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Madison Collier
Career Planning
3rd paper
Last week our learning community had the opportunity to go to the science caf辿.
Although this event was mandatory I was happy that I attended. My favorite part about attending
this event was the first 50 people to get there got free coffee. I was lucky enough I get there early
and got my free coffee. This was a big perk for me since I love drinking coffee. Once I sat down
and the speaker started I noticed that she was very good at keeping my attention while talking.
This can be very hard to do at times, but she was a great speaker. The information she was telling
us about was also very interesting. I had no idea that that some people suffer from a disease that
makes it very hard for them to get out the thoughts they have in their heads. Some people have a
very extreme form of this and some people have a more mild form. The people who had a mild
form often times just studder and talk longer to say what they are thinking. You are able to
understand these people and they are also able to understand you. Not all people are this lucky.
There are also people that have a much more severe case. These people are often times unable to
get out the words they want or you just will not be able to understand them when they do try to
talk. There are also some people that do not make any sense when you try to have a conversation
with them. They are able to talk but the things they are saying do not make sense. The speaker
also made a point that when people are in comas or unconscious some may be able to still
understand what is being said to them and what is happening around them. This is very
concerning to me since most people in comas just in a blank room all day every day.

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career planning paper 3

  • 1. Madison Collier Career Planning 10-14-14 3rd paper Last week our learning community had the opportunity to go to the science caf辿. Although this event was mandatory I was happy that I attended. My favorite part about attending this event was the first 50 people to get there got free coffee. I was lucky enough I get there early and got my free coffee. This was a big perk for me since I love drinking coffee. Once I sat down and the speaker started I noticed that she was very good at keeping my attention while talking. This can be very hard to do at times, but she was a great speaker. The information she was telling us about was also very interesting. I had no idea that that some people suffer from a disease that makes it very hard for them to get out the thoughts they have in their heads. Some people have a very extreme form of this and some people have a more mild form. The people who had a mild form often times just studder and talk longer to say what they are thinking. You are able to understand these people and they are also able to understand you. Not all people are this lucky. There are also people that have a much more severe case. These people are often times unable to get out the words they want or you just will not be able to understand them when they do try to talk. There are also some people that do not make any sense when you try to have a conversation with them. They are able to talk but the things they are saying do not make sense. The speaker also made a point that when people are in comas or unconscious some may be able to still understand what is being said to them and what is happening around them. This is very concerning to me since most people in comas just in a blank room all day every day.