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Carlson introduction to evernote
Introduction to Evernote
 Evernote is an app that
  makes it easy to
  remember things from
  your everyday life using
  your computer, phone,
  tablet and the web.
Introduction to Evernote

 Note: A single item stored in Evernote.
Introduction to Evernote

 Notebook: A container for notes.
Your First Note
Using Evernote Web Clipper
The Sync Process
 Sync is the process by
  which your Evernote
  notes are kept up to
  date across all of your
  computers, phones,
  devices and the Web.
Uses for Evernote in Schools
 Students use Evernote to:
   Take notes during class
   Take notes while reading from textbooks
   Draft an outline of a big paper
   Capture research for papers
   Share notes with classmates
 Evernote at The Montclair Kimberley Academy
Uses for Evernote at Work
 Corporate users might use Evernote to:
   Take notes during a meeting
   Collaborate with teammates on projects
Uses for Evernote at Home
 Evernote is great at home when you need to:
   Remember things you like
   Save and organize recipes
   Plan upcoming vacations
How do I get Evernote?
 Visit www.evernote.com to download
  Evernote for your PC, Mac, tablet, or other
  mobile devices
How much does Evernote cost?
 Basic version is FREE
 Premium version is $45 per year

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Carlson introduction to evernote

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Play video.
  • #3: First, Id like to introduce you to the basics concepts of Evernote.
  • #4: Evernote is simply an app that makes it easy to remember things from your everyday life. Things like important takeaways from a phone call or meeting, a new recipe that a friend sent you, or some ideas you had for how to complete an upcoming school project.One aspect of Evernote that I love is that it is available wherever you are. There is an Evernote app for your PC and Mac, there is an Evernote app for your Android or iPhone, and there is even a web-based version of the app that you can access via any web browser.
  • #5: A note can be:A piece of formatted textA full webpage or excerpt from a webpageA photographA voice memoA handwritten "ink" note
  • #6: Notes are organized into notebooks. Notebooks are simply containers for notes to help you organize them better. You might put all of the notes related to a particular project together in the same notebook or you might create a notebook for all of your favorite recipes.
  • #7: Now lets look at how you would make a new note in Evernote.
  • #8: If you are using theEvernote app and would like to create a new note, all you have to do is click on the new note button. This will bring up a textbox that you can type your note in or drag multimedia content to.
  • #9: If you would like to create a new note from content that you saw on a webpage, you can use a tool called the Evernote Web Clipper to create a note from this content. Simply select the images and text you would like to take down a note for, click the Web Clipper button, and a new note will be created in Evernote that includes the content you previously selected.
  • #10: After you have created your new notes, Evernote will sync your notes to the Evernote servers. By placing your notes on the Evernote server, you can then access those notes on any of your devices. So I might create a new note to capture meeting minutes on my laptop. Once synced, I can then access those meeting minutes from any of my devices such as an iPad or iPhone.
  • #11: So what are some ways that people are using Evernote?
  • #12: There are many examples in the Academic world of how Evernote can come in handy. Students use Evernote to:Take notes during classTake notes while reading from textbooksDraft an outline of a big paperCapture research for papersShare notes with classmatesLets watch a short video clip from the Montclair Kimberly Academy, a school that is encouraging its students to use Evernote during the day at their classes.
  • #13: Evernote is also great in the corporate environment. Corporate users can use Evernote to take down notes during a meeting or to collaborate with their teammates on projects.
  • #14: You might also find many uses for Evernote at home.Evernote is great at home when you need to:Remember things you likeSave and organize recipesPlan upcoming vacations
  • #15: Okay, so Ive probably convinced you to at least give Evernote a shot. How do you go about getting yourself a copy and how much does it cost?
  • #16: You can download Evernote for all of your devices by going to evernote.com. There is a version for PCs, Macs, tablets, and other mobile devices.
  • #17: And how much is a copy going to set you back?Believe it or not, the basic version of Evernote is free. You can pay $45 a year for additional storage capacity and features.