehensive translation services across many languages and fields, using both standard and simplified processes. Case studies demonstrate successful projects in industries like energy, manufacturing, automotive and more. Additional services include localization, interpreting and document management.
Psychosexual Developmentpops macalinoThis document discusses psychosexual development and the factors that influence it. It outlines the typical stages of development from childhood through adulthood, including the sexual unawareness stage from birth to 1 year old, the sexual awakening stage from 3-7 years old, and the sexual preoccupation stage of adolescence from 13-20 years old. It notes that healthy psychosexual development does not occur in a vacuum and is influenced by predisposing factors like pregnancy/birth experience, temperament, attachment styles, and family competence/attitudes. The document also describes potential "modes of psychosexual fixation" where development is arrested at a stage, such as fixation in childhood resulting in feelings of inadequacy and perceiving relationships as threatening.
How to Super-size the Cleantech Opportunity - SolvedSOLVEDSolved - The Cleantech Company in #Slush13. Presentation by Santtu Hulkkonen. In brief: 1. About the Obvious Market Opportunity. 2. How to actually super-size the opportunity – how you boost and scale up Cleantech biz. 3. How YOU ALL can part of this great opportunity TOGETHER WITH Solved – Cleantech Company.
Alision shareRattanakUNGIn 3 sentences or less, Mark Twain summarizes that in his view, India seems to be the most extraordinary country due to nothing being left undone by either man or nature to complete it. He remarks that nothing seems to have been forgotten and nothing overlooked in making India so remarkable and well-rounded a place that is visited by the sun.
It in businessKanza SaeedThis document defines cyber bullying and provides an example pivot table analyzing reported instances. It begins by defining cyber bullying as aggressive, intentional acts carried out electronically against a victim unable to defend themselves. The pivot table then analyzes age and gender data from reported cyber bullying cases. In total, it found 40 reported instances with the largest groups being female (21 cases) and ages 18-20 (9 cases). Contact information is provided should the reader want additional details.
It in businessKanza SaeedThis document defines cyber bullying and provides an example pivot table analyzing reported instances. It begins by defining cyber bullying as aggressive, intentional acts carried out electronically against a victim unable to defend themselves. The pivot table then analyzes age and gender data from reported cyber bullying cases. In total, it found 40 reported instances with the largest groups being female (21 reports) and ages 18-20 (9 reports). Contact information is provided for further reference.
Seres vivos maromadeourenseEl documento describe 7 seres vivos diferentes pertenecientes a diferentes reinos y grupos: cianobacteria, paramecio, alga verde, termófilo, psilocibio, margaritas y humano. Cada uno se describe brevemente por su grupo, reino, si son unicelulares o pluricelulares, y si son autótrofos u heterótrofos.
finalprobnieThis document provides information about Lido-Lang, a translation agency with over 20 years of experience. It highlights the company's online client portal that allows 24/7 access to projects. Additional benefits include comprehensive service, expertise in over 20 language combinations, and reliable long-term partnerships. Case studies are presented for large translation projects in fields like manufacturing, energy, automotive, and more that involved teams of managers, translators and proofreaders. A variety of additional services beyond translation are also listed.
Os seres vivos maromadeourenseO documento descreve as características de vários organismos, incluindo bactérias, protozoários, algas, fungos, plantas e animais. Ele detalha se cada organismo é unicelular ou pluricelular, autótrofo ou heterótrofo, e se possui células com ou sem núcleo e tecidos.
Stress Managementpops macalinoThis document discusses stress and its effects on the body. It provides an overview of stress including: defining stress and discussing Hans Selye's research on stress; describing the two types of stress (eustress and distress); outlining possible effects of intense or long-term stress; identifying sources of stress both external and internal; explaining how the body adapts to stress through the general adaptation syndrome; listing signs and symptoms of stress; and providing tips for managing job stress.
Chi-Square test of Homogeneity by Pops P. Macalino (TSU-MAEd)pops macalinoThe chi-square test of homogeneity determines if two or more populations have the same distribution for a categorical variable. It compares the observed frequencies in each category to the expected frequencies if the null hypothesis of homogeneity is true. The test statistic is distributed as chi-square with degrees of freedom equal to (number of rows - 1) * (number of columns - 1). If the computed chi-square value exceeds the critical value, the null hypothesis of homogeneity is rejected.
Schools as Socio-Political Systempops macalinoThe document discusses key concepts related to educational administration and organizational behavior including:
1. Schools are social systems with boundaries, elements, and activities that interact within the system and with the environment.
2. Organizational structure refers to the division of labor and relationships within a school including lines of authority.
3. Governance and decision making involve multiple levels from national policy to school implementation with the principle of shared governance.
Physical Plant and Facilities in Educational Managementpops macalinoThis is a sample presentation in the course,EDMA 505 Practicum in Educational Management during Academic Year 2014-2015 First Trimester at Tarlac State University Graduate School
julaprobnieThe document provides information about the online client portal and services offered by Lido-Lang, a translation agency with over 20 years of experience. The portal allows 24/7 access to project management and business reports from any device. Lido-Lang offers comprehensive translation services across many languages and fields, using both standard and simplified processes. Case studies demonstrate successful projects in industries like energy, manufacturing, automotive and more. Additional services include localization, interpreting and document management.
Psychosexual Developmentpops macalinoThis document discusses psychosexual development and the factors that influence it. It outlines the typical stages of development from childhood through adulthood, including the sexual unawareness stage from birth to 1 year old, the sexual awakening stage from 3-7 years old, and the sexual preoccupation stage of adolescence from 13-20 years old. It notes that healthy psychosexual development does not occur in a vacuum and is influenced by predisposing factors like pregnancy/birth experience, temperament, attachment styles, and family competence/attitudes. The document also describes potential "modes of psychosexual fixation" where development is arrested at a stage, such as fixation in childhood resulting in feelings of inadequacy and perceiving relationships as threatening.
How to Super-size the Cleantech Opportunity - SolvedSOLVEDSolved - The Cleantech Company in #Slush13. Presentation by Santtu Hulkkonen. In brief: 1. About the Obvious Market Opportunity. 2. How to actually super-size the opportunity – how you boost and scale up Cleantech biz. 3. How YOU ALL can part of this great opportunity TOGETHER WITH Solved – Cleantech Company.
Alision shareRattanakUNGIn 3 sentences or less, Mark Twain summarizes that in his view, India seems to be the most extraordinary country due to nothing being left undone by either man or nature to complete it. He remarks that nothing seems to have been forgotten and nothing overlooked in making India so remarkable and well-rounded a place that is visited by the sun.
It in businessKanza SaeedThis document defines cyber bullying and provides an example pivot table analyzing reported instances. It begins by defining cyber bullying as aggressive, intentional acts carried out electronically against a victim unable to defend themselves. The pivot table then analyzes age and gender data from reported cyber bullying cases. In total, it found 40 reported instances with the largest groups being female (21 cases) and ages 18-20 (9 cases). Contact information is provided should the reader want additional details.
It in businessKanza SaeedThis document defines cyber bullying and provides an example pivot table analyzing reported instances. It begins by defining cyber bullying as aggressive, intentional acts carried out electronically against a victim unable to defend themselves. The pivot table then analyzes age and gender data from reported cyber bullying cases. In total, it found 40 reported instances with the largest groups being female (21 reports) and ages 18-20 (9 reports). Contact information is provided for further reference.
Seres vivos maromadeourenseEl documento describe 7 seres vivos diferentes pertenecientes a diferentes reinos y grupos: cianobacteria, paramecio, alga verde, termófilo, psilocibio, margaritas y humano. Cada uno se describe brevemente por su grupo, reino, si son unicelulares o pluricelulares, y si son autótrofos u heterótrofos.
finalprobnieThis document provides information about Lido-Lang, a translation agency with over 20 years of experience. It highlights the company's online client portal that allows 24/7 access to projects. Additional benefits include comprehensive service, expertise in over 20 language combinations, and reliable long-term partnerships. Case studies are presented for large translation projects in fields like manufacturing, energy, automotive, and more that involved teams of managers, translators and proofreaders. A variety of additional services beyond translation are also listed.
Os seres vivos maromadeourenseO documento descreve as características de vários organismos, incluindo bactérias, protozoários, algas, fungos, plantas e animais. Ele detalha se cada organismo é unicelular ou pluricelular, autótrofo ou heterótrofo, e se possui células com ou sem núcleo e tecidos.
Stress Managementpops macalinoThis document discusses stress and its effects on the body. It provides an overview of stress including: defining stress and discussing Hans Selye's research on stress; describing the two types of stress (eustress and distress); outlining possible effects of intense or long-term stress; identifying sources of stress both external and internal; explaining how the body adapts to stress through the general adaptation syndrome; listing signs and symptoms of stress; and providing tips for managing job stress.
Chi-Square test of Homogeneity by Pops P. Macalino (TSU-MAEd)pops macalinoThe chi-square test of homogeneity determines if two or more populations have the same distribution for a categorical variable. It compares the observed frequencies in each category to the expected frequencies if the null hypothesis of homogeneity is true. The test statistic is distributed as chi-square with degrees of freedom equal to (number of rows - 1) * (number of columns - 1). If the computed chi-square value exceeds the critical value, the null hypothesis of homogeneity is rejected.
Schools as Socio-Political Systempops macalinoThe document discusses key concepts related to educational administration and organizational behavior including:
1. Schools are social systems with boundaries, elements, and activities that interact within the system and with the environment.
2. Organizational structure refers to the division of labor and relationships within a school including lines of authority.
3. Governance and decision making involve multiple levels from national policy to school implementation with the principle of shared governance.
Physical Plant and Facilities in Educational Managementpops macalinoThis is a sample presentation in the course,EDMA 505 Practicum in Educational Management during Academic Year 2014-2015 First Trimester at Tarlac State University Graduate School
Presentació estades d'Estiu a Can Ribals 2012Ribals Educació_outdoorUs presentem les estades esportives que des de Ribals tenim preparades per aquest estiu 2012:
- programa Multiaventura a La cerdanya, 7 dies d'esport i diversió
- Programa Summer Camp a La cerdanya, en el que els nens parlaran totalment en anglès.
2. De què parlarem?
1.Quin és l’equip de
2.On anem?
3.Què treballem a les
4.Quina ambientació
5.Quin horari farem?
6.Què farem?
7.Quin material
3. 1. Monitors/es
Aquest any l’equip de
monitors/es del campament
el formen:
• Miquel Ariño
• Adrià Alfonso
• Guillem Ribera
• Monitor/a en pràctiques
4. 2. On anem?
Municipi de
Municipi de
Navès a 15 km
del nucli urbà
i a 30 km de
situat al
costat de
rectoria, un
Terreny d’acampada Rectoria de la Selva
5. - La zona d’acampada disposa de tendes i una tenda
per a monitors
- Els lavabos, dutxes i menjador estan en un edifici al
costat del campament.
6. Gaudirem d’una piscina al costat
de la casa, d’accés particular per
a la casa i també està adaptada.
Per a més seguretat la piscina
està tancada i nosaltres en tenim
la clau per utilitzar-la en l’horari
També disposa de diverses
zones esportives per a
poder-hi fer activitats.
7. 3. Què treballarem?
• L’autonomia i la
responsabilitat dels nois
i noies.
• El respecte cap als
companys i companyes
acceptant les seves
diferències i aprofitant
els punts forts.
• Gaudirem d’un entorn
diferent a l’habitual i
aprofitar tot allò que
ens ofereix la natura
alhora que la respectem.
• Coneixerem la història de
la zona amb l’ajuda del
9. 5. Quin horari farem?
8:00 h BON
9:00 h Anem a
9:45 h Serveis.
10:30 h
Activitat de
13:30 h Anem a
14:30 h Temps
16:00 h
Activitat de
18:00 h Activitat
de tarda.
18:30 h A la dutxa.
19:30 h Valoració
del dia.
20:00 h Anem a
21:30 h Activitat
de nit
22:45 h BONA NIT!!!!!!
Els campaments seran
intensos, així doncs segons
el ritme dels nois i noies
potser farà falta
allargar o escurçar
10. 4 5 6 7 8
“El Més
Buscat de la
“Ens posem
en la pell del
Pla de la Busa
i Sant
Pla de la Busa
i Sant
“El Bosc del
de l’excursió
una vedruna
Joc de
Trampeig fotogràfic Vetllada de
Del cel
Trampeig fotogràfic
6. Activitats
11. 6. Activitats
9 10 11 12
Gran Joc
A valorar
Segons el
ritme dels
campaments i
l’estat físic
dels nois/es
Recollida del
“El record del
Llop a la Vall
Recollida del
Trampeig fotogràfic
Joc de Nit Vetllada del
12. 7. Què necessitem?
• 2 xandalls
• 1 jersei
gruixut o
forro polar
• 8 pantalons
• 8 samarretes
de màniga
• 2 samarretes
de màniga
• 1 bossa de
roba, per
guardar la
• Tovallola
de dutxa
• Tovallola
• Necesser:
• Raspall de
• Pasta de
• Pinta o
• Xampú i gel
13. 7. Què necessitem?
• Calçat de
• Calçat còmode
• Xancles lligades
• 2 parells de
mitjons gruixuts
• Sac de dormir
• Marfega
• 2 pijames
• Tovallola
• 2
(1 vell)
• Crema
• 2 tovallons
de roba
• Carmanyola,
coberts i
got d’alumini
• Bossa de
tela per
guardar i
assecar els
14. 7. Què necessitem?
• Lot amb
• Mocadors de
• Samarreta
de màniga
curta de
• Cantimplora
• Gorra o
• Loció
• Protector
per als
• Protector
Per evitar possibles plagues de
polls preguem que reviseu els
vostres fills/es abans de
marxar de campaments. En cas de
que siguin propensos/es preguem
que portin el tractament que
15. 8. Altres informacions
El dia de la sortida,
• Motxilla gran per a la roba
i demés estris.
• Motxilla petita amb
l’esmorzar i dinar del primer
dia i per a les excursions.
• Roba i calçat còmode pel
• Peça d’abric a mà per si
• Impermeable o capelina a
mà per si plou!
• Targes sanitàries originals
que recollirà el Miquel per
16. 8. Altres informacions
Si hi ha medicació:
• Medicament.
• Recepta.
• Posologia.
• Autorització (es firma el
mateix dia).
• Donar-ho el dia de la sortida
al Miquel en el cas dels
Isards i al Guillem en el cas
dels Raïdos.
• No cal dur diners, no se’ls
podran gastar!
Evitem objectes poc
adequats (llaminadures,
llaunes, navalles, aparells