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                                                                               Global Reach, Personal Touch.

Case study

Bulletproof Mobile Payments
Objective                                                    Results
To become the leading online gaming site for paying          The results were greater than predicated with overall
members. Current standards include:                          response rates 1.45x that of conventional methods of
 2,000,000+ registered managers	                            processing to date, due to the ease of payment with
 10,000+ new managers join every week                       txtNations mobile billing options.
 450,000 subscribers to email newsletter
 18 million page views per month
 Top 10 European Games site

 SundayLeague. Top 20 football site
                                                             txtNation have always given ready
Course of action                                             support and the payment system has
Each game is available free to play, but also includes       proved reliable which means that is one

a credit system allowing users an enhanced game
experience. Credits may be purchased (via txtNation)
                                                             less thing to worry about.
won or given away to users in exchange for completing        Steve Smith, Catgames

        txtNation - 15 Billacombe Road - Plymouth - PL9 7HX - +44 (0)1752 484 333 - www.txtnation.com

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  • 1. txtNation 速 Global Reach, Personal Touch. Case study Catgames.com Bulletproof Mobile Payments Objective Results To become the leading online gaming site for paying The results were greater than predicated with overall members. Current standards include: response rates 1.45x that of conventional methods of 2,000,000+ registered managers processing to date, due to the ease of payment with 10,000+ new managers join every week txtNations mobile billing options. 450,000 subscribers to email newsletter 18 million page views per month Top 10 European Games site SundayLeague. Top 20 football site txtNation have always given ready Course of action support and the payment system has Each game is available free to play, but also includes proved reliable which means that is one a credit system allowing users an enhanced game experience. Credits may be purchased (via txtNation) less thing to worry about. won or given away to users in exchange for completing Steve Smith, Catgames tasks. txtNation - 15 Billacombe Road - Plymouth - PL9 7HX - +44 (0)1752 484 333 - www.txtnation.com