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Home Sweet Home
 A journey of a thousand miles beings with a single step

                        Lao Tzu

                 Senior Autobiography

               Asusena Acosta Rodriguez

                 English 4- Mrs. Chavez

                      May 23, 2012
Table of contents

1. Prologue.....1

2. Whats in a Name? ....... 2

3. Personal Alphabet......4

4. Room Sweet Room....6

5. Personal Symbol........8

6. Telling Tales 

7. Flashback.......

8. Cheer Yourself Up! ......

9. One Medium Suitcase .

10. Remembering the Child ...

11. Family Influence ..

12. How to ...

13. Advice to the Young .

14. Are You Hungry.

15. Annual Report


Home Sweet Home, a place where you can be safe and confortable than any other place. I would

 consider home a safe place to live in and a home that you have been raised since u were born.

   Throughout my life I have had some very tough times and it seems like they dont get any

easier. Dont get me wrong, I have had some good experiences too, but it can get pretty tough. I

try to escape my feelings and my experiences into my writing, so this title for me is pretty much

 all me! Everything I write comes from my thoughts, memories, heart or something creative I

                                           make up.

 I guess it will help you get to know what Im about, but, most importantly, it would really will

 help me get to know myself.This is important to my life because, my mother would bring me

  back from the hospital and she wanted to raise me in Los Angeles. I was a caring but people

  think as me as a sweet little girl loves to be nice to everybody and being surrounded by other

people. There would be a time when there is a thunderstorm, my grandma that is death, would be

 there right next to me, holding me, cuddle with me and tell me I love you in sign language. My

grandma would see a thunder flashing in the dark clouds, she would be waiting for the strike to

 hit the ground so that she can hear once again. I love just hanging out with my friends and just

 having fun. I love to be cheerful and see the positive things in life. Through out everything I

have been through, I try to do my best so I can have the best life. I live one day at a time and I

                                   do not think about the past.

                                       Whats in a Name?

 I was born Asusena Acosta Rodriguez, Asusena was named after a beautiful white flower that

grows in Bali, Indonesia. My name hasnt been bad at all, recently I havent heard anyone that

used my name before. Many people cant pernounce it correctly because of how it was spelled or

  how it sounds. This name is Arabic. My mother gave this name to me because, it was a very

unqiue name that u usually dont hear around. And she wanted me to be an unqiue baby girl that

will be raised into a beautiful young girl that will raise happly and complete. During my school

years, not many teachers couldnt pernounce my name correctly so now everybody would have a

 nickname for me and it would be easier for them to call me a shorter name that would go with

 me like, sussie, it was a pefect name that nobody would forget. My parents wanted to name me

 lily but they decided to name Asusena instead because, it sounds more hispanic for our family

  culture. She thought, Lily, sounds like an american name that hs been used a lot with a lot of


 My Grandma was very happy with the name that my mom gave it was very interesting for her

because, in mexico, wher she lives in, she doesnt hear that name at all around her city. The only

names she hears from girls are stephanie, yesina, jessica, jasmine, veronica and mostly nacy. She

 wanted to give me another nickname for me she calls me, sweetheart. Sweetheart was a good

 nickname for me because, it fits my personality and how iact around people and how helpful I

 am to many of my family members that come over and especially my cousins. When ever I see

            someone struggling with a heavy box I try to help out no matter what. If

 someone is having a bad day and they need someone by there side, im always there for them

everytime. I try to keep a smile on their face just to let them know that there not alone and that

im there for them until they feel much better and more cheerful than ever. This name has been a

    great experience for me through out my whole life, but I will always be called, sussie.

                                          Personal Alphabet

Adorable- I have been told I have a adorable voice on the phone.

Bilingual- I speak and read and also understand Spanish & English.

Caring- I care about my family and my friends.

Delightful- I am very delightful to people when they need help.

Energized- I am very energerized outside of school.

Feisty- You dont mess with my bad side.

Grown-up- I am ready for being an adult and ready to live the real life after I graduate.

Happy- I always have a smile on my face everyday.

Insane- I have been told I act crazy when im at parties.

Jumpy- I have heard that I am jumpy when Im at amusement parks.

Kitty- I love the logo of Hello Kitty.

Lazy- I am lazy when it comes to the weeekends and after school.

Motivated- I love to go out to places and not stay home all day.

Neat- I have a clean neat room that never gets dirty.

Organzied- I am very well organized with my personal stuff.

Private- I like to be in my room just for being alone and its has privacy.

Quiet- Im always quiet in class while im doing my work.

Responsible- I am very responsible with my actions.

Silly- I love being my myself around my friends and family.

Tall- Im taller than my little sister.

Unique- My name is very unique.

Vicious- When it comes to wrestling, I will always lose.

Weird- I act weird around my parents.

Xenophile- I like to talk to new people that I dont know.

Young- Im the youngest daughter that graduated highschool out of my whole family.

Zappy- I finsih my work real quick.

                                       Room Sweet Room

 I can describe my room as a black and white movie. Everything in my room is black and white

funirture. My room is a place where you can chat with your friends, listen to music, watch tv and

   sleeping in your bed. My walls are covered with portraits that are black and white such as

 Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. These two actors and singers were my favorite back in the

 days. Elvis was the king of Rock and Marilyn Monroe was a very gorgeous model that was the

first front cover of the the Playboy Issue. There are many drawing that I put up on my wall that

are in frames. I been drawing for many years and I decided not to buy the character that is in the

frame, instead I draw the character better. I wanted to express my feelings by drawing and how I


I have so many memories in my room like the big giant bean bag I have laying on the floor for

  guest to sleep on. This big bean bag has always been useful to let my friends sleepover at my

  house. We eat on it, we sleep on it, wrestle, draw on it and also relax on it. When I think of a

meaningful place, I think of my bedroom. . A place like my bedroom is where I can relax and be

     comfortable. I think that is why it is important to me, because I can be myself and feel

comfortable in there. I can also just sit down and rest my body. Another reason is I can go there

when I want privacy. I can shut the door, maybe even lock it and tell everyone in my household

not to disturb me. My room holds most of my personal belongings there and they are important

to me. Therefore I do not let any and every one in bedroom because that is my place of treasures

                                           and comfort.

   As you enter my room, there isnt anything on the floor that will make you think im not an

organizee person but, I am an organize person that likes to keep everything clean and well put in

 place when you can actually find it easy without any complaining. My room is always neat and

clean. Im letting everyone know when they come into my room they will know how clean I mean

  and how much I having clutter around my room. Mostly boys will have clutter around there

      room and have random items around there floor which tells different story each one.

  The best part of my room is my wall the is air brush and that is picture of Los Angeles. This

painting is very important to me because, I was born and raised there for a very long time until I

was 7 years old and I had so many memories there and hope to cherish forever. A lot of cousins

              lives in that city so I can always stay in contact with them everyday.

                                        Personal Symbol

  I have a very special gift from my god mother, its a Music Box that plays when you open it.

When you open the box theres an angel that dances and twirls around. My God mother gave mt

 his lovely gift on my birthday. This Music Box means so much to me. When I was just a baby,

 my god mother always open the box and let it play music when I was crying. The music makes

me feel better and relax. She will always have it in her room just in case I come over and visit it

                               her on the weekends to sleep over.

  As the days go by me and her would put buttons or ocean shells that we found laying on the

beach. The Music Box would be a memory box, on what me and my god mother did together in

 the past. As the days go by, she told me she had cancer and I was in complete shocked. This is

 why she gave me the Music Box to remember her and remembering our moments together and

 what we did. However, that day when I was walking home, I get text message saying that my

god mother has cancer. I was heart broken, I didnt know what to do. I was praying for a miracle

                                to happen, wishin she was okay.

 The next day I got a call from the hospital. The doctor was telling me some bad news, that my

god mother couldnt make it in time. When I see that music box playing a beautiful melody. This

                    is letting me know that she will always be there with me.
Telling Tales

 My family have so many memories and telling stories when we have family time together. We

   talk about the most ridiculous stories that we have encountered in the past. My stepada was

telling us a story when the whole family was in Long Beach on a weekend. This story starts on a

summer hot day. When we were packing our beach stuff like our sunscreen, umbrella, beach ball

 and our sun glasses, we decided to head out first to the gas station. As we all headed to the gas

 station, the car started to make noise, and it started to slow down and the car stop on the side of

 the road. We were panicing because, we had the cool air on, that was a terriable day for us. We

  had no cold air to stay cool from the crazy heat. I was sweating like a waterfall was running

                                          down my skin.

    Everyone was suffering from the heat that was cooking us in the car. But im glad that my

 stepdad pack some ice cold water that was still frozen. A few hours past, and we notice that all

  the icy cold water bottles were all gone and empty. We had nothing to drink to keeps us from

  sweating to much. My stepdad was getting sweating so much he decides to take off his shirt.

Then, my stepbro was doing the same thing too. I was thinking to myself, that this will be the last

  time I will be in the car with a bunch of sweaty fat guys. The car started to stink really badly.

This wasnt the best summer to stay in the car with a bunch of shirtless fat guys. As my stepdad

   was telling us that story to remind us what a bad idea it was for us to not check the gas first

 before we left. This wouldnt happen if we put gas before the day we left to the beach. It was a

  funny day to let that happen to me and my mom. It was funny for the guys because, they all

              know that we couldnt stand smelly sweaty guys in that kind of heat.

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Homesweethome 120515185149-phpapp01

  • 2. A journey of a thousand miles beings with a single step Lao Tzu Senior Autobiography Asusena Acosta Rodriguez English 4- Mrs. Chavez May 23, 2012
  • 3. Table of contents 1. Prologue.....1 2. Whats in a Name? ....... 2 3. Personal Alphabet......4 4. Room Sweet Room....6 5. Personal Symbol........8 6. Telling Tales 7. Flashback....... 8. Cheer Yourself Up! ...... 9. One Medium Suitcase . 10. Remembering the Child ... 11. Family Influence .. 12. How to ... 13. Advice to the Young . 14. Are You Hungry. 15. Annual Report
  • 4. 1 Prolgoue Home Sweet Home, a place where you can be safe and confortable than any other place. I would consider home a safe place to live in and a home that you have been raised since u were born. Throughout my life I have had some very tough times and it seems like they dont get any easier. Dont get me wrong, I have had some good experiences too, but it can get pretty tough. I try to escape my feelings and my experiences into my writing, so this title for me is pretty much all me! Everything I write comes from my thoughts, memories, heart or something creative I make up. I guess it will help you get to know what Im about, but, most importantly, it would really will help me get to know myself.This is important to my life because, my mother would bring me back from the hospital and she wanted to raise me in Los Angeles. I was a caring but people think as me as a sweet little girl loves to be nice to everybody and being surrounded by other people. There would be a time when there is a thunderstorm, my grandma that is death, would be there right next to me, holding me, cuddle with me and tell me I love you in sign language. My grandma would see a thunder flashing in the dark clouds, she would be waiting for the strike to hit the ground so that she can hear once again. I love just hanging out with my friends and just having fun. I love to be cheerful and see the positive things in life. Through out everything I have been through, I try to do my best so I can have the best life. I live one day at a time and I do not think about the past.
  • 5. 2 Whats in a Name? I was born Asusena Acosta Rodriguez, Asusena was named after a beautiful white flower that grows in Bali, Indonesia. My name hasnt been bad at all, recently I havent heard anyone that used my name before. Many people cant pernounce it correctly because of how it was spelled or how it sounds. This name is Arabic. My mother gave this name to me because, it was a very unqiue name that u usually dont hear around. And she wanted me to be an unqiue baby girl that will be raised into a beautiful young girl that will raise happly and complete. During my school years, not many teachers couldnt pernounce my name correctly so now everybody would have a nickname for me and it would be easier for them to call me a shorter name that would go with me like, sussie, it was a pefect name that nobody would forget. My parents wanted to name me lily but they decided to name Asusena instead because, it sounds more hispanic for our family culture. She thought, Lily, sounds like an american name that hs been used a lot with a lot of girls. My Grandma was very happy with the name that my mom gave it was very interesting for her because, in mexico, wher she lives in, she doesnt hear that name at all around her city. The only names she hears from girls are stephanie, yesina, jessica, jasmine, veronica and mostly nacy. She wanted to give me another nickname for me she calls me, sweetheart. Sweetheart was a good nickname for me because, it fits my personality and how iact around people and how helpful I am to many of my family members that come over and especially my cousins. When ever I see someone struggling with a heavy box I try to help out no matter what. If
  • 6. 3 someone is having a bad day and they need someone by there side, im always there for them everytime. I try to keep a smile on their face just to let them know that there not alone and that im there for them until they feel much better and more cheerful than ever. This name has been a great experience for me through out my whole life, but I will always be called, sussie.
  • 7. 4 Personal Alphabet Adorable- I have been told I have a adorable voice on the phone. Bilingual- I speak and read and also understand Spanish & English. Caring- I care about my family and my friends. Delightful- I am very delightful to people when they need help. Energized- I am very energerized outside of school. Feisty- You dont mess with my bad side. Grown-up- I am ready for being an adult and ready to live the real life after I graduate. Happy- I always have a smile on my face everyday. Insane- I have been told I act crazy when im at parties. Jumpy- I have heard that I am jumpy when Im at amusement parks. Kitty- I love the logo of Hello Kitty. Lazy- I am lazy when it comes to the weeekends and after school. Motivated- I love to go out to places and not stay home all day. Neat- I have a clean neat room that never gets dirty. Organzied- I am very well organized with my personal stuff. Private- I like to be in my room just for being alone and its has privacy. Quiet- Im always quiet in class while im doing my work. Responsible- I am very responsible with my actions. Silly- I love being my myself around my friends and family. Tall- Im taller than my little sister. Unique- My name is very unique.
  • 8. 5 Vicious- When it comes to wrestling, I will always lose. Weird- I act weird around my parents. Xenophile- I like to talk to new people that I dont know. Young- Im the youngest daughter that graduated highschool out of my whole family. Zappy- I finsih my work real quick.
  • 9. 6 Room Sweet Room I can describe my room as a black and white movie. Everything in my room is black and white funirture. My room is a place where you can chat with your friends, listen to music, watch tv and sleeping in your bed. My walls are covered with portraits that are black and white such as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. These two actors and singers were my favorite back in the days. Elvis was the king of Rock and Marilyn Monroe was a very gorgeous model that was the first front cover of the the Playboy Issue. There are many drawing that I put up on my wall that are in frames. I been drawing for many years and I decided not to buy the character that is in the frame, instead I draw the character better. I wanted to express my feelings by drawing and how I feel. I have so many memories in my room like the big giant bean bag I have laying on the floor for guest to sleep on. This big bean bag has always been useful to let my friends sleepover at my house. We eat on it, we sleep on it, wrestle, draw on it and also relax on it. When I think of a meaningful place, I think of my bedroom. . A place like my bedroom is where I can relax and be comfortable. I think that is why it is important to me, because I can be myself and feel comfortable in there. I can also just sit down and rest my body. Another reason is I can go there when I want privacy. I can shut the door, maybe even lock it and tell everyone in my household not to disturb me. My room holds most of my personal belongings there and they are important to me. Therefore I do not let any and every one in bedroom because that is my place of treasures and comfort.
  • 10. 7 As you enter my room, there isnt anything on the floor that will make you think im not an organizee person but, I am an organize person that likes to keep everything clean and well put in place when you can actually find it easy without any complaining. My room is always neat and clean. Im letting everyone know when they come into my room they will know how clean I mean and how much I having clutter around my room. Mostly boys will have clutter around there room and have random items around there floor which tells different story each one. The best part of my room is my wall the is air brush and that is picture of Los Angeles. This painting is very important to me because, I was born and raised there for a very long time until I was 7 years old and I had so many memories there and hope to cherish forever. A lot of cousins lives in that city so I can always stay in contact with them everyday.
  • 11. 8 Personal Symbol I have a very special gift from my god mother, its a Music Box that plays when you open it. When you open the box theres an angel that dances and twirls around. My God mother gave mt his lovely gift on my birthday. This Music Box means so much to me. When I was just a baby, my god mother always open the box and let it play music when I was crying. The music makes me feel better and relax. She will always have it in her room just in case I come over and visit it her on the weekends to sleep over. As the days go by me and her would put buttons or ocean shells that we found laying on the beach. The Music Box would be a memory box, on what me and my god mother did together in the past. As the days go by, she told me she had cancer and I was in complete shocked. This is why she gave me the Music Box to remember her and remembering our moments together and what we did. However, that day when I was walking home, I get text message saying that my god mother has cancer. I was heart broken, I didnt know what to do. I was praying for a miracle to happen, wishin she was okay. The next day I got a call from the hospital. The doctor was telling me some bad news, that my god mother couldnt make it in time. When I see that music box playing a beautiful melody. This is letting me know that she will always be there with me.
  • 12. Telling Tales My family have so many memories and telling stories when we have family time together. We talk about the most ridiculous stories that we have encountered in the past. My stepada was telling us a story when the whole family was in Long Beach on a weekend. This story starts on a summer hot day. When we were packing our beach stuff like our sunscreen, umbrella, beach ball and our sun glasses, we decided to head out first to the gas station. As we all headed to the gas station, the car started to make noise, and it started to slow down and the car stop on the side of the road. We were panicing because, we had the cool air on, that was a terriable day for us. We had no cold air to stay cool from the crazy heat. I was sweating like a waterfall was running down my skin. Everyone was suffering from the heat that was cooking us in the car. But im glad that my stepdad pack some ice cold water that was still frozen. A few hours past, and we notice that all the icy cold water bottles were all gone and empty. We had nothing to drink to keeps us from sweating to much. My stepdad was getting sweating so much he decides to take off his shirt. Then, my stepbro was doing the same thing too. I was thinking to myself, that this will be the last time I will be in the car with a bunch of sweaty fat guys. The car started to stink really badly. This wasnt the best summer to stay in the car with a bunch of shirtless fat guys. As my stepdad was telling us that story to remind us what a bad idea it was for us to not check the gas first before we left. This wouldnt happen if we put gas before the day we left to the beach. It was a funny day to let that happen to me and my mom. It was funny for the guys because, they all know that we couldnt stand smelly sweaty guys in that kind of heat.
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