Riset ini mengevaluasi pemanfaatan limbah sedimen tambak udang sebagai sumber nutrisi untuk budidaya teripang pasir. Teripang diberi pakan yang mengandung campuran sedimen tambak udang dan pasir laut dengan berbagai perbandingan. Hasilnya, komposisi 40% sedimen dan 60% pasir laut menghasilkan pertumbuhan terbaik dan kesehatan teripang yang optimal. Hal ini menunjukkan potensi limbah tambak udang sebagai bahan pakan alternatif
Tugas ini membahas import risk analysis pada produk akuakultur. Analisis risiko impor melibatkan identifikasi bahaya, penilaian risiko, manajemen risiko, dan komunikasi risiko untuk menentukan status produk yang diimpor. Langkah-langkahnya meliputi identifikasi patogen, penilaian peluang masuk dan dampaknya, serta penetapan tindakan karantina sesuai tingkat risiko. Tugas ini menjelaskan proses dan tujuan dari analisis risiko impor unt
Evaluasi Sumber Protein Alternatif Tepung Maggot mengevaluasi penggunaan tepung maggot sebagai substitusi tepung ikan dalam pakan ikan. Dokumen ini menganalisis nutrisi, efek terhadap pertumbuhan ikan, lingkungan, keamanan pangan, dan kelayakan ekonomi penggunaan tepung maggot. Kesimpulannya, tepung maggot dapat menjadi alternatif sumber protein yang baik untuk pakan ikan jika dikombinasikan dengan pakan k
This document discusses guidelines for implementing an ecosystem approach to aquaculture (EAA). The EAA is defined as a strategy for integrating aquaculture within the wider ecosystem in a sustainable way that promotes equitable social and ecological outcomes.
The guidelines cover preparing for and initiating an EAA, which involves scoping the environmental and socioeconomic issues in the aquaculture system. It also discusses developing a management plan to address priority issues. The plan should establish standards and indicators to monitor impacts. Overall the EAA aims to strengthen institutions to allow for integrated aquaculture development and management that considers impacts on other sectors and the ecosystem. Adopting the EAA will require closer collaboration between science, policy, and management according to these
This document summarizes the proceedings of an expert workshop held by FAO and the University of Stirling on site selection and carrying capacity for aquaculture. It discusses definitions of different types of carrying capacity, including physical, production, ecological and social. It also examines modeling tools available for assessing carrying capacity. The workshop prioritized addressing site selection and different carrying capacity categories based on regional and site-specific needs. The outcomes were a record of the workshop and guidelines for applying an ecosystem approach to aquaculture for site selection and carrying capacity estimation.
Ringkasan dokumen ini membahas tentang pengaruh limbah tambak udang terhadap kualitas air di Teluk Kung Krabaen, Thailand. Penelitian ini mengukur parameter kualitas air seperti DO, salinitas, kecerahan, pH, amonia, silikat, fosfor, BOD, alkalinitas, dan bakteri. Hasilnya menunjukkan penurunan kecerahan air di teluk dari tahun 1991-1993, kemungkinan karena drainase dari tambak udang. Namun, kadar amonia masih
This document provides an introduction to the edited book "Aquaculture Toxicology". It lists the editors and their credentials in studying aquaculture and related fields. The book covers topics on toxicants that can impact aquaculture systems, including antifoulants, metals, agrochemicals, pharmaceutical pollutants, oil and derivatives, and microplastics. It aims to inform readers about the ecotoxicological effects of various contaminants on farmed aquatic species, as aquaculture continues to be an important food production industry worldwide.
This document is the title page and table of contents for the book "The Toxicology of Fishes" edited by Richard T. Di Giulio and David E. Hinton. It lists the editors, contributors, and provides a brief overview of the book's four units which cover general principles of fish toxicology, key target systems and effects, methodologies and applications, and case studies. The dedication is also presented to the editors' families for their love and support.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Evaluasi sistem dan pengelolaan pendederan ikan kerapu di HSRT Mina Bina Sejahtera dilakukan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha dan rekomendasi pengembangan. Evaluasi mencakup profil usaha, proses produksi, analisis biaya dan keuntungan, serta analisis SWOT. Hasilnya menunjukkan sistem dan pengelolaan masih layak tetapi perlu pengembangan seperti peningkatan kapasitas dan hilirisasi
Sistem reproduksi teripang pasir dan cacing laut meliputi proses gametogenesis, pemijahan, dan embriogenesis. Teripang pasir bersifat gonochoristik dengan gonad tunggal terletak di bagian anterior. Siklus reproduksinya dimulai dengan pemijahan bersamaan antara jantan dan betina, diikuti pembelahan sel dan perkembangan embrio. Cacing laut juga gonochoristik dengan gonad terletak di beberapa segmen tubuh. Siklusnya meliputi gametogenesis, pemij
Dokumen tersebut membahas peran nutrien dalam sistem imun ikan dan pengaruhnya terhadap respon terhadap stres dan patogen. Nutrien seperti protein, lemak, vitamin, mineral, dan hormon berperan sebagai bahan baku hormon pengendali stres, neuromodulator, antioksidan, dan meningkatkan proliferasi sel serta imunostimulan. Studi menunjukkan nutrien seperti omega-3, protein hidrolisis, dan imunostimulan komersial dapat meningkatkan aktivitas imun
Bintang laut dapat bereproduksi secara seksual maupun aseksual. Reproduksi seksual melibatkan pelepasan telur dan sperma ke air laut untuk dibuahi sebelum musim panas, menghasilkan larva berenang bebas. Reproduksi aseksual dilakukan melalui regenerasi bagian tubuh yang hilang. Riset telah menunjukkan induksi maturasi gonad dan pelepasan gamet menggunakan senyawa kimia seperti L-methyladenine. Bintang laut
1. Stress pada ikan merupakan respon fisiologis terhadap faktor-faktor eksternal yang menyebabkan kondisi tidak normal.
2. Stress dapat meningkatkan kadar hormon kortisol dan glukosa darah serta mengganggu proses reproduksi dan pertumbuhan ikan.
3. Faktor lingkungan seperti suhu, kepadatan, dan polusi dapat memicu terjadinya stress pada ikan.
Hormones and the Endocrine System | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explores hormones and the endocrine system, explaining their role in controlling body functions. Learn about the differences between nervous and hormonal control, major endocrine glands, key hormones (such as insulin, adrenaline, and testosterone), and homeostasis. Understand how hormones regulate growth, metabolism, reproduction, and the fight-or-flight response. A perfect resource for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
Wepresent the localizationandhostgalaxyofFRB20190208A, arepeatingsourceof fast radiobursts (FRBs) discoveredusingCHIME/FRB.Aspartof thePinpointingREpeatingChImeSourceswithEVNdishesrepeater localizationprogramon theEuropeanVLBINetwork (EVN),wemonitoredFRB20190208Afor 65.6hr at 1.4GHzanddetectedasingleburst,whichledtoitsverylongbaselineinterferometrylocalizationwith260mas uncertainty(2).Follow-upopticalobservationswiththeMMTObservatory(i25.7mag(AB))foundnovisible hostattheFRBposition.SubsequentdeeperobservationswiththeGranTelescopioCanarias,however,revealedan extremelyfaintgalaxy(r=27.32賊0.16mag),verylikely(99.95%)associatedwithFRB20190208A.Giventhe dispersionmeasureoftheFRB(580pccm3),eventhemostconservativeredshiftestimate( ~ z 0.83 max )implies TheAstrophysicalJournalLetters,977:L4(17pp),2024December10 https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ad8ce1 息2024.TheAuthor(s).PublishedbytheAmericanAstronomicalSociety. 30BantingFellow. 31McGillSpaceInstituteFellow. 32 FRQNTPostdoctoralFellow. Originalcontent fromthisworkmaybeusedunder theterms of theCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0licence.Anyfurther distributionofthisworkmustmaintainattributiontotheauthor(s)andthetitle of thework, journalcitationandDOI. 1The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977:L4 (17pp), 2024 December 10 Hewitt et al. that this is the lowest-luminosity FRB host to date (108 Le), even less luminous than the dwarf host of FRB20121102A. We investigate how localization precision and the depth of optical imaging affect host association and discuss the implications of such a low-luminosity dwarf galaxy. Unlike the other repeaters with low-luminosity hosts, FRB 20190208A has a modest Faraday rotation measure of a few tens of rad m2, and EVN plus Very Large Array observations reveal no associated compact persistent radio source. We also monitored FRB20190208A for 40.4hr over 2yr as part of the Extragalactic Coherent Light from Astrophysical Transients repeating FRB monitoring campaign on the Nan巽ay Radio Telescope and detected one burst. Our results demonstrate that, in some cases, the robust association of an FRB with a host galaxy will require both high localization precision and deep optical follow-up. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Radio bursts (1339); Radio transient sources (2008); Very long baseline interferometry (1769); Dwarf galaxies (416)
B-FPGM: Lightweight Face Detection via Bayesian-Optimized Soft FPGM PruningVasileiosMezaris
Presentation of our paper, "B-FPGM: Lightweight Face Detection via Bayesian-Optimized Soft FPGM Pruning", by N. Kaparinos and V. Mezaris. Presented at the RWS Workshop of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2025), Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb. 2025. Preprint and software available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2501.16917 https://github.com/IDT-ITI/B-FPGM
How could modern LA research address data-related ethics issues in informal and situated professional learning? I will identify in this talk three relevant insights based on field studies around workplace LA interventions: Firstly, in informal and situated learning, data isnt just about the learners. Secondly, the affordances of manual and automatic data tracking for learning are very different, with manual tracking allowing a high degree of learner control over data. Thirdly, learning is not necessarily a shared goal in workplaces. These can be translated into seeing a potential for systems endowed with sufficient natural-language-processing capability (now seemingly at our fingertips with LLMs), and socio-technical design and scenario-based data collection analysis as design and research methods.
Excretion in Humans | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation covers excretion in humans, explaining the removal of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide, urea, and excess salts. Learn about the structure and function of the kidneys, the role of the liver in excretion, ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption, and the importance of homeostasis. Includes diagrams and explanations to help Cambridge IGCSE students prepare effectively for exams!
PROTEIN DEGRADATION via ubiquitous pathawayKaviya Priya A
Protein degradation via ubiquitous pathway In general science, a ubiquitous pathway refers to a biochemical or metabolic pathway that is:
1. *Widely present*: Found in many different organisms, tissues, or cells.
2. *Conserved*: Remains relatively unchanged across different species or contexts.
Examples of ubiquitous pathways include:
1. *Glycolysis*: The process of breaking down glucose for energy, found in nearly all living organisms.
2. *Citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)*: A key metabolic pathway involved in energy production, present in many cells.
3. *Pentose phosphate pathway*: A metabolic pathway involved in energy production and antioxidant defenses, found in many organisms.
These pathways are essential for life and have been conserved across evolution, highlighting their importance for cellular function and survival.
Drugs and Their Effects | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explores drugs and their effects on the human body, covering medicinal drugs, recreational drugs, and drug abuse. Learn about the impact of stimulants, depressants, painkillers, hallucinogens, and performance-enhancing drugs, as well as the dangers of alcohol, nicotine, and illegal substances. Ideal for Cambridge IGCSE students looking to understand this important topic for exams!
Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through th...VasileiosMezaris
Presentation of our paper, "Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through the Use of Adversarially-Generated Samples", by K. Tsigos, E. Apostolidis and V. Mezaris. Presented at the AI4MFDD Workshop of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2025), Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb. 2025. Preprint and software available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2502.03957 https://github.com/IDT-ITI/Adv-XAI-Deepfakes
Ringkasan dokumen ini membahas tentang pengaruh limbah tambak udang terhadap kualitas air di Teluk Kung Krabaen, Thailand. Penelitian ini mengukur parameter kualitas air seperti DO, salinitas, kecerahan, pH, amonia, silikat, fosfor, BOD, alkalinitas, dan bakteri. Hasilnya menunjukkan penurunan kecerahan air di teluk dari tahun 1991-1993, kemungkinan karena drainase dari tambak udang. Namun, kadar amonia masih
This document provides an introduction to the edited book "Aquaculture Toxicology". It lists the editors and their credentials in studying aquaculture and related fields. The book covers topics on toxicants that can impact aquaculture systems, including antifoulants, metals, agrochemicals, pharmaceutical pollutants, oil and derivatives, and microplastics. It aims to inform readers about the ecotoxicological effects of various contaminants on farmed aquatic species, as aquaculture continues to be an important food production industry worldwide.
This document is the title page and table of contents for the book "The Toxicology of Fishes" edited by Richard T. Di Giulio and David E. Hinton. It lists the editors, contributors, and provides a brief overview of the book's four units which cover general principles of fish toxicology, key target systems and effects, methodologies and applications, and case studies. The dedication is also presented to the editors' families for their love and support.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Evaluasi sistem dan pengelolaan pendederan ikan kerapu di HSRT Mina Bina Sejahtera dilakukan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha dan rekomendasi pengembangan. Evaluasi mencakup profil usaha, proses produksi, analisis biaya dan keuntungan, serta analisis SWOT. Hasilnya menunjukkan sistem dan pengelolaan masih layak tetapi perlu pengembangan seperti peningkatan kapasitas dan hilirisasi
Sistem reproduksi teripang pasir dan cacing laut meliputi proses gametogenesis, pemijahan, dan embriogenesis. Teripang pasir bersifat gonochoristik dengan gonad tunggal terletak di bagian anterior. Siklus reproduksinya dimulai dengan pemijahan bersamaan antara jantan dan betina, diikuti pembelahan sel dan perkembangan embrio. Cacing laut juga gonochoristik dengan gonad terletak di beberapa segmen tubuh. Siklusnya meliputi gametogenesis, pemij
Dokumen tersebut membahas peran nutrien dalam sistem imun ikan dan pengaruhnya terhadap respon terhadap stres dan patogen. Nutrien seperti protein, lemak, vitamin, mineral, dan hormon berperan sebagai bahan baku hormon pengendali stres, neuromodulator, antioksidan, dan meningkatkan proliferasi sel serta imunostimulan. Studi menunjukkan nutrien seperti omega-3, protein hidrolisis, dan imunostimulan komersial dapat meningkatkan aktivitas imun
Bintang laut dapat bereproduksi secara seksual maupun aseksual. Reproduksi seksual melibatkan pelepasan telur dan sperma ke air laut untuk dibuahi sebelum musim panas, menghasilkan larva berenang bebas. Reproduksi aseksual dilakukan melalui regenerasi bagian tubuh yang hilang. Riset telah menunjukkan induksi maturasi gonad dan pelepasan gamet menggunakan senyawa kimia seperti L-methyladenine. Bintang laut
1. Stress pada ikan merupakan respon fisiologis terhadap faktor-faktor eksternal yang menyebabkan kondisi tidak normal.
2. Stress dapat meningkatkan kadar hormon kortisol dan glukosa darah serta mengganggu proses reproduksi dan pertumbuhan ikan.
3. Faktor lingkungan seperti suhu, kepadatan, dan polusi dapat memicu terjadinya stress pada ikan.
Hormones and the Endocrine System | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explores hormones and the endocrine system, explaining their role in controlling body functions. Learn about the differences between nervous and hormonal control, major endocrine glands, key hormones (such as insulin, adrenaline, and testosterone), and homeostasis. Understand how hormones regulate growth, metabolism, reproduction, and the fight-or-flight response. A perfect resource for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
Wepresent the localizationandhostgalaxyofFRB20190208A, arepeatingsourceof fast radiobursts (FRBs) discoveredusingCHIME/FRB.Aspartof thePinpointingREpeatingChImeSourceswithEVNdishesrepeater localizationprogramon theEuropeanVLBINetwork (EVN),wemonitoredFRB20190208Afor 65.6hr at 1.4GHzanddetectedasingleburst,whichledtoitsverylongbaselineinterferometrylocalizationwith260mas uncertainty(2).Follow-upopticalobservationswiththeMMTObservatory(i25.7mag(AB))foundnovisible hostattheFRBposition.SubsequentdeeperobservationswiththeGranTelescopioCanarias,however,revealedan extremelyfaintgalaxy(r=27.32賊0.16mag),verylikely(99.95%)associatedwithFRB20190208A.Giventhe dispersionmeasureoftheFRB(580pccm3),eventhemostconservativeredshiftestimate( ~ z 0.83 max )implies TheAstrophysicalJournalLetters,977:L4(17pp),2024December10 https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ad8ce1 息2024.TheAuthor(s).PublishedbytheAmericanAstronomicalSociety. 30BantingFellow. 31McGillSpaceInstituteFellow. 32 FRQNTPostdoctoralFellow. Originalcontent fromthisworkmaybeusedunder theterms of theCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0licence.Anyfurther distributionofthisworkmustmaintainattributiontotheauthor(s)andthetitle of thework, journalcitationandDOI. 1The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977:L4 (17pp), 2024 December 10 Hewitt et al. that this is the lowest-luminosity FRB host to date (108 Le), even less luminous than the dwarf host of FRB20121102A. We investigate how localization precision and the depth of optical imaging affect host association and discuss the implications of such a low-luminosity dwarf galaxy. Unlike the other repeaters with low-luminosity hosts, FRB 20190208A has a modest Faraday rotation measure of a few tens of rad m2, and EVN plus Very Large Array observations reveal no associated compact persistent radio source. We also monitored FRB20190208A for 40.4hr over 2yr as part of the Extragalactic Coherent Light from Astrophysical Transients repeating FRB monitoring campaign on the Nan巽ay Radio Telescope and detected one burst. Our results demonstrate that, in some cases, the robust association of an FRB with a host galaxy will require both high localization precision and deep optical follow-up. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Radio bursts (1339); Radio transient sources (2008); Very long baseline interferometry (1769); Dwarf galaxies (416)
B-FPGM: Lightweight Face Detection via Bayesian-Optimized Soft FPGM PruningVasileiosMezaris
Presentation of our paper, "B-FPGM: Lightweight Face Detection via Bayesian-Optimized Soft FPGM Pruning", by N. Kaparinos and V. Mezaris. Presented at the RWS Workshop of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2025), Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb. 2025. Preprint and software available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2501.16917 https://github.com/IDT-ITI/B-FPGM
How could modern LA research address data-related ethics issues in informal and situated professional learning? I will identify in this talk three relevant insights based on field studies around workplace LA interventions: Firstly, in informal and situated learning, data isnt just about the learners. Secondly, the affordances of manual and automatic data tracking for learning are very different, with manual tracking allowing a high degree of learner control over data. Thirdly, learning is not necessarily a shared goal in workplaces. These can be translated into seeing a potential for systems endowed with sufficient natural-language-processing capability (now seemingly at our fingertips with LLMs), and socio-technical design and scenario-based data collection analysis as design and research methods.
Excretion in Humans | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation covers excretion in humans, explaining the removal of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide, urea, and excess salts. Learn about the structure and function of the kidneys, the role of the liver in excretion, ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption, and the importance of homeostasis. Includes diagrams and explanations to help Cambridge IGCSE students prepare effectively for exams!
PROTEIN DEGRADATION via ubiquitous pathawayKaviya Priya A
Protein degradation via ubiquitous pathway In general science, a ubiquitous pathway refers to a biochemical or metabolic pathway that is:
1. *Widely present*: Found in many different organisms, tissues, or cells.
2. *Conserved*: Remains relatively unchanged across different species or contexts.
Examples of ubiquitous pathways include:
1. *Glycolysis*: The process of breaking down glucose for energy, found in nearly all living organisms.
2. *Citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)*: A key metabolic pathway involved in energy production, present in many cells.
3. *Pentose phosphate pathway*: A metabolic pathway involved in energy production and antioxidant defenses, found in many organisms.
These pathways are essential for life and have been conserved across evolution, highlighting their importance for cellular function and survival.
Drugs and Their Effects | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explores drugs and their effects on the human body, covering medicinal drugs, recreational drugs, and drug abuse. Learn about the impact of stimulants, depressants, painkillers, hallucinogens, and performance-enhancing drugs, as well as the dangers of alcohol, nicotine, and illegal substances. Ideal for Cambridge IGCSE students looking to understand this important topic for exams!
Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through th...VasileiosMezaris
Presentation of our paper, "Improving the Perturbation-Based Explanation of Deepfake Detectors Through the Use of Adversarially-Generated Samples", by K. Tsigos, E. Apostolidis and V. Mezaris. Presented at the AI4MFDD Workshop of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2025), Tucson, AZ, USA, Feb. 2025. Preprint and software available at http://arxiv.org/abs/2502.03957 https://github.com/IDT-ITI/Adv-XAI-Deepfakes
Cell Structure & Function | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation provides a detailed look at cell structure and function, covering the differences between animal and plant cells, the roles of organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, etc.), specialized cells, and levels of organization. Learn about diffusion, osmosis, and active transport in cells, with clear diagrams and explanations to support exam preparation. A must-have resource for Cambridge IGCSE students!
The Arctic through the lens of data visualizationZachary Labe
26 February 2025
Rider University, Global Biogeochemistry Class Visit (Presentation): Arctic climate change through the lens of data visualization, NOAA GFDL, Princeton, USA.
Coordination and Response: The Nervous System | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This comprehensive IGCSE Biology presentation explains the nervous system, focusing on how the body coordinates and responds to stimuli. Learn about the central and peripheral nervous systems, reflex actions, neurons, synapses, and the role of neurotransmitters. Understand the differences between voluntary and involuntary responses and how the nervous system interacts with other body systems. Ideal for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
Beyond Point Masses. IV. Trans-Neptunian Object Altjira Is Likely a Hierarchi...S辿rgio Sacani
Dynamically studying trans-Neptunian object (TNO) binaries allows us to measure masses and orbits. Most of the known objects appear to have only two components, except (47171) Lempo, which is the single known hierarchical triple system with three similar-mass components. Though hundreds of TNOs have been imaged with high-resolution telescopes, no other hierarchical triples (or trinaries) have been found among solar system small bodies, even though they are predicted in planetesimal formation models such as gravitational collapse after the streaming instability. By going beyond the point-mass assumption and modeling TNO orbits as non-Keplerian, we open a new window into the shapes and spins of the components, including the possible presence of unresolved inner binaries. Here we present evidence for a new hierarchical triple, (148780) Altjira (2001 UQ18), based on non-Keplerian dynamical modeling of the two observed components. We incorporate two recent Hubble Space Telescope observations, leading to a 17 yr observational baseline. We present a new open-source Bayesian pointspread function fitting code called nPSF that provides precise relative astrometry and uncertainties for single images. Our non-Keplerian analysis measures a statistically significant (2.5) nonspherical shape for Altjira. The measured J2 is best explained as an unresolved inner binary, and an example hierarchical triple model gives the best fit to the observed astrometry. Using an updated non-Keplerian ephemeris (which is significantly different from the Keplerian predictions), we show that the predicted mutual event season for Altjira has already begun, with several excellent opportunities for observations through 2030.