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[Case Study]:
Hatching Chatbots for Social Commerce
We wanted to introduce a more seamless social commerce channel for businesses utilizing
chatbots for a better experience.
The BotNinja team and DigiMarka partnered up to provide a systematic social commerce
solution (a.k.a Hatch) that would enable order tracking and online payments with the end
objective of lowering the risk of online merchants of returns and enhancing the customer
experience of the end customer.
The Hatch Experience
Step 1: Item & Location Step 2: Grocery Item List Step 3: Checkout Process Step 4: Order Confirmation
& Payment
The Funnel
As we were using Facebook ads to drive traffic , our CTR was
approximately 1.4%.
Of the users who entered the bot, approximately 15% of them
visited the "store" and added an item to cart
On average, 20% of add to carts resulted in a completed
Completed Purchase
Optimizing the Conversation U.I
We changed the creative
and call to action to get
people to type as soon as
they entered the bot.
People responded more to
this type of interaction as
opposed to buttons or quick
Optimizing the Conversation U.I
Gave users the link to the invoice inside the
thread so they could settle their payment after
placing the order.
This improved conversions by 35%.
Hatch is processing 2-3 repeat orders/mo
from approximately 30% of its customer
Product quality and customer service had a
definite role to play but an automated
approach to social commerce enabled the
merchant to scale business while staying lean
Leave a comment below

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[Case Study on BotNinja] Hatching chatbots for Social Commerce

  • 1. [Case Study]: Hatching Chatbots for Social Commerce
  • 2. Background We wanted to introduce a more seamless social commerce channel for businesses utilizing chatbots for a better experience. The BotNinja team and DigiMarka partnered up to provide a systematic social commerce solution (a.k.a Hatch) that would enable order tracking and online payments with the end objective of lowering the risk of online merchants of returns and enhancing the customer experience of the end customer.
  • 3. The Hatch Experience Step 1: Item & Location Step 2: Grocery Item List Step 3: Checkout Process Step 4: Order Confirmation & Payment
  • 4. The Funnel As we were using Facebook ads to drive traffic , our CTR was approximately 1.4%. Of the users who entered the bot, approximately 15% of them visited the "store" and added an item to cart On average, 20% of add to carts resulted in a completed transaction. Acquisition Add-To-Cart Completed Purchase
  • 5. Optimizing the Conversation U.I We changed the creative and call to action to get people to type as soon as they entered the bot. People responded more to this type of interaction as opposed to buttons or quick replies
  • 6. Optimizing the Conversation U.I Gave users the link to the invoice inside the thread so they could settle their payment after placing the order. This improved conversions by 35%.
  • 7. Retention Hatch is processing 2-3 repeat orders/mo from approximately 30% of its customer base.
  • 8. Conclusion Product quality and customer service had a definite role to play but an automated approach to social commerce enabled the merchant to scale business while staying lean